
Wuliev, the Dethroner's page

Organized Play Member. 19 posts (22 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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I'm thinking that effects like the Rage spell would be really beneficial. I feel like most of what you're going for is debuffing targeting mages.
Most of that stuff is enchantment and necromancy school.
It's a lot of save or suck, but if you boost your DC's with feats like spell focus and metamagic it should be good.

I feel like the Rage spell is actually really good for disarming mages, because it doesn't allow them to cast spells, they aren't getting alot of bonuses from the strength, and they get a debuff to their AC. And on the fly it's a small buff for your bsf

Dark Archive

Fan policy kit thing THIS thing is interesting. I'm reading it right now.

I'm going to email them.

Dark Archive

Dear Anguish, I really appreciate you taking time to discuss this with me. Thank you so much for helping me understand this whole thing.

Dark Archive

To extrapolate this dilemma for my understanding, and the several implications that this stuff has on my work on the works of several other well-intentioned gentlemen and gentle-women on this sub-forum...

My work is a niche derivative work. Taken from the lore of a card game, concept designs, and a trilogy of books written about that card game lore.

It's solely derivative, I did not make any of the content, I'm just taking pre-existing content and interpreting it into a set of rules, basically to be measured. Then from that data of interpretation, I assemble the information into a neat little package, so it is pleasing to the mind and eye.

If this work that I'm doing is a violation of copyright laws, then what of the other works of this sub-forum that are in effect doing the same thing as I am? Are they violating copyright laws with their works that Paizo publishing has allowed an environment to them to do that express thing? NOT trying to bash Paizo here, they are some of the most beautiful people in the world for doing what they have done in regards to opening tabletop rpg experiences to the next generation of gamers.

I want to beat this to a dead horse so there can be no ounce of hope or doubt which has no tie to legal understanding.

Also I'm a dude.

Dark Archive

Divine this with me.

Fair use thing

This thing might say that this all works, along with the entirety of the Conversion subforum. I must go teach people how to be zombies irl. I'll be back like Beckham. Peace.

Dark Archive

Divine this with me.

Fair Use Thing

Dark Archive

I just want to be certain. When I can get more authority behind the okay then I'll repost it and we can get this show on the road. The paladin inside of me will not allow me to do otherwise, sorry for the rain.

Dark Archive

Dear everyone, I love you all, and appreciate your appreciation and consideration. I'm probably going to go the WotC forums and ask a mod/staff, if I can get that far. I do think that this is a matter of discussion that is kind-of important to this whole sub-forum though. I took down the file for now, better safe than sorry.

Dark Archive

I guess it infringes copyrights, so for the sake of my own butt I'm burning it down. Sad day.

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3 people marked this as a favorite.

The culmination of several month's work, done more than a year ago, here is my Player's Guide for playing Pathfinder in the Ravnica setting. It is based off of the first block of Magic cards released, and the novels that were written about those card sets. I plan to make and release a Game Master's Guide as well, which will contain the Dimir guild, write-ups for several famous Ravnican monsters, Organization system rules for each guild, boons, a MAP, and more. I've been working on this stuff for a long time.

Without further ado I humbly present:

Ravnica: The City of Guilds Pathfinder Player's Guide

Any feedback, comments, constructive criticism welcome and encouraged. Please use this in your next campaign.

There are several holes in the work rules-wise that I haven't fully fleshed out and will gladly accept any help in doing so, namely the cytoplasts and familiars.

I would also like to maybe make a couple spells specific to each guild, using the Paizo material guidelines and stuff.

I designed this with three ideas in mind: Keep everything as close to the 'canon' of Cory J. Herdon's books and the cards themselves as possible, introduce people to Ravnica who've never heard about the setting, and make each guild have balanced but cool features to make fans of each guild EXCITED to play them. I'm an Orzhov guy myself.

Thanks again dudes, and happy hunting.

Dark Archive

Aight. I'm uploading and editing the document into Google Docs, so when I have it ready there will be a new thingy to do in the realm of pathfinder conversion stuff. Huzzah.

