Xot's page
Organized Play Member. 114 posts (155 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 19 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.
Male Earth Native Dork 18/ Geek 15/ Expert 20/ Fighter 1/ Monk 7/ Bard 7/ Druid 10
did I do that right?
The post at the beginning of combat?
Disregard the part where I missed horribly. Dr.P was distracted by the lab equipment.
Name: Gerlach, The Uranium Sage
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Aasimar
Class: Gunslinger 1/ Wizard 1/ Eldritch Knight 9
Description: His well worn duster and broad brimmed hat can only barely conceal Gerlach's steel blue eyes. "I know things and shoot stuff, but mostly I know things." might serve as a self introduction. Previously "The Risen", and "The constant" he has served the quest for knowledge under the Scarab Sages since they raised him from the dead, swaying his allegiance from the Grand Lodge. Gerlach enjoys busting the myth that wizards aren't all that tough, and demonstrating the efficacy of touch spells.
Other than a standing kill on sight order for Grand Master Torch, I don't really have any deep connection to any of the current PFS factions. I prefer the ideal associated factions that we have now, better than the location based factions of the past. Though I think there may still be a place for the lantern lodge in the west...
Handling the factions the way it is done in Starfinder Society means that we don't really have to have a set number of factions. You can always slot your main faction boon, and get some points. And maybe there aren't any bonus points for a faction for a season or two?
Lastly I can see factions existing for narrower interest. I'd love to have a Harrowed faction!
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There should be a Fishbowl clan.
They are aquatic space goblins... and the occasionally keep a goldfish or small squid in their water filled fishbowl helmets for a snack.
FLGS ran out in less than three minutes. I didn't get one in spite of showing up half an hour before the stores posted opening time. The process was fair, but it failed me.
When, if ever, will I be able to buy a Space Goblin T-shirt?
PFS scenarios should be a breeze to drop in here and there. Some of them have some excellent non-combat encounters, or feature subsystems that can be interesting.
I'm a big fan of the modules "The Harrowing" and "From Shore to Sea".
Kitsune are currently a playable race.
I recommend erring on the side of simplicity, avoiding over specialization, for a first character. That way you can get a feel for the burden of the few extra rules required to keep things fair and even in a world wide shared environment.
Be sure to read the guide.
I had some thoughts, but did not spend the time to read all the post in this thread. Apologies if I'm repeating anyone, but I'm headed in a different direction, I think.
Are you letting them rest too much? How often are your players exhausting all their spells per day, or other No.-per-Day powers? They may be more inclined to use up magic items when their personal resources are running low. Are your Mooks and Sargents not doing their job?
There might be a way to role play the purchase of magic items, such that getting a custom item, or just the item you want, is a little more special. Maybe a percent chance that any given item is available in the current city? Or if you really want to annoy players, all purchased magic items have some small quirk when used.
Or maybe some small reward for using a magic item creatively. "Your opponent was completely unprepared for such an unorthodox onslaught. You seem to do a little more damage than you estimated." Or some such.
Good luck!
For added fun, add a couple RM with the Young template. The smaller sized and higher dex make them harder to hit.
Dan Simons wrote: ... Imagine the absolute chaos if every wizard, magus, witch, etc. at GenCon tried to gather together to trade spells before or after a Special! It would be splendid!
a Wizard is best with lots of spells in his spellbook that he might never use. This goes for all prepared type casters, but esp. for the Wizard.
BTW, I was never able to find anything, other than a spellcraft DC (that you should be able to take 10 on, maybe even take 20) that prevents you from scribing spells of a higher level than you can cast.
the big BUT in all this, for anything in game, is that it does take time.
It's obvious, to me, that they found the axe in the river next to the one ring. Alternatively, don't explain it. The villagers all know abut the legendary axe, but none of them remembers where it came from. It's always just been there. If the players are determined to chase down the origin, have a cleaver villager "Remember" something that results in the PC doing some physical chore. ie, I heard it was found in a chamber at the bottom of this well, which has accumulated thirty foot of silt since then. (Thanks for clearing out my well PCs)
Sounds like the beginning of a good story to me.
I would discuss it out of character with your DM and the rest of the players.
How would a character draw the second lance?
I think you'd need some sort of telepathy with your mount to make two lances work? Even a war trained mount probably needs a ride check without it, maybe with some situational mods.
I'd love to tell a player, "Your horse refuses to charge with you wielding two lances, he thinks it is silly and undignified."
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First let me pile on the Kobold and Goblin fan wagon.
Second, a nod toward Gripply & Catfolk.
Lastly let me dare to suggest PC Playable versions of the Gnoll & Minotaur. (I have ideas!)
Matai wrote: So if I get the belt it is legal for me to get itwf? Thought it had to be the base score...not an enhancement...cause if the belt ever comes off its an illegal build isn't it?
to the best of my understanding, you are correct:
You may use magic items to qualify for a feat,
but if those items cease to function, you loose access to that feat.
I'm gonna have to disagree.
