Lion Falcon Monk

William Pall's page

Organized Play Member. 564 posts (567 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


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I'm going to be running The AoA AP for my group soon. I'm currently reading through the six books of the AP and have been skimming through the posts here in the forum to get an idea of what to expect as we play through the AP. Despite only being in book 2 of my initial read through, I understand that the core concept of the AP is "Establish your Power Base in Castle Altaerein and use the Teleportation Hub to see the world."

But, I know my group. Based on our experiences with Kingmaker, and building up Stachys and Merratt in War For the Crown, I could very easily see them being just as interested in developing the surrounding countryside of Isger in and around Breachill just as much, or more, than going on the world tour by way of elfgate.

I did some searching for info on Isger. As near as I can tell the government is holding on by a thread . . . the countryside throughout the nation is lawless and over-run by monsters and bandits. Elidir is in debt to neighboring countries for their assistance in the Goblin War of two decades past . . . and that's not even considering the fact that Hedvend IV is a puppet of distant Cheliax.

With all that said, I want to get feedback and advice here in regard to my idea of prompting my players to build up Castle Altaerein as the focal point for the instigation of a new revolution. Build up a powerbase and the love from the Isgerian people in Breachill and beyond to become a political threat to Elidir. To wrestle control of the nation away from Chelish influence and put it back in the hands of the people.

Like I said, I think that this will be something that my group will be able to sink their teeth into. I know that if I dangle this option in front of them as an AP sub-plot there will be things I need to consider, the very least will be a response from Hedvend, and his Chelish Masters.

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So I am still trying to wrap my head around Strawberry Machine Cake, but one thing I'm fairly certain that clicked in my head as I was skimming through Alien Archive info is that if SMC doesn't have a herd (pack . . . grouping? not sure of the term) of Skittermanders as roadie's and stage hands.

Devasura wrote:
Dead Suns 2 starts immmediately after Dead Suns 1. Claim to Salvation is written for lvl 1 characters.

Claim to Salvation is written for lvl 4 characters.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
How would you handle XP with that setup? It seems from my admittedly uneducated perspective that your party will end up quite overlevelled by the time you’re in the middle of the AP.

Having only skimmed, I hadn't gotten that far. Of course, I'm not upset you bring that up, just means I'll have to make sure I make a note to keep an eye on things. But, if the XP gap becomes too large, then I'd probably have a conversation with the group. Do they want to continue running both the AP and the Scenarios with the same characters, or would they like to start a character tree, and have one PC for the AP and a different one for the Scenarios? While different groups may vary, knowing my group, they might be fine being able to steam-roll the path. Of course, there's always the option for me just upping the difficulty on the encounters.

The Cyber Mage wrote:
Biggest problem with this is Acts 2 and 3 take place back to back without leaving the drift rock in normal structure. Consider moving both Fugitive and Claim to after Dead Suns concludes.

Hmm... Hadn't noticed that. But, like I said, skimming. After grabbing the book and skimming more... I see what you mean. New order:

Dead Suns Act 1
The Commencement
Into the Unknown
Yesteryears Truth
Dead Suns Act 2
Dead Suns Act 3
Fugitive on the Red Planet
Claim to Salvation

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Alright, I'm not sure if this will help anyone, but I'll throw in my two cents for how I'm going to attempt to approach this chronology of events. Once I get a chance to run Starfinder, it will be in this order:
Dead Suns Act 1
The Commencement
Into the Unknown
Yesteryears Truth
Dead Suns Act 2
Fugitive on the Red Planet
Dead Suns Act 3
Claim to Salvation

Granted since I've only just skimmed, it may change, but it seemed like others were asking for others thoughts.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
double post!

Nope, it was a triple post. But I deleted the other two.

