
Wareagle's page

Organized Play Member. 836 posts (1,165 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.

Bluecrater Academy

One of the tallest buildings in Cauldron, Bluecrater Academy is also the primary place of learning here. The building has five stories, each of which is dedicated to an increasing level of education. Financed by partially by tuition fees (but also by the support of nobles like Lady Ophellha Knowlern, the Aslaxins, and the Taskerhills) Bluecrater Academy is where the lucky youth of Cauldron go to learn a trade. The upper floors consist of extensive libraries and researcher’s offices.

The Brass Trumpet

An abandoned tavern.

Cathedral of Wee Jas

This towering structure is one of the most impressive and beautiful in Cauldron. The church of Wee Jas has always been powerful in Cauldron, but not as well liked as the churches of Kord or St. Cuthbert, since the clerics of this church tend to be standoffish, curt, and even creepy. The clerics of Wee Jas are responsible for dealing with the unclaimed dead of Cauldron, and maintain vast catacombs for anyone whos rich enough for burial but doesn’t have a personal crypt. Most of the dead in Cauldron are cremated. The cathedral is run by Embril Aloustinai, although she rarely sees visitors and leaves the day-to-day operations to a cleric named Ike Iverson. The cathedral is also staffed by a cleric named Calmus Vel and several lesser clerics and ten acolytes in training. The cathedral maintains a supply of healing potions and scrolls as well as other religious equipment that may be purchased. The most common items are listed on the table: Cathedral of Wee Jas Goods & Services.

Church of Saint Cuthbert

The two-story Church of St. Cuthbert, its white marble walls suffused with veins of vivid blue, stands in stark contrast to the buildings of bare black stone that flank it on the north end of Obsidian Avenue. A pair of white marble statues depicting armored warriors stands on either side of the temple’s heavy oaken door. Each of the statues raises a great mace to the sky. Above the door’s marble architrave are boldly inscribed the following words: “WITHIN LAW LIVES HOPE.” Sarcem Delasharn was the high priest until he was recently murdered. A foreboding man in his middle years with iron-gray hair, whose reputation for firm fairness probably stemmed from his policies about protecting the downtrodden, particularly, his interest in the Lantern Street Orphanage. In the last few years the orphanage has received much outreach support from the church of Saint Cuthbert and his faithful congregation. It is now up to Jenya Urikas the new high priest to carry on Sarcem's Legacy. She has several subordinates who handle additional duties around the temple and around town. A paladin of St. Cuthbert, named Alek Tercival guards the temple and occasionally patrols the city. The church maintains a supply of healing potions and scrolls as well as other religious equipment that may be purchased. The most common items are listed on the Table: Temple of St Cuthbert Goods & Services.

Church of Pelor

This small yellow tower is tended by a single cleric named Kristof Jurgensen. His resources are limited of late. The shrine to Pelor has always been fairly small and minor in Cauldron especially since Kristof’s three superiors recently died under mysterious circumstances, leaving him in charge of the entire shrine. The shrine maintains a supply of healing potions and scrolls as well as other religious equipment that may be purchased. The most common items are listed on the Table: Shrine of Pelor Goods & Services.

City Gates

Citizens of Cauldron are allowed to pass through the city gates for free; visitors are required to pay a 1sp gate tax. A frequent visitor to Cauldron can purchase a month gate pass for 1gp after a rigorous interview process. Gate passes are a hot-commodity on the black market.

Coy Nixie

The Coy Nixie is a high-class tavern and dancehall owned and operated by the Aslaxin family. Although the prices here tend to be nearly double the normal asking price, the food and drink are rivaled only by the cusp of sunrise. These two locations have a healthy competition—while the Cusp is generally held to have better food, drink, and entertainment, there are no membership fees at the Coy Nixie.

Cusp of Sunrise

The Cusp of Dawn is a well-known dinner club and Inn for nobles. Access is by invitation from a member only, and the membership list is reputed to be quite exclusive. A trip along Obsidian Avenue reveals an ivy covered cross-shaped building with a circular tower that stretches as tall as the city walls. An engraved sign on the ironbound door says “C.o.S.—Members Only.” Soft music and laughter can often be heard from within. This high-society club is a favorite place for Cauldron’s rich and powerful to meet and relax. It is owned and operated by Lady Ophellha Knowlern.

Dark Angels Charter House

This building until recently was Ghelve’s Locks but has since been purchased by the Dark Angels Adventuring Company.

Drunken Morkoth Inn

This is perhaps the most popular inn in the city. A regular stop for many merchants and traveling adventurers, the combination of comfortable beds, good food, and reasonable prices make it a favorite among the city’s returning visitors. Each of the rooms here is decorated with a humorous painting of Cauldron’s legendary lake monster, a large morkoth. The paintings depict the morkoth in any number of embaressing and ridiculous scenes, always with the morkoth drunk and confused, and often in incongruous locations.

Garthun Imports

This well-kept building houses the offices of Adrick Garthun, a prominent merchant whose import of alcohol, tobacco, exotic sweets, and seafood has catapulted him to the height of success.

Ghelve’s Locks

The former residence and shop of Keygan Ghelve, a gnomish locksmith, reputed to have been one of the finest locksmiths in the world. A small Turret dominates the façade of this two-story black stone building. Iron bars are embedded in the thick window frames. While Keygan owned the shop you could see a lovely display of locks from large to small, simple to complex beyond the Turret’s ground-floor windows. To the left of the turret, above a heavy oak door, swung a simple sign that read: “GHELVE’S LOCKS.” The storefront smelled of wood and pipe smoke. Two padded chairs used to flank a hearth containing a small yet lively fire. The fireplace’s carved mantle often bore a tinderbox, a small vase of dried smoke leaves, and a finely wrought collection of pipes. A burgundy strip of carpet lead from the entrance to the wall across from it, where you could see dozens—perhaps hundreds—of keys hanging from tiny hooks. A handsomely engraved mahogany counter stretched along one wall. Behind it hung a red curtain that neatly hid the rest of the store. Keygan liked his customers to feel comfortable. The padded chairs, hearth, smoking pipes, and other accoutrements were intended to put visitors at ease. The keys on the wall open various locks. When Keygan sold a lock, he would point to the key that opened it and allows the customer to remove it from the wall—a bit of ceremony goes a long way.

Gurnezarn’s Smithy

This smithy is generally regarded as the finest such establishment in the city. Its owner, Phalian Gurnezarn has long held his own against the relentless aquistion and domination of his trade by the Lathenmires, and has his own skill and loyalty of his customers to thank for the fact that he’s now the only non-Lathemire smith in town. As a result, his prices are the highest in town but as he is the only source of masterwork weapons and armor this doesn’t hurt his business too much.

House Rhiavadi

This may well be Cauldron’s most conspicuous display of wealth. Lady Rhiavadi has long been one of the city’s wealthiest nobles. Common knowledge holds that much of her wealth is inherited, but rumor holds that she has her hands in a large number of illegal enterprises as well.

Lakeside Pavilion

This open pavilion is one of the oldest structures in Cauldron. Said to have been formed via magic cast by Surabar Spellmason himself, the pavilion is traditionally where the lord mayor issues announcements and decrees. It has also become a favorite place after dark for illicit meetings.

Lantern Street Orphanage

The orphanage rests on the corner of Lantern Street and Lava Avenue, it’s charcoal-colored stones held together with mold encrusted mortar. The windows both sides are tightly shuttered, but a few slivers of light manage to escape from within. Lanterns hang on either side of the oaken front door, mounted to which is a green copper knocker shaped like a smiling gargoyles visage, its nostrils pierced by a copper ring. The ground floor of the orphanage is dimly lit and contains a main hall (with a staircase leading to the second floor), a kitchen with stairs leading down to a cellar pantry, a dining hall, a playroom for the children, a schoolroom, a small bathroom and staff quarters. The second floor is divided into three rooms: A spacious bathroom with two large tubs and two large bedrooms filled with cots. One of the bedrooms currently holds 19 girls; the other holds 31 boys.

Lathenmire Manor

Given another few years, the Lathenmires could be inducted into Cauldron’s nobility. As it stands, the family is as rich as most of the other nobles, having effectively cornered the market on the local arms and armor trade. The Lathenmire manor is a sprawling structure with several training rooms and trophy halls on it’s ground floor.

Lord Mayor’s Residence

This Large Compound is the oldest structure in the city. The traditional seat of power for the town, the estate’s ownership has been held by the Navalant family for the last 200 years. The current lord mayor, Severen Navalant is well liked.

Maavu Imports

Although he keeps a home in Redgorge, local merchant Maavu Arlintal spends much of his time here in Cauldron at his office. The modest two-story building has several meeting rooms and a bookshop on the ground floor, and a small apartment on the upper floor.

Maavu Warehouses

Local Merchant Maavu Arlintal keeps several in Cauldron. As with most other merchant warehouses, about 50% of the holdings here are various forms of food stores for the city that are kept and sold by the Grocer’s Guild. In return for donating half his storage space, Maavu enjoys a greatly reduced tax rate.

Meat on a Stick

Just north of Magma Avenue is a well-weathered red-brown tent adorned with a tattered banner featuring a simple red sausage. The tempting scent of spices and roasting meat drift out of the open flap. Inside a jovial gnomish merchant serves stuffed sausages on a stick to a surprising number of patrons. Meat on a Stick has been a fixture in Cauldron for more than twenty years but the smiling proprietor is new, the gruff but well meaning Deamer Ardol retired less than a year ago and sold his business to Hobart Lund.

Minuta’s Board

This low cost inn and flophouse caters to anyone who can’t afford to stay at Cauldron’s better inns. Prices here are 75% normal but the owners make no guarantee against theft or loss of property.

Orak’s Bathhouse

Orak’s Bathhouse is a squat, windowless building of dark stone. The baths are open from noon to midnight everyday.

Shrine of Heironeous

If anything the Shrine of Heironeous is smaller than the church of Pelor. The shrine, a relatively recent addition to the city of Cauldron was established only 150 years ago when a noble family dedicated to the worship of Heironeous settled in Cauldron bringing the worship of their patron deity with them. About fifty years ago when the patriarch of the family disappeared in the wilds surrounding the city while hunting some ancient evil, the small support in the city for the shrine dwindled. Today, an aging priest and two acolytes staff the shrine.

Skie’s Treasury

Numerous Stores in Cauldron sell some magic items and gear, but only one of them makes its sole business buying and selling magic items to adventures: Skie’s Treasury. Skie’s Treasury is a modest building crafted from blocks of volcanic stone the façade of the building bears dozens, if not hundreds of sigils and symbols that have been carved in the face of the stone with chisels. One door and a pair of tiny windows face the road and overlook the lake below. Above the door a sign proclaims the establishment to be “Skie’s Treasury”, but more impressive are the numerous items of treasure—rings, coins, wands, necklaces, rods, potions, scrollsand more—that seem to slowly orbit the sign and shine with soft golden light. Every now and then, two of the items bump against each other, ringing softly like a wind chime. Inside, the stores shelves are fairly sparse, but never empty. Skie sells enough magic to keep herself in comfort, and has no real ambition to make a fortune at the job. Each of the items on her shelve is kept in a glass cabinet under lock and key, displayed on a silk pillow with a small placard that describes the item’s known history, powers, and what party sold the item to Skie. She doesn’t normally allow shoppers to physically inspect items. A current list of what is available for purchase in Skie’s Treasury is available from the DM.

