Shag Solomon

Zazaleto's page

Goblin Squad Member. 5 posts (50 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 aliases.



Since I didn't have time to post my perception... 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Benjamin closely follows the others and becomes concerned when the frills on Djatrix's neck stand up. Had he seen something? Cautiously he takes his scythe to his hands. If a fight was to break out, better to be ready. What he had said had concerned him. Everything in the area had magic in it? Flora and fauna, from Benjamin's experiences, never had magic flowing through it. What made these plants different? Maybe after the fight he could determine that.

Kk, I'll try to get it in asap, however, my sheet is currently saved under my brother's account on the computer and he doesn't get off from work for 2 hours. When he gets back I'll finish it, all I have to do is equipment and a backstory.

Hello! I've been trying to get into a pbp for a week now and my brother (Yochtanl) recommended this one for me :D Currently, I am working out a character with him. Right now I'm considering making a human blight druid who wants to work with the lizardfolk of the group to cure the Rift :D

Hey, there! A free for all? Sounds messy and fun! I want in on the action! I'm thinking maybe a female gnoll witch perhaps :D