Rayhan Xobhadi

Wisewon's page

Organized Play Member. 25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I think the scale is off unless I am using the map wrong. For example, Absalom from Otari says about 38 miles, when a couple settings references say 75 miles. The Kortos mts are about 50 miles from Otari, but this interactive map has it at 25 miles.

I am curious about something unrelated to this map but about distances referenced in texts. The Scar says it is less than 1/2 a day journey from Otari (I take that to at worst to be about 11 hours or 20 miles through a mix of road and wilderness, but the maps shows Kortos 50 miles from Otari, which even on a 3 mile an hour walk (easy road) would take 17 hours.

I am concluding The Scar is actually much farther away from Otari or otherwise it is in the forest / Immen (and not Kortos)...?

Any ideas on the route Volluk took Lasda down to level 4 (understanding it was a year prior)?

I assume not apprentice island given Mister Beak's patient wait, but likely avoided Fresnelkesh and the Morlocks.


James Jacobs wrote:
Wisewon wrote:

Curious about an in-game story element:

A8: had a sink hold collapsed by a battle where Otari fell down, but in AP there is a hint of a staircase.

Later when the party finds Otari he tells them nobody knew about lower levels as an in-game explanation of why he was left to die or presumed dead.

What about this stair? My only hook is that it too could have been hidden but it’s unclear why by a barracks there’d be a hidden spiral staircase?

I get that a meta reason may be to give players a clue if a second level down even if this local toon is generally discouraged as a time intensive way down

In story ideas?

The entrance to that staircase was hidden behind a secret door. It wouldn't have been hidden from those living in the castle way back when, of course, but this was one more level of secrecy/security built into the lower level access.


Thank you!

Curious about an in-game story element:

A8: had a sink hold collapsed by a battle where Otari fell down, but in AP there is a hint of a staircase.

Later when the party finds Otari he tells them nobody knew about lower levels as an in-game explanation of why he was left to die or presumed dead.

What about this stair? My only hook is that it too could have been hidden but it’s unclear why by a barracks there’d be a hidden spiral staircase?

I get that a meta reason may be to give players a clue if a second level down even if this local toon is generally discouraged as a time intensive way down

In story ideas?

Wisewon wrote:
Grumpus wrote:
Wisewon wrote:

Question on F3 and the Side Quest for the Ritual to “unbind.”

Is this the Ritual Spell Rank 6 Binding Circle or a differnet not listed Ritual to unbind? Naturally if it’s the SR6 one the PC is using to reverse that would require a level 11 primary caster for level 5 PCs at the time if I am understanding correctly?

Or perhaps this it’s possible because it a different SR3 ritual? My Players are interested in unbinding and learning the spell/ritual so trying to figure that out

There is no F3 in this book? What room are you talking about? Perhaps you are using the book with all 3 adventures in it, and the re-numbered the rooms.
The single book. It does indeed have a F3

Anyone have ideas in the ritual for the unbinding?


Clarificcation on A9 - does it have a roof or are the walls shows on the map low like a bridge and the opening part fully open to the elements?

Grumpus wrote:
Wisewon wrote:

Question on F3 and the Side Quest for the Ritual to “unbind.”

Is this the Ritual Spell Rank 6 Binding Circle or a differnet not listed Ritual to unbind? Naturally if it’s the SR6 one the PC is using to reverse that would require a level 11 primary caster for level 5 PCs at the time if I am understanding correctly?

Or perhaps this it’s possible because it a different SR3 ritual? My Players are interested in unbinding and learning the spell/ritual so trying to figure that out

There is no F3 in this book? What room are you talking about? Perhaps you are using the book with all 3 adventures in it, and the re-numbered the rooms.

The single book. It does indeed have a F3

Question on F3 and the Side Quest for the Ritual to “unbind.”
Is this the Ritual Spell Rank 6 Binding Circle or a differnet not listed Ritual to unbind? Naturally if it’s the SR6 one the PC is using to reverse that would require a level 11 primary caster for level 5 PCs at the time if I am understanding correctly?

Or perhaps this it’s possible because it a different SR3 ritual? My Players are interested in unbinding and learning the spell/ritual so trying to figure that out

My question is about Drustan

Which Deity is providing the "power" for his champion spells? I would have assumed Aroden, but given Aroden is dead and Drustan is on a different path, what are suggestions?

Question on A11: Why is there no pale light in here if B35 ceiling is being warped by it?

