andi598d's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 100 posts (104 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


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Liberty's Edge

Starting to wonder where my box is then... I'm only about 100 klicks out from Paizo HQ.

Liberty's Edge

Please cancel my PF Battles (Miniatures) subscription effective immediately. I do not wish to receive the Kingmaker case.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My last subscription order only added It Came From Hollow Mountain to my PDFs, but not the Plane-Hopper's Handbook.

Liberty's Edge

More shipping issues: I have my preferred shipping method set to UPS Ground, but April's subscription order shows as using USPS. Any particular reason?

Liberty's Edge

Leave it to ship by itself. Will know the next time. Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

Probably too late to fix: I set up order 4604349 the day after my December subscription order (4601418) was spawned. I expected this order to ship from the sidecart with that subscription order; it did not. Am I confused about how sidecart orders interact with subscriptions, or did something go wrong here?

Liberty's Edge

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello andi598d,

The total for the line items is $70.53. Plus $8.13 tax and $15.04 for shipping totals to $93.70. Can you tell me where you are seeing different numbers so I can see what may be going on?

You are correct and I am not certain what I saw there.

Liberty's Edge

Line items on this order including S&H and tax add up to $90.11. Invoice says order total is $93.70.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Not sure how much of this is under Paizo's control, but I have a few minor gripes about the venue.

  • It would be nice if the hotel could locate the room blocks they rent out somewhere other than the farthest-most wing they can find. Not saying they need to put us in the suites or the tower, but being in wing 3 or so instead of 5B would be nice.
  • I missed the room block last year, and the regular rates offered some convenient add-ons I'd like to see brought to the PaizoCon block. Included parking, premium wi-fi and the breakfast buffet come to mind.
  • A minor gripe, but it seems PaizoCon rooms did not get a complimentary Sunday paper. I know I did not. Generally speaking, I dislike venues giving the impression they treat gaming guests differently.

That said, I very much appreciated that the hotel restaurant did NOT run a special gamer menu to the exclusion of regular food this weekend. As a further improvement, perhaps having one in addition to their regular menu would be a good thing.

Liberty's Edge

Inner Sea Races arrived with a badly torn page. Looks like damage sustained in production to me, the sheet that is torn is also not cut cleanly. How do I go about getting a replacement book?

Liberty's Edge

Gaming group in Redmond, WA is looking to add two players after some attrition. We play at Games&Gizmos every other weekend, and are currently between campaigns. Please respond by private message or in this thread if interested.

Liberty's Edge

Isn't the miniature case supposed to be approximately 280 for subscribers? Mine shows being charged at about 360.

Liberty's Edge

You're correct. I was looking for it in the line items, not at the bottom of the message. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

Shouldn't I be seeing surprise / promo card line items?

Liberty's Edge

No June order has spawned for me.

Liberty's Edge

Is it too late to have the available items from order 3434240 added to my subscription order 3423366? If not, please combine these orders.

Liberty's Edge

Yupp. Celtic, specifically, Icenic, goddess of war and victory, and my mail server's hostname :)

Liberty's Edge

I am currently not receiving Paizo email; apparently, the mail server on your end identifies itself with an internal hostname and is running afoul of my spam filters. Could you let me know what IP addresses to whitelist, and/or convince your mail server to send a public FQDN?

Log entries (excerpt):

Jan 14 12:47:02 andraste postfix/smtpd[53600]: connect from[]
Jan 14 12:47:03 andraste postfix/smtpd[53600]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 450 4.7.1 <Paizo-3.local>: Helo command rejected: Host not found; from=<> to=<redacted> proto=ESMTP helo=<Paizo-3.local>
Jan 14 12:47:03 andraste postfix/smtpd[53600]: disconnect from[]

Liberty's Edge

Looking at order 3320000, it claims that the books shipped on 2014-11-19, but no UPS tracking info is available, I never received the books, and I have no access to the PDFs. What's going on?

Liberty's Edge

Two things confuse me about this:

1) Product not in stock? I can only assume that means the sidecarted Ponyfinder printed book - shouldn't that have been put aside when I submitted the original order?
2) Shipping by USPS? My subscription shipments are set to use UPS Ground.

Liberty's Edge

Laruuk, maybe. On the other hand, the actual shipping notification is correct, so it must just have been a display issue.

