Figurine of the Ivory Champion

artificer's page

Organized Play Member. 381 posts (526 including aliases). 1 review. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 5 aliases.


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Any chance paizo could create an app for android and ios similar to stack exchange app?

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Southeast Jerome wrote:
ShinHakkaider wrote:

Just for clarifications sake, I'm all for a revised edition that cleans up present rules issues, re-organizes the core rule book and gives us a decent index.

I'm not for completely changing the rule system into something else entirely. Whether it be making it a rules light system and getting rid of the myriad of options that Pathfinder at present has or making it a completely different kind of game in pursuit of that goal.

I would love to see a revised core rulebook that does a little of both. I'm in total agreement that better organization and consolidation of the existing rules would go a long way, and would also make the CRB much more appealing to new players. The strategy guide HC will help this issue a bit with it's step-by-step character creation sections, but that should really be in the core rulebook, so that you can tell a new player "buy this one book, which will walk you through how to play, and is all you need to keep playing forever."

One think that 5E has done that I really like is to make many of the complex features like feats and multiclassing optional, and also building in tradeoffs, like forcing a decision between a powerful feat or a straight ability score bump. If paizo were to emulate this in the next CRB, this would go a long way toward making both camps happy. The first third of the book could be a very streamlined core ruleset that has all the core classes and races but which is only a bit more complex than the BB ruleset. The middle section would include all the other optional features that could be swapped out for different levels of complexity, building toward the classic ruleset of the original CRB.

I like the idea of simply reorganizing the CRB in a future printing. Make a subset of the core rules be in the first chapters and the rest in some kind of appendix.

That way those who want a light (kind of DnD 5) game will just focus on well written few small chapters but the rest of the rules will still be there for those who want more options. That will keep all the current material still being compatible and at the same time we can go back to the basics if we want to.

I think that we will never have a pathfinder 2.0 but instead it will evolve slowly with the errata as have happened before.

However I like the idea of pathfinder unchained. I hope it includes rules to make the game simpler for those who want a streamlined gameplay.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Cantrips Suggestion: Please include some cantrips that can be use as a replacement for a light crossbow. It will be nice to have a low level wizard that can use only magic instead of mundane weapons.

PD: I like the idea of pathfinder unchained. I hope it also includes rules to make the game simpler for those who want a streamlined gameplay.

Fromper wrote:
Just remember, the verbal component for Color Spray is "Taste the Rainbow!"

I can't stop laughing!

LazarX wrote:
Sure.... when spring rises in Irrisen.


I noticed that on DND NEXT a couple of cantrips do more damage than their Pathfinder counterparts. If we had that it could mean that low level wizards could use cantrips instead of the not so magical crossbows. Is there any chance that we ever going to get this kind of changes in Pathfinder?

Thanks a lot for the quick response!

Are Paizo adventure paths and PFS scenarios compatibles with DND 3.5?

Thanks a lot for your answers!

A level 1 sorcerer usually only have a very limited number of spells per day and is also very weak to fight melee. How can a sorcerer contribute on a long encounter at level 1? Crossbow? Acid splash? Do wizards have a better time at level 1?

Thanks a lot!

CRB: Any armor heavier than leather, as well as any shield, hurts a character's ability to use Dexterity- and Strength-based skills. An armor check penalty applies to all Dexterity- and Strength-based skill checks.

Question: What is the amount of the penalty and where I can read about it (PRD link or CRB page number if possible)?

Thanks in advance!

Maybe you can use the rules for replacing a bonded item!

CRB: A wizard can designate an existing magic item as his bonded item. This functions in the same way as replacing a lost or destroyed item except that the new magic item retains its abilities while gaining the benefits and drawbacks of becoming a bonded item.

EDIT: Maybe not because heirloom are not masterwork

Father Dagon wrote:
But seriously, even tho they often have a low strength, they may likely be in better general shape than standard modern office employee due to a career path that involves travelling all over the place on foot, and very frequent bursts of high-impact physical activity. Carrying a well-adjusted pack with 10-15 pounds of gear in it gets to be second nature very quickly, and distributing that weight around your person in smaller amounts makes it even easier.

You made me think that pathfinder's wizards look is kind of assassin creed look.

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
If any class can get by with nothing but a robe and some pouches, it's the wizard.

Thanks! I got the idea!

So basically pathfinder's wizards don't get to be Gandalf looking wizards and to some extend neither does sorcerers!

David knott 242 wrote:
That should leave the spellbook as the only bulky item that a wizard carries.

