
Yurli Ironbeard's page

22 posts. Alias of LordHector.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

Five years ago a series of murders threatened to tear apart the City of Monuments. There were talks of heroes from Sandpoint, the very same ones who solved the now infamous Skinsaw Murders defeating some ancient evil. The truth of these rumors will likely never be fully revealed, for no one has heard from the Heroes of Sandpoint since saving Sandpoint from a giant invasion.

A few months later, rumors began to trickle in from Korvosa. The king had died, and his beautiful young wife ruled with an iron fist. With all the shoanti in an uproar and a war footing in the makes, it wasn't hard to believe.

Four years ago, the Blot appeared above Riddleport. What was at first a curiosity was soon found to be much more when the meteor hit. Then people began talking about the dark elves.

Only a year ago, a caravan bearing Ameiko Kaijitsu, adventurer and personal friend of the Heroes of Sandpoint, left heading north. None have seen or heard from them since.

It would seem Varisia is beginning to live up to its moniker-the Birthplace of Legends. Yet other than a footnote in the tale of the Heroes of Sandpoint, Magnimar, City of Monuments, home to more of the ruined monuments of ancient days than any other one place in Varisia, has been the same "quiet" city. To be certain, it has its dangers and thrills, but no more than any other city of its size. Adventure, it seems, has avoided Magnimar.

Adventure. That's why you joined the Pathfinders. Sure you may have had other reasons as well, but the lure of adventure has caught you, and will not relinquish its hold. Three years you spent in Absalom, three grueling years of testing, training, and scrubbing floors. Hardly adventure. Yet now you find yourselves elevated to the rank of Pathfinder. With that, you now find yourselves in the City of Monuments-called to Heidmarch Manor where your adventure will truly, finally, begin...

When sages look back upon your tale, many will say it all began with a note.

Greetings, fellow seeker of adventure!

I am Sheila Heidmarch, Venture Captain of
the newest Pathfinder Society lodge—and the only
such lodge in Varisia at this time. You have come
to my attention as someone who possesses a
certain amount of skills and interests that make
you an excellent addition to a highly specialized
team I’m putting together for a matter of grave
import, not only to the Society, but to Varisia
as a whole. Please report an hour before noon
to Heidmarch Manor—you will be compensated
for your visit, but that reward will pale in light
of the riches that await you should we come to
an agreement on my proposition to you. I look
forward to meeting you soon!
—Sheila Heidmarch

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

And here's the thread for everyone interested in playing Shattered Star.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

It is the 41st millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truely die.

Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in His name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defense forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants - and worse.

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. This is a tale of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughing of thirsting gods.

Yet you are not just any individuals - you are explorers aboard a Rogue Trader ship with authority and freedom far above the comprehension of the masses. Empowered by an ancient warrant of trade and a warp-capable ship, you venture into the uncharted voids, discovering new worlds, lost civilisations, and bizarre alien technology. Fortune and glory are yours for the taking. Rogue Traders stand on the threshold of unlimited opportunity and innumerable dangers.

And should you fail...

The galaxy is a big place. You will not be missed.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

Seems you safely found your way through the warp and arrived on location.

I've finally had some time open up in my schedule and am interested in running a campaign here on the boards again. Anyone interested in playing, I'm looking for three or four players, five maximum. New players are welcome, both to PBP's, the Rogue Trader system, and/or the Warhammer 40,000 universe. I'd prefer players not familiar with the trilogy, and will be running a few introductory adventures to get some ranks under your belts before I kick off the trilogy proper.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

9 Rhaan, 998 YK
First Tower, Breland
The Festival of Boldrei's Feast

The sun hasn't shone this brightly since the war ended. At least, that's the way it seems. Everyone in First Tower is in high spirits as the festival begins promptly on schedule. The square before the new cathedral quickly becomes crowded as locals and travelers alike arrive in droves. Merchant tents featuring food, clothes, local crafts, and souvenirs from across Khorvaire (many of which one could not obtain during the war) are raised as the travelers arrive, and the festival of Boldrei's Feast begins in earnest.

You may all have your characters arrive in whatever manner suits you.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

The Last War has just ended, but your adventure is just beginning...

I'm becoming interested in running Rise of the Runelords set in Eberron. It will be using the Pathfinder rules, so some conversion and house-ruling will occur. I'm looking for players who can post fairly regularly- at least once a day on weekdays. I'm looking for four players. I'll keep this open until Wed. the 4th.