Slippery Eel Tavern

The Slippery Eel is a favorite tavern for the city’s miners, plantation workers, and other working class citizens. The food and drink is cheap, and the town guard tends to ignore the place, making it a handy site for illicit deals and clandestine meetings.

Sure Foot Livery

Sure Foot Livery is the largest (and only) livestock and livestock accessory business in town. The business is run by a no-nonsense halfling-woman named Tippys Surefoot.

Taskerhill Manor

This massive manor is four stories in height, and is easily the most ostentatious of Cauldron’s nobles homes (with the possible exception of House Rhiavadi). The manor is home to the fantastically rich Taskerhill family. Lord Taskerhill is the wealthiest noble in Cauldron. He owns several mines in the nearby mountains as well as a prominent workshop that ships exquisitely crafted obsidian furniture and knick-knacks to the indolent cities of the north.

Temple of Lordly Might

The church of Kord is nearly as popular and powerful in Cauldron as the Church of St. Cuthbert, if only because they sponsor numerous sporting events and demonstrations for the people of Cauldron through out the year. This church is currently headed by a male half-orc cleric named Asfelkir Hranleurt he is attended by other lesser clerics and a dozen acolytes in training.

Tipped Tankard Tavern

This tavern is typically regarded as the best place in the city for common folk to get a drink (the Coy Nixie and the Cusp of Sunrise both held better reputations but are generally out of the price range for the working citizen). It’s a favorite place for off duty city guards, and as such, brawls are fairly rare.

Town Hall

Cauldron’s town hall is a single-story building and one of the oldest structures in the city. The building serves as a place for the Lord Mayor and his advisors to hold meetings with the nobles and other movers and shakers of the city, but they don’t live there. Records of ownership, historical documents, and similar archives can be found here. The town hall is patrolled regularly by guard detachments.

Tygot’s Old Things

Tygot Mispas, a 120-year-old halfling retired from adventuring for two decades, owns a small but well-stocked antiquity shop on Lava Avenue. “Tygot’s Old Things” specializes in non-magical art objects gathered from across the known world. Tygot himself has excellent commercial contacts in the capital city of Sasserine, and frequently buys old documents and art objects from local adventurers. Tygot’s best customers include the lord mayor himself and many nobles in Cauldron. His shop is a two-story structure with a small flat on the upper floor and a well-organized business area on the lower. The main shop itself contains an impressive assortment of less valuable antiquities, mostly vases, statuettes, small furniture, and tapestries. Apart from the occasional trip to the Coy Nixie for a frugal meal, Tygot spends his time writing his memoir and casting diminuative plaster replicas of Cauldron’s monuments (Town Hall, the Cathedral of Wee Jas, the Lakeside Pavilion, etc.). He sells these replicas in his shop for 1gp each

Vanderboren Manor

This large manor houses the members and servants of the Vanderboren family, Cauldron’s newest nobles. The Vanderborens are the equivalent of real estate tycoons. Less respected by the other nobles because they are self-made, they constantly look for ways to make the other nobles look bad to increase their standing among their new peers. They also own and fund the Lantern Street Orphanage. Both Vanderborens got their start on their feet: Premiach as a runner for a messenger service and Aeberrin as a server in a tavern.

Weer’s Elixirs

Owned and operated by Vortimax Weer, a retired adventurer this cramped shop is the go to place in town for alchemical items and potions. A wide selection of potions, magical dusts, elixirs, and other similar wondrous items may be found here. Vortimax himself is a cranky old curmudgeon who has little patience for youngsters, and even less for anyone who tries to haggle his high prices. He is one of the most practiced wizards in town and spends much of his time teaching alchemy and magical theory at Bluecrater Academy.

Westkey’s Map Emporium

Bolar Westkey, a gnomish cartographer, who recently settled in the area, runs this modest shop. He sells maps of all manner, including regional and local maps as well as a fair collection of treasure maps. Standard maps run from 2 to 20gp, while his treasure maps are sold for 100gp a shot (with no guarantees of the map’s validity).

Zanathor’s Provisions

While to the untrained eye there may seem to be nothing unusual going on at this general store, its owner, Bjellkir Zanathor has the unique honor of being the only living citizen in Cauldron who has seen the Crater Lake Monster. He’s always ready to tell the story of how his small fishing boat was attacked late one night and sunk by the fantastic creature several years ago. The thing bit off his leg and left one of it’s teeth lodged in his hip. Zanathor is willing to show off his scars, wooden leg, and the tooth, which he’s mounted on a wooden display that hangs above his counter.

Campaign Start

In general, life in Cauldron is good. The town guard deals with the local troublemakers but leaves the bigger problems (like marauding monsters) to the lord mayor or one of the many churches in town. Both the lord mayor and the churches hire local adventurers to deal with such problems immediately.

Townsfolk are generally pleased with the lord mayor, although a recent string of disappearances and robberies worries them. People have been taken from their homes during the night, and the town guard has been unable to identify the culprits or locate the vanished citizens. Moreover, the victim's homes were stripped of portable valuables. It seems that no place is secure.

The town gaurds investigations have brought up little and no matter how hard they search and investigate the kidnappings they can find no ties between the victims only that they seem to strike at young to middle aged townsfolk usually those in healthy condition. To make matters worse recent heavy rainfall indicate the coming of the Flood Festival but with the citys current state the people of the town may not even be able to hold the festival or even worse, hold back the flood! Almost two whole months have passed since the first kidnapping and lckily enough the rain has held back since then two but still the town has no leads on the perpotrators.

To make matters even worse for Cauldron, sightings of goblin raiders has increased signifigatly decreaseing the number of shipments to Cauldron, but the town gaurd is no state to send men out to surronding roads with the current trouble in the city. Many have fled from the city to Redgroge some even farther and took ship to far off places some evenproclaim the city to be cursed and take thier chances with the greenskins outside. Through all this choas Sarcem Delasharn high priest at the Church of St.Cuthbert has been found murdered, A foreboding man in his middle years with iron-gray hair, whose reputation for firm fairness probably stemmed from his policies about protecting the downtrodden, particularly, his interest in the Lantern Street Orphanage. In the last few years the orphanage has received much outreach support from the church of Saint Cuthbert and his faithful congregation. Jenya Urikas took his death hard and found herself promoted to the head of the Church and now must carry on Sarcem's Legacy. The most recent kidnapping was that of four children from Lantern Street Orphanage has outraged many locals and prompted the distraught cleric of St. Cuthbert to use ,Jenya Urikas, to use a holy relic kept in the church to St. Cuthbert to cast a divination spell to reveal several important clues into the recent kidnappings she swore to take up Sarcem's Legacy and she planned to do just that. Through the last few weeks Jenya and her clerics have been looking into the kidnapping at Lantern Street orphanage though they did not get much farther than the guard they have learned several important clues very important clues though she cannot piece them together.

Since her Search began Jenya has received several ominous letters all signed J, each very threatening and ominous trying to dissuade her search, she did not listen to these such letters and her search has continued for many days. Rain seems almost constant now and only perhaps a day or two each week the sun shines bright and the rain doesn't fall things are not looking good for the city for if these mystery's are not solved by the flood the city will be put in a much more dire situation than before. Your everyday lives have been hardly affected by this chaos although rumors spread but yet all are blind to the true threat as evil schemes are afoot in Cauldron and a dark corruption hides in the shadows pulling everyone's strings and no one is the wiser....

The night was dark the rain thick but such weather is not uncommon with the upcoming Flood Festival and as fate would have it six misfit citizens of Cauldron each have ties to Cauldrons past each has an important piece of a puzzle to seal the fate of Cauldron and perhaps the whole world of Greyhawk.

Crispin Turanor::
You’ve led a particularly tough life since the day you were born you have always had a run of bad luck, even now in your little shack as you drink away what little remains of your fathers trade you cannot help but fear the fate of the town. Living in the poor area of town closest to the lake you would be one of the first to be brought down by the flood should this rain continue and if it doesn't what will it matter your almost dry on cash and would be homeless sooner or later either way. If only something would happen in your life something good for a change then maybe it wouldn't be this bad maybe if you got out there, but those thoughts are beyond you if only you could break away from your memory and start life anew but until such time arises you'll just stuff your face in the few old tomes you have laying around and pray that perhaps Barek your good friend will find you a lead then you can both get out of the gutter and get you life together, if only your past didn't drag you down. You try to ignore the towns current problems as you have enough yourself and drown your sorrows at the Tipped Tankard Tavern (For affordable ale.) and sometimes Jennis can get you into the Bluecrater Academy library. However no matter how much ale you drink how many books you read you cannot forget your dark past every time you look at your amulet it reminds you of that horrible day and that deep and empty feeling fills you, nothing can make you forget you realize you will have to live with it. That feeling fills you know as you sit in your small shack it digs into you a feeling all to familiar perhaps a drink yes a drink would do it it...has to and maybe just maybe while getting this drink something, a miracle will happen and flip your life back up onto it's feet. You look out the single window of your house rain is heavy outside and the lake grows ever more full every minute counts now, matters have to be taken into your own hands.

Barek Laigin::
You find yourself at your usual drinking place this fair evening lone at your usual table downing pints like nothing and giving the wink to the barmaid who occasionally passes, but you cannot get the disappearance of your uncle out of your head, sure you never actually met the man but the idea of one of your family kidnapped by gods know who weights heavy on your heart. Never before did you take the recent kidnappings very seriously until now, you received the news from your brother only a week back and you just can't get it out of your head. The city has been through utter chaos as of late and several times you have considered leaving your family behind but something in you keeps you going keeps you in this hell-hole of a city. One way or another your family will respect you and you will be back on their good side, you have been scheming ideas for year but not without the occasional help from Crispin, Hagin and few other close friend but your time to act is now as you are slowly wearing out your welcome with your brother and your missing Uncle might just be that one chance, you have been pondering the idea for days and the kidnappers have dragged your family into the mess you realize that if you were somehow able to find your missing uncle and stately return him to the family you would be more than honoring your family and they would welcome you arms wide back into the family, the idea is flawless though the thing is you have no leads as to were to start no one has a clue about who the mysterious kidnappers even are the guard would likely not tell you anything and you highly doubt they have learned anything useful anyway your only chance is at the Church of St. Cuthbert but the idea of even stepping foot back in there sends a shiver up your spine but as rumor has it Jenya has some important leads on the matter and maybe just maybe would be willing to help you, but right now you must tend to your ale is it desperately needs some drinking.