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So, I'm still fairly new to Starfinder and looking through the rulebook, when I got to the Starship section I was very happy to see what was there. But, also unhappy at how few options were there.
I would assume that there will be a future book that will have additional options, but until then, I'm curious What other options people have come up with.
The one idea I have I'm not sure how it would stated out. We have the Hanger Bay and Shuttle Bay options. They both take up multiple Expansion Slots, and (at least to me) feel very much options that are in the interior of the ship. I'm curious what BP and PCU cost would be for an exterior docking ring/clamp. Something secure enough to hold a smaller ship through Drifting.
What I'm picturing is a ship that has a fairly powerful drift engine that has as many of these docking clamps as they can fit that could hold a ship two categories smaller with no (or slower) drift engine. The larger ship acting as a ferry if you will.
Anyone with thoughts on my Expansion Bay option or have some of their own? New Frames, New Starship Weapons, New Bay Options?

CalethosVB, that's fantastic.

Alright, I wasn't sure which forum to post this in, but I figured here or Conversions . . . so, whatever.

I got thinking the other night as I was playing the Star Wars MMO. In SWTOR they have what's called Legacy experience and levels. For those not familiar with the game it's a seperate experience track that every character you have gains, but which is shared between all your characters. It's gained at a slower rate than normal experience, but every new character you start you have whatever amount of Legacy you've already accumulated. The higher Legacy level you have, the more perks you have access to for all your characters.

Now, I'll freely admit that I don't think the Legacy system was implemented as well as they intended in SWTOR, but that's not here nor there right now.

What I was thinking is trying to figure out how I could apply a Legacy type system to my Pathfinder game. Yeah, setting up a seperate experience track for the players is easy (even if I just track it myself for right now), but I'm trying to think of ways I can think of legacy perks or boons that can be provided when their Legacy level goes up.

The only thing I can think of is if for one reason or another a player gets bored of their current character and wants to change out their PC for a new one. Their new PC would have their character level start at the same level as the player's Legacy level. It'd be easier than having them start from level one.

I'm just not sure what other options should be available to players as they get a high legacy. I plan to have the Legacy tracking persistant through multiple campaigns (within the same homebrew campaign world), but I thought I could push the idea out to the community to see if anyone else had thoughts.

I realize you might already be familiar with them, but as a means to fuel the flame . . . Do a google search for Tyranids. I get surprized sometimes how people are aware of the zerg, but not the 'nids...

Anonymous Visitor 163 576 wrote:

Others are obvious: Fireball is red.

I'd suggest that you eliminate the arcane/divine distinction, and make, say, shield of faith a white spell.

Well, yes, but there are still divine casters in the setting.

Efreeti wrote:

+1 to working on a spell by spell basis.

Please, tell us how it goes.

Considering how much larger this has become, it might be a bit longer before I post anything. But as soon as I do I will.

Ah... I bit off more than I expected. Lovely. Welll, I'll be back to post when I've done that.

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Okay, I'm working on my own homebrew setting and made another post about having the five gods of the setting inspired by the five colors of magic in Magic the Gathering.
Thanks to the other thread, I think I've got a good bead on that, now for the next aspect of world building. For specialist wizards, we have the eight schools of magic. Obviously I can't assign a one for one transposition going from eight to five. But I think I've come up with a solution. My thoughts are as thus:

Black is Necromancy and Conjuration (Calling).
Green is Transmutation and Conjuration (Creation).
Red is Evocation and Conjuration (Summoning).
White is Abjuration and Conjuration (Healing).
Blue is Conjuration (Teleportation) and Divination, Illusion, and Enchantment.

I loose out on having a special conjurer. And I think that "Blue Wizards" will have to choose which "branch" they'll specialize in. In the setting, the Blue God is the God of Magic, so part of me feels that it's appropriate there would be more of them.

Thoughts anyone?

Didn't expect such a response so quickly. Thank you for that at the very least.

Looking over all the suggestions, I've revised my list:
White (LG): Air, Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Law, Liberation, Nobility, Protection, Sun (10 domains), Longsword
Blue (LN): Charm, Knowledge, Madness, Magic, Protection, Travel, Trickery, Water, Weather (9 domains), Quarterstaff
Red (CN): Artifice, Chaos, Destruction, Fire, Luck, Rune, Scalykind, Strength, War (9 domains), Greataxe
Green (TN): Animal, Charm, Earth, Good, Healing, Plant, Strength, Travel, Weather (9 domains), Bow
Black (NE): Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, Knowledge, Madness, Repose, Trickery, Void (9 domains), Whip

I left Protection with Blue because when I played magic (granted this was back in the mid-90's) it seemed Blue's ability to counter, and dispel wasa good reflection of a protective defense by having a good offense.

