![]() Also, for those folks who have enjoyed the Blight but don't watch the main page anymore... I thought I'd relay this missive from your horrible author... Richard Pett, Dread Lurker of Kickstarters wrote:
![]() Zhern wrote:
Apologies if I came over a bit grumpy!!! Maybe a little bit of the Blight's corruption wormed itself into my soul and festered somewhat... it'd be good to know what is coming down the track with regards to the Pathologies and I do find it a bit strange that, after wrangling the beast that is the main book, the status of these seven small pieces is so hazy... but it's good to hear someone is on it... same for Scoured to the Bone, that's something everyone should be getting - and if it encourages folks to go out and buy Richard Pett's Crooked then that's a great thing... As to the damaged books, I'll contact Zach but I feel guilty asking again and cutting out whatever profit the Frogs are making on this adventure... plus, if the packaging is the same then I'll probably end up with a third set of bent books!!! ![]()
![]() Sqn Cdr Flashheart wrote:
Point taken about using the FGG forum but I'm kinda loathe to post there as it doesn't seem all that active whereas I know FGG do frequent here... and as to whether this campaign has fulfilled, I kinda disagree with you - there are 21 dollars worth of pdf's still due to us plus the free novella... sure, the main book is out - but for those of us who went all in, and helped push this campaign to big numbers, we're still waiting on stuff... ![]()
![]() Zhern wrote:
Any chance of seeing that list and / or a schedule soon? It'd be good to know what we have left to look forwards to - and from the point of view of having started to run the Levee, where I might stitch these new pieces into the adventure. I am going to come over a bit negative here, and for that I am sorry - especially as the Blight is such a wonderful piece of work (the main book, the modules and the bestiary are all fine books), but I do feel quite let down by Frog God Games - obviously the delays to the books are well-documented and, to be honest, totally understandable - good things, after all, come to those who wait. It's more the way that FGG seem to have walked away from the KS now... there are folks asking questions in the Campaign and, despite logging into KS and running Rappan Athuk / 5E book campaigns during the last months, no-one from FGG has bothered to reply to anything on the Blight Campaign... and there is no way they should consider the campaign closed yet. On a more personal level, I'm also going to gripe here about the way in which the books were despatched... I don't know whether it is because the books are larger than anything they've sent before but my books were badly damaged in transit due entirely to inadequate packaging... to be fair, when I highlighted this, I was sent replacement books and had them (in the UK!!!) within the week. Sadly they were equally damaged (what do you expect when it is the same packaging - with corners that are only protected from the outside environment by sellotape and a few prayers to Orcus)... I'd have complained again but I didn't have the heart to ask Frog God to send a third book out - so yeah, I get Scratch and Dent books for 250 dollars... thanks. Reading through various comments on the KS and on messageboards, I'm not sure I'm the only one either... So yeah, I'm still looking forward to seeing what we might get from the Pathologies... but backing Frog God stuff in the future? I'd take some convincing... and that is pretty sad given how exciting this campaign started out... ![]()
![]() Zhern wrote:
Awesome!!! Thanks ![]()
![]() A couple of folks (including myself) have posted the question about the non-physical aspects of this KS - the seven Pathologies which were pushed towards the end of the KS as well as the 'Scoured to the Bone' Novella - on the Kickstarter Campaign page but there's been no word about them since September (if not before)... it would be good to know, especially as I am about to launch into my Levee campaign, a couple of things: a) What are the Pathologies going to be? Titles, synopses, whatever...
Also, having read and enjoyed 'Crooked', I'd like that second slice of twisted fiction from Mr Pett. Does anyone have any insight as to what is planned for these 'treats'? I'd post the questions over on the Blight KS page but I'm not convinced FGG are particularly looking at that these days. ![]()
![]() Jason Nelson wrote:
Cool... I'll watch with interest!!! Anything to flesh out and build the universe that Legendary Planet has shown us has got to be good... Also, great to see the KS building momentum already. ![]()
![]() Hello everybody!!! Thanks for the lucky numbers and looking forward to the game... So, I have a grand total of zero PFS characters and therefore kinda flexible as to what class to bring to the table - happy to fit in with what makes for a good balance (although I'd probably prefer to steer clear of things I'm already playing in non-PFS: cleric, fighter, bard and kineticist). ![]()
![]() If those are the questions than these are the answers... 1. Player Name: Zesdead.
