![]() How are those of us that are looking to play certain scenarios at certain times or wanting to play with friends supposed to get into our games. How many people weren't able to get games? Is it really that many that you have to leave out 2 seats PER TABLE for them? I was planning to play the 10-11 soldier tier for the special with a friend but now I can't even sign up cause it's capped at 24 slots (6 tables I assume). Seems like you're alienating a good portion of your ticket base by capping the tables at 4. My buddy happened to get in and sign up as soon as it went live and I can't join him at ANY of the games he's in because they are all capped at 4 and there was only one table at the time slot. Why punish those of us who already bought tickets and want to plan ahead? This doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. This goes against every PFS coordination that I've ever seen. Anywhere I have played there is always some sort of system in place that you have to sign up for games. If you don't sign up you're not guaranteed a spot, period. Everyone should know this by now and if you don't then you don't play PFS very often. Why are people who essentially aren't signing up for games being given a pass or being coddled to at the expense of those of us who are trying to sign up? You aren't going to please everyone but you could at least please the majority that know they have to sign up to guarantee a spot. Especially since this is how it was always done at every Paizocon I have been to and I've never heard of an exorbitant amount of people not being able to get into something as a walkin. I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be able to pick and choose to the extent that you are making it if you fail to sign up and just walk in to play. ![]()
![]() Umbranus wrote:
I don't see how it can be interpreted that way. It clearly says "any time the target rolls a d20". It doesn't say "the next time the target rolls a d20" or "any one time the target rolls a d20". ![]()
![]() This is the rules forum not the homebrew forum so please stick to actual rules and not how you would run it. Here is what the Mercy class feature says (bolded mine): Mercy wrote: Mercy (Su): At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, a paladin can select one mercy. Each mercy adds an effect to the paladin's lay on hands ability. Whenever the paladin uses lay on hands to heal damage to one target, the target also receives the additional effects from all of the mercies possessed by the paladin. A mercy can remove a condition caused by a curse, disease, or poison without curing the affliction. Such conditions return after 1 hour unless the mercy actually removes the affliction that causes the condition. It specifically calls out healing so any mercies a paladin has cannot be used when using LoH offensively. ![]()
![]() Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Here is the relevant info as it pertains to this side-discussion: evil subtype wrote: Evil Subtype: This subtype is usually applied to outsiders native to the evil-aligned outer planes. Evil outsiders are also called fiends. Most creatures that have this subtype also have evil alignments; however, if their alignments change, they still retain the subtype. Any effect that depends on alignment affects a creature with this subtype as if the creature has an evil alignment, no matter what its alignment actually is. The creature also suffers effects according to its actual alignment. A creature with the evil subtype overcomes damage reduction as if its natural weapons and any weapons it wields are evil-aligned. So it works just as LazarX states. ![]()
![]() Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote: Imagine the poor monk. At 5th level, with 5 ranks in acrobatics, +3 class skill, +4 from increased speed, +5 from High Jump, and let's say a +3 from Dex. He cannot jump less than twenty feet? Exactly my point! Said monk has +20 acrobatics and needs to jump over a 5-foot gap from one platform to another. According to some of the posters here it is literally impossible for him to just make a 5-foot jump. So he is sooooo good at acrobatics yet he can't control himself? THAT'S UTTERLY PREPOSTEROUS!! ![]()
![]() There are typos and unintended wordings in the rules from time to time. It happens. Some common sense has to be used also when conferring intent of the rules. I find it rather silly to think someone can't control how far they jump. I know roughly (within a few feet) how far I can jump with a running start and I can easily choose not to go that full distance by not running as fast or by jumping higher, not farther. It's basic physics. Stop parsing the rules verbage and use some common sense. ![]()
![]() Spellbook and familiar (witch), yes. They both follow the same general procedure and require a Spellcraft roll of 15+spell level. You just can't use them yet. PRD wrote:
I would say definitely not to the spells known list mainly because of this clause (pulled from the sorcerer class description). Spells known are a fixed number barring certain magic items. PRD wrote: (Unlike spells per day, the number of spells a sorcerer knows is not affected by her Charisma score; the numbers on Table: Sorcerer Spells Known are fixed.)
