Groetus (Symbol)

Zero the Nothing's page

Organized Play Member. 276 posts (290 including aliases). 43 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 52 Organized Play characters.


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ElementalofCuteness wrote:
It feels like many people forget how classes are designed in PF-2E. The Swashbuckler is and this might sound crazy to some. NOT a skill class, it's a combat first class like Fighter, Barbarian and Ranger. It doesn't fill the skill archetype like Rogue, Investigator or Thaumaturge. That is where you guys are missing why they don't get auto-scaling skills.

I see what you're saying. Now hear me out.

Can Fighter do what it is known for without skill checks? What about Barb or Ranger?

And yet the Thaumaturge has auto-advancing Esoteric Lore because it kinda needs it to be good at Thaumaturging.

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Good addition with the Bravado trait. Let's hope that the "I activate my powers with skill checks" class gets an auto-scaling skill.

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Good on you Paizo for recognizing Juneteenth!!!

Gives me hope for the Monk

Divine kineticist(not the actual kineticist, different class)

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Good job guys

HenshinFanatic wrote:
Speaking of Merfolk, their Shore Gift feat seems to omit mentioning how it interacts with their Hydration dependence.

I'd assume it be just like the Azarketi, even if you have legs, just go take a dip once a day. Although removing the Hydration would be a nice extra benefit.

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Well, they errata'd the chairs to actually help Merfolk(and others as well). HoTW has an "Aquatic PCs" section on Page 9 that also says "just let them have Shore Gift or its equivalent as a bonus feat at Level 1" but suggests having narrative ties added. (Hoping OrgPlay allows the Shore Gift feat as a bonus feat or just as a Level 1 feat)

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Time for 4 awakened pizza loving turtles, raised by a Minkaian Ratfolk, fighting an awakened warthog & rhinoceros.

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Do you just add playable Street Fighter arcade machines into Pathfinder?!

Now this is what I've been waiting to see. Actually kinda excited for this.

Finoan wrote:
Sanityfaerie wrote:
Interesting that at its target level, it's basically never worthwhile for her to use her gaze attack. Making a second swing with the claws is pretty much always going to be a better bet than tossing a temporary debuff on one of your four attackers, and that's without the third action coming into it at all.
Yeah, it should be one action at a maximum to match the action cost of Demoralize. If the hag is intended to be a boss-type and 1v4 the party, I think it would be fine as a reaction triggered by a successful Strike or Grapple.

Absolutely not, the Dread Gaze forces a save, causes slow, isn't Auditory, and has no apparent limit on range.

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Buy a playtest book? No thanks.

Haven't started running yet, but the plan is to get through Rise of the Runelords for an in-person game. Got my pawns and bases.

Just need one or two more players.

Seemed pretty clear to me and my other local society players that the Attunement Surge just allows you to be considered to be fully attuned.

Attunement Surge wrote:
While you have 2 attunement points in a stellar mode, you can expend 2 attunement points on your turn without spending an action to gain two effects until the beginning of your next turn. First, you gain benefits from that mode’s stellar revelations as though you were fully attuned, rather than attuned. Second, you gain a benefit based on which mode you are attuned to.

The real benefit to me from this when I played the enhanced Solarian was that you get to stay "attuned" through the entire round instead of becoming immediately "unattuned" after using a zenith revelation normally. The abrupt unattuned state really messes with your action economy when you are trying to keep revelations like Plasma Sheath and Dark Matter going through combat.

I also need to know the answer to these questions

As long as the Starsinger and Chorister aren't legal in SFS, I don't care.

When are we going down under in Sarusan?

Alex Speidel wrote:

skittle600 wrote: magus's arcane cascade will work with the removal of SPELL SCHOOLS.
Classes which have not yet been Remastered will use the rules as currently written until they get the Remaster treatment.

How do we do that with Rage of Elements & Player Core spells not having spell schools?!

The Raven Black wrote:
Zero the Nothing wrote:

Good artwork. Cool to see Merfolk are in.

Wears a kelp shawl around her shoulders to help keep her hydrated throughout the day.

Hooded cowl... keep her hydrated when above water.
Her top is a seaweed wrap to keep her hydrated when above water.
Starting to sound like the hydration problems that the darn Gillmen have.
Those actually sound like solutions to the hydration problem.

Wow you really got me there, ha ha ha

One of my SFS Solarians went to a Desnan school to learn how to be a Mystic and ended up a Solarian instead.

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Exalted. Three vowels. Three syllables.

Probably divine based kineticist chassis.

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Paizo seems pretty pleased with where they've placed spellcasters. I wouldn't waste my time trying to convince them otherwise.

Just homebrew casting runes for your own games.