James Jacobs wrote:
Wisewon wrote:

It helps a lot! Thank you so very much, My players tend to be very very immersed and love the world so I try to be ready for all this stuff where I can be.

Many of the maps made by others (I recognize not Paizo) have a west coast pretty far away from Otari. I am not suggesting those are correct, but I just could not find any of all of startstone with major cities and locations in a world guide, but I could have missed it.

Thank you again JJ!

The scale at which the Otari map and the Isle of Kortos map is pretty different, but the coastline to the west doesn't do a sharp 90º turn north either. Fogfen is much bigger than it shows on the corner of the map, and it curves downward to meet the shoreline to the west of Otari is what I was getting at, not that the shoreline itself cures up dramaticly just off-map.

Got it, Fogfen is a waterly area that liters itself down west of Otari, but would be too smal to show on the map (I found one in Extensions Curse), but the lighthouse was not on there, but I assume its just too small.

It helps a lot! Thank you so very much, My players tend to be very very immersed and love the world so I try to be ready for all this stuff where I can be.

Many of the maps made by others (I recognize not Paizo) have a west coast pretty far away from Otari. I am not suggesting those are correct, but I just could not find any of all of startstone with major cities and locations in a world guide, but I could have missed it.

Thank you again JJ!

The location of the lighthouse says “wooded coast,” but many maps have it centered in a Forrest a short walk outside Otari. By coast and the nearby swamp is this the main river connecting merravon and diobel or is it a smaller waterway not shown on many maps flowing southward west of Otari…also trying to assess how the smugglers rowed their way there

Question about D9: Lasda's Lament

p1: A living creature needs to be anchored here so that they are constantly drained and rejuvinated. The energy is siphoned to power the guantlight.

p2: It can be reactivated so long as a "hardy" creature is anchored to it AND both Volluk and voidglutton must be alive/exist in order to get the [magic?] to work properly...

p3: Belecorra's ghost-existence (or existence pre-death) is also required

c1: The lighthouse is powered up and can teleport creatures into "nearby" locations (Absalom would require the lens) as well as animate the dead, but eventually it will run out of juice so it needs to recharge before another similar strike on Otari (or relatively similar distance location) can occur.


Assuming I have that correct, here are my questions on the "mechanics" of how this works.

q1: Why can a living creature be used/needed to teleport creatures?

q2: The narrative on "hardiness of Lasada" implies or suggests that "hardy" is essential trait to power such a lighthouse?

q3: Why does the light go away when Lasada is removed? Maybe asked a better way, what is the essential step/component to pull the light down from lower areas to a living creature bound here should Volluk and VG survive?

(I'd have assumed from a "mechanics standpoint" that the room fills up with the light as it is untethered, and binding a living creature here is in a sense a "poor-persons" focul lens. However, it seems like there is a "pressure plate" for the living creature or ritual that pulls the light through the room below once a living creature is bound here?)

q4: From a story element, there have been many "captured creatures" so why only Lasada? Why the practice run now versus pre Belecorra death or since he has been captured? They have had Lasada for a year, but I feel like I am missing a story element of the timing.

q5: Are the lenses functions simply distance or distance and bandwidth or is there more to the focusing of N's gaze through the lenses resulting in a different level of potency beyond merely range and splash radius? (4 lenses required to fire lighthouse at Absalom is my reference here.)

James Jacobs wrote:
Dalvyn wrote:
(The altar would be D13 instead of D15 in the book though. :) )

Originally, I had a few more encounter areas in that dungeon but ended up consolidating them in order to hit my wordcount; the stairs down to the south at area D12 and the passageway from D12 to area D14 both had their own map tags until relatively late in the game, and were tagged D13 and D14, leaving the room to the north D15.

At the last minute, I consolidated those together into area D12 but forgot to adjust the mention of the teleporter link. A great example of why any writer should be wary about sharing unedited text with the public!

I am curious. Are you able to share what those additional encounters were going to be (exploration/combat/social) from a story and scene perspective?

Thank you. This was very helpful.

I’m trying to reconcile how 10 to 15 foot deep swamp on west side, a collapsed pier, and then B19 is 10 foot deep housing a river drake.

Is the water table of the swamp just really low down from the land that the ruins sit on?

There’s an entrance to B19 from A17 but the thrives boat was tied off at A17 with pier collapsed into mud and river drake can exit from here?