![]() They are different and it works as you think. If something says "as a full-attack action" then you can't combine it with anything and it is its own action. It it says "when taking a full-attack action" then the only time you could do it is when you are taking a full-attack action, i.e. the Rapid Shot feat. So yes, you could flurry and fight defensively. You would gain +2 AC for the round but all of those flurry attacks would suffer a -4 penalty. Otherwise known as flurry of misses. :) Edit: Also, Spell Combat is a full-round action, not a full-attack action. Meaning you can't even move (other than a 5-foot step) while performing Spell combat. ![]()
![]() James Risner wrote:
This is flat out wrong. Here is the section on squeezing in the CRB: Squeezing from CRB wrote:
![]() OK, so it looks like AFK E&E is a go. They can support 100+ people and are eager to receive us. More info to come. I called the hotel and found out that the pool closes at 10PM and you cannot have glass around the pool (for those who drink). If there are any specific questions just let me know and I'll call and ask them. If any locals want to try and coordinate something with any other venues then do what you can and keep me in touch so I can post details when they become available (or just post them yourself). For what it's worth it doesn't have to be a local, but they tend to know the area better. ![]()
![]() Q. Can you use the free action touch attack from casting a melee touch spell (in the same round) after partial movement and still finish your movement after? For example, can you cast Shocking Grasp, move 15' to within reach of the enemy, attempt the free touch attack, then move another 15' to complete movement? There has been some recent discussion on whether this is possible with arguments on both sides. Here are some threads that discuss this: Deliver touch similar to spring attack?
Arguments in favor say that because it is a free action and free actions can be combined with other actions normally that you can do it. Arguments against cite language from the normal condition listed with the Spring Attack feat as rules against any attack mid-movement. Also that the rules for touch spells in combat give a restrictive list of when the attack can happen: "You may take your move before casting the spell, after touching the target, or between casting the spell and touching the target." It seems that this question has come up enough times that it could be FAQ worthy. Please hit the FAQ button if you agree. ![]()
![]() But it's not a complete list of things that you can do. It is only a list of when you are allowed to move. That's it. For example, if you want rules for standard actions you don't look in the quick actions area do you? You are trying to say that sentence governs something that is not even mentioned in it (move actions, free actions, etc). Spring attack sets a precedence that normally you cannot move before and after an attack. It may be a free action but it is still a touch attack. The reason it is a free action is so that you don't have to take another standard in order to cast then touch attack on the target in the same turn. ![]()
![]() OK, lets knock the easiest ones out first. Quote: Stops only compulsions delivered by touch attack The only mention of touch attacks in the spell description is concerning summoned creatures so this is false. Quote: Stops illusions that are affecting the mind (would have a will save) There is nothing in the spell description that says anything about illusions so this is false. OK, now to the rest. Quote:
No, the spell clearly says it only blocks things from evil creatures. There is also a FAQ that says as much: FAQ wrote:
There is a FAQ for these as well: FAQ wrote:
In the future you'd be better off checking the FAQ's before browsing the forums. ![]()
![]() Taku Ooka Nin wrote: Regardless of what the FAQ says, I always rule that it breaks the incorporeal's DR regardless since it is just another form of DR. That's a houserule. This is the rules forum, not the houserules forum. The damage mitigation of incorporeal creatures has nothing to do with DR. DR is for weapon damage (and in some cases spells that deal damage as a weapon). The paladin's smite ability only bypasses DR, not any other forms of damage mitigation a creature may have. ![]()
![]() It can be done. I disagree with Zuxius's opinion that it can't be personable while also being large. In fact I think it quite the opposite. A larger turnout just means more people you could potentially meet. Case in point, last year was my first Paizocon and I went to Kyle's shindig (which easily had a hundred people or so). I met quite a few people there that I talked to and ended up bumping into them later during the con. Let's focus our efforts and use this thread to try and make this happen successfully and not try to compare it with how it used to be. The con has changed and grown and thus so must any attempt at a meet and greet also change. It's probably never going to be like it used to be with only 20-50 people total at the con because Paizo has grown by leaps and bounds since then. I'm not trying to create anything like what Kyle did. I just want to organize one or more locations that people can go to if they want to mingle, chat or maybe even game with other enthusiasts and con-goers. ![]()
![]() Rapanuii wrote:
The fluff is part of the rules. It is a basic description or a TL;DR if you will. It's not going to say something that isn't true as it pertains to how something works so you can't just ignore it. Usually I find that the fluff is stated in a more vague way while it is clarified further upon reading the full description. ![]()
![]() @trollbill - I can see both interpretations. Maybe this is something that should be clarified a bit being as how demoralize has specific language but the basic intimidate check does not. Was that intentional? Was the way intimidate works supposed to be implied in some way? Might be FAQ-worthy. I base my argument mostly on the language for demoralize as I see it as a lesser version of intimidate to shift attitude. ![]()
![]() Rapanuii wrote:
It says it right in the description of shaken shaken wrote: Shaken: A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Shaken is a less severe state of fear than frightened or panicked.