I guess that might be a backwards way of looking at it, and maybe my reasoning for having artifice in Red might be from the same style of thinking.

I think that for the purposes of clerics within my homebrew, and the fact there's so far gods, opening the alignment restrictions to allow for two steps, not just one step from patron's alignment. [Example, a cleric of Black could be of any non-good alignment, Red of any non-lawful, Blue of any non-chaotic . . .]

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Alright, to make a long story short. I volunteered to run a Pathfinder game and somehow I said I would use a homebrew setting (which consists only of random stray thoughts in my head right now) for the game.

There was some character creation last night and the player who chose to make the divine caster asked what deity options they had. I'm horrible at explaining things, but what I told him (which really does match up with the stray thoughts in my head) is that there were only going to be five gods, each one based on a color of magic used in Magic the Gathering. Through the course of the night we figured that his Warpriest would have the White God (or Goddess) as their patron, with the Healing, and Good blessings.

So, that much I know is set. Now it comesto a matter of fleshing out the rest of the pantheon so that as the game advances there's internal consistancy. So far I've made a list of domains from the CRB and matched them up to the five colors as best I can and assigned alignments. I know it's not going to be exact because the five colors were not intended to be shoe-horned into Pathfinders alignment system, but it's something at least.

White (LG): Air, Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Law, Liberation, Nobility, Protection, Sun (10 domains)
Blue (LN): Charm, Knowledge, Madness, Magic, Protection, Travel, Trickery, Water, Weather (9 domains)
Red (CN): Artifice, Chaos, Destruction, Fire, Luck, Rune, Strength, War (8 domains)
Green (NG): Animal, Charm, Earth, Good, Healing, Plant, Weather (7 domains)
Black (NE): Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, Repose (5 domains)

Considering how few gods there will be in the setting, I'm okay with the large selection of domains per god. But, I'd feel better if Black had a few more.

I know I'm not an expert on MtG, but I'm curious if anyone can give their opinion whether I'm on the right track, if I'm oblivious to something? Also, if anyone has suggestions on favored weapons or really any suggestions at all.

Thank you for the feedback everyone.

The MT theurge I doubt will see much combat time. there are seven players in the group and we agreed as a party that cohorts from leadership would be non-combative types (unless people are missing for the week) to make it easier on the DM. We have an Oracle for healing, and a Alchemist for buffs . . . I'd just be stepping on toes.

For the WBL . . . wealth by level? The way I looked at it, the PC's would be able to provide the material cost to the MT and place their order, and then the DM could indicate when the items done (as appropriate for plot).

Bear with me, I'm not sure if as I explain this it will make sense. I'll try to make this as succient as possible.

In my groups current Pathfinder game (set in 3.5 Forgotten Realms), I picked up the Leadership feat. My character is a LN Fetchling Monk 8 and just recently aquired a Shade template (homebrew modification from the DM of the 3.5 template).

For one reason or another, the idea I came up with for my cohort was to get a LN Mystic Theurge (Wizard/Cleric [Shar]) who focused on the magic item creation feats.

I think my train of thought behind the idea was that if the item crafter has access to both arcane and divine magic, there's a better chance of meeting the pre-req's for crafting.

Was my logic faulty in that? I know with the cohort's level cap due to the leadership feat is currently six, therefore he doesn't have any levels of the prestige class yet.

Is there anything I'm over-looking? I like the idea of a dedicated magic item crafter friendly to the party (assuming the party is willing to accept items crafted by a servant of Shar [evil laugh]). Any suggestions for the build?

I apologize for the thread necromancy. But, I need someplace to . . . vent? No, not the right word . . . I need to . . . I'm not sure, just bear with me.

The last year has been very rough. My wife had surgery in January, then again in May, September, and then finally once again a few weeks ago to check on the status of the hormone treatments they put her on for the cancer . . .