Your belief in your faith has served you well for your years in service to the temple you have lead an average life as a faithful until most recently when the kidnappings began, as mysterious and ominous as the kidnappings were you did not fear being a potential target unlike many of the city residents you felt something completely different that this could lead to your great destiny. At first you waved off the idea but you could not help but feel the urge to look into the manner to help the poor sods who's whereabouts are now unowned. The recent kidnapping of one by the name of Deakon Stormshield is what prompted you to your decision. He was one of your fellow acolytes at the church of Pelor, you got to know the young dwarf well during your days there and his recent disappearance drove you to take the matter into your own hands. Your destiny awaited you knew that it had to of, a week has passed you have consulted with the guard asked around town but your investigations yield much in the ways of information just more loose ends. You have kept your investigations a secret to all but the head at the Church of Pelor who you often consult your findings with you do not wish for others to be dragged in and hurt by his actions or words as this sort of investigation is usually not permitted for citizen to poke their noses around. This morning you received a letter most ominous regarding your search: "You have been stuffing your nose were it doesn't belong give up the search now and nothing bad has to happen. J" Who and why would send to you such a letter you wonder and who knew of your search? These are questions in which you have no answers evil is afoot you realized as Clergy of Pelor it is your duty to rid of it, but you have no leads as to who sent it J is all it said but that brings you nowhere you consider what to do were to go and you realize your quest is secret no longer. You remember Barek talking about his latest scheme to get on his family's good side (His uncle in who he never met was one of the kidnapped victims few weeks back he had some crazy idea to rescue his Uncle from the kidnappers though he has never actually made any attempts at trying his schemes if the two of you were headed for the same goal...) You shake off the idea in your head perhaps it is best to consult with Kristof and hopeful he can shine some light on your note.

Things you have learned: People have been kidnapped from every district in town. The crimes are not particularity localized. Most of the victims are low-to middle-class citizens, but otherwise nothing seems to connect them. The perpetrators always pick the locks of the victims dwellings and make off with their pray and any easy to carry loot no screams are heard from the dwellings and no creeping figures have been seen at night. The burglary's always happen at night.

Jennis Silgerk::
Your days at Bluecrater Academy near it's end and soon enough your old pa will see your worth and you will return home, only you would if the Academy were open the recent kidnapping of many academy students and two of the professors lead to a temporary closure of the Academy and until the perpetrators are found then your last days are put at hold. Life has been such a bore without the Academy and your pa won't even talk to you since your training is finished. One of the students who had been kidnapped was none other than Elethor Ashstaff one of your fellow Academy students also training in the Arcane art he was the only in the class to match you skill and with him gone your class would be a bore even if it were open, perhaps if you wait things will just fix itself but the way the current investigations are going that seems like a very unlikely possibility. The possibility's are slim that the town guard will actually uncover anything before the Flood Festival and if that happens god's know what the fate of Cauldron will be, but this could be the opportunity of adventure and if you could perhaps find yourself a group of adventures you could end this incredible bore and in the process get the Academy back up and running. Problem is you have no leads none at all you don't often get out of your apartment and have no knowledge if any such group is forming or the true level of crisis, well then it's time to get out there and look then in the dark and rainy day what better a day for something exiting to happen...hopefully.

Trane Loften::
The troubles in Cauldron as of late have startled you, you feel a strange presence that of evil you know it to be out there but were and what you know not. Though you were not a very religious man you still visit the Church of St. Cuthbert to honor the god you served and sometimes just to remind yourself of the days growing up there. The recent death of Sarcem Delasharn filled your heart with sorrow and you often return to the chapel to honor your old friend, you did not mind Jenya taking up the new place of high priest after Sarcem's death but you knew that the Church would have a hard time recovering and Jenya had a lot to learn she is still young and you do not really believe she can head the Church, but she is the one Sarcem chose as his successor and you trust his word. Jenyya was just finishing he training when you had first begun though you both had separate training and you never spoke to her you remember tat Sarcem did take good care of her almost like she was his daughter. After Sarcems death you visited the Church much more often to honor him and check up on the Church's status. Your life continues as per normal apart from your more frequent going to the Church but you could not help but think about Sarcem he was still in your head and his death still heavy on your heart, one day you decided to visit his grave to perhaps end your sorrow. It was raining that night but rain was very frequent lately with the Flood Festival coming and hardly a thing to note, you gave him proper farewells and placed upon his grave your old holy symbol which you had received during your training. An image flashed in your mind at that moment you saw shadowy figures all cloaked in black hooded robes stalk the street and head to a nearby alleyway were one takes a key from his pocket and unlocks the side door they creep inside grab a young man a few finite pieces of loot and exit the building they then crawl on to the rooftops and silently leave the scene the vision then blurs and you retract you hand from the amulet. Sarcem had should you a vision it must have been but of what and why you quickly relate the vision to the recent kidnappings and then to Sarcem, if the kidnappers are responsible for Sarcems death you would, you wipe the thought away and return to home to sleep on it. You do not rest well this night come the morn you are no closer to any answers than you were the night before, but you realize that you are the only one to have ever glimpsed at the kidnappers even it in only be a vision. Perhaps Jenya can shine some light on your situation she has already begun a search of her own and with your combined knowledge you might be able to get somewhere, maybe they aren't demons but your ancestor had to have started somewhere and this could be your chance to fulfill your legacy as descendent of Surabar.

Yvette Gallowfall::
You have lived alone with your father all your life but never have you seen him like this before he hardly speaks and you can tell that something is weighting down his heart something he keeps secret from you. No matter how much you ask him he always responds saying he is fine though you can see it in his eyes he definitely is not. Since you lost your job as city guard you have felt more free, although you have had little work as a freelancer and your pa is not proud that you lost your job you can tell that life as a freelancer suits you a lot better than your days in the guard. Your life has been mostly unaffected by the abductions and chaos save for that it turns the attention of gossip off of you and onto the kidnappers and abductions, you have had several freelance jobs as a caravan guard for merchants headed out of Cauldron due to the goblin activity arisen as of late few will walk the streets outside Cauldron. Out of these few trips you have only encountered the goblin raiders on one trip, it was a massacre you counted at least thirty goblins and many of their foul dog companions many of the other guards fell but luck shined on you that day and you survived the battle though few others did the merchants returned to Cauldron and have stayed ever since not wanting to encounter the beasts again. It was strange the normally cowardly goblins raiding the weak and even the strong goblins are not organized like the group you fought that day you have thought about it ever since and even looked up some information at the city library on goblins to further pursue your assumption. Those goblins they could not have thought up such cunning tactics it is not goblin ways, those goblins are clearly under new management. You did not share the events of that ill fated caravan with any it was your own little secret. Eager for more work you have spent more time at the tavern with Barek, Trane, and Hagin. Barek as always was scheming new ways to get back onto his family's new side he told you he had a new plan though he did not explain it any further, you know Barek he has never actually gone through with any of his little schemes but this time you saw something in his eyes something that told you this time it was different. Maybe he has a need for a good sword arm, perhaps you'll have a little work something big this time.

Above is the events of each character on this cold damp night and any important events that have happened before the events of the game.

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Hey you lot and welcome to my Shackled City AP and I hope that we all have a good one. There are quite a few things that we have to cover before we begin.

>Your timezones
>Preference on hp per level
>Character relations (As you are all a citizen or have at least been in Cauldron a few weeks you are bound to have bumped into one another before.)
>Your life in Cauldron (Your daily life any exiting events your family and home etc.)
>For role playing and story purposes I want all PCs to have a campaign trait on top of 2 normal traits.
>Character Personality's

I think that's all and I thank you all for joining me I hope we have a good one!

Cauldron is a small, conventional city with a mixed population of about 7,500 adults (79% human).

Cauldron is believed to have been founded some 700 years ago by Sundabar Spellmason. The story goes that Surabar led a small army inland from the recently founded city of Sasserine. He fought to rid the region of an ancient demonic taint. The events of which are re-enacted every year at the Demonskar Ball.

Cauldron was built in the caldera of an extinct volcano. The caldera provides both natural defenses and a supply of fresh water. The elevation keeps Cauldron’s temperatures below that of the surrounding jungle, giving Cauldron a roughly temperate climate. Cauldron is the most populous area in the Cauldron Region. Nearby villages include Redgorge, Kingfisher Hollow, and Hollowsky.

Cauldron is ruled by a Lord Mayor, elected to his position every two years. The post is currently held by Severen Navalant, whose term expires in roughly 20 months. Other important individuals in the city include Terseon Skellerang, captain of the guard, the members of the noble families, and Cauldron’s few wealthy merchant interests.

Cauldron’s buildings are relatively tightly packed together, and made primarily of volcanic stone and wood. The four main roadways are cobbled and wide enough to support several wagons abreast. Smaller avenues connect the four roadways, which form concentric terraces down to the lake in the center of the town. From outer to inner, the avenues are named Obsidian, Magma, Lava, and Ash. Sewage from privies runs underneath the streets in specially built trenches, which all houses feed into. The runoff outlets are dug deeply into the heart of the lake, which is periodically purified by the clerics of the town to ensure that any sewage that doesn’t sink into the volcano’s depths is neutralized.

A 50 foot high wall of black malachite surrounds the outermost ring of the city. The closer you are to the wall, the nicer the accommodations and the more likely you are to encounter nobility. The closer you are to the lake, the shoddier the construction and the more likely you are to get your coin-purse nicked. Houses directly on the lake are often built with stilts to protect against flooding during the rainy season in winter.

Cauldron boasts temples to St Cuthbert, Bahamut, Kord, The Raven Queen, and Pelor. Though other gods are worshipped, none have temples dedicated to them within the city.

Coins can be exchanged for trade bars and gems at Alameda Moneylenders, just off of Obsidian Avenue near the South Gate. Bars are also available from the Lord Mayor’s office. No surcharge is levied for exchanging coins for trade bars or gems.

Taxes in Cauldron are light. Citizens play a flat tax of 1gp per year, usually at the year end holidays. Merchants and nobility are charged a 5% income tax over the course of the year. There is a 1sp gate tax charged for any non-citizen entering one of the gates. Monthly gate passes can be purchased for 1gp, and the purchasers must submit to a rigorous background examination.

All inhabitants of Cauldron that own a building, or are part of a family that owns a building, is a citizen regardless of economic status. Most Cauldronites have a simple malachite ring made or given to them when they reach the age of majority. The ring always bears the symbol of the city, a mountain with a chunk taken out of the top, inside which is fitted a staring eye. Nobles often purchase very elaborate rings, or have extravagant broaches made to show their citizenship.

During the rainy season the central lake overflows, often putting the lower rings of the city at risk for flooding. The yearly Lowering of the Waters ceremony uses rituals of control water to reduce the risk.

In general, life in Cauldron is good. The town guard deals with the local troublemakers but leaves the bigger problems (like marauding monsters) to the lord mayor or one of the many churches in town. Both the lord mayor and the churches hire local adventurers to deal with such problems immediately.

Townsfolk are generally pleased with the lord mayor, although a recent string of disappearances and robberies worries them. People have been taken from their homes during the night, and the town guard has been unable to identify the culprits or locate the vanished citizens. Moreover, the victim's homes were stripped of portable valuables. It seems that no place is secure.