I believe that power attack with a Str18, and the Orcish Double Axe is a solid early choice. I'd say second level.
Double slice ASAP is a good choice, that much I agree with. It simplifies the math. My recommendation would be first level with Two Weapon Fighting.
your mileage may vary.
I bet I get ninja'd before I finish.
1) The scenarios listed as specials are typically reserved for conventions (at least for a little while).
2)the boons are available at conventions of various sizes, I believe the important factor has to do with being officially supported by Paizo.
3)GM Boons are different than player boons, and typically pretty cool. Often they are race boons; recently I got an Ifrit as a playable race.
The advice would seem obvious: if you want boons of this type play and GM at conventions that supply them.
Also there are/were boons available for pathfinder fiction books, and occasionally there has been a holiday boon available on Paizo's website. I'm not certain if or when we'll see another holiday boon though.
Additionally your wizard must meet the minimum level of the appropriate item creation feat. Unless that is waived for PFS play somewhere I am unaware. Wizard does not need the feat, just has to meet the caster level.
The Human Diversion wrote:
I actually went through every archetype, feat, spell, trait, and piece of equipment last night on all of my characters and ensured that I did indeed have a copy of every book needed either physical or on watermarked PDF. I was a bit surprised to find out I was missing one, and ended up ordering and downloading "Sargava, the Lost Colony"
So, if I get a GM that tries to pull an audit like that hoping to catch me, he'll be wasting all our time.
It is fairly trivial to limit which sources Hero Lab draws upon.
I would like to turn the question around. Do you really want to submit your character to the tender mercies of a GM who blindly requires you to slay trees to play your favorite game?
My advice is to print out the long form with the explanations and references for each character before con. If you level up you can look up the new stuff fairly quickly, and if your tech crashes you will have backups.
When can I get my season Six T-shirt? Will it be some color other than black?
Any Chance all this hullabaloo will get us a completely separate Sci-fi rules set?
Maybe a largish module that narrowly skates around properties owned by the Buroughs' Estate?
A Goat can dream, can't he?
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Roga wrote: So does this mean that gravity rifles are a thing now? We have Gravity Bow, and Rifles, it's only a matter of time.
Kvantum wrote: Eclipse Strike: You can replace the Idiot Strike effect with a Baleful Polymorph effect. Replaces Quivering Palm.
They should have called it, "Rabbit Punch".
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To the best of my knowledge, yes.
You must either have it on your chronicle sheets, and I've seen several including some intelligent items.
Or have enough fame that the total item cost is lower than your allowed single item purchase.
It's also a good idea to double check the additional resources to make certain the special ability is allowed in society play.
Looking at p219 of the Core Rulebook:
"Wizards can add new spells to their spellbooks through
several methods. A wizard can only learn new spells that
belong to the wizard spell lists."
And in the following paragraphs they seem to take great pains to always say, "The Wizard..."
And I'm pretty certain that any other class that has a spellbook as a class feature says something on the order of, "...Uses a spellbook like a Wizard..."
Sorry if I missed someone saying that already in the thread... I got curious and had to check for myself.
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Ifrit Bard(Thunder Caller) that hasn't seen play yet, but is waiting patiently in the wings.
Without boons I've got an Aasimar Gunslinger 1/Wizard 1/Eldrich Knight 1, and I'm having a blast playing him.
Also without a Boon I have a tiefling headed for Arcane Trickster a couple levels early.
I would fiddle with the stats to get your Int up to 13. This opens up combat expertise, which is the prereq for a number of fun options for the fighter, and allows you to situationally increase your AC. Having both Power attach and Combat expertise will give you the most options (well for there's also archer builds and two weapon fighting builds as pointed out above)
Here's what I recommend...
As she plays the character events will happen, let the character's growth determine what mechanics to select.
To that end the four feats I recommend for best versatility are:
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Combat Expertise
Power Attack
After That, pick a combat maneuver that sounds like fun, and make your GM cry. The Aasimar only feats can be fun and build character. And the shield feats can help a bit.
I don't recommend Two weapon fighting for the first time out because it is easy to miscalculate your to hit and damage.
Lastly In addition to the traditional suite of protections (Magic Armor, Cloak of resistance, Amulet of Natural armor, Ring of Protection) The magic items I like for fighters are: Potion of Fly (and eventually winged boots), Sash of the War Champion, and Seducer's Bane bracers. But don't neglect ye old girdle of giant strength, and don't leave home without your clear spindle safely in your wayfinder. I'm also a big fan of an adamantine mourning star as a back up weapon.
One of the great things about a fighter is that even if you fail to optimize or specialize you can still contribute to the party. Just keep your AC and saves as high as possible.
Pathfinder Society Primer has a trait that will double the time that you can remain wild shaped.
Maybe consider taking Magical Knack, and dipping two levels in to fighter, barbarian, or ranger. But that will delay your Wild Shape, and your animal companion. Though I now must muse about the possibility of raging while transformed... Or you could skip the Magical Knack trait, since you are specifically NOT focusing on spells.