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thistledown wrote:
Sure, that's why ancestries like Sprites and Strix with wings and cultures centered around being able to fly make TOTAL sense that as soon as they become PCs their wings get clipped until level 13.

I know, right?

Last week, a friend asked me about running our group's 2e game since our GM right now is swamped with life stuff. I said yes. I had never really thought about running any 2e games myself, but I'll do what I must.

I thought about the absolute ridiculousness of a situation where a player decides they want to play a Strix character. The character grows up flying around with their Strix friends and they eventually decide to become an adventurer. As soon as they meet the other members of their party, they completely forgot how to fly or even unfold their wings until level 9.

I know there are optional rules for allowing your winged players to fly early(along with a strongly worded warning telling you not to do it). Still, the notion of "no no no, you're not allowed until..." is just so funny to me. Every NPC member of your ancestry can do this thing. This ONE thing. Its what your ancestry is known for. Its what you have giant wings for.

This PC meets a whole group of their Strix people, who happily greet them in the Strix language. "Come and fly down to the shore with us friend! We fish at dawn's first light." But for some reason, this one Strix just can't manage to get their wings to unfold.

If any of my players want to be Strix or anything else with flight, I'm not even using the optional rules for it. You start with 15 feet and you get faster at 5th, 9th, and eventually 13th level. No feats needed. The feats will just let you do cool things while you fly and/or give you a bonus to Maneuver in Flight checks.

The Raven Black wrote:
On the 2nd point, any ranged character of such a class will get zero real benefit from automatically getting AoO but will be hit full force with any weakening of the class' features required to balance such a powerful change.

Doesn't seem to be a problem for ranged fighters. All martial classes grant trained proficiency in unarmed attacks, so even ranged characters can use it. It can also be a choice that is gained through leveling, I'm just tired of it being a class feat.

The Raven Black wrote:
Also it will tend to make Reach weapon users even more prevalent in such classes, leading to fewer variety in builds. Which is not something the system should encourage IMO.

Like flickmace(or any other reach weapon) fighters?

SuperBidi wrote:
Also, giving AoO for free means reducing incentive to take other reactions instead.

No one freaked out when champions started with both Champion's Reaction and Shield Block until they get to higher levels and have the choice of more reactions per turn.

Riddlyn wrote:
Starlit span isn't the only study that would be hurt by that rebalancing. Sparkiling targe would rather keep its reactions defensive

Sparkling Targe would just have the same choices as basic Fighters.

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Two things I think need to happen for Remastered Magus.

1. Condensing Arcane Cascade. My suggestion would be to make it flexible to where it is either a single action or a free action.

If you cast a single action spell, immediately after casting you can activate Arcane Cascade as a single action.

If you cast a spell that takes two or more actions, immediately after casting you can activate it as a free action. This should always be the case for Spellstrikes(regardless of how many actions the spell used has).

2. Attack of Opportunity/Reactive Strike is no longer a class feat. It becomes a class feature. This is something I think should happen for any class that has AoO as a class feat. I tire of this feat tax. After hearing that Organized Play would have Tieflings for no AcP cost, I just made two new characters. In trying to build the characters I envisioned, I was unfortunately reminded that their 6th level class feat couldn't be anything interesting or fun. It had to be Attack of Opportunity. Not the one feat that I really want from my archetype.
(Before anyone comes at me with the "You don't HAVE to take Attack of Opporunity!", how are you going to be a melee focused martial and not have the major reaction of the game? You can make whatever choices you want to with your character building, but I'm not running a sword and board warrior on Str & Con of 10)

It should be easy enough and makes thematic sense to just add it into the weapon proficiency improvement that most martials get at 5th level or the weapon specialization they get at 7th.

Elemental Blast question. The ranged listed for each element, are these absolute ranges like spells or range increments like ranged weapons? I fear that I already know the answer. The answer will change Weapon Infusion's usefulness to me.

Imma have to second Flinging Updraft. Being able to move my friends or my enemies is just too fun.

Oh, you think you're safe on top of that tower. Lemme put the Barbarian up there next to you.

Really nice view up here on this cliff. Oh No!! Oops, I guess they couldn't fly.

Mind telling us when Rage of Elements will be sanctioned for PFS?

A weather witch

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Temperans wrote:

Flying is only a problem if you make it a problem.

Invalidates melee? Humanoid creatures shouldn't be running around without a range weapon, or at least someone that can use them. Also you can always use enclosed spaces.
Gets around cover? This is why buildings exist, use them.
Invalidates terrain issues? Congrats the party is using their talents to solve the problems on their way, why is this an issue?