To make a long story short . . . the hysterectomy is scheduled for the 28th. The hormones worked, kinda. just not well enough. they were reducing the cancer just in a very minuscule amount. after the last surgery, the doctor said that after a hear of being on the hormone treatments, it's just not effective enough to remain a viable plan.

We have no kids. Now, we will have no kids biologically. people mention surrogacy, and egg harvesting, and such, but we honestly don't know what type of cost there would be . . . and our finances are tapped from a year of medical bills.

Other's have also said adoption. I'm not saying that adoption is out of the question, but just not something the wife wants to think about right now . . .

TLO3 wrote:

Curve blade, elven 80 gp 1d8 1d10 18–20/×2 — 7 lbs. S

Here or in the Core Rulebook.

Hmmm. . . I had looked at the Campaign Setting Book first . . . I stand corrected.

Beckett wrote:
I didn't notice anyone else mention it, but Dazzling Display (and the next feat on that tree) would also be something to look at in keeping the fluff side.

Interesting . . . very interesting.

Beckett wrote:
Forget Weapon Finesse, unless you need it for your character, but it hasn't anything to do with the fighting style.

I think the reason I added Weapon Finesse to the list is my initial thought was to have high dex for the initiative modifier and therefore it's plausible that the character's dex would be higher than strength.

But I do take your meaning.

Kaisoku wrote:

I would definitely recommend the Elven Curveblade. It screams "twohanded katana/wushu blade" style. It's finessable, and it has an extended crit range (so with Improved Crit or Keen, it's going to critical 30% of the time). Two handed so Power Attack gives more (for those times when you are fighting lightly armored foes and need less attack bonus).

The only drawback compared to other twohanded weapons is that it is only single dice damage, so it's a little behind in the Vital Strike curve.

Stats I see for Elven Curved Blade have a normal Crit range with higher multiplier . . . not sure where you're looking.

Cold Napalm wrote:

Which weapon?

In anycase, if your gonna make use of vital strike, you may wanna get the miss chances feats in as well.

At this point, due to laziness to do research, I'm leaning toward short sword or rapier. Not quite the exact same imagery as iaido/jutsu, but I think the theme of what I'm trying to do stays intact.

"Miss Chance" feats?

Based on the discussion here and a back-and-forth with my groups resident "crunch" guy, I pretty much have the stats firmed up for this character.

High Dex Rogue with Improved Initiative feat, Quickdraw feat, the Vital Strike feat line, Weapon Finesse as Rogue talent, Weapon Focus as Rogue talent, and the Keen Weapon Enhancement.

Rogue will have slower BAB than fighter, but having Sneak Attack damage added to that first strike (opponent most likely flat footed when I beat their initiative, right?) will be nice.

Now just to decide on the fluff . . . probably more important. Though, I have been considering naming him Paladin, and have his business card read "Have Sword, Will Travel" . . .

Lyingbastard wrote:
Also, the Samurai class in 4WFG's Paths of Power has Iaijutsu as a combat style, which evolves into Battojutsu at 11th level. There are specific techniques learned on the Iaijutsu path, such as Reverse Draw, Sitting Draw, Senbongiri, Kabuto Wari, Raijukengiri, Swallow-Tail Cut, Tameshigiri, and Turning Draw.


Thanks for the info all. I think between High Dex, Improved Initative, QuickDraw, the Vital Strike Line, and Weapon Finesse Feats, I've got the foundation for my character.

I understand what you are saying Cold Naplam/Shifty, so at this point I doubt I'd have him sheath the sword after each attack. Granted, if he does end up one-shotting something, There'd be no reason he couldn't (Yes, Teneck, after the appropriate 'snap').

While contemplating possible character idea's, one idea that popped into my head was a practitioner of [link=]Iaido[/link], which consists of drawing and sheathing your weapon with every strike.

I was pondering how to portray this with 3.5/PRPG rules . . .

Off the top of my head I would say a high Dexterity, Quick Draw, and Weapon Finesse at the very least. Anyone else given this any thought?

Of course, I could just label it all fluff, but what's the point of that?

Well, the wife went to the specialist yesterday. I say she went because of the fact that I could not join her.