![]() Paris Crenshaw wrote:
Thanks for the reply... clarifies a few things, however... Paris Crenshaw / Legendary Games: The first mention of the Soiree within the text of the actual adventure is...
Dead Vault Descent wrote:
It's a little jarring on first read through!!! A line or two at the start of the 'A subtle soiree' section saying, as Paris Crenshaw states, that Relstanna has discovered that the Thanex Coterie are holding a Soiree at their Manse (and even going so far as to suggest what the occasion might be) could help the flow of the text. As it is, I was going back and forth within the text looking for a detail that I don't think is there!!! ![]()
![]() I'm still a ways off of this part of the adventure (my two games still have the fun of the Scavenged Codex to enjoy before they get there) but I do have a slightly fundamental question about Dead Vault Descent... GM's and developers only: I can't seem to find a plot-line that links the players into the social event in the 'Thanex Caper' - how do the players find out about the 'Soiree'? What is the overall purpose of the event? ...is it meant to be in the adventure or is it down to GM's to decide? Any insight would be great, thanks. ![]()
![]() Just pitching in and saying that both Bloody Jack and the Crucible (stand-alone adventures within the Blight) are twisted works of wonder with which to make your players despair for their poor perfectly crafted characters - I'm GM'ing both of them here on the Paizo Online Games forum and having a grand ole time!!! Horror in the Sinks and the Crooked Nail have also come out in the last few weeks and look like they're cut from the same demented cloth... ![]()
![]() Rysky wrote:
Yeah, it's all over the KDM kickstarter... some folks (quite a lot it seems) received e-mails after the pledge manager supposedly closed saying they needed to finalise their pledge urgently - even though most folks seem to have done that (and the money has left accounts)... kinda thankful I didn't get one of those as it's a bit perturbing given the quantities of money involved here. Erik Mona wrote: Out of curiosity, how did you deduce that? As Rysky said, it was highlighted in the Backerkit as the most popular add-on in the Pledge Manager - obviously there's no visibility on how many folks picked it up although a quick scout of BGG suggests quite a few people did... I wonder whether the anticipated content, and characters who are heroes rather than survivors, has piqued folks interest as an alternative experience... I think it is also worth noting the apparent excitement / enthusiasm for the 'classic hero classes' models that they have been putting out in their store (Monk, Bard and Fighter were all super quick sellers this month) and the fact that Valeros, Kyra, Merisiel and Seoni kind of scratch that itch as well... ![]()
![]() Rysky wrote:
Yeah, really pleased... Unfortunately the option to late pledge came out just as Annual Bonus time hit through work... so I kind of went all in with a Gamer's Pledge - now I'll have more freaky beasts than I will ever know what to do with!!! Fortunately they will arrive over a number of years and I'll be able to space out all the fun :) ...also, it looks like the Pathfinders of Death option was the most popular add-on in the pledge manager so maybe there's hope of a further cool collaboration :) (Having said that, I'm not entirely sure the potential age-advisory ratings are entirely compatible with each other) ![]()
![]() Well, the late backer option opened up and I managed to get myself a Pathfinders of Death after all!!! So, here's a question... given that Kingdom Death has got such cool miniatures - is there any chance we could ever see a crossover in the other direction? I'm thinking of a Kingdom Death PFRPG Bestiary... regardless, I think some of those beasts might find their way into my home game anyway - my poor players.... ![]()
![]() GM Rednal wrote: The adventures released for backers so far are The Assimilation Strain (Prologue), To Worlds Unknown (Part 1), The Scavenged Codex (Part 2), and Confederates of the Shattered Zone (Part 3). Nearly... Confederates of the Shattered Zone is Part 4 and has been released ahead of Part 3 as it was ready to go!!! Part 3 (Dead Vault Descent) seems to have been stuck in development hell for a fair while but LG seem confident that it is nearly here... ...personally, I'm going to avoid reading Part 4 until after Part 3 (especially as my players are still only halfway, there or thereabouts, through Part 1). ![]()