Playable races include the Core Rulebook and the Eberron Campaign Setting races (which I'll be house-ruling to make them up to the scale of the other PF races). Other, rarer races can be taken, but I reserve the right to ask you to change it. As far as classes go, any PF class is fine except Ultimate Combat (I like the book, but they just don't fit in Eberron). As Eberron is a psionic setting, psionic classes are allowed via the Psionics Unleashed book for anyone who has that. I'll also be tinkering with the artificer for anyone wanting to play it.

Characters should be built with a 20 pt. buy. You get two traits- one common trait and one campaign trait. However, as the campaign traits for Rise of the Runelords were added in as an afterthought (and this is a different setting), I'll be designing my own campaign traits for this.

If you want to know more about the setting or the campaign, let me know.

House Rules:
Changelings: Same except they receive +2 to any one ability score of their choice, and they always add Linguistics to the list of any class skills they may choose, as Speak Language no longer exists.

Kalashtar: As presented except they receive a +2 to any one ability score of their choosing.

Shifters: +2 Wis, -2 Cha, and a +2 to the physical ability score related to his shifter trait. i.e. A beasthide shifter would receive a +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha in addition to the +2 Con and +2 AC he would get while shifted. Also, they receive a +2 to Acrobatics, Climb, and Handle Animal instead of the skills listed in the campaign setting book.

Warforged: Same, except they receive a +2 Con, +2 Int, and -2 Wis as opposed to the ability scores in the campaign setting book.

Dwarves: Same as PF.

Elves: Elves from Aerenal are the same as PF elves, but the elven immunities racial ability gives them a +2 saving throw bonus against necromancy spells and effects instead of enchantment.
Elves from Khorvaire may choose to replace their ability score increases with a +2 to any one of their choice representing their characters stonger ties with humanity than their elven ancestors.
Elves from Valenar are proficient with the shortbow, scimitar, and valenar double scimitar instead of their standard elven weapon proficiencies. They are also encouraged to take the desert runner or eternal grudge variant (which will provide a +2 on attack rolls against humanoids of the halfling and human subtypes instead of dwarf and orc) racial abilites in the Advanced Player's Guide.
Elves connected to House Thuranni or House Phiarlan are encouraged to take the Silent Hunter alternate racial ability in the Advanced Player's Guide.

Gnomes: Same as PF, but are encouraged to take the Academician, Gift of Tongues, and Magical Linguist alternate racial abilities in the Advanced Player's Guide.

Half-elves: Same as PF.

Half-orcs: Same as PF, but half-orcs connected to the Gatekeeper druids are encouraged to take the Beastmaster and Bestial alternate racial abilities in the Advanced Player's Guide.

Halflings: Halflings from the Talenta Plains may choose to replace their ability score increases with +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Cha to represent their character's more wild nature. The halflings are also encouraged to take the Outrider and Wanderlust alternate racial abilities in the Advanced Player's Guide.

Humans: Same as PF.

Just as I was about to get this game kicked off with some IRL friends, two people backed out. Looking for two players to fill in. We've got a rogue and a wizard (spellslinger) so far. One fo the players is brand new to PnPRPG's. Looking at playing on Saturday evenings around 7-7:30ish (GMT -6h), but that can be worked around. Let me know if you have any questions.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

Chapter 1: Edge of Anarchy

Sunday 16 Pharast, 4708

It's raining out today. Not that it's that uncommon in a city like this. Korvosa seems suited to rainy days. It seems like any other rainy day in the city. Little do you know that at this very moment, the catalyst is in motion that will set up events that will lead you on the greatest adventure of your life.

A humble priest goes about his daily rituals, which today includes the cleaning and preparation of the Bank's temple holdings for services. This week, it is his turn to polish the golden altar. As his steps echo down the aisle of the empty center of worship, he hears the rain drops ringing off the high roof of the Bank and thinks to himself how fortunate he is to work indoors.

An elf awakens in a small, cramped flat. She is weary. The long nights are beginning to take their toll. But she will not let that deter her. She must go to her day job today, but first she will stop by the Pantheon of the Many for prayer. As she leaves, she pulls her cloak tight about her to keep off the rain as best as possible.

A scarred man leaves a dimly lit watering hole in Old Korvosa, a sack of gold sails weighing too little for his taste in his fist. He didn't bother to count it. He already knows how much is in there. Most likely he'll pour it out when he gets home. He scowls to himself as the rain soaks the fabric of his hood, shoulders his sword, and starts the walk home.