I am considered "home-bound" by doctors due to being in recovery from surgery on Wednesday. I had an Abscess removed from my left butt cheek. I am stuck home, not able to go to work, not able to leave the house this weekend for gaming.

Because the specialist was an hour away, my wife's father went with her. But, good news.

Apparently the cancer is in the lining of the uterus, not the uterus itself. the specialist said that it's very common, and prescribed three months of hormone therapy. Afterward, another surgery to see if the cancer's gone.

At that point, either it will be gone, we continue with the hormones, or if it's worse, take out the uterus. But, the specialist said that the hormones fix problem nine times out of ten.

Seriously guys . . . . I appreciate everything you guys are doing. But I feel slightly bad seeing as how it's my wife with the cancer and I'm the one getting the gaming stuff.

I got another e-mail where someone anonymously gifted me PDF's of the Pathfinder Rules and Beastiary . . . . thank you.

Now, my wife does game with my group and I on occassion, but she's not nearly the gamer that the rest of us are. I guess part of me thinks that if this community is so desirous to provide for our gaming wants . . . it should be comprised of things we can be sure both of us (or her moreso than me), enjoy. granted, this might fall under more board games than specific pathfinder items . . . .

Gah . . . I hate how I tend to ramble.

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Set up a public wishlist with the items you mention I'm sure you have friends here who would be willing to help you out with getting those items.
ChrisRevocateur wrote:

That being said, I think TAD's idea is perfect. Heck, I think I can scrounge up something to help you aquire the corebook, as no gamer should EVER be without a corebook for their game of choice.

So here's a call to the community, let's all throw in some cash and use the "aid another" action, whether its a +$2 morale bonus, or a +$20 morale bonus, I'm sure anything would help.

No no no, please no. I'm not asking for more of a gift than what was already provided. I was trying to determine what to do with that which had been given already.

Please, no wishlists, no more gifts. that which was given already means more than anything.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Is harvesting her eggs and doing the surrogate mom thing an option for later?

At this point we don't know. I would expect after we meet with the specialist this Thursday we'll find out more details.

I love this community. The people here are awesome. But, due to how awesome you all are I'm in a bit of a pickle.

To be able to put all this in perspective . . . I was a charter subscriber to the Pathfinder Adventure Path back two and a half years ago. When WotC canceled the dead tree versions of Dragon and Dungeon I was unemployed and living in Michigan, one of the haqrdest states hit by the economic trouble facing everyone.

Right before the cut off for becoming a charter member, I was able to find gainful employment and was able to provide for an increase in the gaming budget to sign up for the subscription.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago. My wife goes in for surgery with her new gynocologist. Somewhat routine biopsy type to figure out the cause for some irregularities in her cycle. He wanted to treat the cause rather than just the symptoms.

We had an appointment with him for this coming Monday for surgery results. We got a call shortly after the surgery asking us to come in early. Last Friday we found out that my wife has Uterine Cancer.

We were told that it is very early stage for this type of cancer, it's been found earlier than is usual. We also have nothing to indicate it's spread beyond just the uterus. For those reason's we were told that it's not considered life-threatening at this point.

The reason it's not life-threatening is because the simple solution is to remove my wife's uterus. This will mean removing also the option of us having children biologically. We have been trying for kids since our marriage in 2002, and our common desire for a family is partially what brought us together around the turn of the millennium.

Because at this point it is uncertain, even with insurance, what expenses we may have in the future. I posted earlier this week in the customer service forums to cancel the charter subscriber status I've had and enjoyed. I indicated I would be re-subscribing once my budget allows.

Today in my e-mail I get notification that someone in this community gave me a gift certificate. Attached was the note, "For the Kingmaker AP - take care and best of fortunes". There's no indication as to which member of this fantastic community provided this gift.

I respect the anonymity that the gift was sent. I do not want or need to know who sent this to me. I can not express how much I appreciate this. The only problem . . . is I'm not sure if I want to set it aside for the Kingmaker Adventure Path.

There are some gaming supplies I have not been able to acquire yet, such as the Pathfinder Core Rule Book, Beastiary, and Campaign Setting and such.