![]() Just got an e-mail from the Kingdom death folks seeming to confirm that there won't be any late pledges beyond the KS and the next chance to buy any KD stuff will be through their retail store... Oh well, guess my wallet will thank me and I can just keep on buying those pathfinder books to keep Erik in KD minis!!! ![]()
![]() Ugh... Had a Twin Satan Pledge locked in for maximum fun overdrive... and then 'thinks he's computer savvy but isn't son' goes and cancels te entire pledge when looking at the updates in the last minutes... And I find out after the KS finishes!!! I suppose it's saved my wallet from a beating but kinda sick to the stomach now - feel like I've probably just missd out on the bargain of the century. Have contacted the Kingdom Death folks to see if they are going to do a Late Pledge thing... otherwise my first experience with Kingdom Death will be at the RRP (which is more horror than the game itself!) ![]()
![]() I've had my first read through of the Crucible and it's another fascinating (if vaguely disturbing) insight into the world of the Blight - I've already got a recruitment going for a PbP here on the boards (by invite only though) and I'm pretty excited about running this... ...and we should have the Tome of Blighted Horrors with us soon - looks like 2017 is making up for the bad dream that was 2016!!! ![]()
![]() GM_Sarc wrote: This one is already at the 50% over due estimate (or just about at it) and doesn't show any sign of being done anytime soon. Given how long it takes just to print and distribute I wouldn't be surprised to see this end up around 100% time overrun. For a book that was ALREADY written according to their campaign that's a pretty massive delay. Well, the most recent update on the KS (and the comments made by Bill Webb in response to ETA) kinda bears out the scale of the overrun - delivery of the book is now targetted for Q2/Q3 next year (so it could well be a full year past the original projection)... however, it's not all doom and gloom - reading the detail of what is in the update... Frog Gods via Kickstarter wrote: So…we apologize for the lateness, but have faith, this monster will get there eventually. I don’t want to promise a date yet (I will after the main book is done in layout), but we are moving along. Greg should post an update in the next 3-4 weeks (once all the modules and monster book are completed). ...it seems likely that we should have a plethora pf PDF's (modules and the Tome of Blighted Horrors) by the end of January. ![]()
![]() It certainly did sound that we were likely at the cusp of getting our second adventure when we received a last project update... I think FGG were waiting for a cover painting and then it was 'into the pipeline for distribution' - either it's a real masterpiece of a cover painting or the 'pipeline for distribution' is more complicated than it sounds. I too would appreciate a little more communication from the 'Froggies' than we are getting... it is now over a month since we were told more stuff was imminent and that Greg was going to be AWOL for 12 days (and, given his reasons for being absent, I am sure I speak for everyone when I say that period away from Castorhage was totally understandable) - I just don't think that it is unreasonable, especially as folks are asking for updates on the KS comments page, for another FGG person to step in and - at least - tell us that work is carrying on (I'm pretty confident it is!!!) and when we might get a more detailed timeline for delivery... From my perspective as a backer, I think it is a real shame that the KS itself (which was in full flow a year ago) was so well run - probably the best RPG KS I have been involved in - with really good informative... and exciting... comms - and since then, apart from the flurry of preview illustrations from the Tome of Blighted Horrors in August, the level of interaction with backers has dropped off hugely. On the plus side though, Bloody Jack is a twisted masterpiece of intrigue and adventure, if everything else 'of the Blight' keeps to this level then it will - in the end - have been worth it!!! ![]()
![]() ...yeah - this is indeed BIG - to the point that, as mentioned in the Comments pages of the Kickstarter itself, maybe having the Blight Setting and it's associated AP (the Levee) in a single book... I think it is now 1100 pages (up from a previous estimate of 900?)... might be stretching the realms of what is sensible. I wonder whether we might get to the point where there would be an option to have 2 separate hardback books rather than a single, possibly rather too cumbersome, tome? I, for one, would throw a little more money at that if it meant I had a book that doesn't become an adventure and a work out in one! ![]()
