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Male Drow Noble Magus (Bladebound/Kensai)
![]() Still missing most of what was being said, two words would catch Xor'zel's attention. How did any of these beings know his name. With a flourish, Xor'zel would stand up straight and stare the lot down as his hand came to rest, yet again, upon the hilt of his wakizashi. "איך הגעת על השם הזה?" Infernal: How did you come upon that name? ![]()
Male Drow Noble Magus (Bladebound/Kensai)
![]() Xor'zel has been raised to not trust others, him just stepping out to say Hi makes no sense. Though he is going to be popping up at the mention of his name. As for the languages, I chose languages I found he would be likely to know. He's a noble, why would he know Planar Common when he could know the true language of a plane he wishes to communicate with? ![]()
Male Drow Noble Magus (Bladebound/Kensai)
![]() Sorry for the delay in my post. I'll be a bit quicker to them now. As for the languages, could we by chance mark down what language our character is using at the top of each post? It will help make it a bit easier to keep up with what each character is currently using. And as my character is not fluent in planar common, it will help me keep track of what he is actually capable of understanding. ![]()
Male Drow Noble Magus (Bladebound/Kensai)
![]() Xor'zel would remain in his position as he took in the array of languages these strangers spoke in. He could make out little. However, as the hobgoblin spoke in infernal, he would turn his eyes towards the walls. Names? What names? Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19 However, as he turned to take in the writing upon the walls, his eyes would come to rest upon the ancient figure as it came into sight. ![]()
Male Drow Noble Magus (Bladebound/Kensai)
![]() As the goblin's singing came to a stop, Xor'zel's attention would turn to the sound of other voices. Some spoke in languages he knew, while others in he did not. Quietly as he could, Xor'zel would make his way to the end of the platform in an attempt to better hear the words they spoke. Stealth 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22 Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 ![]()
Male Drow Noble Magus (Bladebound/Kensai)
![]() You are free to name the blade and use it as an NPC, might be interesting if it knew the Planar Standard, though I suppose Undercommon would make sense too. As for spells, here is what he has at his disposal till he finds a source to prepare from again. 0 -
1st -
2nd -
Some are unavailable to him at this time do to lack of components, but I would ask if it is possible for him to create a target with prestidigitation for his True Strike focus. ![]()
Male Drow Noble Magus (Bladebound/Kensai)
![]() Xor'zel's eyes would snap open as the commotion brought him to. Deftly he would roll off his pillar to land crouched upon the floor opposite the side of the others, while his hand went instinctively for his blade's hilt. Is the house under attack? He would think to himself, misinterpreting the situation he was in. However, as his hand closed upon the leather wrapped handle, the memories of his death would awaken in his mind. As quickly as he had grabbed the blade, he would release it in revulsion as his eyes shot to the wound that should lie in his abdomen. What is this trickery? What has Azrael done to me? Where am I? Silently he would take in his surroundings as these questions and many others crossed through his mind. Knowledge (Planes) 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23 Unfortunately many of them would remain unanswered, including where he might be. ![]()
Male Drow Noble Magus (Bladebound/Kensai)
![]() Hmm...I actually forgot something rather important. My guy needs his spellbook. Would you allow me to trade out the headband for his spellbook? And perhaps he will find himself on a quest to reclaim his headband. Perhaps a reward promised by his god for completion of his next kill? ![]()
Male Drow Noble Magus (Bladebound/Kensai)
![]() I'm fine with a -2 to his will saves versus his black blade. That is probably the most suitable penalty and one he will never really be able to get rid of as the blade can teleport to him. I will have him all updated with his drow abilities and black blade stat block by the end of tomorrow. |