In an effort to not dis-honor the intent behind this gift, I want to ask the community a question. Would using the gift certificate to get the rulebooks for the Pathfinder System instead of the next Adventure Path be considered disrespectful to the intent behind the gift?

Thanks Guys.

As far as the big C (or as it's been nicknamed "Invader Zim"), From what we've been told it was found very early. Much earlier than is usual for this type of cancer. Due to that, the doctor who found it is stating that they don't consider it life threatening at this time. We have an appointment with a specialist, where we should find out more.

As much as it pains me to say this . . .

Please cancel my Pathfinder subscription after Volume 30 ships. (Which I've received confirmation e-mail for).

I want to continue with Pathfinder, show my support, but due to recent cancer diagnosis in the immediate family, certain budgets are being reviewed.

I will re-start the subscription once budget allows for it.

Can't remember full details, but this past sunday our group had a second 6 man TPK at Mokmurian.

psionichamster wrote:
He has, if i recall correctly, Point Blank, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Gunslinger, Quick Draw, and then the Weapon Focus/Weapon Specialization line for firearms.

Yup, have all those, er . . . except for Gunslinger, but it's on the short list of feats to pick up. Also have Two Weapon Fighting, Imp 2WF, and Greater 2WF.

psionichamster wrote:
He's a Rogue 2/Fighter 6 at this time, and doing quite nicely now with his damage output.

Yeah, I'm going straight fighter. I just can't see taking the levle of rogue just for the sneak attack damage.

psionichamster wrote:
Finally, Master Craftsman for Craft(Firearms) will allow you to make enchanted weapons for yourself (as noone else is likely to know how)

Well, I've got Craft (Gunsmithing) and Craft (Alchemy) to be able to make the masterwork guns. DM's letting anyone who can enchant a bow enchant a firearm equally well.

ericthecleric wrote:
Check out the "Alkenstar" thread. There's something you might like in there.

Yeah I looked. that's a nice write up for the Alkenstar fighter, just not quite what I'm looking for.

[snarky, jovial sarcasm]Wow, thanks everyone for all the suggstions and ideas![/snarky, jovial, sarcasm]

Well, anyway, I just wanted to post further and pass some idea's by the community. it seems that for the firearms that my DM is letting me use, he has some house-rules that he's implementing.

Firearm is as listed in the PCCS, but doubled. (Scattergun still loses 1d6 damage per range increment)
Any smoke powder exposed to fire and/or electrical current (i.e. any unspent rounds I'm carrying when I fail a save versus fire/lighting) will explode. I can't remember the exact damage, but with 220 bullets he advised me it would be 114+?d6 points of damage.
Firearm damage still "Aces" as listed in the PCCS.
Firearms still jam on crit failures as listed in PCCS.
Rifles/Scatterguns reload one shot per free action w/rapid reload (limit one per round)
Pistols reload one shot per move action w/rapid reload
Smoke Powder market value is 50gp for one ounce, but with a DC 15 Alchemy check and expending 17gp of crafting materials, one ounce can be crafted. For every 1 that the check exceeds the DC, an additional ounce is created.

Anyone else have any house rules for firearms?

My group experienced a TPK tonight during our run through of Rise of the RuneLords (taken out by some freaky thing called Loknorian or something, we're in part four- that's all I know) and with my cleric gone, I wanted a change. I decided that ranged combat expert would be cool, and figured I could go with a gunslinger from Alkenstar as a nice twist. We're running the game using 3.5 rules (hence posting this here).

So, after the session, as everyone was discussing idea's, I was looking through the Campaign Setting book trying to decide what I would need for the character. (the replacements will be starting with 56,492xp and 66,000gp)

Of course Firearm Proficency is needed, and rapid reload was suggested as a "must have" by several people at the table. I am thinking Quick Draw, Precise Shot, and the Gunslinger Feat from the Campaign Setting. Craft (Alchemy) and Craft (Gunsmithing) would be needed to make and repair the guns and ammo if I'm not wanting to hike back down to Alkenstar whenever I run out of bullets. It was suggested I look through the 3.5 PHB2 for some weapon mastery feats. Can anyone think of anything else I'd want to remember for the character?