I guess that on 1 day jobs like many PFS scenarios it can be left behind at a "safe" place.

ciretose wrote:
Handy Haversack?

How may times have you seen a wizard portrait using one?

Taking a look at Ezren's iconic and the rules it seem too me that a wizard carries too much equipment.

I mean this: On RL I usually carry my laptop on its case and if I spend several hours doing that I will feel tired.

However Ezren carries a light crossbow that preatty much weight just as a laptop and also carries a spell pouch, expensive components, bolts, scrolls and maybe even his spellbook among other things.

Wizards are usually not that strong and also using armor disrupt their spell casting. So I wonder how it is possible that a wizard carries so many items and function properly?

There is any recommendation about items to make a wizard look more light yet functional with the current rules?

Maybe on future version of the rules the spell components and lighter weapons like weapons like wands could be made in such way that a wizard can travel lighter.

Just think of this: when you see of a wizard on most movies they usually don't carry much. Maybe a staff, a wand and sometimes a spellbook. However fighter on the other do carry a lot with them.

So I should better forget about daze and oppose enchantment and necro with scrolls and bonded item for sleep or other occasional enchantments right?

What abjuration spells are usually prepared on slots at level 1-3 besides the ones mentioned by zagnabbit?

Since I will drop daze what is my best option for controlling/freezing single and multiple targets at low levels?

The CRB is a great book once you understand the basics. However for a new player of 3.5 or pathfinder it can be a little hard to follow.

I have to agree with you on something the begginer box is more readable since that is what it was intended for. After your done with it go back to the CRB and use it as a reference manual as you play. That way will get deeper knowledge of the game gradually.

Maybe in the future we will have a second edition or something like that of the CRB. If that ever happen I hope ,as I have repeatedly mentioned on similar threads, that the rules remains virtually the same as they are now but the wording and the book organization be made more new player friendly.

Atarlost wrote:
The daze spell is going to disappoint.

My idea was using daze as a way to stop the enemy tank for a round so my group can take care of him.

Ok! I have chosen a conjurer (teleporter) with necro and abjuration as the opposition schools. Since the PC won't be used or won't survive after level five I discarded abjuration instead of enchantment because I intend on using daze and sleep frequently. So I think it could be practical to use scrolls and a bonded item for abjuration buffs/spells instead.

I also tried to take in consideration the limited number of spells that I can prepare per day at those levels. Do that sound like a good or a crappy choice?

I think that we have established that at least the first melee attack can be dodged using a ready action and 5-foot step. However can this be use to dodge an arrow or ray attack?

Couldn't this be use to kill a higher level oponent?

Now I feel dumb. Sorry but I was not used to that notation format!

Ezren Level 1 premade has +2 for the crossbow. Why is that? Why other weapons like the dagger or the cane don't have it?

Check this post:

Never Get Hit Again!

Ssalarn wrote:

This is wrong though. Your readied action occurs before the action that triggered it. He never took a standard action at all at the time you moved, and the rules for readied actions allow him to finish any actions he would have been able to before you took your readied action.
"The action occurs just before the action that triggers it. If the triggered action is part of another character's activities, you interrupt the other character. Assuming he is still capable of doing so, he continues his actions once you complete your readied action. "

If my trigger is when he start swinging his sword toward me, he can not stop the attack at that point!

Isil-zha wrote:
That assumes the opponent has no movement left to follow you

Even if he can move he already attacked and failed because I moved and the next round I will go before him so I can be ready again!

Isil-zha wrote:

I don't really see the point in this type of strategy, unless you try to talk them out of fighting while doing this for a couple of rounds.

Because I can ready an attack to trigger before he hits me and move 5-foot as part of the ready action to avoid his attack without provoking AoO. So I will basically gonna be able to hit without being hit!

RumpinRufus wrote:
artificer wrote:

B) Attacking with a melle weapon and casting against me are different types of action so I can not prepare for both!

Not quite - you can ready against any number of actions, but you can only ready a specific action.

The trigger could be a number of different things, but you can't (for example) ready to fire an arrow against a caster, but when he starts casting decide you want to cast a spell instead.

In that case a ready 5-foot step can save him against melee, ranged and ray attacks or virtually anything but not AoE! THAT IS A HUGE EXPLOIT!!!!

RumpinRufus wrote:
You can ready against any arbitrary condition or set of conditions. You can ready an action to go off "when I think it should go off." The only limitation is that you have to specify in advance what the action you are going to take will be (so you can't, for example, ready "to trip him if he moves, to attack him if he casts, or to disarm him if he draws a potion.") But you can "ready to attack him if he moves, casts, or draws a potion."