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The Village of Hommlett—or merely "Hommlett," as it is commonly called—is situated in the central part of the Flanaess, that portion of western Oerik Continent which is known and 'civilized.' The hamlet-sized village (local parlance having distinguished it with the greater term) is located some 30 leagues southeast of the town of Verbobonc, or thereabouts, on the fringe of the territory controlled by the noble Lord the Viscount of Verbobonc. It is at a crossroads.

To the north is the mighty Velverdyva River, along whose south bank runs the Lowroad. Many days' travel to the east, on the shores of the Lake of Unknown Depths (Nyr Dyv), is the great walled city of Dyvers. The village of Sobanwych lies about halfway along the route. Below that to the southeast and east are miles and miles of forest (the Gnarley), beyond which is the Wild Coast, Woolly Bay, and the Sea of Gearnat. The road south forks a league or so beyond the little community, one branch meandering off towards the Wild Coast, the other rolling through the lower Kron Hills to the village of Ostverk and then eventually turning southwards again into the elven kingdom of Celene. The western route leads into the very heart of the gnomish highlands, passing through Greenway Valley about a day's travel distant and going onwards to the Lortmil Mountains far beyond.

Hommlet grew from a farm or two, a rest house, and a smithy. The roads brought a sufficient number of travelers and merchant wagons to attract tradesmen and artisans to serve those passing through. The resthouse became a thriving inn, and a wheel and wainwright settled in the thorp. More farmers and herdsmen followed, for grain was needed for the passing animals, and meat was in demand for the innfolk.

Prosperity was great, for the lord of the district was mild and taxed but little. Trade was good, and the land was untroubled by war, outlaws, or ravaging beasts. The area was free, beautiful, and bountiful — too much so, in the eyes of some.

Whether the evil came west from Dyvers (as is claimed by one faction) or crept up out of the forestlands bordering the Wild Coast (as others assert), come it did. At first it was only a few thieves and an odd group of bandits molesting the merchant caravans. Then came small bands of humanoids—kobolds or goblins—raiding the flocks and herds. Local militia and foresters of the Waldgraf of Ostverk apparently checked, but did not stop, the spread of outlawry and evil.

A collection of hovels and their slovenly inhabitants formed the nucleus for the troubles which were to increase. A wicked cleric established a small chapel at this point. The folk of Hommlet tended to ignore this place, Nulb, even though it was but 6 miles distant. But its out-of-the-way position was ideal for the fell purposes planned for this settlement, as was its position on a small river flowing into the Velverdyva. The thickets and marshes around Nulb became the lair and hiding place for bandits, brigands, and all sorts of evil men and monsters alike. The chapel grew into a stone temple as its faithful brought in their illgotten tithes. Good folk were robbed, pillaged, enslaved, and worse.

In but three years, a grim and forbidding fortress surrounded the evil place, and swarms of creatures worshipped and worked their wickedness therein. The servants of the Temple of Elemental Evil made Hommlet and the lands for leagues around a mockery of freedom and beauty. Commerce ceased, crops withered; pestilence was abroad.

But the leaders of this cancer were full of hubris and, in their overweaning pride, sought to overthrow the good realms to the north, who were coming to the rescue of the land being crushed under the tyranny wrought by the evil temple. A great battle was fought.

When the good people of Hommlet saw streams of ochre-robed men and humanoids fleeing south and west through their community, there was great rejoicing, for they knew that the murderous oppressors had been defeated and driven from the field in panic and rout. So great was the slaughter, so complete the victory of good, that the walled stronghold of the Temple of Elemental Evil fell within a fortnight, despite the aid of a terrible demon. The place was ruined and sealed against a further return of such abominations by powerful blessings and magic.

Life in Hommlet quickly returned to a semblance of its former self, before the rise of the temple. For five years afterward, the village and the surrounding countryside have become richer and more prosperous than ever before. A monstrous troll which plagued the place for a time was hunted down by a party of passing adventurers. Carrying the ashes and a goodly fortune as well, the adventurers returned to the village. Before going elsewhere to seek their fortunes, the adventurers also returned a portion of the villagers' losses. Other adventurers, knowing of the evil that had once resided in the area, came to seek out similar caches, and several did find remote lairs and wealth—just as some never returned at all.

After a time, adventurers stopped coming to the area. It seemed that no monsters were left to slay, and no evil existed here to be stamped out. The villagers heaved a collective sigh—some pained at the loss of income, but others relieved by the return to the quiet, normal life—and Hommlet continued its quiet existence for four years more.

But then, a year ago, the bandits began to ride the roads again—not frequently, but to some effect. To the good folk of Hommlet, this seemed all too familiar, so they sent word to the Viscount that wicked forces might still lurk thereabouts. This information has been spread throughout the countryside, and the news has attracted outsiders to the village once again. Who and what these men are, no one can be quite sure. All claim to be bent on slaying monsters and bringing peace and security to Hommlet; but deeds speak more loudly than words, and lies cloak the true purposes of the malevolent.

Lets start with some pictures

Road to Hommlet

Viscounts Map

The six of you have been called to meet personally with the noble Lord the Viscount of Verbobonc this is an honor that few are granted. But this meeting is not one of pleasantries but business, he assigns you to an important task. The Viscount has heard of the growing bandit sources to the east and sends you to aid the village in finding the source of the malevolence. He only gives you a map and six mount fit for your size and explains nothing further nor why it was you he summoned. "You are to leave immediately" he says "and don't worry there will be plenty of time to get to know one another" With little choice in the manner you gathered your supplies bought what meager equipment yo could afford and head for the road to Hommlet. The three days trip was spent quietly and lasted little time you have had little in the ways of conversation with your new peers and time passes quickly.

Your party is now approaching the Village of Hommlet, having ridden up from lands of the Wild Coast. You are poorly mounted, badly equipped, and have no large sums of cash. In fact, all you have is what you wear and what you ride, plus the few coins that are hidden in purses and pockets. What you do possess in quantity, though, is daring and desire to become wealthy and famous. Thus your group comes to Hommlet to learn. Is this indeed a place for adventurers to seek their fortunes? You all hope, of course, to gain riches and make names for yourselves. The outcome of this is uncertain, but your skill and daring, along with a good measure of luck, will be the main ingredients of what follows, be it for weal or woe. The small community at the crossroads is a completely unknown quantity. What is there? Who will be encountered? Where should you go? These are your first explorations and encounters, so chance may dictate as much as intelligence. Will outsiders be shunned? Are the reports true — is the whole community engaged in evil practices? Are the folk here bumpkins, easily duped? Does a curse lay upon those who dare to venture into the lands which were once the Temple's? All of these questions will soon be answered. The dusty, rutted road is lined with closely-grown hedges of brambles and shrubs. Here and there it cuts through a copse or crosses a rivulet. To either hand, forest and meadow have given way to field and orchard. A small herd of kine graze nearby, and a distant hill is dotted with the wand stone chimneys with thin plumes of blue smoke rising from them. A road angles west into the hill country, and to either side of the road ahead are barns and buildings — Hommlet at last!

The adventure begins...

This wood and plaster house is wellkept, and the barn beyond is bulging with hay, grain, and so forth. Several fat animals are about. Two large farm dogs bark at your approach, and a rosy-cheeked goodwife appears at the doorway shouting out at the dogs behind her a four young boys who run out as their mother openings the door they play in the front yard but one runs over to you. "your adventurers real ones you must be coming to ol Hommlet to slay a ferocious monster that roams are land aincha but I have only 'eard a dem in strorys." The boy continues rambling on to you delaying your advance.

Now is a time to do some roleplaying among yourselves and villagers while I slowly move you through Hommlet. You entered from the bottom right path coming from the west on map.

Hey you lot and thank you for joining me in The Temple Of Elemental Evil. Though our party currently missing one member I am willing to start this with just you six there are a few tings that need to be covered.

>Your timezones
>Preference on hp rolls (I know rolling in 1st ed can be a pain if any has an alternative idea I am listening)
>Character relations (Either any back story you may have with other characters or what your character thinks of them etc. The party has been together for 3 days at the start of thy adventure.)
>When giving combat actions include total THAC0 mod with currently equipped weapon, Ac, Hp current and max and of course your action.
>I make ALL of your rolls just to make it clear.

DM's question of rules:
I have a question I am unsure of: does the party roll initiative each turn or only round one?

I hope we all have a good one THANK YOU!

The six of you have been called to meet personally with the noble Lord the Viscount of Verbobonc this is an honor that few are granted. But this meeting is not one of pleasantries but business, he assigns you to an important task. The Viscount has heard of the growing bandit sources to the east and sends you to aid the village in finding the source of the malevolence. He only gives you a map and six mount fit for your size and explains nothing further nor why it was you he summoned. "You are to leave immediately" he says "and don't worry there will be plenty of time to get to know one another" With little choice in the manner you gathered your supplies bought what meager equipment yo could afford and head for the road to Hommlet. The three days trip was spent quietly and lasted little time you have had little in the ways of conversation with your new peers and time passes quickly.

Your party is now approaching the Village of Hommlet, having ridden up from lands of the Wild Coast. You are poorly mounted, badly equipped, and have no large sums of cash. In fact, all you have is what you wear and what you ride, plus the few coins that are hidden in purses and pockets. What you do possess in quantity, though, is daring and desire to become wealthy and famous. Thus your group comes to Hommlet to learn. Is this indeed a place for adventurers to seek their fortunes? You all hope, of course, to gain riches and make names for yourselves. The outcome of this is uncertain, but your skill and daring, along with a good measure of luck, will be the main ingredients of what follows, be it for weal or woe. The small community at the crossroads is a completely unknown quantity. What is there? Who will be encountered? Where should you go? These are your first explorations and encounters, so chance may dictate as much as intelligence. Will outsiders be shunned? Are the reports true — is the whole community engaged in evil practices? Are the folk here bumpkins, easily duped? Does a curse lay upon those who dare to venture into the lands which were once the Temple's? All of these questions will soon be answered. The dusty, rutted road is lined with closely-grown hedges of brambles and shrubs. Here and there it cuts through a copse or crosses a rivulet. To either hand, forest and meadow have given way to field and orchard. A small herd of kine graze nearby, and a distant hill is dotted with the wand stone chimneys with thin plumes of blue smoke rising from them. A road angles west into the hill country, and to either side of the road ahead are barns and buildings — Hommlet at last!

The adventure begins...

I just got it only a few days ago and have only had the chance to skim through it but it is truly amazing I am looking to run through Life's Bazaar all the way to Asylum. I will be using pathfinder rules for this adventure and am only looking for experienced players who have never done any of the Shackled City modules I will make exceptions if you keep your player knowledge behind you.

>Roll two sets of 4d6 take whichever you choose.
>Core Rulebook ONLY.
>Maximum starting gold for class .
>Able to post daily .
>Player characters will start at level 1 (I will adding a short prologue before Life's Bazaar should take characters to second level or close.)
>No evil characters.
>1 trait and one Charcter Trait if you are a citizen of Cauldron 2 if not.
>Max hp from level 1 through 4 roll thereafter.

The campaign will take place in Greyhawk and will use all Greyhwak lore and deities.