Liberty's Edge

Speaking of sidecart limbo, I seem to have something in there as well. Could you take a look? Order #3234723 in limbo, should ship with subscription order #3234725.

Liberty's Edge

Massive attrition has struck my gaming group; I have space for up to three new players. We meet bi-weekly at Games&Gizmos in Redmond, WA. Currently playing Reign of Winter, the group has just started "Maiden, Mother, Crone." Please PM if interested.

Liberty's Edge

Sharaya wrote:


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It looks like the system is having some trouble applying the correct promotion to this.

I have reset things and saved them again. The correct price of $279.99 *should* stick this time. If for some reason, it resets when we generate your June order, please let us know. so we can correct it.


Doing the same thing on my subscription.

Liberty's Edge

This may be a known issue: Checking my Kickstarter pledge for Pathfinder Online, I can see the PDF rewards, both delivered and not, listed fine in the "where's my reward?" sidebar. I long since purchased the print pack add-on; none of the physical books appear in that sidebar. Neither do the miniatures that were part of my pledge level.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

anything we make available via the Goblinworks store - which will all be related to in-game purchases, game time, and other MMO related content.

I note with some distress the mention of 'in-game purchases' and 'other MMO related content.' To me, this sounds suspiciously like a micro-transaction based business model, something I find alarming. Is this really the direction PFO is expected to be going?

Liberty's Edge

I was going to have the party stumble over a portable phonograph fairly early on, with an unlabeled record on it. When they figure out to wind it up, I'm going to play the Russian Internationale and hand the Tongues oracle an English translation...

Yes, I know it's the White Army out there, but that doesn't mean there isn't a communist sympathizer somewhere in the ranks.

Liberty's Edge

Either in a stepped aquaeduct or even a suitable riverbed - gravel or rock bottom, little exposure to soil. I'd consider most stream water in, say, the Alps to be potable to this day, certainly above tree level.

Regarding snowpack water, on doing some digging, I think I mistranslated. Snowpack water should be fine - I was thinking of more temporary, low-volume accumulations.

Liberty's Edge

I'd question the quality of snowpack water. Personally, I'd use glacial water and/or find a suitable aquifer.

I don't see in principle why it wouldn't be possible, as long as you start high enough. Roman architects suggested that a slope greater than 1:4800 would increase water pressure on the channel to the point of causing premature erosion damage; aquaeducts requiring a greater slope either used stepped channels or were frequently interrupted by reservoirs to manage pressure and flow speed of the water. If you're tapping a glacier in the Nomen Heights, you probably want to cascade the water down most of the mountain, and build a 'regular' aquaeduct from there. The height difference of, for example, the Pont du Gard is 17m height over 50km length. The Aqua Marcia in Rome was ~90km long, with a height differential of 260m. If my memory doesn't completely deceive me, that is about right for the distance from Tuskwater Lake to the Tors.

Liberty's Edge

Please move the items in this order to the sidecart to ship with the June subscription shipment. Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

Sara Marie wrote:
brad2411 wrote:
When is the Pathfinder Battles going to ship?
Current estimate is May 27.

And I guess that means "Monthly Shipment" subscribers will get it in June?

Liberty's Edge

Thanks. Given the work I see done on this web site, I'm sure you can come up with a solution.

Liberty's Edge

I find it extremely counterintuitive that the new checkout process skips selecting a shipment method altogether and defaults to USPS. I keep having to remember to go back and pick my preferred shipment method. IMO, that step should not be skipped and force the user to go back at all. Further, the default should be choosable (only very rarely will I need something shipped so urgently it cannot wait until the next subscription shipment, so defaulting to the USPS means extra clicks and a chance to get it wrong, rather than making my life easier).

Liberty's Edge

Sorry about the black rites here - is this still an ongoing problem?

Liberty's Edge

Wondering about this myself, seeing how the next subscription shipment still displays as 'February.'

Liberty's Edge

Upper or lower half?

Liberty's Edge

Mumble is a voice over IP application. Rather than a public messenger network like Skype, it's based on individual hosts, though. In this case, I am the owner and operator of the server. The client is available at (<-- *apologies if I'm not supposed to post links*)

Liberty's Edge

Axehold wrote:

Ok well, keep me posted Im getting tired of the play-by-Skype game at home, too many technical difficulties

Will do. If you would, drop me a line by email?