A guardsman tromps towards Citadel Volshyenek, his iron-shod boots splashing water across his already drenched trousers as he moves on, undeterred by the downpour, back to base. It has been a dull night, and he wants only to go home and rest. Yet there is no rest for the weary in Korvosa.

A gnomish woman sings for her supper in a cozy inn. Her cap sits before the stage, and she eyes it sadly. The money's coming in slower than ever. She gathers up her things and orders what she can with the meager amount she pulled in this morning. The woman walks off to fetch her breakfast, and the gnome sighs knowing that she doesn't have enough for food and a room. She listens to the rainfall outside with dread.

A Hellknight sits on the edge of his mattress, brooding. The sound of the rainfall outside echoes his mood. He has been in Korvosa for a month already, and turned up nothing. But he will not give up the chase. He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair as he stands and stretches. He looks across the room of the inn in which he stays to see his spellbook sitting on a small desk. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes as he begins that direction. Hopefully he will need his spells today.

A thin man bends his knees into a crouch. He is perched on the edge of a roof, watching the goings on of the people in the house across the street. It would seem that the husband is indeed being unfaithful. A lock of wet hair splats across his face. There is nothing more to see here. He will inform the woman of her husband's infidelity and collect his payment. But first he reaches into his pack for the borrowed climbing gear. The Shingles could be bad without it. Especially on days like this. He will need to get down.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

And here's the discussion thread as promised.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Now starting recruitment for a CotCT game for PbP novices.
Anyone new to PbP's, been looking into them, but doesn't know where to start, here's your chance.

Character Creation:
-25 point buy
-Average starting gold
-Max hp at first level
-2 traits (one campaign trait, one other)
-Core Rulebook, APG, and both Ultimates, anything else to be approved separately

Any character submissions should be able to answer the following questions:
-How did you acquire your class?
-How did you assemble your starting equipment?
-What's the worst event of your life so far?
-What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?
-How do others perceive you in social interactions?
-How assertive are you when making a decision?
-How do you feel when faced by setbacks?
-Do you stay in contact with your family? What do they think of you?
-Do you have any secrets or conflicts from your past that might come back to haunt you?
-How long have you lived in Korvosa and in what part of the city?
-What is your opinion of the current state of affairs in Korvosa?
-What is your connection (past or present) to Gaedren Lamm?

So start posting your submissions, I'd love to see them.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

It's a beautiful day. The sun is in the sky, promising a hot summer. For the time being, however, it serves to lighten the mood of everyone in Senghor as the final loading and boarding for the Jenivere are wrapped up. Captain Kovack nods at his first mate, who in turn begins yelling orders at the various crew around the ship. As the ship gets out of port, the sails are unfurled and filled with the strong trade winds of the Arcadian Ocean. As the crew go about their work, the first mate approaches you and introduces himself.

"Greetings once again. I am First Mate Devers, and allow me to once again welcome you all to the Jenivere. If you'll all follow me I shall show you to your quarters."

As the company begins to file off after First Mate Devers, you can't help but get in an appraising look at your newest traveling companions. The first to catch your eyes is a tall, severe-looking, half-elven woman who boarded back in Port Peril. Since boarding she has spoken not a word to any of you and stays in her bunk at almost all times. She did however give a crewman a black eye not five minutes after boarding for reasons you haven't quite discerned.

Next is a small, sharply-dressed gnome who has informed you that he has "been on this tub for gods near three months". The crew doesn't seem fond of him, and he spends most of his time in the common room writing and telling stories of his journeys to anyone who makes the mistake of making eye contact with him. He has blonde hair and the over-large blue eyes common to his kind. He seems quite intelligent, yet his wit is commonly spent on barbed comments at the crew and other passengers.

Next is a bookish, varisian woman who tends to keep mostly to herself, though she has taken to spending quite an amount of time with the captain. If rumors are to be believed, the beautiful woman is either the true owner of the Jenivere, a Chelish agent, or the captains not-so-secret lover. She is friendly and claims to be traveling to study the ruins in Sargava.

There is a scruffy-looking, middle-aged tian man who boarded at the last port in Bloodcove. He has not spoken since boarding as far as you are aware. Everything about him appears ramshackle as far as you've noticed (including himself) except the elegant sword he keeps strapped to him at all times.

Finally is a fiery, red-haired woman who boarded in Ilizmagorti. Her personality has begun to show through her initial somber demeanor to reveal an optimistic, boisterous, and somewhat sheltered personality. None have yet asked her about her missing pinky finger.

After examining your fellow passengers, you remember what you were doing and get back to following the first mate.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

This is the OOC channel for the Serpent's Skull campaign.