Sveinn Blood-Eagle

Wulfir's page

7 posts. Organized Play character for TheEverbloodFighter.

So recently I obtained a boon to be able to play a sylph. Now, I don't expect to get the rest of genie-kin boons, and as such have no plans saving this for a Suli.

What I'd like is if I could get some ideas as to what to build with the sylph, and as such I would appreciate any help and suggestions.

Grand Lodge

So I'm planning to have one of my characters follow the following level advancement to become an Arcane Archer; Fighter (Lore Warden) 1/Wizard (???) 5/ EK 3/ Arcane Archer (Whatever)

She is an elf and for PFS purposes (her name is Celegil, if you're interested in her current build, look at her people page).

Her feat progression will be something like this;

1: Point-Blank Shot
F: Precise Shot
W: Spell Focus (Evocation or Conjuration Probably)
3: Rapid Shot
5: Deadly Aim
W2: Advice Appreciated here as well
7: Weapon Focus (Longbow)
EK: Focused Shot or Elven Accuracy
9: Clustered Shot
11: Manyshot

Any advice or aid on the feat progress would be appreciated, as well as choosing what her focused school and opposition schools as a wizard will be. If possible, I'd appreciate a good explanation as to why certain choices should be made.

As for the class level progression and race, those are set, and I will not change them.

Thanks in advance!

Grand Lodge

...Wyra sits with a notebook in her lap, and a borrowed spyglass in hand, humming a melody she had heard from a fellow Pathfinder, Lars Lamo.

"Ah, what a wonderful day, clear skies, a gentle, cool breeze, and everyone is milling about with something to do. Its amazing what can be seen from up here, but where'd Flix go, he's usually so good at being punctual. I did say I'd be up here, right?" Wyra muses aloud, largely unconcerned of eavesdropping due to her remote location. "Maybe he forgot, or maybe I did? No matter, he's a smart little dragon, he'll find me sooner than later. I hope."

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So, let's get this out of the way. Yes I am aware there have been threads on this over the past few years. Yes I am aware that there's the claim that "the devs just said that we should use whichever is higher*". *The higher between the familiar int scaling or the original creature's int.

I personally have not seen this specific mention, and would appreciate the link if anyone has it. Otherwise I am to assume that this was a false claim, or it has been lost to the internet's depths.

Now down to the nitty-gritty; What does an Improved Familiar do with its Intelligence? Most options (save any that just apply an alignment based template to an animal) have an intelligence over 10, and some of the more popular or powerful options have Intelligence above 14.

The familiar rules say that as the "master" advances its intelligence raises every other level, and by the time you could get, say, a Lyrakien Azata, its Intelligence would be 9, but a normal Lyrakien Azata has an intelligence of 14. This has been explained away as "only a dumb member of its species would go traveling with an adventurer like a Pathfinder", but I have an example that, as spoilery as it may be, makes for a hard argument that perhaps this needs to be looked into.


For those who have played The Sanos Abduction, you know that you earn a Faerie Dragon. However the boon specifically says;

"A caster of at least 7th level within one step of chaotic good may bond with the faerie dragon, Riddywipple using the Improved Familiar feat. If you make this bond with this creature, you must provide a copy of Pathfinder RPG Beastiary 3 as if the improved familiar were available as an Additional Resource."

As it says, your character is making a bond with Riddywipple (even if you may have renamed and made the familiar completely different from Riddywipple), and unless I'm mistaken, Riddywipple is given a stat block including his 16 Intelligence, and thus by making a bond he would take -7 hit to his Intelligence.

So, for the sake of sense, I think that the Improved Familiar feat should have the wording changed to;

"Improved familiars otherwise use the rules for regular familiars, with three exceptions: if the creature's type is something other than animal, its type does not change; improved familiars do not gain the ability to speak with other creatures of their kind (although many of them already have the ability to communicate); and an improved familiar's intelligence is the greater of either the base creature's intelligence, or the intelligence granted by the familiar class feature."

Or something similar to that.

Grand Lodge

Just inside the doors of Skyreach hovers Flix, his forelimbs filled with parchments, quills, a couple journals, and what appears to be several tribal fetishes.

"Can anyone help me? Wyra told me to get some things for her research and said that she'd meet me here. But I can't seem to find her..." The little dragon's expression quite clearly belies concern, frustration, and slight exhaustion.

Scarab Sages

Krakard, wearing a patient's gown, shuffles himself on to the examination table, grumbling as he looks himself over. Many scars cover his body, an extreme reminder that not everything goes right, and that some foes would truly prefer to keep you alive as opposed to killing you outright.

"Mr. Vakurt, are you prepared for your physical?" A human male asks, holding a clipboard and a quill.

"Yeah. My joints are still too stiff...that Mi-Go was ruthless about his...was it a he? Whatever, it was ruthless in its examination of my body, and it feels like it didn't reconnect my muscles properly." Krakard replies, sighing in mild irritation.

"Well, that's what we're here for, making sure our fellow Pathfinders are in prime condition for fieldwork, no matter the issue." The healer replies with a smirk as he begins Krakard's physical.

So, recently I rebuilt a character to be a Monk (Drunken Master archetype), and want to multi-class the character to be a cleric of Sun Wukong. The problem of course is alignments (despite the fact that, flavor-wise, this should work (and mixing Martial Artist and Drunken Master archetypes is not legal due to conflicting abilities)), and I'd like to know a way I could progress both classes with dealing without atonement.

The character is for society play, just for those who need to know, or would suggest some sort of house-ruling.