Character Trait:
Child of Jzadirune

One of your ancestors lived in Jzadirune at the time the Vanishing (which I will explain to you if you choose this trait) struck. You are especially resistant to diseases, but find the prospect of becoming sick yourself horrifying.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws made to resist the effects of disease.

Drawback: You suffer a –2 morale penalty on saving throws against fear while in the ruins of Jzadirune, or when fighting creatures that are diseased or can inflict disease with a spell, supernatural ability, or extraordinary ability.

Roleplaying Ideas: Your parents told you harrowing stories about the Vanishing, and your dreams are haunted by visions in which you catch the disease and slowly fade away.

One of your ancestors was a half-fiend. As a result, you carry some of the taint with you.

Benefit: Regardless of your actual alignment, spells and spell-like abilities with the evil descriptor treat you as if your alignment were evil. Magic items are similarly fooled. An unholy blight spell, for example, won’t damage you, no matter what your actual alignment is.

Drawback: Regardless of your actual alignment, spells and spell-like abilities with the good descriptor treat you as if your alignment were evil. Magic items are similarly fooled. A holy word spell, for example, will harm you even if you are good aligned.

Roleplaying Ideas: You are moody, gloomy, and have a short temper.
Dream Haunted

Your dreams are haunted by strange visions of tortured landscapes and deformed monsters. In some of these dreams, you are the deformed monster!

Benefit: You are used to fatigue, and suffer no penalties when you become fatigued. When you become exhausted, you are instead treated as if you are fatigued.

Drawback: You suffer a –2 penalty on saving throws against effects that cause madness or insanity, and on saving throws against sleep effects. If you are normally immune to sleep effects, you lose that immunity.

Roleplaying Ideas: You are always tired, though not to the point of fatigue. You tend to nod off when bored, and sometimes find it difficult to remember minor, relatively unimportant bits of information.
Long Shadowed

You are descended from a tribe of indigenous peoples who died out as a separate tribe many centuries ago. Still, this tribe’s penchant for necromantic magic runs in your blood.

Benefit: You automatically stabilize if reduced to negative hit points. When you take damage from negative energy, you reduce the actual damage you take by 5 points.

Drawback: Healing magic works poorly on you. Whenever you regain hit points from magical healing, you gain 1 less point of healing per character level you possess, to a minimum of one point per die rolled.

Roleplaying Ideas: You are somewhat morbid and intrigued by death and undeath, even if these interests are purely to learn more of your enemies.
Mark of the Beast

One of your ancestors was a lycanthrope. Select a predatory animal of your choice; that animal feels a mystic bond with you.

Benefit: Animals have a strange reticence when they attack you, and suffer a –2 penalty on all attack rolls made against you. If you have the wild empathy ability, you gain a +1 bonus on wild empathy checks.

Drawback: You suffer a –4 penalty to all saving throws made to resist lycanthropy, and take +1 point of damage from attacks made by silver weapons.

Roleplaying Ideas: You have a curious animal magnetism that is at once intriguing and disturbing. Your manners might be a bit crude, but you’re loyal to your friends.

You were born into a noble family.

Benefit: You start play with an additional 200 gp, and gain +1 bonus on all Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made against citizens of Cauldron or the nearby villages. Certain NPCs in this campaign may react more favorably to your presence.

Drawback: You are well known and recognizable, and suffer a –4 penalty on Disguise rolls made against citizens of Cauldron or the nearby villages. Certain NPCs in this campaign may react more poorly to your presence.

Roleplaying Ideas: You might be haughty, impatient, or condescending to others. You might spend money frivolously, believing that there’ll always be more income to be had.
Scarred Soul

You’ve led a particularly tough life. Perhaps you’re an orphan, or maybe you suffered some sort of traumatic experience as a child. Whatever the cause, your childhood experiences have left you jumpy and haunted.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks.

Drawback: Your experiences have left your mind less able to deal with trauma, and as a result you suffer a –1 penalty on all Will saves.

Roleplaying Ideas: You are quick to anger, jumpy, and possibly even a bit hyperactive. You’re prone to feelings of paranoia and unfounded fear.
Scion of Surabar

You are a descendant of the man who discovered Cauldron, helped settle the region, and aided in the defeat of an ancient demonic army.

Benefit: Pride for your lineage girds your mind and soul. You gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear, death effects, and insanity or confusion.

Drawback: Demons that encounter you in this region (not those that you might fight on other planes) can instinctively sense your lineage and connection to their old enemy, and gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls when fighting you.

Roleplaying Ideas: You are proud of your heritage, and quick to anger if another mocks it. You find demons intolerable, and some might see you as haughty or imperious.
Touched in the Head

You’re a little crazy.

Benefit: Your mind is disorganized and chaotic. You gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, save for those effects that cause confusion or insanity.

Drawback: Your inability to concentrate for long makes you suffer a –1 penalty on all Wisdom-based skill checks.

Roleplaying Ideas: You have a number of strange quirks (whistling off-key, eating raw meat, a nervous tic, a tendency to scream at odd moments, and so on) that can make you difficult to get along with.
Wyrm Blooded

One of your ancestors was a half-black dragon. You have some sort of distinctively draconic feature, be it reptilian eyes, scales on the backs of your hands, or tiny vestigial horns on your head.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws against acid effects, a +2 bonus on Swim checks, and a +1 bonus on Listen and Spot checks.

Drawback: Your body isn’t quite as limber as it should be. You take a –1 penalty on Reflex saves.

Roleplaying Ideas: You have an intensity about everything you do, and your emotions are powerful and often difficult for you to control.


Population: 4,500 adults (large town).

Mixed (79% human, 9% halfling, 5% gnome, 3% dwarf, 2% elf, 1% half-elf, 1% half-orc).

Economy: (3,000 gp limit) Coffee, exotic woods, cut gemstones, obsidian, dyes, spices.

Authority Figures: Lord Mayor Severen Navalant, male human; Terseon Skellerang, male human (captain of the Town Guard).

Town Emblem: A watchful eye wreathed in blue flames.

Description: Believed to have been founded by Surabar Spellmason, Cauldron is the most populous area in the Cauldron Region. Nearby villages include Redgorge, Kingfisher Hollow, and Hollowsky. The Cauldron region is in a subtropical jungle. The town’s buildings, tightly packed and built from volcanic rock and wood, line the inner bowl of a nameless, dormant volcano. The elevation keeps Cauldron’s temperatures below that of the surrounding jungle, giving Cauldron a roughly temperate climate. Cobblestone roads form concentric circles around a small lake of cold water, which fills the volcano’s basin. Although the town’s sewage seeps into the lake, local clerics routinely purify the water for the citizens in exchange for charitable donations to their temples.

A 50-foot-tall fortified wall of black malachite encircles the city, tracing the outer rim of the volcano, becoming major thoroughfares that lead to other towns and distant realms. The districts nearer the rim of the city tend to be occupied by upper class families and elite merchants. The closer one gets to the centre of town (and the closer to the pungent odors of the central lake), the shoddier the construction and the more dangerous the dark alleys. Houses directly on the lake are often built with stilts to protect against flooding during the rainy season in winter.

Smaller avenues connect the four main roadways (from outer to inner, the avenues are named Obsidian, Magma, Lava, and Ash), which form concentric terraces down to the lake in the centre of the town.

Cauldron is ruled by a Lord Mayor, elected to his position every two years. The post is currently held by Severen Navalant, whose term expires in roughly 20 months. Other important individuals in the city include Terseon Skellerang, captain of the guard, the members of the noble families, and Cauldron’s few wealthy merchant interests.

Cauldron’s major exports come from two sources: mines and plantations. Both industries are based in the hills surrounding the city, and are managed by the various noble families who live in the area. Obsidian and diamonds are the primary products mined in the region. Plantations usually produce sugarcane and coffee. Most of those who dwell in the city itself are merchants, scholars, or workers in the mines and plantations in the lowlands. Water is never scarce in town, but most of the city’s food must be imported from Sasserine since the local fishing and farming enterprises are meager at best.

Citizens have historically paid a modest yearly flat tax of 1 gp, while merchants and nobles pay a 5% income tax each year. In addition, a 1sp gate tax is charged for non-citizens who enter the city by any of its four gates.

All inhabitants of Cauldron that own a building, or are part of a family that owns a building, are considered citizens regardless of economic status. Most Cauldronites have a simple malachite ring made or given to them when they reach the age of majority. The ring always bears the town emblem. Nobles often purchase very elaborate rings, or have extravagant brooches made to show their citizenship.

Currency in Cauldron: Cauldron uses the currency minted in the capital city of Sasserine—Nobles (pp), Eagles (gp), Talons (sp) and Commons (cp). Trade bars in 100, 500 and 1000 gp denominations are also used.

Flood Festival:
Traditionally this festival begins on the first day of winter that sees any noticeable rainfall. Work comes to an abrupt halt in the city on this day as the citizens flock to the streets in an impromptu celebration of the rainy season.

Though the festival begins with chaotic revelry, it grows increasingly organized. What starts as impromptu parties in the streets quickly turns into rows of flood-festival-themed merchant stalls lining the streets, notice boards for registrations to the Festival’s organized games and competitions.

Much work is done to get the town ready, stages are erected, flags are unfurled, streets are cleaned, sales begin, merchants begin arriving and street stalls are setup. Notices are posted on bulletin boards at each tavern, Church and meeting hall, highlighting the activities and agenda of the festival.

Visitors from neighboring regions begin to enter the city, sending accommodation prices high, space in taverns, inns and hostels at a premium. In the days leading up to the start of the festival, the streets have been colorful indeed, with locals on a relaxing stroll mixing in with visitors from the surrounding region. Various local dishes are available from street vendors, as are some more exotic ones, which are normally not available other times of the year. Unusual plates of flat bread decorated with jellied chili peppers, or yak cheese wrapped in molasses and deep-fried are among the more interesting offerings from visitors who have procured the necessary licenses to setup their own booths for the coming flood festival.

Many of Cauldron’s citizens have been saving all year for this – the Flood Festival Sales! And many visitors have also been drawn by the chance to find a real bargain. During the festival ALL merchants give a discount of at least 15% off their regular prices, and some even go as high as 20%!

I have no closing date for recruitment as of yet just looking to see if I can strike anyone's interest please dot if you are.


I was very fond of the Atari 3rd edition game of TOEE and have most recently found out while browsing the internet for random stuff (Something I do often) The original AD&D adventure. I have never played or ran 1st edition mind you but am intrigued to try it out and this adventure will be using 1st Edition AD&D rule set. If you are not familiar with the rules I can help you out and it is fun to try new stuff anyway so anyone is welcome. There is no set date yet for when recruitment is closed just want to see if anyone is welcome.

Player Requirements
>1st level characters.

>Able to view the 1st ed players guide If you don't have I can link you to a PDF download for it.

>NO EVIL characters will not fit in this campaign.

>Able to post daily.

>Stranded 4d6 drop lowest for stats.

>Roll hp for first level.

>All characters are allowed 4 rerolls to start be that for stats Hp or a fighters exceptional strength.

