Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() When I volunteered to be the House GM for the Outpost PFS1E special, I was told that the rule of thumb is 1 day PbP is about 6 minutes tabletop. So more like one every week-and-a-half or so. ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Hero Point rules from the GM Core via AoN Generally in PbP, a player will declare their use of a Hero Point after they see the number they rolled but before the GM tells them the result. ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() "No, can't say that I do. But if they're that valuable, why would you expect the Bumblebrashers to sit on them and not try to take advantage? They clearly don't know about them. If you free their chief, though, I'm sure we can work something out." Untrained Diplomacy check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Hm. Do I have a Hero Point? ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Zeldones brushes the still-burning droplets off of his shirt. Have to get that mended soon. Could've been much worse, though...oops, don't think about that too hard. The magus turns a little green around the gills as he contemplates the creature's fangs and macelike tail. ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Zeldones rolls easily to his feet, circles around the drake to flank it with Resa, and punches it again. Fist of frost: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 This time he's rather less successful. Although he's setting up Resa--go for it! ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Buoyed by the magic flowing through him, Zeldones speeds around the graulodon to stand beside Resa. He incants another spell as he executes a graceful kata, wisps of fire and frost forming around one hand, then punches the drake. Spellstrike with ignition, hopefully vs. off-guard AC: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Zeldones summons the chilling cold he used against the elementals, sending it against the mud drake and capturing the last few shreds of magic with a wave of his left hand. With a controlled breath, the power fills his body. Cold damage: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7 Casting frostbite; DC 15 basic Fort save or take 7 HP cold damage. Then activating arcane cascade stance. ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() "From what the halfling just said, the creature belongs to the goblins. The halfling doesn't think much of it, whatever it is. It sounds like we'd have to go through it to get to them. I also don't think they heard me knocking." The human scratches the back of his head uncertainly. "Cerrus, do you know if there's a back way? That--whatever it is--doesn't sound friendly, and the Bumblebrashers probably wouldn't like us killing their pet." ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Zeldones smiles a little nervously. "Confronting an arsonist magician and a band of unhappy goblins. Nothing to it!" It might have been easier to skip this and jump straight to the uncomfortable family drama...no, this is still better. He approaches the door and knocks. Goblin: "Excuse me? May we come in?" ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Which of the voices sound like goblins, and which sound like halflings? "It's an argument. Someone wants a guide into the dungeon below the Citadel, and someone else is refusing." Hey, my post last night was my 44,000th to the boards. No intervention needed <g>. ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Zeldones makes a circuit of the room, looking for anything else of interest. "They must have left long enough ago to give the Bumblebrashers time to move in, right? I can't see Hellknights coexisting with goblins. On the other hand, why haven't the goblins salvaged what they can from here?" He shrugs. "It's just odd, is all." ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() I'm going to have to learn to speak that well. Seeing that things are calming down, Zeldones speaks to the bugbear, holding up his empty hands in a conciliatory gesture. Goblin: "Your pardon. We could heal you before we go, if you like." ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() In 2e, you don't get a bonus for flanking--your opponent is considered to be off-guard, and takes a -2 penalty to AC. I've seen precision damage rolled separately, in case it doesn't apply, or rolled at the same time as your weapon damage with a note like this: Rapier damage, incl. sneak attack: 1d6 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 4 + (1) = 9 That way, if it doesn't apply the GM knows which die can be ignored. ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Wait, dragons are Finnish now? I've got some friends who might find that amusing.... Zeldones keeps to the rear and watches the party's backtrail for pursuers (like hungry goblin dogs). ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() It's been a busy week at work, but tomorrow is my biweekly day off (the joy of a 9/80 schedule)--I should have time. This is certainly an...interesting party dynamic. ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() The magus nods again, and in a scarcely audible whisper replies, "Go ahead. I've got your back." This is just like that job in Cettigne...hope it works out better than that one did. ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() "Give me a moment." Zeldones casts a spell (mystic armor) and focuses once the spell is complete, breathing tightly controlled, before moving forward to join the other two. Starting arcane cascade stance. ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Resa Dermade wrote:
For a moment Zeldones looks embarrassed, but he quickly recovers. "I've had what could be called adventures with my father. He taught me quite a bit...not the magic I use, though. That I learned more formally." ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Zeldones holds up a hand. "I'll take the last one, if no one minds." In answer to Resa and Ardoinel, he shakes his head. "We don't have to worry about competition at this point, just survival. And making sure the Bumblebrasher goblins are safe, of course." ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Netkin--it's one check per person, and unless you have the Battle Medicine skill feat, it's ten minutes per check. Unless you have the Ward Medic skill feat, you can only treat one person at a time. Each success heals 2d8 HP, a critical success heals 4d8 HP, and a critical failure inflicts 1d8 HP. "How often has your chief missed meetings before this?" Zeldones glances around at the councilors. Hmmm...two missed meetings puts the first one after the previous Call for Heroes...I'll bet I know why they waited, distress signal or no. ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() IIRC, the original chirurgeon rule required the alchemist to be at least Trained in Medicine to use Crafting instead, but that was revised. My understanding matches Netkin's. ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Missed the GM post because it came out a few minutes before mine. Zeldones smiles at Greta's request. "Speaking only for myself, of course I will." Hopefully this will be quick and easy, so I can go find my mom and the grandparents. Wonder if they'll recognize me? It's been a while. The young magus is briefly lost in a daydream, but the burn in his throat and the taste of ashes in his mouth soon brings him back to reality. ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() That's my understanding as well--no taking 10 without Assurance, and remember that using Assurance drops your stat bonus: Quote: You can forgo rolling a skill check for that skill to instead receive a result of 10 + your proficiency bonus (do not apply any other bonuses, penalties, or modifiers).
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Zeldones mops sweat from his forehead, the still-hot walls undoing most of the good done by the water. "Netkin, do you know any other halflings in Breachill? Or any gnomes who prefer to go barefoot?" ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Zeldones drinks deeply, starting with water and then moving back to The Wizard's Grace if it looks like the other volunteer heroes are going. Before that, though, he approaches Ellaeaanda and offers her a cup of water, his expression serious. "Nice shooting with that first mephit. I don't think my spell would have dispersed it if you hadn't weakened it first." He rubs the back of his neck, dislodging caked-on ash. "Resa, too. And the others. After tonight, I feel better about handling whatever the Council decides to throw us at." ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Zeldones follows, racing past Ardoinel on his way out. Once clear, though, he stops, gasping for air and coughing. "I've...heard stories...about--" He pauses to spit out a wad of sooty phlegm. "--something like this happening...in Ustalav. Years ago." ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Moving with supernatural speed, Zeldones reaches the central aisle. "This way!" Untrained Diplomacy check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 But no one can hear him over the roar of the flames. Stride-Stride-Influence (or not) ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() That worked well. Let's see if I can repeat it. The magus once again summons a potent cold against the other mephit. This time, though, as the threads of magic begin to dissipate, he twirls his left hand through them and inhales. Glowing runes sparkle up his left arm and across his body before dying away, leaving in their wake faint wisps of condensation in the air around him. The dramatic effect is ruined when he grins and pumps a fist. "Yes!" Frostbite damage, DC 15 basic Fortitude save: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6 Casting a spell: 2 actions, entering arcane cascade stance: 1 action. ![]()
Human Magus (laughing shadow)/1 HP 15/16| AC 17 (18 with mystic armor)| Fort (E) +5| Ref (T) +7| Will (E) +5| Init Perc (E) +5/Stealth (T) +7
![]() Netkin Bigpot wrote:
Yep! (At least in this case.) I don't get mixed up between editions for crits any more, and I think I've finally internalized that most characters and creatures don't have AoOs, but I still slip on the whole flat-footed before acting in the first round only applies against rogues thing.