![]() JonathonWilder wrote: When I am able to, if I am able to, I do plan on getting a color hardcover once this is out. I missed out on the kickstarter but I am still very interesting in the concept and setting. Just echo-ing what Zhern said, Crooked is a very evocative... and quite cool... story that is probably the closest reflection of what the setting of the Blight will be like. For my part, I hope that some of the Steam-punky aspects of the novel are kept in as they really brought the place to life in my imagination... ...and on to the department of expectation managements - I think the Blight is being publishd as B&W only? From memory, a colour edition was set as a kickstarter stretch goal that was way way high... and the producers of the book seemed to suggest that the mood of the book was better presented in monochrome. ![]()
![]() Running Legendary Planet here on the boards and I have a couple of questions re: 'To Worlds Unknown' - I'm going to spoiler them so that any potential player doesn't stumble across something they oughtn't!!! Relating to one of the Creatures in the Bestiary:
The Tauslek Matriarch is statted up as a Mythic Creature yet I see no Mythic Surge values? And in the Tactics section of the Timed Event, it states that the Matriarch uses her Mythic Initiative to gain an additional action... am I missing something here? I don't see an ability or feat that would allow it to do that? Relating to the Second / Third Part of the Adventure:
I am sure that when my group arrive at Zel-Argose they are going to want to go shopping for cool technological items... to what extent does the Legendary Worlds Campaign Setting assume that Zel-Argose has access to things like Laser Guns, etc? And how widely available would that technology be? Also relating to the Second / Third Part of the Adventure: I notice in the stats for Zel-Argose that there are no Androids specifically identified in the 'Races Present'... are Androids a 'thing' in this Campaign Setting or is one of my players going to be truly unique?!?!? ![]()
![]() Liz Courts wrote: PDFs granted—I'm sure the publisher would appreciate a review in exchange. ^_^ Thanks!!! A really neat little Letter again... On a first read through I have already seen a few interesting phenomena to treat my players to when they head out into the wilds... I will read further and, once I have gathered my thoughts, will post a review. ![]()
![]() I'm in the 'Going to miss it... but if you're replacing it with something better than I'm kind of okay with it' club... but, right now, I don't actually know what is replacing the fiction and that makes it difficult for me to know whether I am more happy face than I am sad face. I will admit that I would never read the fiction until I had all six parts of an AP in my hand and then I would just binge read them (in so much as 30-ish pages of content could be called 'binge')... and I do think it added a little bit of flavour to each AP in which they were embedded. However, having said all that, there is enough feedback on this thread to suggest that the fiction was poor value for some folks... and therefore, when we come to future health of the AP line, it's difficult to see this as anything other then the 'right' decision. ![]()
![]() When I am not too busy running my Legendary Planet games, I'll try and get a review up... suffice to say, this adventure keeps up the high standard set by 'The Assimilation Strain' and 'To Worlds Unknown'... the adventure itself is great - sterling work by Mike Shel and Mike Welham - whilst the associated articles are fantastic. And, for going ahead and publishing at 116 pages rather than stripping back the content, thanks... we get the Director's Cut rather than the studio edit :) I'd also like to say I'm really pleased to see how the bestiaries of the Legendary Planet AP are doing a lot to make this campaign feel properly alien (rather than simply reskinning a load of existing PF races)... the high quality of the bestiaries is a common theme in all of the adventures so far... And, final point, I cannot wait for my groups to meet Mr Sarlu... ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Encountered two funnel-webs in my back garden whilst living in south Sydney... Needless to say, with a three year old son who - up until then - I had been happily allowing to run around barefoot, their appearance reminded me what a lethal place Australia can be!!! ...and, when I had regained my composure, I cast Acid Spray (some hideous bug killing spray) and followed it up with a Coup de Grace by Adamantine Vorpal Shovel!!! Follow up question if I may? Is there any real life beast that you have encountered (in the wild or otherwise) that has inspired you to create a PF monster, encounter or adventure? |