The only time that flying is a problem is when the whole party has 8 hours of it and can travel at the speed of the wind. Which is only a problem if "the party must take this exact route or else the campaign doesn't work". At that point you have bigger issues than flying, namely a linear AP but sandbox map.

Exactly. You know what is really fun? Flying. You know what is NOT fun? Falling.(It can be fun, but not at the end) No one is ever completely safe in the air. Ranged attacks, ranged spell attacks, other flying creatures, wind/weather conditions are all problems for flyers.

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What I didn't get to make in PF1, Jubilation Lee the fire kineticist

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Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
BG3 lets you have sex with a wild shape druid, insta buy for me, this is this weird s*#& that D&D was always about.

The hype for digital bestiality will never cease to amaze and disgust me.

Easy enough to choose Cold for your Solar Flare damage and/or grab an Iceflame Crystal

Tropkagar wrote:
Let's hope that in one glorious moment, Paizo buys out WotC, moves all content creators to it's own headquarter and closes DnD, so that Pathfinder has an unlimited monopoly in the D20 fantasy games market. *imagine evil laughter here*

When would this be a possibility?!

OMG LMAO! *Imagine actual evil laughter here*

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CaffeinatedNinja wrote:
The issue really is that spell attacks are bad and can’t compete with save effects that do half damage on a fail.

This all day. Spell Attack Runes in Spell Implement items.

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What should hypothetical Starfinder 2e do differently from PF2e?

Not exist for several more years so I can keep enjoying SF.

/s (Not really though)

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Leon Aquilla wrote:
For a system touted as "the math is really solid and balanced", nobody seems to be eager to do a straight adaptation of Pathfinder 2e.

PF2e's system would make one of the worst video games ever

Good artwork. Cool to see Merfolk are in.

Wears a kelp shawl around her shoulders to help keep her hydrated throughout the day.

Hooded cowl... keep her hydrated when above water.
Her top is a seaweed wrap to keep her hydrated when above water.

Starting to sound like the hydration problems that the darn Gillmen have.

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Ezekieru wrote:
Hey, head's up! Thurston Hillman on a podcast confirmed that Starfinder Enhanced will have some variant rules in there, including Free Archetype! They noted how popular it was in PF2E, and so decided to include it as a new variant rule for SF.

I ran my last Starfinder game with free archetypes. With the swingyness of SF archetypes, it didn't really turn out like I'd hoped it would. The Double Themes did add a lot.

Is it foolish to get my hopes up for Merfolk?

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JiCi wrote:
The lack of an adaptation from can switch your adaptive strike from melee to ranged, or vice-versa, is annoying...

This is my dilemma with trying to build one of these

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These “Starfinder Stay” BNB-like accommodations are the homes of Starfinders who find themselves adventuring more than they stay on the station. Who wouldn’t want to sleep in a home filled with mysterious Starfinder-obtained relics. Nothing could go wrong. Nothing!*

Why would Starfinder agents have "relics" from missions in their homes? Wouldn't those be in some form of lock up? A secured place with guards and cameras.

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YuriP wrote:
  • Rework the Panache to removal critical failure effects and to not allow opponents becoming immune to it
  • This all day long. Swashbucklers are so reliant on their panache mechanic, maybe just allow them the ability to turn crit fails into regular fails with panache

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hell, I started playing more Starfinder after PF2e release

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    Paizo Blog wrote:
    We like Pathfinder Second Edition.

    I would assume so since you made it.

    Paizo Blog wrote:
    You like Pathfinder Second Edition.

    Whoa, slow down there! I accept that Second Edition is whats being played now in PFS and that everyone loves "muh balance!", but I hope & pray for the day we get Pathfinder 2.5e.

    Interesting how fragile starships are

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    I've used Warhorn for years now and I know that I'm not alone in this. If you enjoy the benefits of this website, think about supporting it.

    Seriously, with the number of us that do PFS around the globe, theres no reason to not contribute to the site that allows us to connect with and play with so many other people.

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    I have to be honest. My preference for another Paizo video game is for Starfinder. But for the love of God, don't make it SF2e(PFS2e in space). SF has only been out since 2017. And by the time they make a SF2e, hopefully they'll have something that doesn't feel so hamstringed at times.

    Sorry, not sorry. I like PF2e, but I don't love it.

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    Seems like the simple solution would be for Paizo to create a Rogue class feat or two.

    Knife Expert: Gain proficiency with one-handed martial melee weapons in the Knife weapon group. This proficiency matches your proficiency in simple weapons and you can benefit from your Weapon Tricks class feature with these weapons.

    Knife Master: Choose a single one-handed advanced melee weapon in the Knife weapon group. You become proficient with that weapon. This proficiency matches your proficiency in simple weapons and you can benefit from your Weapon Tricks class feature with this weapon.

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