Tsadok Goldtooth

Wyllen Ungebrochen's page

9 posts. Alias of Johnnycat93.


Pfft, please.

I ordain my statblocks using chicken bones and tea leaves.

We're cousins, don't worry about it.

See, in his profile picture he's clearly agitated. In mine, however, I'm simply disgruntled.

The two couldn't be more different.

We aren't a party, we're a mob.

I'd like to submit this character for consideration: Half-Orc Cavalier (Beast Rider).

All the info should be in the profile. Feedback/suggestions are much appreciated.

You can get trap finding from a trait. It's a campaign trait though, so I personally can't take it.

Also, sad Cavalier wishes DM would notice him...

"I can be a fighter too!"

It's a joke...Gambler's "Fallacy" and all.

If you want to be purely empirical then everyone has pretty much 10% chance of being chosen. Everything else is just an assumption that the DM will prioritize mechanically diversity in favor of character diversity.

But actually relying on statistics would be both way too much work and mostly fruitless since the decision is based largely on unquantifiables.

Basically what I'm saying is: STRAP IN KIDDOS, MATH CAN'T SAVE YOU NOW.

11 people for 5 slots? If you use the Gambler's Fallacy that's almost a 50/50 chance!

Front line fighter/tank right here.

Johnnycat reporting in with my Half-Orc Cavalier. Alias should be all sorted out, but I am trying to clean up my backstory a bit since it runs a little longer than necessary.