Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
Ah ha ha. Such a simple question it seems and yet... I am Zenkrikk Azler Oz, Prophet of Iydersial the Monkey God and Snake's Bane, a leader of Charau-Ka and trainer of their elite force the Sardaukar Charau-Ka, Master of Eido and Krom, purveyor of brothels and invention, myth-slinger, firearm phenomenon, and known by many names, but you may call me Zao. makes a small bow that seems larger because of his short stature.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
He says as an aside, I hope I never die. We always come back as a different race and gender. I know the gods will curse me to become a female 3/4 elf. Probably unattractive to boot, considering my transgressions.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
We should also ask:
Not sure whether these are good or not, or whether or not these are even allowed.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
Zao informs Griff of what he knows of the layout. But also mentions that he feels strange. Like The great Monkey God has other plans for him and he needs to step away from the world for a while and focus on training the Charau Ka and showing them their new place in the world.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
Eric I'll update you on introductions via e-mail once I polish the turd that is my background. I'm finding really hard not to be cliché with this guy. That said, I can't see any reason a Pala-Monk couldn't be traveling with an oracle, if it works for Kat's concept and the sake of simplicity. Otherwise I was leaning towards him arriving in search of Goro.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
Ok. It's coming together pretty quickly now. Looks it's going to be a SkinWalker 10 RP (like a way toned down Lycanthrope) Quiggong Monk 4 - Paladin 2 (probably no archetype) - Champion of the Enlightened 4. CMD and Saves from hell, high unarmored AC, solid Flurry of Blows with plenty of Smite-ability. Crappy skills in general with a specialty in UMD and Intimidate. All boar style feats (+2d6 dmg/rnd and 1d6 bleed, with unarmed strikes being able to be B, P, or S dmg type and a free Demoralize action), power attack, lunge, punishing kick, pummeling style. Still looking to tweak some stuff and finish off my gear. Should be done and ready for viewing by Monday afternoon.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
Eric, thanks for the rule of thumb on race choices. I was debating between Aasimar or Tiefling perhaps, but might go far left field and make a Ratfolk (they're actually kind of terrible for what I have in mind, but the flavor is super nifty). I was wondering how you feel about allowing the combination of the Enlightened Paladin and Chosen One paladin archetypes? By RAW the combo is not allowed but there's no real overlap. Familiar would cancel out the Divine Bond on my fists and Smite Evil is replaced by the Personal Trial but is still delayed via the chosen one archetype. The idea of a Pala-Monk walking the road to self perfection guided by his familiar has a wonderful anime feel to me.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
That being said, any ideas you have for a front liner I am all ears. I'm leaning towards a monk/paladin of some sort. Maybe even a Champion of the Enlightened (formerly Irori) prestige class. I'm thinking something a little stranger though. Not necessarily optimized either, but at least solid.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
Not to worry Coop, I wouldn't get mad at you pitching an idea. The Eido build looks great. But I really am just tired of playing Zao in this format. He was fun because he would yammer on endlessly at the table and then Mik would stare at him sternly. That relationships flux and growth was really interesting to me. Then he would hold his own in combat and back everybody up, which (I like to think) made you guys tolerate his personality. None of that really plays online, so I want to build something that does.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
Oh and the decision on intiative is fine. The rule is worded very poorly and I can see Eric's interpretation of it. Just seems to make readying an action quite powerful as it gives two actions to the 1/2 action that causes it, but that's just another maneuver for us to pull on them too so there's obviously no balance issue.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
I'm thinking of retiring Zao for now at least. He was fun to play at tabletop sessions, his character being the strongest element. But that just seems lost in online play. This in addition to having redesigned him to be a support character and then losing 3 (including Badger) out of the 5 characters he was supporting have left me feeling very flat playing him.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
Initiative Consequences of Readying: I could be mistaken but doesn't this apply to everybody who used their readied action against me on my turn? Don't I get to go again before they do?
Your initiative result becomes the count on which you took the readied action. If you come to your next action and have not yet performed your readied action, you don't get to take the readied action (though you can ready the same action again). If you take your readied action in the next round, before your regular turn comes up, your initiative count rises to that new point in the order of battle, and you do not get your regular action that round.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
I have shield spell active currently so the ranged touch attack should have missed a 21.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
Zao chants to upkeep hexes on the ranger before Eido double moves the f!*$ out of there causing at least two AOOs though hopefully not a third from grapeape.
DM: For future reference the misfortune hex causes you to roll twice and take the crappy one. Evil eye hex causes the -4 (which is currently only applied to his saves). It didn't matter on his attack roll so no harm no foul though.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
Dah!!! Monkeys are supposed to be friends. You follow a mistaken God.
Male Gnome Summoner-Spirit/Brood 8 Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger 1 Rogue 1
Zao 5ft Steps with Eido, throws a Misfortune hex on the ranger (DC 16 will save with the -4 from the evil eye), and cackles to upkeep the evil eye.