Best advice for Wild Shaper, or any Shape changer, is to have you're wild shaped forms done up on paper ahead of time. Make sure you've read the ability and the spell it's based on carefully.
Depending on what you're ultimate goal is, dipping first level as fighter may be an excellent option. Pick up Point Blank Shot, and Precise Shot while you're at it. Great choice for a Ray Based Wizard even.
Mark, I've been playing PFS for two years now, and I found your summary useful. Thank you.
Hama, That's awesome!
But I've gotta soft spot for Team Unicorn.
I'd love to see official Harrowed Archetypes of several classes based on the Harrower prestige class. The powers of the prestige class seem to come way too late after you spend 5 levels to qualify. I think that a Harrowed Orical or Harrowed Witch might be especially interesting.
Sound Burst is a 2nd level bard/cleric spell that has a sonic effect. Just wanted to make sure you saw that. Also the Elemental spell feat might get you to where you want to be. You might also look at the Shatter spell.
No Save w/ a deafening effect is pretty harsh.
I try to include words keyed to all five senses, or at least smells and , "You feel a cool dampness on your skin, and the stale air isn't moving, so it just kinda sticks to you... "
Gnomes & halflings seem the most rare, but there seems to be a little bit of everything in Sacramento.
Righty_ wrote: I like tactician for fighter.
And adding 3 levels of shadow dancer.
Prestige classes are another good way to get some skill love for your fighter.
I see a potential problem with the ITS. Mark my words, this WILL happen, despite the fact that the intent is obviously to the contrary...
The column heading reads "Cost". We have defined "Cost" as Half of "Price". Someone somewhere is going to do everything at half-price.
Patrick Harris @ MU wrote: If the purpose of the inventory tracking sheet is to make audits easier, how is leaving off mundane equipment going to do anything but confuse people? You make it up in VOLUME!
When you do a quick add up, you don't worry about every last CP. If you're 90% in the right neighborhood you're probably fine. But if you run across a level five with multiple artifacts... someone's made an order of magnitude error somewhere.
Jiggy, thanx for the support!
My next Elk is going to start with a level of Gunslinger, probably go with a human to start with PB shot & Precise shot.
I have a character, Elkin StoneWalker, who I've always intended to go into Eldritch Knight prestige class. He was played at second level before Magical Knack was made legal for PFS play, and I've been trying to find a way to retrain ever since.
Currently I have Focused Mind and Warrior of Old, a race trait and a Magical trait. I was excited today when I got a cool boon on a chronicle sheet that would allow me to replace a trait with a racial trait... I was going to retrain Focused mind, and then take the extra traits feat. But since Warrior of Old is a Race Trait... I can't have two race traits any more than I can have two magical traits, which is not at all.
As we eagerly anticipate the inclusion of retaining rules, probably mere hours from now, I find it important to note that my reading of the retraining rules from Ultimate Campaign didn't allow for the retraining of traits (by my reading).
Which brings me to my actual question. Given this situation, is there any PFS legal way to retrain my Focused Mind (magical trait) to the Magical Knack (magical trait)?
Would Elysian Bronze ammo be effective?
You only get a damage bonus AFTER you do damage,with it the first time, at witch point ammunition is expended.
Thrown weapons would certainly work, and the returning property would be very valuable... but I'm thinking ammunition wouldn't work.
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I would probably put it on the same stat as a racial bonus, and choose a class that can make use of it. Would that allow you to start with a 22?
Watch "The Legend of Billy Jack". I think It might be inspirational to you, for this character.
Possibly the "Kung Fu" TV show too.
Make sure to have a ranged weapon.
Be ready to deal w/ Swarms (Alchemist Fire)
If your mission takes you into the sewers consider investing in Anti-plague.
a vial of anti-venom can be worth it's weight in gold.
A ga-billion thank!!!
And so happy to meet all the ppl I met.
Back at hotel.
I managed to meet up with a few others in the lobby for brunch at a great little cafe @Pikes Place. But we parted ways due to my pilgrimage to SB#1.
The EMP has exhibits on horror films, sci fi, & fantasy. The last including a brown box of d&d in one of the displays.
I will be happy to share my hard won lore regarding public transit.
But first a bit of rest and prep b4 heading out again.
I would love company for an early evening foray. once more into the maw of the beast!
Christopher Van Horn wrote: Live kinda in area, hopefully be seeing everyone for the meet and great :) Link/ details please...
I am so last minute I still haven't looked @ thr schedule srsly.
Just rolled in! Headed for public transit to pikes place for "lunch" and then to find sci fi musem. Would love company and/or native guide?
Will check bar on the way out.
I am just now thinking about attending Paizocon 2013, primarily due to financing just becoming possible. Do I have any hope of getting into any PFS games?
Have you considered an Oracle of Battle?
or maybe a plain fighter with a decent Chr and UMD?
For that matter if what you want to do long run is roll buckets of dice for damage, a Rouge shouldn't be over looked either. And personally I think the evasion ability is undervalued in PFS play, and on the boards.