
Wolfx's page

Organized Play Member. 65 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


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Dark Archive

As much as I want to continue I can't. Please cancel all my subscriptions

Dark Archive

Looks like David knott 242 was correct. I just received my order # and it has the items I was asking about.

Consider this a case closed

Dark Archive

David knott 242 wrote:

They are running the auths to generate the monthly orders right now. The items to be shipped tend to temporarily disappear when they do that.

That hopefully explains the Fumble cards lol


Dark Archive

Also, is there a reason my adventure path is jumping from 3 to 5? I started it at 3 when I selected it as a subscription.

Dark Archive

I was fairly certain I started my PF subscription to include the critical fumble cards but they are no longer showing anywhere. Can someone check this please and advise if I missed it and need to buy separately or if something is amiss?


Dark Archive


Thanks for clearing that up, it was confusing.

Dark Archive

Can someone please check to see why i haven't received my scenarios for Pathfinder even though I have requisite number or subscriptions?


Dark Archive

Called customer service and this has been resolved. Thank you for all your help


Dark Archive

Thanks for all the help Sam. The card listed is the one I need to replace. Every time I try to enter the MC I want to use, it tells me it isn't a valid type. Should I just call customer service?

Sorry about the Bump

Dark Archive


Dark Archive

Why am I getting a Payment type not valid when trying to add a new credit card?


Dark Archive

Please cancel all Starfinder Subscriptions for me. Thanks you for your help


Dark Archive

Can someone help change my address for my billing method to match my default address?

Dark Archive

Just wanted to check to see why my order is still pending? When it might ship?


Dark Archive

That's great news. Thanks for your help.


Dark Archive

If possible can I get an answer to this question so I know going forward.

Did I not set it correctly to use my store credit first then my card? I would like to set it that way going forward.

Thanks for the info on the society scenarios


Dark Archive

Another question.

As a Charter Superscriber do I get the Starfinder society adventures for free or at a discount? How do I go about getting them once they are released?


Dark Archive

Thank you very much. Did I not set it correctly to use my store credit first then my card? I would like to set it that way going forward.


Dark Archive

Is this order using my credit card or my store credit? I want it to use my store credit and not my credit card.


Dark Archive

I am not going to Gen Con. I just looked and there are only 5 items in my sidecart but 8 listed in my subscriptions going out late July early August.

Is something off or can anyone explain what I'm seeing

Also when will the subscriptions start shipping? Mainly care because I am looking forward to the PDFs

Thanks for your help


Dark Archive

I am moving to a PDF only system and so I would like my subscriptions cancelled. I no longer have the space to keep the physical copies.

Thanks for your help


Dark Archive

I am hoping for sooner rather than later so I can download the PDF ;)

Thanks for your help

Dark Archive

I was wondering if this will ship this week or after the con? I am mainly curious so I know when I will be able to download the PDF of Occult Adventures.



Dark Archive

Please cancel my Pawns Subscription.



Dark Archive

Thank you very much for your help

Dark Archive

Please cancel my Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (books) subscription. I really only need the Pawns for my homebrew games.



Dark Archive

Here is the latest Kickstarter from Triple Ace Games.

Atlas of the Frozen North.

Dark Archive

Sara Marie wrote:
The subscriptions have been shipped after the current shipment.

Thanks for your help with everything. Great service as always.


Dark Archive

I wanted to make sure if Order 3152082 was pending due to an issue or just waiting to be shipped?

I would also like to cancel both my Adventure Path and Player Companion subscriptions.

Thanks in advance


Dark Archive

MattR1986 wrote:
What about shattered Pawn Stars?

I am in the process of organizing the pawn set, but I didn't get this series of Adventure Paths. I am hoping someone can help me with the "Type" of some of the individual pawn (as in Undead, humanoid....). I am also looking to know which if any are NPCs from the adventure.

Hope this clears up what I am looking for a bit.

Dark Archive

I managed to track down a few of these but I could still use some help on these;

Dark Rider
Elder Crystallis
Xin Guardian
Axiomite of Xin
Xin's Spirit
Xin Legionnaire
Faceless Angel

If anyone can tell me the type for each and if any of them are NPCs that would be greatly appreciated.



Dark Archive

I am in the process of organizing the pawn set, but I didn't get this series of Adventure Paths. I am hoping someone can help me with the "Type" of some of the individual pawn (as in Undead, humanoid....). This is why I wish they would include they type with list in the preview.

If anyone can also let me know if any of there are NPCs that would be helpful. I tried to look these up in the Reference Document but didn't get any results.

Lurker Above
Flying Polyp
Shriezyx & Enormous Shriezyx
Dark Rider
Elder Crystallis
Xin Guardian
Axiomite of Xin
Xin's Spirit
Xin Legionnaire
Faceless Angel

I don't need the full stat, just the Type of each.

Thanks for any help here


Dark Archive

Thank you both for your help

Dark Archive

I am in the process of organizing the pawn set, but I didn't get this series of Adventure Paths. I am hoping someone can help me with the "Type" of some of the individual pawn (as in Undead, humanoid....)

Dancing Hut
Animated Tank
Idol of the forgotton God

I don't need the full stat, just the Type of each.

Thanks for any help here


Dark Archive

If you were ever a fan of Mutant Chronicles, you need to check out there 3rd Edition KS.


Dark Archive

Thanks for your speedy reply, just wanted to make sure.


Dark Archive

Wanted to see what Order # 2970700 is pending on?



Dark Archive

Can anyone tell me if there is a Pawns set scheduled after Bestiary 3?



Dark Archive

Please cancel all my subscriptions EXCEPT for my Pawns Subscription.

Thanks you


Dark Archive

Just wanted to make sure that my order (#2841185) was just waiting for its turn in the queue and not on something else. Any information would be appreciated.



Dark Archive

Why has my October subscriptions moved to November for shipping?



Dark Archive

I don't always collect all the Adventure Paths, but I do subscribe to the Pawns. Has anyone created a list of each set? Mainly I am looking for what Type (humanoid, outsider...), so I can organize them. I was planning on starting a list for this but figured I would check and see if it had beendone already.

Dark Archive

Any word on what is happening with this? We saw the Humans preview then nothing. Is this still actually happening?

Dark Archive

I would like my Pathfinder Roleplaying Game subscription cancelled so that I only have the Pawns subscription.

Thanks for your help,


Dark Archive

Please cancel my subscription to the Adventure Paths.


Dark Archive

If you like good cyberpunk head on over and help this project be amazing. cyberpunk

It uses the Savage Worlds system, but the world is the part that is worth the price.

Dark Archive

A great new Kickstarter from Triple Ace Games for the Savage Worlds/Hellfrost rules set. an-nights-rpg-fantasy


Dark Archive

What is the process once we send the email? How long do we wait for a response before trying again? Will out VC get back in touch with us about how to proceed?

Just trying to make sure I understand the process


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