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![]() Archpaladin Zousha wrote: How would you handle XP with that setup? It seems from my admittedly uneducated perspective that your party will end up quite overlevelled by the time you’re in the middle of the AP. Having only skimmed, I hadn't gotten that far. Of course, I'm not upset you bring that up, just means I'll have to make sure I make a note to keep an eye on things. But, if the XP gap becomes too large, then I'd probably have a conversation with the group. Do they want to continue running both the AP and the Scenarios with the same characters, or would they like to start a character tree, and have one PC for the AP and a different one for the Scenarios? While different groups may vary, knowing my group, they might be fine being able to steam-roll the path. Of course, there's always the option for me just upping the difficulty on the encounters. The Cyber Mage wrote: Biggest problem with this is Acts 2 and 3 take place back to back without leaving the drift rock in normal structure. Consider moving both Fugitive and Claim to after Dead Suns concludes. Hmm... Hadn't noticed that. But, like I said, skimming. After grabbing the book and skimming more... I see what you mean. New order: Dead Suns Act 1The Commencement Into the Unknown Yesteryears Truth Dead Suns Act 2 Dead Suns Act 3 Fugitive on the Red Planet Claim to Salvation ![]()
![]() Alright, I'm not sure if this will help anyone, but I'll throw in my two cents for how I'm going to attempt to approach this chronology of events. Once I get a chance to run Starfinder, it will be in this order:
Granted since I've only just skimmed, it may change, but it seemed like others were asking for others thoughts. ![]()
![]() So, I'm still fairly new to Starfinder and looking through the rulebook, when I got to the Starship section I was very happy to see what was there. But, also unhappy at how few options were there.
![]() Okay, I'm working on my own homebrew setting and made another post about having the five gods of the setting inspired by the five colors of magic in Magic the Gathering.
Black is Necromancy and Conjuration (Calling).
I loose out on having a special conjurer. And I think that "Blue Wizards" will have to choose which "branch" they'll specialize in. In the setting, the Blue God is the God of Magic, so part of me feels that it's appropriate there would be more of them. Thoughts anyone? ![]()
![]() Alright, to make a long story short. I volunteered to run a Pathfinder game and somehow I said I would use a homebrew setting (which consists only of random stray thoughts in my head right now) for the game. There was some character creation last night and the player who chose to make the divine caster asked what deity options they had. I'm horrible at explaining things, but what I told him (which really does match up with the stray thoughts in my head) is that there were only going to be five gods, each one based on a color of magic used in Magic the Gathering. Through the course of the night we figured that his Warpriest would have the White God (or Goddess) as their patron, with the Healing, and Good blessings. So, that much I know is set. Now it comesto a matter of fleshing out the rest of the pantheon so that as the game advances there's internal consistancy. So far I've made a list of domains from the CRB and matched them up to the five colors as best I can and assigned alignments. I know it's not going to be exact because the five colors were not intended to be shoe-horned into Pathfinders alignment system, but it's something at least. White (LG): Air, Community, Glory, Good, Healing, Law, Liberation, Nobility, Protection, Sun (10 domains)
Considering how few gods there will be in the setting, I'm okay with the large selection of domains per god. But, I'd feel better if Black had a few more. I know I'm not an expert on MtG, but I'm curious if anyone can give their opinion whether I'm on the right track, if I'm oblivious to something? Also, if anyone has suggestions on favored weapons or really any suggestions at all. |