Dark Archive

Can this thread be deleted? Are there mods? MODSS HALP

Dark Archive

I know that in 3.5 having a fear caster to dish out the panicked status and render threats useless was at least semi-viable. I understand that save or suck spells are risky. How would one effectively build a consistent one using only paizo? Is this strategy still viable for a caster? Thank you for your time and knowledge.

Dark Archive

I am a player who loves the thematics, the reason behind anything is where the importance lies. Narrativism, the actor, etc. I LOVE awkward/dualistic divine gish characters, and am very conflicted, because if I can't make him optimal on paper it is much harder for me to get 'into character'. Wierd? I dunno, I think it's a side effect from playing competitive MTG. Once I've achieved this optimization i can easily sink into Roleplaying mode, and the quest commences and themes are explored and immersion is obtained. Right now a build that I have in mind for some campaign that i hope to play someday (PFS or not whatever) is a Dhampyr LN Inflicter Battle Oracle whose most intense desire is to find acceptance among elf-kind, as he hates his Vampire spawn but sees humanity basically as his vampiric family does. This is all just a concept that I'm bringing up for an example, I am hesitant to use anything that's immensely cliche in my character backstory themes. I pursued looking into each part of his character based on the fact that I thought that this iteration of battle oracle was the best on paper, as it offered the longevity of a sorc, the hard-hitting of a pally and all the flavor of everything. Blahblahblahblahblah, at the end of all this which class is best suited for taking heads with greataxes, Battle Oracle, Clericzilla, Inquisitor or straight Paladin? (I usually stray away from paladins because it completely voids the dualism presented with the inflicter/dhampyr LN themes that I strive for...) Thanks for insight.

Dark Archive

Thanks, i'll keep that in mind. I got a bit of time to think as PFS characters start at level 1 etcetcetc. Thanks for the info guys it helps alot

Dark Archive

Sickness and death

thank you so much, i'mma roll this up.

Would I want to take 3 levels of the Prc when i did, and then go back to my caster class to get more spells for one or a couple levels and then switch back? orr what

Dark Archive

Sweet. So a hellknight it is.

So the earliest level I'd be able to get into that is level 7 with a

FTR 1/ Divine Caster 6 bc their BAB's are all the same. Right?

And I should only take either 3, 6 or 7 in the hellknight class?

The rest of the levels go back into the divine class. yesh.

anything i'm missing?

Dark Archive

Thanks for the flood of responses so quickly! I'll definitely check out the hellknight PrC!

The motive behind this antipaladin isn't to be evil but rather be able to be an antihero character. And divine gishes are BA. I like the flavor of being a holy plague-bringer sin-purging paladin. Also if you've ever heard of Ravnica guilds from magic the gathering, the Orzhov guild is the initial inspiration.

Not evil, but not bound by the common taboo of those who consider themselves good, standing for the cause of honor in itself.

Not really out for anything chaos; the ideal alignment for this PC would be Lawful Neutral.

The Magus class is fantastic, but it's arcane rather than divine, which leaves no place for zealous persecution.

I've always wanted to play something that's either a paladin or a necromancer, but playing both is just bonkers.

I've got the roleplaying aspect of this all figured out and molded in a supremely logical noncheese fashion as well. Hakuna Matata. I'm unfamiliar with the deities of this system, i'll look up Gorum as well. Thanks hivemind.

Dark Archive

What is the closest class/multiclass structure to build a mock antipaladin?

The character would have to be on the neutral spectrum.

I was thinking something like this:

Oracle w/Barb dip
Cleric w/Fighter dip
Cleric w/Barb dip
Witch w/Barb dip

I've always been fascinated by the concept of the grey knight archetype
The playstyle of this would be buffing/debuffing then kicking butt with some heavy equipment, and blasting and necromancing just every so often.

The biggest thing with this is my fear of low BAB and low spellcasting.
I know that you can't have it all with gish builds, but the best you can get is obviously desirable.

Does anyone have any experience with this dilemma, or any out of the box ideas? Thanks.

TL:DR The antipaladin class really has it all for what I've been looking for forever, and its not PFS legal lololol what do i do