
Benny Aren't's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts (337 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 7 aliases.


Hey Everybody. Just letting you folkes know that Zao is bowing out to let Cain in. Something something training Shadaurkar Charau Kau... Monkey god demands it... don't hate the Zao... Something something. Any interaction with Zao is out of my hands now although he is still around.

So should Zao bow out of this encounter or can he involve himself still? I could easily make up an issue with the Charau-Ka that needs to be attended to

*Booming Voice* Clatou Verata Ni-*cough cough*

Oh S&#+, possible crit. Confirmation: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23 new Damage total: 8d6 + 16 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 6, 4, 1, 2, 5) + 16 = 39

Zao casts mage armor on Eido (+4 AC). [b] Eido you shoota whatever tried to bite Mik as soon as you see it within range[\b]
Eido readys an action to shoot as soon as there is an opening within range. He has darkvision in case that comes into play

Zao recently went over a huge overhaul to convert from the Master Summoner archetype, which we deemed too powerful. Some GM allowances were made, but it looks like I have some mistakes to correct too. I've rolled exceptionally well on HP for Zao and that is accurate, due largely to rolls of 1 & 2 not counting I got an 8 on a lot of those. Zao wears a magic item that boosts his Perception by +5, so your math is dead on. Will have to go over and fix the eidolons, I think most of your points were valid. I never read anything about the bleed evolution having to apply to a natural or edged attack. The evolution said choose an attack. Will double check and correct the other items when I have time over the next few nights and offer corrections and explainations as needed. And don't worry about the public forum Gunther. If there are issues, which obviously there are, I'd like to get them fixed.