Going off of nothing but wild speculation, I'm going to say that the 4e campaign setting for 2010 is not Dark Sun (if I'm wrong I'll be happy though)

My guess is on DragonLance. At GenCon this year, we have DragonLances 25th anniversary. What better time to announce that 2010 will be the next campaign setting?

Jes' sayin'

Based solely from what I've read on these boards, once I get the PHB2, I plan to make either a multi-classed Paladin/Avenger or a pair of characters whose focus to to work together at all times, maybe siblings that trained together, one from each class.

P.H. Dungeon wrote:
I worry that Celine Dion will suddenly join our party.

Well, from what I understand, there is the capability with PHB2 for a Deva Bard . . . I assume they could be female. ::Ducks thrown pottery::

As someone who has yet to get the book. Are Deva the re-boot of the Aasimar race, or is that still forthcoming?

I haven't been able to get my hands on the PHB2 yet, but I'm really curious to find out if an idea I had would be plausible.

Would a Multi-classed Paladin/Avenger or Avenger/Paladin work well?

Apologies for the thread nercomancy, but . . .

I used to play M:tG a long while ago (according to dates listed on wikipedia for the sets I remember, August of 94 through June/July of 95) and never thought about getting back into it until this past saturday at a new FLGS that's opened up near me I saw they had magic cards. my wife and I were both there and I assumed that Magic could bea good game to play with each other. I checked with the owner if there was much a "magic community" in the area. He said yes.

We bought two Conflux Intro Decks, and four Shards of Alara Boosters.

I will be going to the store on "Magic Night" as my work schedule permits, but see no reason to find on-line reasources as well.

Anyone willing to push me in the direction of some good online resources to help re-aquaint myself with the game? has the game changed much? if I'm ever able to find my old cards, would they be worth using?

Vic Wertz wrote:
Just change a few nouns here and there, and that could almost be Paizo's reaction as well.

Great Minds think alike.

Pat Payne wrote:
So asking for a one- or two- off Castles and Crusades adventure would fall on deaf ears? :D

Huh? Wha's that you say sonny? I can't hear ya.

And get off my lawn!

pres man wrote:
EDIT: Durrr, I forgot to post the real thing I wanted to. The feat that allows you to use both a klar and an earthbreaker and keep the AC from the klar is called "Thunder and Fang" and is on p.28 of A History of Ashes (PF#10).

Thanks Pres man, found the feat.

Actually, thank you everyone for your feedback and input on this. My buddy likes the idea of Thunder & Fang, but doesn't have the right feats to pick it up in a timely manner.

But where that lead is just getting a buckerto use with the Earthbreaker and keep the Earthbreaker two handed. I think he mentioned there's a feat called improved buckler defense that would help him out with using it. Any further suggestions?

Fatespinner wrote:
I believe the feat in question is called "Monkey Grip" and it doesn't just specify mauls. It states that you can use ANY two-handed weapon in a single hand, albeit at a -2 penalty to hit (if I recall correctly). So yes, I don't see any problem with allowing the feat to work with an Earthbreaker as it is broad enough to include any such weapon already.

Hmm . . . He mentioned Monkey Grip as an option as well, so I was thinknig he was refering to another feat for the maul specifically. I'll have to research this once I get access to my books again.

I was talking with a member of my gaming group and he’d mentioned a plan he had with his barbarian character. The character wields an Earthbreaker, a two handed weapon. He said that in the Complete Warrior there is a feat that allows a maul (also a two handed weapon) to be wielded with one hand, and it works similar to the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feats work.

He postulated that considering the similarities between Mauls and Earthbreakers, would it be balanced to be able to take an equivalent feat to the one in CW but for the Earthbreaker instead of the Maul. I believe his desire it to free up a hand in order to carry a shield and up his AC. The Barbarian has already died twice in the campaign (once being resurrected, the other time being re-incarnated [going from a human to an orc in the process]).

Since I don’t think he has internet access right now, I thought I’d post this. Is the idea of a feat for one handed usage of an EarthBreaker feasible? Are there already any feats in pathfinder that do this that we’ve missed?

Wow Grim Cleaver, where are you getting all this? I want to read more about this metaplot your describing.

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