So what your saying is:

A) I should save my shift for other uses cause I can use a 5-foot instead for dodge.

B) Attacking with a melle weapon and casting against me are different types of action so I can not prepare for both!

Is that right? Is a range attack with a bow also a different type of attack given the previous explanation?

bfobar wrote:
easy to beat with smart monsters. After two times, it does something besides melee attack, like breathe fire on you while you waste a turn readying for a non-existant condition.

Can't I be ready for any attack from X? Do I have to specify the specific attack type?

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
...or until you run out of shifts.

LOL LOL Wizard last words: Shift! Oh my s... I didn't have any left!

So to sum up the general consensus is that both school are good but conjurer is a little better.

Now Please tell me if this scenario is legal:

Round 5: My wizard is almost dead so instead of attacking I ready an action (shift) to trigger when someone tries to hit me.

Round 6: Big bad enemy character Melee attack me and I Shift. My turn is over and so is his but now I go before the bad guy on the next round.

Round 7: Since I go before the BG I repit the ready/shift combo escaping from the guy until my party handles him!

Is that correct?

Jiggy wrote:

Ready an action to move away if you get attacked in melee. They move up to you, they declare their attack, your movement triggers before they resolve their attack. Use Acrobatics during your readied movement in order to avoid the AoO.

Of course, that means you're not attacking that round, since it cost you your standard action to ready, but there you go.

Thanks Jiggy! So pretty much "yes I can" but them I will generate an AoO.

EDIT: This idea born on a different thread, What about if I use 5-foot move instead? Them I will be able to dodge without AoO?

Whale_Cancer wrote:

Yes, but you only need 1 opposed element.

What I meant was: If choose to be a conjurer (teleportation) wizard can I ban fire insted of necromancy for example?

Roberta Yang wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Fair enough. I was referring to wizard specialists, not wizard archetypes.
Elemental schools aren't archetypes, though. They're not like Wildblooded bloodlines. They're just other schools you can choose.

So if choose conjurer can I ban two elemental schools instead of PHB schools?

Whale_Cancer wrote:

So, you shift behind a wall where your enemy doesn't have LOS to you. Your enemy doesn't know whether you just teleported to Magnamar, the 14th level of the Abyss, or into deep space.

I understand! However I think this particular one won't work cause I need to see behind the wall and again the 5-foot restriction at level 1 will make it even harder. Even so I liked the grapple and keyhole examples!

Arizhel wrote:

as long as you are willing to wait a little bit to memorize the needed spell. Not on the fly, but not waiting 24 hours.

Do you mean by using the fast study arcane discovery?

Whale_Cancer wrote:
shift to hide by denying LOS (your opponent has no way to know how far you have teleported)


Whale_Cancer wrote:
But if you use a vial of acid as a component (adventurer's armory) you do 1d3 first round and 1d3 the next.

Expensive at level 1 but I get the idea!

Whale_Cancer wrote:
Not by RAW. There are a number of threads about this.

Sorry Whale_Cancer! I value your usual wisdom but it seems to me that with all the restriction (5-foot, your turn is over, etc) that shift is only good for RP or flavor at level 1. Please fell free to educate me if I am wrong!

Ravingdork wrote:
artificer wrote:
Whale_Cancer wrote:
Conjuration (Teleportation) is superior to straight conjuration.

Why? 5-feet at level 1 actually helps?

It's saved my keister a few times.


RumpinRufus wrote:
bfobar wrote:

Drejk: So after every turn, your Teleportation specialist says, "and I ready my swift action to TP over to this square here if anybody takes a swing at me." And then you get stuck on their iniative +1 if they do. Am I reading that right?

Thats better than all the AC in the world.

Readying is a standard action (even if you're readying a free action or swift action.) This can help you avoid attacks, but you won't be able to cast or do anything else besides move.

What about if the PC has the dimensional agility feat?

There is any way of ready a move action in such way that can be use to dodge a melee or ranged attack?

I guess it can not be done but there is any way to use shift to avoid an attack?

Whale_Cancer wrote:
Conjuration (Teleportation) is superior to straight conjuration.

Why? 5-feet at level 1 actually helps?

This question my look dumb but I fail to see why conjuration is better than universalist at low levels (1-3).

Conjuration gets 1 extra spells however pay it with limited access for two schools. Acid dart is not better than hand of the apprentice and Summoner's Charm don't have a huge impact or I am wrong? So why it is better? Again this question assume levels 1-3.

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