
Xot's page

Organized Play Member. 114 posts (155 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 19 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Space Goblin Scientist 2 | SP: 12, HP: 14 | EAC: 17, KAC: 16 | Fort +0, Ref +6 (Evasion), Will +3 | Perc +6, Dark Vision 60' | Init +8 | Speed 35ft| Resolve 4/4 | Active Conditions: Sounds German
Computers +9, Culture +8, Engineering +11, Life Science +9, Medicine +9, Mysticism +6, Sense Motive +5. (reduce the DCs of Physical Science(+9) checks by 5 for Physics Knowledg)

engineering: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Do I get any further details?

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Space Goblin Scientist 2 | SP: 12, HP: 14 | EAC: 17, KAC: 16 | Fort +0, Ref +6 (Evasion), Will +3 | Perc +6, Dark Vision 60' | Init +8 | Speed 35ft| Resolve 4/4 | Active Conditions: Sounds German
Computers +9, Culture +8, Engineering +11, Life Science +9, Medicine +9, Mysticism +6, Sense Motive +5. (reduce the DCs of Physical Science(+9) checks by 5 for Physics Knowledg)

What's the gravity of the situation?
I mean, what is movement like on the asteroid?

I would really like to find a relatively safe place and do some analysis of the asteroid. Is it especially hard or dense? What is it made of, and does it have any special properties?
PhsySci: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
random knowing-it-all: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 (or more)

I'd like to take the dice out for coffee, find out why they hate me, and maybe find some common ground

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Space Goblin Scientist 2 | SP: 12, HP: 14 | EAC: 17, KAC: 16 | Fort +0, Ref +6 (Evasion), Will +3 | Perc +6, Dark Vision 60' | Init +8 | Speed 35ft| Resolve 4/4 | Active Conditions: Sounds German
Computers +9, Culture +8, Engineering +11, Life Science +9, Medicine +9, Mysticism +6, Sense Motive +5. (reduce the DCs of Physical Science(+9) checks by 5 for Physics Knowledg)

I filled in my skills on the matrix while I was running everyone's biorhythms to ascertain the best time to assault the death bunny rock.

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Space Goblin Scientist 2 | SP: 12, HP: 14 | EAC: 17, KAC: 16 | Fort +0, Ref +6 (Evasion), Will +3 | Perc +6, Dark Vision 60' | Init +8 | Speed 35ft| Resolve 4/4 | Active Conditions: Sounds German
Computers +9, Culture +8, Engineering +11, Life Science +9, Medicine +9, Mysticism +6, Sense Motive +5. (reduce the DCs of Physical Science(+9) checks by 5 for Physics Knowledg)

From my tachtically superior, and likely elevated position,
I take (move action) aim at the beast with my 'Diasporan rifle, tactical':Ranged +4 Damage 1d8 F Sniper (250 ft.), unwieldy.
Ünd FIRE. (standard action)
kerpow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
owch: 1d8 ⇒ 1 damage but that's probably a miss.
sorry guys, combat isn't were I shine.

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Space Goblin Scientist 2 | SP: 12, HP: 14 | EAC: 17, KAC: 16 | Fort +0, Ref +6 (Evasion), Will +3 | Perc +6, Dark Vision 60' | Init +8 | Speed 35ft| Resolve 4/4 | Active Conditions: Sounds German
Computers +9, Culture +8, Engineering +11, Life Science +9, Medicine +9, Mysticism +6, Sense Motive +5. (reduce the DCs of Physical Science(+9) checks by 5 for Physics Knowledg)

"I'll vill go mitch you, to explore zis room."

(kinda muttering to it's self)
"ze last time I was left alone too long all zose peasants mit sie pitchforks und torches came to interüpt me....
... but I vwas voted most likely to use sie mob insurance at mad schientist camp...
... vitch was like normal Schientist camp, but vid more yellinkg"
(end of muttering)

"vat do ve know about zis room already?
vat are we expecting?
vat schüüld exschpect, but can not yet antischipate?

Maybe ve schüld flood it wids the zaltwater from die fire supression zystem. Just in kase?"

You get adreadful thought, since it worked so well once, that this goblin might spend the rest of it's days flooding rooms with salt water through the fire suppression systems.
Arn't you glad the ooc comments aren't in foux German?

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Space Goblin Scientist 2 | SP: 12, HP: 14 | EAC: 17, KAC: 16 | Fort +0, Ref +6 (Evasion), Will +3 | Perc +6, Dark Vision 60' | Init +8 | Speed 35ft| Resolve 4/4 | Active Conditions: Sounds German
Computers +9, Culture +8, Engineering +11, Life Science +9, Medicine +9, Mysticism +6, Sense Motive +5. (reduce the DCs of Physical Science(+9) checks by 5 for Physics Knowledg)

continues to be stealthy
but, very quietly, and only for a a few seconds, giggles quietly at melting the dogs.

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Space Goblin Scientist 2 | SP: 12, HP: 14 | EAC: 17, KAC: 16 | Fort +0, Ref +6 (Evasion), Will +3 | Perc +6, Dark Vision 60' | Init +8 | Speed 35ft| Resolve 4/4 | Active Conditions: Sounds German
Computers +9, Culture +8, Engineering +11, Life Science +9, Medicine +9, Mysticism +6, Sense Motive +5. (reduce the DCs of Physical Science(+9) checks by 5 for Physics Knowledg)
Haath Chaar wrote:
Funny thing is, with Hi-C's 8 Int he was already calling DR34-M12 "Doc" because of the "DR" =)


Isn't that how you play "Doc, Doc, Goose" ?