>Roll starting wealth.

>House rules:Only elves and gnomes may not be clerics but gnomes may multi with a cleric if they wish. Elves may be rangers. Only gnomes may be an Illusionist. If a Half orc has a base of 18 strength before racial exceptional strength is automatically 18/99. If a stat is 4 under minimum or more it cannot be put in that stat, If 1-3 under raise that stat up to the minimum.

Mind you I am also very new to the rule set so lets see were we can go :)
Adventure takes place in the world of Greyhawk if you are unfimiliar with this setting let moi know.

The Village of Hommlett—or merely "Hommlett," as it is commonly called—is situated in the central part of the Flanaess, that portion of western Oerik Continent which is known and 'civilized.' The hamlet-sized village (local parlance having distinguished it with the greater term) is located some 30 leagues southeast of the town of Verbobonc, or thereabouts, on the fringe of the territory controlled by the noble Lord the Viscount of Verbobonc. It is at a crossroads.

To the north is the mighty Velverdyva River, along whose south bank runs the Lowroad. Many days' travel to the east, on the shores of the Lake of Unknown Depths (Nyr Dyv), is the great walled city of Dyvers. The village of Sobanwych lies about halfway along the route. Below that to the southeast and east are miles and miles of forest (the Gnarley), beyond which is the Wild Coast, Woolly Bay, and the Sea of Gearnat. The road south forks a league or so beyond the little community, one branch meandering off towards the Wild Coast, the other rolling through the lower Kron Hills to the village of Ostverk and then eventually turning southwards again into the elven kingdom of Celene. The western route leads into the very heart of the gnomish highlands, passing through Greenway Valley about a day's travel distant and going onwards to the Lortmil Mountains far beyond.

Hommlet grew from a farm or two, a rest house, and a smithy. The roads brought a sufficient number of travelers and merchant wagons to attract tradesmen and artisans to serve those passing through. The resthouse became a thriving inn, and a wheel and wainwright settled in the thorp. More farmers and herdsmen followed, for grain was needed for the passing animals, and meat was in demand for the innfolk.

Prosperity was great, for the lord of the district was mild and taxed but little. Trade was good, and the land was untroubled by war, outlaws, or ravaging beasts. The area was free, beautiful, and bountiful — too much so, in the eyes of some.

Whether the evil came west from Dyvers (as is claimed by one faction) or crept up out of the forestlands bordering the Wild Coast (as others assert), come it did. At first it was only a few thieves and an odd group of bandits molesting the merchant caravans. Then came small bands of humanoids—kobolds or goblins—raiding the flocks and herds. Local militia and foresters of the Waldgraf of Ostverk apparently checked, but did not stop, the spread of outlawry and evil.

A collection of hovels and their slovenly inhabitants formed the nucleus for the troubles which were to increase. A wicked cleric established a small chapel at this point. The folk of Hommlet tended to ignore this place, Nulb, even though it was but 6 miles distant. But its out-of-the-way position was ideal for the fell purposes planned for this settlement, as was its position on a small river flowing into the Velverdyva. The thickets and marshes around Nulb became the lair and hiding place for bandits, brigands, and all sorts of evil men and monsters alike. The chapel grew into a stone temple as its faithful brought in their illgotten tithes. Good folk were robbed, pillaged, enslaved, and worse.

In but three years, a grim and forbidding fortress surrounded the evil place, and swarms of creatures worshipped and worked their wickedness therein. The servants of the Temple of Elemental Evil made Hommlet and the lands for leagues around a mockery of freedom and beauty. Commerce ceased, crops withered; pestilence was abroad.

But the leaders of this cancer were full of hubris and, in their overweaning pride, sought to overthrow the good realms to the north, who were coming to the rescue of the land being crushed under the tyranny wrought by the evil temple. A great battle was fought.

When the good people of Hommlet saw streams of ochre-robed men and humanoids fleeing south and west through their community, there was great rejoicing, for they knew that the murderous oppressors had been defeated and driven from the field in panic and rout. So great was the slaughter, so complete the victory of good, that the walled stronghold of the Temple of Elemental Evil fell within a fortnight, despite the aid of a terrible demon. The place was ruined and sealed against a further return of such abominations by powerful blessings and magic.

Life in Hommlet quickly returned to a semblance of its former self, before the rise of the temple. For five years afterward, the village and the surrounding countryside have become richer and more prosperous than ever before. A monstrous troll which plagued the place for a time was hunted down by a party of passing adventurers. Carrying the ashes and a goodly fortune as well, the adventurers returned to the village. Before going elsewhere to seek their fortunes, the adventurers also returned a portion of the villagers' losses. Other adventurers, knowing of the evil that had once resided in the area, came to seek out similar caches, and several did find remote lairs and wealth—just as some never returned at all.

After a time, adventurers stopped coming to the area. It seemed that no monsters were left to slay, and no evil existed here to be stamped out. The villagers heaved a collective sigh—some pained at the loss of income, but others relieved by the return to the quiet, normal life—and Hommlet continued its quiet existence for four years more.

But then, a year ago, the bandits began to ride the roads again—not frequently, but to some effect. To the good folk of Hommlet, this seemed all too familiar, so they sent word to the Viscount that wicked forces might still lurk thereabouts. This information has been spread throughout the countryside, and the news has attracted outsiders to the village once again. Who and what these men are, no one can be quite sure. All claim to be bent on slaying monsters and bringing peace and security to Hommlet; but deeds speak more loudly than words, and lies cloak the true purposes of the malevolent.

I am only in need of backgrounds at this point, the adventure will start with the party headed for Hommlet. They are either outsiders or had left their hometown for whatever reason. Just some insight for you backgrounds.

Please dot if interested. THANK YOU! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Have an idea for a campaign set in the setting from the fallout series but slightly altered background behind it is still similar. This campaign will have nothing to do with the games plot wise and I am using a combination between the original fallout d20 rule set modern d20 and my own.


For classes I am only using the "Advanced classes" Meaning they have no prerequisite. All information regarding classes and rules is on the web linked.


Battle Mind
Field Medic
Field Scientist
Martial Artist
Shadow Slayer

Character stats will be as such:

Characters have total of 50 points to distribute among Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.

All stats start at 10.

Total Cost

6: -6
7: -4
8: -2
9: -1
10: 0
11: 1
12: 2
13: 4
14: 6
15: 9
16: 12
17: 16
18: 20

All characters are required to take 2 of the following traits:

Character Traits:
Bloody Mess
Requirements: None
Description: By some twist of karma, people around you die violently. You deal 1 extra multiplier from critical hits (for example, x3 instead of x2). The drawback is anyone attacking you gets to enjoy this benefit as well.

Requirements: Human or Super Mutant
Description: A little slower, but a little bigger. You may not hit as often, but they will feel it when you do. You deal an extra +2 damage with Melee Weapons, Thrown Weapons (except spalash weapons) and Unarmed Attacks. However, you get a -2 penalty to hit with all these attacks.

Chem Reliant
Requirements: Don’t have Chem Resistant
Description: You are more easily addicted to chems. You take a -2 penalty to Fortitude checks when rolling to resist chemical addiction. The upside is, if you do get addicted, you recover from the withdrawal time twice as fast.

Chem Resistant
Requirements: Don’t have Chem Reliant
Description: Chems only affect you half as long as normal, but your chance to become addicted is also a lot less. All chems only provide their benefit for half as long when you use them. Though, you also get a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves when resisting addiction.

Requirements: Human
Description: You are now permanently part-man, part-machine. This Trait gives you a permanent 4/- damage reduction, +2 bonus to save versus Poison and Radiation and the Energy Weapons Perk. Downside is energy weapon damage against you is open-ended, movement reduced to 20 feet and you cannot resist or save against EMP effects.

Fast Metabolism
Requirements: Human
Description: Your metabolic rate is twice normal. That means you are less resistant to Poison and Radiation, but you heal faster. Your base Healing Rate is doubled, but you get a -4 to any Fortitude saves to resist Poison or Radiation.

Fast Shot
Requirements: None
Description: You don’t hit very accurately with guns because you attack faster than normal people. You get a +2 bonus to Initiative when using guns, though you also get a -2 penalty when using them.

Fear the Reaper
Requirements: None
Description: You have cheated Death! And he’s not laughing. Your perk rate goes up by one (Perks every 2 levels instead of every 3, for example) however, at every level up you must make a Luck check (d20 + Luck Modifier): DC 5 + level attained or die.

Requirements: Human or Ghoul
Description: Your attacks show a lot of finesse. You hit more often with guns and thrown weapons (not grenade-like weapons), but you never cause critical hits. You get a +4 bonus to hit when using Small Guns or Thrown weapons. However, you don’t get to ever cause any critical hits.

Requirements: None
Description: You have more innate abilities than most, so you haven’t spent as much time honing your skills. Your statistics are better than average, but your skills are lacking. All SPECIAL stats get increased by 1, but all skills get a -2 penalty.

Glowing One
Requirements: Ghoul
Description: Your glow doubles your healing rate. Though medical attention and Stim-Paks have no effect on you.

Good Natured
Requirements: Human or Ghoul
Description: You studied less combative skills growing up. You get a -4 to your Base Attack Bonus. But, you gain 2 ranks in all Knowledges and the Treat Injury skill. You also gain 10 Positive Karma points.

Requirements: Human
Description: You can bend and twist your body in confusing ways, even while you move. With this perk, you get a +6 bonus to your Reflex save to resist explosive and splash damage. Downside is, you cannot use any weapons of the Big Guns category or ever wear medium, heavy or Power armors, oh and your Strength is reduced by 2.

Ham Fisted
Requirements: Human or Ghoul
Description: Genetics have endowed you with huge…hands. You deal an extra die of damage when fighting unarmed, but you cannot use single-handed firearms or small melee weapons.

Heavy Handed
Requirements: Super Mutant
Description: You swing harder, not better. Your attacks are very brutal, but lack finesse. You never cause a Critical Hit, but you always cause more normal damage. All melee and unarmed attacks deal an extra die of damage, but you will never be able to cause a critical hit.

Requirements: None
Description: The good thing is that everyone around you has bad luck, the bad thing is – so do you! Your Luck modifier is now permanently reverse (meaning negative). Good thing is, anyone within your influence has theirs reversed as well. If you take this Trait, do not tell the other players, but the Overseer will need to know.

Requirements: None
Description: By not paying attention to any threats, you can act a lot faster in a turn. This lowers your Defense to just what you are wearing, but you sequence much faster in combat. You have no base Defense or a bonus from your Agility or Class. You must wear armor to have any Defense, but you get a +6 bonus to Initiative.

Karma Chameleon
Requirements: None
Description: You come and go, you come and go. And no matter where your coming from or going to, your Karma is nonexistent. You do not begin the game with any Positive or Negative Karma, nor can you ever gain any throughout your existence. The good thing about this trait is bad things will not happen to you as a result of a high Positive or Negative Karma score. Bad thing is good things won’t happen to you either. This Trait bypasses any/all requirements for any Classes. However, Perks with a Karma requirement are unavailable to you.