Liberty's Edge

Axehold wrote:
Are you interested in 2 people, Im a recent move from Washington DC, and I too and looking for a pathfinder game to join up!

Axe, I don't know. The manager of Games and Gizmos tells me I should anticipate getting an email from a couple that was interested as well. If they do turn up and we mesh up, counting Eboy, I have a full table. At the same time, for all I know, you're them - stranger things :)

Eboy: I ran the game as gestalt the last few sessions due to being down to three players - work attrition claimed the rest of the group. Non-gestalt, we have a hedge witch, a sorcerer and a paladin. They're all level 2. 15-point buy, only Paizo sources, don't use races more expensive than 15 points by Race Guide build rules. If you want to build a custom race, definitely contact me ahead of time, either by PM or by email at andreas AT turriff DOT net.

Liberty's Edge

That's what I get for not checking daily... barring unforeseen circumstances (like Christmas... *cough*...) we plan on meeting next on 28th December, at 3pm.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nihimon, Shane, grazie. I apologize for the earlier outburst - my tolerance for regenerating humanoids with 6 hit dice is limited.

Now, if I launch any MMORPG, I have no expectation of being able to do everything (or in many cases, even a lot of things) by myself. Nature of the beast. No, my concern is simply that by reversing the order of 'this is what I want to do --> what kind of help do I need to find' as the poster I originally responded to stated, people like myself who are on a limited schedule outside of taking time off work will find themselves marginalized in what they /can/ do simply by nature of who is online during their game-devoted time. This, as I said, does not strike me as a feature no matter what angle I view it from. ( Incidentally, I have the same problem in the cited other games... maybe larger cohesive communities like envisioned here /will/ help that. )

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

I do not remember having asked for alternative suggestions, and even if I had, this response does very little in the vein of constructive conversation.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

You had me up until here.

Pax Keovar wrote:
- Instead of choosing what content to engage in and seeing who is necessary and available, you'll tend to see who is available and use that to decide what content to engage in.

This needs clarification, though. In the best case, this suggests PFO should be viewn as 'I have two hours to kill, let's see who's here and what we can do.' This is fine. Unfortunately, my mind immediately went to the worst case, that being, player A logs in with the specific intention of working on progression in activity X, and will need help. Seeing who is available, he realizes that plan cannot proceed, as there is noone available to help, for one reason or another.

This may well be a mindset difference, but I have a problem right about where I am expected to treat what little off time I have as surprise egg. Yes, sometimes, a few hours just need killing, and that's fine. Most of the time, I know that I want to accomplish X and have Y hours this evening. Most of the time, the Y hours are not negotiable. Do I really want to get sidetracked doing Z that I am not even interested in, just because that is what people are available for? Not sure there is a game engine answer for it, but it sure does not look like a feature to me, no matter what side I approach that from.

Liberty's Edge

Eboy, how far are you willing to drive? I currently run a Reign of Winter session Saturday every other week at Games&Gizmos in Redmond, and could use another player or two.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Just chiming in to say I agree with Hayato here. Anything I might have to add on the subject has been sufficiently eloquently stated.

Liberty's Edge

BigUglySquirrel wrote:
Sylverthorne wrote:

Now recruiting for Mumble/D20Pro game, starting in January... [snipsnipsnip...]

What I already have:
A wizard (of some kind)
A divine caster - might be a cleric, might be a paladin.

You have, da da DA! A Dwarf Oracle. Most likely. Definitely a Dwarf, though :).

I'm still working on the 'who.' As for 'what,' I am taking this as an opportunity to play a wizard.

Liberty's Edge

At least yours is shipped.

Liberty's Edge

I have recently and unexpectedly stopped receiving Paizo email. I have not reconfigured my mail server. Starting in March, emails from Paizo started logging the following errors on this server:

2013-03-07T20:22:14.498916-08:00 freya postfix/smtpd[79915]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 550 5.7.1 <Paizo-3.local>: Helo command rejected: Host not found; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<Paizo-3.local>

Is there any chance you can talk your mail server into providing a proper HELO hostname?

Liberty's Edge

Missed the game day. Wife and I are in Federal Way, WA.

Liberty's Edge

I have a Tien-Xian traveller statted up four ways. The variants most interesting to me are straight fighter (sword/shield) and samurai.

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