![]() OK, answer me this. How did you know you even beat the DC? You couldn't have possibly known what the DC was without having metagame knowledge of said creature. Which goes back to my earlier question: If th GM would have simply said "it didn't work" would you still be this antagonistic? I also want to reiterate that this is a ROLE-PLAYING game first and foremost. The ROLL-PLAYING is just a means to an end and a mechanical way to describe what is taking place. The rolls are by no means the end-all be-all of this game. The GM has every right to alter things in such a way to make it enjoyable to everyone (even somewhat in PFS). Maybe he didn't want you to get sole enjoyment from the encounter and wanted the group to fight it so everyone could have fun but decided to let you role-play it anyway so you could have some fun with that (which apparently you didn't). ![]()
![]() You keep trying to compare roleplaying skills (diplomacy and intimidate) to skills/abilities that are strictly mechanical (disable divice and trip). The two can't be compared for the argument you are trying to convey (which I don't really know what it is anymore). It is very possible that Diplomacy and/or Intimidate doesn't work on certain creatures or NPCs no matter how good you roll. Just because you beat the DC doesn't mean that you can shift their attitude or cause them to fear you (intimidate). It is also very situational. I would also like to point out that the intimidate skill says "This skill includes verbal threats and displays of prowess." This, to me, means they have to see you for it to even work. I agree that the GMs reason for it not working was wrong and very poorly stated. Aside from the rules-specificity of this thread, as pointed out already, if you have a problem with this GM you should bring it up to your VC or to Mike Brock if the GM happens to be your VC. ![]()
![]() They are all separate spells. They lump them together like that because they all operate the same with the only difference being what they protect from. You don't memorize "protection from good/evil/chaos/law" and pick one when cast. You memorize protection from evil, protection from good, protection from chaos or protection from law. ![]()
![]() Roll attack and damage dice at the same time. Roll multiple attacks as well, just let me know which color dice are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Know your bonuses to attack and damage beforehand (at least mostly) so it doesn't take 5 minutes to add it up. Be ready when your turn comes up. Don't run other people's characters. Let them make their own decisions, good or bad. Let me remind them of certain actions they could take. It's usually much easier coming from the GM than another player, especially a stranger. Remind me of ongoing effects or anything else I may have forgotten. Accept my rules decisions. We can talk about it later (unless it's a life or death matter). Overall...be prepared. I hate having to loan out pencils and paper and even minis sometimes. That's off the top of my head. I'm sure there are more. ![]()
![]() Matthew Morris wrote:
I love this! I'm going to have to try it some time. ![]()
![]() Jiggy wrote:
Ugh...I really hate this! On the flip side though I love rolling outrageous numbers to hit (knowing full well they hit) and asking "Does a 52 hit?" I also hate what someone else mentioned about spells when a player just says "monster x needs to roll a will save". OK, what spell is it? What's the DC? I had a player complain one time that I get to see their dice but I hide mine. I said "Yup, I'm the GM. That's how I roll." (<== See what i did there?) ![]()
![]() viker wrote:
That answers my question then. The one I quoted seems to be the correct version and they just haven't errata'd the bestiaries yet. Now, that question seems to be directed towards the Channel Energy ability but the "channel energy" in the incorporeal description is not capitalized so to me it is referencing all channeled energy, not just the ability.