Figurine of the Ivory Champion

artificer's page

Organized Play Member. 381 posts (526 including aliases). 1 review. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 5 aliases.

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Cantrips Suggestion: Please include some cantrips that can be use as a replacement for a light crossbow. It will be nice to have a low level wizard that can use only magic instead of mundane weapons.

PD: I like the idea of pathfinder unchained. I hope it also includes rules to make the game simpler for those who want a streamlined gameplay.

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Kthulhu wrote:
Paizos success is due to the setting and adventure support they have delivered

I have to say that I support this idea! Even if DND Next turns to be a "good" system a significant share of the market will still play PF just be cause the adventure paths and scenarios. However having a system that is stable (not changing too frequently), well known and virtually free also helps!

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I am not so sure about pathfinder 2.0 however I think many of us could benefit from a pathfinder CRB second edition. What do I mean?

I am pretty happy with the rules and I think that only really small changes if any should be made to the current rules. On the other hand new players like me will enjoy if the book is reorganized and sometimes reworded to be more "friendly".

The beginners box is a good example. The rules have not be changed from the CRB however it is organized on a way that makes it more easy to follow. Both as a page-by-page reading or as reference material. For me a pathfinder 2 sounds like making significant changes to the core rules (wizard's way) but a second edition or printing might just be changing the book not the rules.

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If I am reading the rules correctly it seems like a first level sorcerer can cast more spells per day that a first level wizard. Won’t that make the sorcerer more powerful at low levels? At some point the wizard catch up or surpass the sorcerer?

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The Terrible Zodin wrote:
artificer wrote:

But I am still not sure about my second question.

Normally, you use a move action to A=>B and standard B=>C. That's 2 cards. Next round you have to deal with card C.

Correct if I am wrong but RAW reads: It takes a move action to move through a single card. When a character exits from a card, he must choose one of that card’s two obstacles to face as a standard action before moving to the next card.

So I understand that on a single turn you can only go from A to B unless your doing a full round.

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Introduction: I want to begin saying that I love the CRB on both the printed and PDF versions. However I want to provide some feedback about small issues I have experienced. I will provide a small background of myself to help you understand the reasons for my suggestions.

Background: Several years ago I played a couple of DND 3.5 sessions (Just enough to understand the basics but not enough for being proficient with it). Also my RL Day Job check comes from writing and delivering IT training on Spanish language.

Feedback: From my point of view several sections need more of what we call “cross reference and duplication”.

Allow me to provide an example: A newbie don’t understand how Feats works so she goes to the Feats chapter and find that there is no explanation for the feats mechanics but instead a list of feats. The actual mechanic is on different chapter. The list is great however a small explanation of the mechanics even if this means “duplication” of information will help a lot. Another possible solution is to provide a small reference about where to find the mechanics information.

I know that I can use the search feature to look for the mechanic; however one doesn’t have that luxury on the printed version. Even on the PDF version is confusing for beginners to go all thru the whole book searching just to be sure that they are not missing a piece of vital info about the topic in question.

I also think that the character creation section at the beginning of the book should be a little bit more elaborated to make it beginner friendly.

Suggestion: A possible solution is the approach taken on the PHB 3.5. Please compare page 87 on the PHB 3.5 vs. page 112 on the PF CRB. The PHB contains some duplication of the information presented on other pages. Also there is a reference to a table in a different page. This provides a simpler reading for beginners. As a matter of fact I sometimes read the PHB 3.5 in order to understand a concept and them I look for the correct numbers and mechanics on the CRB.

Conclusion: My opinion is that the PF ruleset is an evolution in the right direction and I consider it far better than the 3.5 ruleset. I hope that Paizo never replicates the behavior of drastically and frequently changing the CRB with new editions. But I think that new editions or printings should slowly and incrementally keep “tuning up” the wording, format and mechanics to make the book more readable for new players.

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PRD: When your character scores a critical hit, roll the damage two, three, or four times, as indicated by its critical multiplier (using all applicable modifiers on each roll), and add all the results together.

Question: If the weapon has a critical multiplier of 3 do I have to roll to attack 3 times or only twice (first attack roll and treat confirmation)in the case of a critical?

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OK! RL Max Weber gave me the answer.

Wikipedia says: Weber applies the term charisma to a certain quality of an individual personality, by virtue of which he is set apart from ordinary men and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities. These are such as are not accessible to the ordinary person, but are regarded as of divine origin or as exemplary, and on the basis of them the individual concerned is treated as a leader [...] How the quality in question would be ultimately judged from an ethical, aesthetic, or other such point of view is naturally indifferent for the purpose of definition."

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If I perform an attack of opportunity before my turn in the round do I loose my turn or I simply get a second turn?

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Unknown, but over 300 years


Cats do whatever they want, alignment be damned!

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Kitten, Full grown

About Ruji, Guardian Tressym

Ruji, v1.0:

Tiny Magical Beast/???

Hit Dice: 10d10 ( 100hp)

Fortitude: 2=2(base)+0(Con)
Reflex: 6=2(Base)+4(Dex)
Will: 1=0(base)+1(Wis)

Bab: +10 CMB: + CMD:
Languages: Most languages(can't speak, just understands), Communicates w/ Illusions,

Armor Class: 20=10(base)+4(Dex)+2(size)+4(Deflection)
Flat-Footed: 16 Touch: 20
Speed: 30ft, Fly 50ft(good)

Strength 7(5+2) Dexterity 18 Constitution 10
Intelligence 14 Wisdom 12 Charisma 13

2 Claws(1d2-2, x2, PS)+16
Bite(1d3-2, x2, BPS)+11

Acrobatics: 20=4(Dex)+5(Ranks)+8(racial)+3(Class)
Climb: 12=4(Dex instead of Strength)+5(Ranks)+3(Class)
Stealth: 33=4(Dex)+10(Rank)+4(Racial)+8(Size)+3(Class)+4(Feat)
Perception: 10=1(Wis)+6(Rank)+3(Class)
Fly: 15=4(Dex)+10(Rank)+3(Class)+4(Size)+4(Fly Speed)
Heal: 5=1(Wis)+4(Rank)

Feats: Weapon Finesse(HD 1), Stealthy(Bonus), Agile Maneuvers(HD 3), Combat Expertise(HD 5), Nimbus of Light(HD 7), Stigmata(HD 9)

Special: Scent, Poison Immunity, Darkvision 60ft, Low-Light Vision, Fast Healing 1, Alternate Form(Half-Fiendish Dire Tiger)

Family Guardian: A Family Guardian is a creature that has been sent or called to a particular family, usually to ensure it survives. Each generation, the Guardian choose one person to connect itself too, and that person will be it's new “master”, though one cannot really “own” a Family Guardian the way one would a cat or dog.

The full power these amazing creatures have is unknown, but it is believed there power is only as strong as those they choose to guard.

This Tressym(Ruji) has been the Guardian of the Antairus family for the past 300 years, and has developed the ability to create Illusions to communicate with family members. It is unknown if it was called for, sent by some higher power, or just decided to settle with them.