Magnetic Personality
Requirements: Can't have Vat Skin Trait
Description: You easily attract metal, of the lead variety. Anyone shooting at you gets a +4 bonus to hit you. However, you’re used to getting shot up, so you gain a +2 bonus to Endurance and a 2/- Damage Reduction.

Night Person
Requirements: None
Description: When performing actions at night, you do things better. During the day, however…well let’s just say you’re not a morning person. Doesn’t have anything to do with the level of the light, just the time of day. During nighttime hours, you get a +2 bonus to all skills, saves and attacks. But, you get a -2 penalty to the same during the daytime hours.

One Hander
Requirements: None
Description: One of your hands is very dominant. You excel with single-handed weapons, but two-handed weapons cause problems. You get a -4 penalty when using two-handed weapons or two weapons. But, you get a +4 bonus when using a single, one-handed weapon. This works for both firearms and melee weapons.

Rad Child
Requirements: Human or Super Mutant
Description: While in the midst of radiation, your heal rate switches from days to rounds. However, you forfeit your Fortitude save to resist radiation, and you gain radiation twice as fast.

Sex Appeal
Requirements: Human
Description: The character gains an extra +2 bonus to Barter, Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Perform skills when dealing with a human of the opposite sex. However, they get a –2 penalty to the same skills when dealing with a human of the same sex.

Requirements: None
Description: Since you spent more time improving your skills than a normal person. The tradeoff is that your SPECIAL suffers slightly. All Tag skills get a +3 bonus. However, all your SPECIALs are reduced by 2.

Small Frame
Requirements: Human or Ghoul
Description: You are not quite as big as other people, but that never slowed you down. You can’t carry as much, but you are more agile. You get a +2 bonus to your Agility, but your carry weight is reduced to 10 pounds per point of Strength instead of 15. Plus, you cannot ever wear heavy or Power Armor.

Tech Wizard
Requirements: Ghoul
Description: You’ve spent your formative years hunched over a bench learning tech stuff. Trouble is you’ve ruined your eyes. You get a +2 bonus to Computer Use, Craft (electronic), Craft (mechanical), Demolitions, Disable Device, and Repair. Though you also get a -2 penalty to attacks, Decipher Script, Forgery, Navigate, Search and Spot.

Vat Skin
Requirements: Super Mutant, Can't have Magnetic Personality Trait
Description: Other people find you hideous to behold and vomits to smell. You’re harder to hit in melee combat because of this. However, it’s also made your skin a lot softer. You get a +4 bonus to Defense when attacked by Melee Weapons or Unarmed. However, your Damage Reduction is reduced to 2/-.

Character races are Human and variants (will explain later), Super mutants, and ghouls.


Ghouls are very similar to humans in most aspects as they once were.

They receive +10 to fortitude rolls when warding off effects of radiation. They are unaffected by mild or moderate amounts of radiation.

They receive a +5 to fort when suffering the effects of electrical damage.

They cannot have the Arcane lore knowledge skill or use any magic arcane, divine or psionic ability's.

They receive toughness at first level for free.

-2 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity, +2 to Wisdom and Inelegance due to their stiff ghoulish state and long (after) lives.

Outsider human

+3 free ranks to Survival

At first level may not take the skills computer use, drive, knowledge arcane lore and pilot. Nor any feats regarding driving or computer knowledge.

They do however have one thing going for them on top of the one human bonus feat they may take another from the following list: Animal affinity, Athletic, Alertness, Acrobatic, Endurance, Stealthy, Nimble or toughness.

Vault Dweller

+3 free ranks in Computer use.

At first level may not take Skill regarding anything in the outside world e.g. Handle animal, drive or any feats involving vehicles or nature.

Computer use is always a class skill and automatically increase as the character rises in level. and start better equipt than most others. Like all humans they get a bonus feat.


+3 free ranks in all Intelligence related skills.

May not take skills or feats involving driving or animals.

They gain a bonus feat at first level but cannot spend it on combat related feats. They do have a class restriction though and are always Techies.


+3 free ranks in Handle animal

They know nothing about business or technology and cannot take any feats or skills regarding at first level. They cannot use crafting skills ever.

Beastlords start with an animal companion this companion is a small creature such as a bird or small radscorpion it gets "Stronger" as it's master does. A beastlord can teach it's companion a number of tricks equal to his int mod. Beastlords start play very poor with no modern equipment.


Same as Beastlords exept they trade the companion for +3 free ranks in Survival and knowledge of the lands surrounding their home (If within 50 miles of tribe can never get lost.) As well as the ability to track.


+3 to strength, +2 constitution, -2 Dex Cha. Int is variable if you make a super mutant roll a d100.

Super mutants are considered large: -1 to hit and defense +4 grapple and -4 hide. 10 foot reach.

+2 fort

Cannot take Drive and pilot initailly due to size.

Cannot use any form of divine magic or knoledge of divine. They have thier own form of Arcane will explain later.

Background story:
The geopolitical situation that led to the outbreak of the long-feared global nuclear war was prompted primarily by the onset of a worldwide energy crisis when the supplies of fossil-fuels, particularly petroleum, finally began to run out by the year 2050. This energy crisis was in part the result of the ever-increasing amounts of fossil-fuel required to power the Fallout world's larger and less energy-efficient technologies when compared with those of our own world, due to their failure to develop miniaturized electronics and more advanced manufacturing materials. The result of this energy crisis was an increasing scramble by all of the advanced, industrialized nations to secure the few remaining supplies of untapped petroleum around the world. Ultimately, a series of military conflicts driven by this hunger for natural resources consumed the planet. The European Commonwealth had reacted to the rapid raising of oil prices to unacceptably high levels by the Middle East's oil-rich states in 2052 by unleashing military action in that region of the world. This intervention ultimately resulted in the destruction of the Israeli city of Tel Aviv in December 2053 by a terrorist nuclear device and a limited nuclear exchange between the conflict's participants in 2054, the world's first since 1945.

As the United Nations tried with little success to keep the peace, many of that organization's member-states pulled out, and within two months of the outbreak of what was soon called the Resource Wars in 2052, the United Nations was disbanded. Next, following the breakdown of trade talks and the unilateral American exploitation of the world's last newly discovered reserves of crude oil, the Chinese invaded Alaska in 2066 in pursuit of that American state's remaining oil reserves. The United States ultimately annexed Canada in 2076 to ensure Canadian support for its defense of the Alaskan front even as the American federal government acted aggressively against its own citizens to contain wartime rioting, anti-war civil disobedience and military desertion. The United States retaliated against the Chinese by launching its own costly invasion of the Chinese mainland in 2074 to reduce Chinese pressure on the Alaskan front. Despite initial costly setbacks, this strategy proved successful and American forces liberated the Alaskan city of Anchorage and forced the Chinese People's Liberation Army to retreat entirely from American soil in January 2077. This victory was largely won due to the more advanced military technology developed by the United States during the conflict, especially the deployment of Powered Infantry Armor. Many smaller nations went bankrupt in the ensuing conflict as their economies collapsed due to the increasing shortage of fossil-fuels. The Resource Wars ended with the Great War in 2077.
The Great War

It is not known who launched the first nuclear weapon that precipitated the conflict. President Richardson would tell the Chosen One that China launched first, but he is hardly objective. Leftover log entries within Black Mountain Radio would also seem to pin the initial launches on China, with the United States retaliating in only a handful of minutes. (See behind the scenes)

The nuclear exchange that characterized the Great War lasted for only a brief two hours, but was unbelievably destructive and reshaped the climate of the world even as it caused the fall of most of human civilization everywhere across the globe. More energy was released in the first moments of the Great War than all of the previous human conflicts in the history of the world combined. Entire mountain ranges were created as the ground buckled and moved under the strain of the cataclysmic pressure produced by numerous, concentrated atomic explosions. Rivers and oceans around the world were contaminated with the resulting radioactive fallout released by the relatively low-yield nuclear weapons used by all sides, and the climate changed horrifically. All the regions of the Earth suffered from a single, permanent season once the initial dust blasted into the atmosphere by the nuclear explosions had settled - a scorching, radioactive desert summer.


Many American citizens did not heed the air raid sirens on October 23, 2077, believing them to be signaling just another drill. The Vaults sealed their inhabitants in as the Earth burned in atomic fire. A few citizens took shelter where they could: sewers, and subway stations, drainage centers, Pulowski preservation shelters, or in the case of the Keller Family, the National Guard Depot. However, without a very strong outer shield of dense metal or rock to defend them from both the heat and kinetic shockwave of the nuclear blasts (such as Lamplight Caverns or Raven Rock), few civilians survived the full-out nuclear exchange. Some who were exposed to high levels of radiation became ghouls, and some of these ghouls, in turn, formed their own communities. Those who survived the nuclear exchange would form the basis for the brutal civilization that existed for the next 20 years, until the first Vaults re-opened.

Despite the global destruction caused by the war, many areas remained habitable, with low and tolerable levels of radioactive fallout. The surviving humans were in some parts of the Earth able to continue living in the ruins of the pre-War civilization, establishing new communities and even small cities.

Around a week after the initial nuclear explosions, rain started to fall; however, none of it was drinkable. The rain was black; tainted with soot, ash, radioactive elements produced by the nuclear explosions and various other contaminants produced by nuclear weapons. This rain marked the start of the terrible fallout that marked the true, permanent destruction caused by the Great War. The rain lasted four long days, killing thousands of species that had survived the initial destruction of the bombs, be they animal, plant or micro-organisms. Those few living things, human, animal or plant, that survived after the rain ended were left to live in the now barren wasteland that had spread across the Earth, where nearly all pre-War plant life had died either in the initial explosions or from the intense radiation produced by the fallout. apocalyptic

Some major global cities were not completely destroyed by the explosions because of their relatively low explosive yields, and cities such as Washington, D.C. even managed to maintain intact buildings despite relatively close detonations. However, most city streets across the post-nuclear United States were and continue to be blocked with rubble from collapsing edifices. In the ruins of Washington, D.C., most of the city's Metro system of subways remained intact. Though many Metro tunnels were blocked by collapsed masonry caused by the shock of the atomic explosions, the Metro's tunnel network remains the easiest way to move around the D.C. ruins.

The goblin tribe infesting the the nearby ruins know as the sunless citadel ransoms a single piece of magical fruit to the highest bidder in Oakhurst once every midsummer. They've been doing this for the last twelve years. Usually, the fruit sells for around 50 gp, which is all the townspeople can bring themselves to pay a goblin. The fruit, apparently an apple of perfect hue, heals those who suffer from any disease or other ailment. They sometimes plant the seeds at the center of each fruit, hoping to engender an enchanted apple tree. When the seeds germinate in their proper season, they produce a twiggy mass of twisted sapling stems. Not too long after the saplings reach 2 feet in height, they are stolen-every time. The townsfolk assume that the jealous goblins send out thieves to ensure their monopoly of enchanted fruit. The mystery's of the Sunless Citadel most recently brought together a band of local heros who set out to discover the mystery behind th enchanted fruit. That group never returned and none have heard from them in over a month. Two of the members of that ill fated group were brother and sister, Talgen Hucrele and Sharwyn Hucrele. They were part of the famous Hucrele merchant family now living in Oakhurst. Kerowyn Hucrele, the matriarch of the family, heard of the adventuring group forming in town(you lot.). She offers salvage rights to you and your group if you can find and return with the two lost members of her family-or at least return the gold signet rings worn by the missing brother and sister. She offers up a reward of 500 gp per signet ring, per person if the missing Hucreles are brought back in good shape, she offers to double her reward. Before you leave she gives you a what little aid she can, a map, 3 pots of cure light, and all the thanks in world.