I see the flooded cavern water level is 3 feet below ceiling but this implies that the entire water table of the swamp sits that low below the top floor/ruins? It would also have to be closely equal for the old boat launch to work from servants quarters.

I’m just trying to understand how my players navigate down here as it’s clearly not submerged cavern but thieves didn’t row down it and drake can get out of it despite the collapsed pier.

Thanks for any help.

Any suggestions from JJ or other GMs on creature swaps for remaster?

Drow = Dhampir
Solfugid = Hunting Spider or Giant Ant?
Brownie =

I’d like to pull together a list of creature swaps that use Monster Core but fill the same role as the creature in AV.

I’ll update this as folks provide ideas

Habibi the Dancing Phycisist wrote:

This is kind of answered in Compatibility FAQ site , with further context given by Pathfinder Infinite and ORC blog post and expecially comment thread. This is further elaborated on Pathfinder / Starfinder infinite Q&A video.

If you wish to utlize Pathfinder Second Edition, Lost Omens Setting on your commercialized Foundry product, if you include Pathfinder lore and setting, I assume you need Compatibility License. But further information might be found by contacting licensing@paizo.com.

Understand. I had previously read the FAQ, watched the video, read the Compatibility license, and emailed the licensing emails twice before posting here ;) So trying a different channel to gather clarity.

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Dear Paizo,

For Pathfinder Second Edition, Lost Omens Setting if one wants to create content for commercial purposes on Foundry VTT, which license does one use?
- ORC?
- Compatibility License?

It appears that Pathfinder Infinite only works with Roll20, but is there a way to advance this also working on FVTT? If not, does one use the ORC or the CL for commercial purposes?

Or is this not permitted at all?

I have read them all, and generally understand them, but how it related to FVTT when ROLL20 is called out in one of them has confused me a few other content creators.

Thank you for the clarity,

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Ed Reppert wrote:
"Lost Omens"?

The Settings Book.

Absalom - City of Lost Omens


I am trying to reconcile the dates in the AV Adventure Path with the dates in Lost Omens - has then been addressed somewhere?

1. AV Timeline
4721 AR The current year. Gauntlight becomes infested with a band of mitflits, who are displaced by morlocks pushing upwards at the urging of their “ghost queen.” Gauntlight is ready for a test to demonstrate its power.

Also: Nearly 500 years has passed since Belcorra’s defeat after all, and in that time, she has only posed a menace to Otari through sinister rhymes.

And...4244: Roseguard defeat Belecorra

2. Lost Omens
4514 AR Adventurers defeat the mage Belcorra Haruvex, preventing a devastating siege by her army of aberrations.

The LO also does not mention Roseguard.

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Ed Reppert wrote:

"It's been in my family for generations!"

"How many generations?"

"Well, two."


I just want to add that I think that Ed's question is reasonable, valuable, and that the answer is not straightforward.

Than you for raising it, Ed.
For my take, I think the history and such is all rushed and a bit murky, I take this as an invitation to retcon as you like (this is hard for me personally as I want things to all fit in, but...)

As for the sword, I just took it as the going rate for the raw materials (not the actual trade value for reasons you have provided). I also make all the items in the Roseguard Epics, and the sword an artifact. I often link it to Aroden

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Grave Knight wrote:
I think my immediate problem with the Exemplar is the limitation on their weapon Ikons. It's slashing or piercing, sword or knife, hammer or club or axe, spear or polearm or stick, and ranged weapons. It'd been cool to see things like shield boss (though technically barrow's edge does let you use shield spikes) or brawling weapons.

I gave this same feedback. Brawling weapons seem like a big miss (even in playtest).

I'd like the idea that keeping it in one's "soul" should also provide empower options to a Saving Throw, Perception, Vision/Sense, Temp HP, or Key Ability Mod

Aratorin wrote:
It still feels like an overly complicated mistake to me that the duration for afflictions is for some reason reduced at a different time than every other duration in the game, but I can't refute what's written, so I guess that's how it works.

These are two different things:

1. CRB 455 (Durations) are the rules on when the duration counter ticks down. It lets you know what how many more rounds of the max duration are left. ("...the remaining duration decreases by 1 at the start of each turn of the creature that created the effect.") [Example: the spider that bit you and with its venomous bite affects you for a max or 10 rounds, every time this spider starts it turn, your max rounds decrease by 1.]

2. CRB 469 (End of Your Turn) are the rules when the effects of the stage you are suffering from happen. [Example: you take 1D8 poison damage]