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Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 8 Season Dedicated Voter. Organized Play Member. 145 posts (11,641 including aliases). 2 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 7 aliases.
The Crooked Nail, Last Days of the Theatre Infernalis Divine Rise of the Runelords Legendary Planet - an Adventure beyond this World The Levee - Life and Death on the Streets of a Crooked City The Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands - GM Iliad Shattered Star Stirrings in the Deep An Invitation from Prince Kasiya (inactive) Bloody Jack, A Tale Most Dreadful. (inactive) Chillblame's iron gods game (inactive) The Crucible, Scribblings from the Blight (inactive) The Emerald Spire (inactive) From Shore to Sea (inactive) GM Haladir's I6: Castle Ravenloft (inactive) GM Zed's Godsmouth Heresy (inactive) The Godsmouth Heresy (inactive) Heresy beneath Kaer Maga (inactive) The Heretic of The Godsmouth Ossuary (inactive) Intrigue in Taldor - Pathfinder Core -- DMs as players? (inactive) Intrigue in Taldor -- Group 2 -- Pathfinder Core Rules (inactive) Legendary Planet - Goblins in Spaaaace!!! (inactive) Our Clockwork Protectors (inactive) Reign of Winter - Snows of Summer (inactive) Scrapwall and beyond. (inactive) Wardens of the Reborn Forge (inactive) [PbP Gameday VI] GM Ladile and the Pathfinder Society Present: Portent's Peril (inactive)