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Space Goblin Scientist 2 | SP: 12, HP: 14 | EAC: 17, KAC: 16 | Fort +0, Ref +6 (Evasion), Will +3 | Perc +6, Dark Vision 60' | Init +8 | Speed 35ft| Resolve 4/4 | Active Conditions: Sounds German
Computers +9, Culture +8, Engineering +11, Life Science +9, Medicine +9, Mysticism +6, Sense Motive +5. (reduce the DCs of Physical Science(+9) checks by 5 for Physics Knowledg)
DR34-M12 wrote:

"How do those lasers even function? The agitation in the neutronium coolant solution is way off."

VWe arez Goblins, we don't have anyzthing new.

it worksz bekcusz we use very angry OLDtronium insztead.

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Space Goblin Scientist 2 | SP: 12, HP: 14 | EAC: 17, KAC: 16 | Fort +0, Ref +6 (Evasion), Will +3 | Perc +6, Dark Vision 60' | Init +8 | Speed 35ft| Resolve 4/4 | Active Conditions: Sounds German
Computers +9, Culture +8, Engineering +11, Life Science +9, Medicine +9, Mysticism +6, Sense Motive +5. (reduce the DCs of Physical Science(+9) checks by 5 for Physics Knowledg)

Hello zere...
You see before you a tall (for a) Space Goblin wearing a lab coat and red face paint resembling a crude skull or jack-o-lantern.
in one hand, poorly hidden behind his body, and currently pointed at the deck behind him, some sort of long ?weapon? with dials and protrusions and what you might guess is a scope. You might want to wince at the thought of a goblin made sniper rifle.

... Welcome to my humble vessel. I was here first, and I licked it, ztherefore by interzgalactic zsalvage law, Zthisz isz my zship! But zseeingz asz you have, asz your leader, a promizsing zSpace Goblinz Hero perhapsz we can reach zsome zsort of accordian?

(somone else:)Don't you mean accord?

NO! I am zsaying ekxzactly vwhat I amz meanings. An accordian isz like an accord butz bigger. And you may polka if you vwant.

(someone else again:)That's not what it says on this datapile...

Nonzsensz! zthisz is a racist attack on zthe truthz. You there. (with calculated calmness)Withz the robotz head, please to make an AI to correct zthis error Through out zthe whole cortex, and protect againszt similar schmeres in dthe futur. ThankYouForThat. I have zsome other important expermentsz to attend.
What isz your proposal.exzacltly?

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There should be a Fishbowl clan.
They are aquatic space goblins... and the occasionally keep a goldfish or small squid in their water filled fishbowl helmets for a snack.

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First let me pile on the Kobold and Goblin fan wagon.

Second, a nod toward Gripply & Catfolk.

Lastly let me dare to suggest PC Playable versions of the Gnoll & Minotaur. (I have ideas!)

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Roga wrote:
So does this mean that gravity rifles are a thing now?

We have Gravity Bow, and Rifles, it's only a matter of time.

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To the best of my knowledge, yes.
You must either have it on your chronicle sheets, and I've seen several including some intelligent items.
Or have enough fame that the total item cost is lower than your allowed single item purchase.

It's also a good idea to double check the additional resources to make certain the special ability is allowed in society play.

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Ifrit Bard(Thunder Caller) that hasn't seen play yet, but is waiting patiently in the wings.

Without boons I've got an Aasimar Gunslinger 1/Wizard 1/Eldrich Knight 1, and I'm having a blast playing him.

Also without a Boon I have a tiefling headed for Arcane Trickster a couple levels early.

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I had a thought, but then realized that any DM worth his salt would rule OTHER PEOPLE'S LIMBS to be clubs without batting an eyelash. (but an eyelash is a tiny whip and has no reach).

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Immortality, a good understanding of geology, and lots of patience.

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Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
It's impossible to fold a piece of paper 10 times

you forgot "In Half".

you can fan fold a piece of paper bunches.

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Does it bother anyone that the name of this thread could literally be: "How to Beat a Dead Horse?"

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Bow Tie, Fezz, & Suspenders.
Master work versions should give you a +2 bonus to Diplomacy.
Because they're cool.

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I would like to see rules for Magic Items, specifically weapons and armor, that are pieces fitted together that produce synergistic effects beyond the +x bonus. But that sounds like it'll be in a different book if it ever sees the light of day.

I also would like to see legacy/signature items done correctly. Weapons of Legacy had rules that got discarded faster than the weapon Vs. Armor type tables of AD&D. I think sacrificing some GP & XP might be the way to go. But again, that's probably out of the purview of UE.

Ioun Stones! I love all the new Ioun stones and want even more. I would love to see more items that can be "Powered Up" by Ioun stones. I don't like the way that the wayfinders loose powers as you add Ioun stones. And I don't understand that from a design P.O.V.

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Not to be too munchkin about it but,
will there be sorcerer blood lines based on the new dragons?