You do not know each other well as you gathered at the tavern only a day ago. You are free to roam the town as you like and or RP among one another.

Overland Map

Town Square

Hey you lot and welcome to The Sunless Citadel
OK there are a few things I wanna cover
>Your timelines
>Preference on hp per lvl
>You have max starting Gp to equip yer self
>If any of your characters have history together
>Ask any questions you want.
Thanks glad you could join me!
Game will start when everyone's character is finished.

Hi all run and play several games here on Pazio and am starting a short homebrew probably take your characters from 1-4th or 5th depending on group size. Will take place in a fictional land yet to have a name in the town of Oakhurst and surrounding region please dot if interested.

Evil Grows Beneath The Earth

Why should anyone travel the cracked cobblestones of the Old Road? The fortress that once cast its shadow across the road does so no longer-some whisper that the earth swallowed the fortress whole in an age long past. Four brave adventurers resolved to discover the truth and set off down the Old Road, but they never returned.

Player characters could have come to Oakhurst for any number of reasons to get their hands on the famed magic apples the town is said to hold, to meet the famous Hucrele merchant family, investigating the local havoc, or just simple adventuring. Depending on how this adventure goes it could lead into a bigger story.

The Requirements Will be:

>20 point buy system
>Core rulebook ONLY
>2 traits
>Maximum starting gold for class
>Able to post daily
>will be choosing party based on character background and how the group will be able to work together
>Evil character allowed on request and with good back story
>character will start at lvl 1
>accepting 4-6 characters for this adventure

Please dot if interested. THANK YOU!

Disturbing shadows have grown long over the northern reaches of The Land of Song. The fierce people who once fished the chilly fjords and hunted in the evergreen peaks now huddle in their villages. An evil is abroad in the land. Outlying villages and holdings have become abandoned, their populations missing. Hunting parties and traders have vanished. Bandits and worse roam the lands unchecked. The harvests have soured and now, as winter descends, the Clans fear that their meager stores shall not last. A Moon ago, the six most powerful clans each sent their champion to discover the source of blight. The six never returned, nor has any trace been found. Putting aside his pride, Yngvar, the old Jarl of the Clans, has called for outlander heroes to aid the free peoples, promising great rewards and remembrance in song. The journey to Yngvar’s halls was long and arduous. The last leaves have fallen, and the cool air blowing off the sea has turned sharp and cold. The first morning frosts already grip the soil. Siri, the Jarl’s wise woman, has consulted with the ancestors of the Clans. An old evil has arisen, they say, full of anger at the living. The stain on the land originates from the Valley of the Sleeping Jarls, where all the Clans’ chieftains are laid to rest. The evil will not abate, the ancestors warn, for it bears a great malice for past deeds and hungers for vengeance. Siri has sought to discover what offense has been made, what appeasement can be offered; all for naught. Two nights ago, guards along the wooden palisade protecting Yngvar’s Hall disappeared. The spring calves have died and the poultry refuse to lay. The heroes are charged with traveling to the Valley of the Sleeping Jarls to discover the source of the malevolence bearing down upon the land and with eradicating it. The wellprotected gorge can be found on the eastern shoulder of a particularly rugged mountain some three days’ travel from Yngvar’s hall. Who can say what evil lurks amid the towering peaks and shadowed fjords?

"Aye, laugh if you will! But who knows what shapes of horror have had birth in the darkness, the cold gloom, and the whistling black gulfs of the North? In the southern lands the sun shines and flowers bloom; under the soft skies men laugh at demons. But in the North, who can say what elemental spirits of evil dwell in the fierce storms and the darkness?"

You have all been boarded on a ship bound for Yngvar's hall for many weeks and nears it's end it becomes apparent that it will only be a few hours or so before you dock when you see ahead the towering peaks of The Land of Song. Two other boats trail behind you they also carry outlander adventurers in search of easy coin the Jarl Yngvar of Yngvars hall called forth a request for outlander heros to aid his free people and free them from the grasp of the evil that now wakes. The captain rings a bell to indicate that thier trip is near an end these are going to be your last few hours of peace and quiet for a long long time....

Feel free to begin RPing amongst yourselves until the ship docks (My next post). No dice rolls yet though please, just actions and speech.

Hiya all glad you could join me couple of things I need to cover
>Your timezones
>If anyone is going to have history with one another
that's it really ask any questions you may have and...Discus.

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It has been many years since the city of Phlan was a small but growing city on the shores of the great MoonSea. Trade sailed into to Phlan, past the fortress of Sokal Keep where the watch scanned the sea for pirates, into the small harbor at the mouth of the Stojanow River. Galleys, pinks, cogs, and schooners came from the merchants to the south, braving the sea to this small northern port. Townsmen offloaded pungent spices, dark woods, reptilian leathers, filmy cloth, gnarled barks, hammered steel, veined marbles—the riches of the southern shores. From the north came thickbearded men—men of the bitter plains, granite mountains, and icy swamps beyond, leading caravans burdened with silky furs, heavy wools, rare ores, straight-beamed woods, and the ivories of beasts longforgotten in lands further south. Slowly, with patience and endurance, the caravans plodded to Phlan meeting others, friends in the dwarves of the Dragonspine and elves of the Quivering Forest, foes in the orcs who came from the Tweenhill gap or the reptilian race of the swamps. In Phlan northman and southerner met, haggling, cheating, lying and drinking. Phlan was well on its way to becoming a prosperous trading town. And then the dragons and their armies came. At first the men of distant villages stopped trekking to Phlan. No trader came back with tales of new discoveries. The distant outposts slowly disappeared. Then refugees began to arrive. At first they were solitary survivors straggling in to lose themselves in the maze of the slums. Then families arrived perched on plodding wagons. They told stories of neighboring villages set to the torch, the humans slaughtered—or worse. Trade dropped off. Fewer caravans arrived. Fewer ships came to collect the scanty cargoes. The merchants were concerned. Scouts were sent. They returned telling of hordes of orcs, goblins, ogres, and giants doing what they had never done before— marching as armies with order and discipline. It was the fear of their commanders, fearsome dragons, that held them together. Towns closer and closer to Phlan fell, the stream of refugees increased. Cautious merchants packed their goods and left. Greedy merchants hurriedly amassed fortunes from the frightened people while keeping one eye always on the door. The Council fretted and fussed. Some wanted appeasement, some favored an army, and still others poured money into the walls of Phlan. But no strategy was ever agreed upon. When the armies finally came, Phlan was simply not prepared. For a day the Council watched the lines drawn up outside the walls—ranks of leering, skull-painted beasts dragging obscene machines of war. They could not surrender, for they knew there would be no mercy from these cohorts. Valiantly, but futilely, they mustered their men. Their spearmen were ready to meet the charge. From the start of the attack, the humans were defeated. They were out-numbered, out-fought and outgeneralled. The first wave struck from the air—wheeling flights of dragons after dragons swept over the rooftops, setting ablaze vast portions of the city. As the flames licked over the chimneys, the attackers charged into the trapped militia. The Battle of Phlan was a massacre. Over the years, however, the dragon armies have flowed and ebbed, leaving behind pockets of despair and desolation. These isolated domains cannot withstand the unstoppable flood of human dominance. Men have returned north of the MoonSea and are determined to reclaim their lost homes. Such is the case in Phlan. Although the city proper—its districts and its fortresses—are still held by the twisted offspring of the original conquerors, good men have managed to gain a foothold in the ruined city. Fired by the feelings of destiny and progress, they have set their sights on reclaiming all of Phlan and restoring it to its former glory. To this end, they are backed by a new Council, calling upon outlander heros to reclaim the ruins of Phlan...

You are all boarded on a large ship from Melsmar headed to the Ruins of Phlan to aid in the reclamation of the ruined city. The trip is to take several weeks to reach New Phlan you hope you will not be late for the councils speach. There are at least 18 foriegn adventurers aboard the ship (including yourselves) many brag of the deeds they are to preform and the riches they will find in the ruins of Phlan some speak of rumors of the town say it was an evil spirit that claimed the town ot that there was a traitor among the council whether anything they say is true or not one thing is for certain it is going to be a long few weeks that is for sure...

People of note aboard the ship:
Yourselves obviously
Captain Brenack: He is a tall muscly man and captain of this ship he is not very talkative but it is sure that he has a few good stories in there.
Fealix: A strange man also one of the adventurers headed to Phlan he keeps mostly to himself but does seem to know quite a lot about the ruined town he isn't very friendly but does have a soft spot for cats.
Ships cook Flan: A very energetic joyful man he takes well to his craft he is very talkative and friendly.
First mate Beck: The hardy dwarf and first mate of the ship is always in a great mood and is quite jolly all the time.

The weather is gloriously sunny, and the crew are off duty while the Captain and First Mate consult about their course with the navigator. Most of the inhabitants of the ship are out on the deck, enjoying the glorious sunshine overhead as the anchored ship drifts lazily, pushed by the gentle waves the light breeze carries with it the scent of Flans next gourmand meal.

Feel free to begin RPing amongst yourselves and crew. No dice rolls yet though please, just actions and speech.

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Hey you lot and welcome to my Pool of Radiance Campaign
OK there are a few things I wanna cover
>Your timelines
>Preference on hp per lvl
>Why you came to Phlan
>You have 1000gp each for starting gear and wealth
>If any of your characters have history together
>Ask any questions you want.
Thanks glad you could join me!

Hi all decided to start up a homebrew campaign based on an old AD&D game will take place in Faerun but will be using pathfinder rules.

The Pool of Radiance adventure takes place at the ancient city of Phlan, on the northern shore of the Moonsea, deep within the continent of Faerun. The formerly great city of Phlan lies in near ruins, held in the grip of a terrible lord, who lurks somewhere within the ruins, and commands monstrous warlords and their hordes of minions, who each struggle for power among the monstrous factions within the uncivilized portions of the city.

Ancient families from the days of Old Phlan have managed to reconquer a portion of the Phlan, with hope that they can retake their ancestral city, uncover it’s lost riches, and restore the city’s greatness, once again. Thus came the necessity for it’s City Council to call upon mercenaries and heroes to bring the city back to it’s former glory…

Bards have traveled the Realms, heralding the call for help, and flyers have been posted throughout many cities and towns, perhaps you’ve seen one…

Flyer, Poster

The Requirements Will be:

>20 point buy system
>Core rulebook and Advanced Players guide allowed(Ultimate Combat and Magic may be allowed on request)
>2 traits
>Maximum starting gold for class
>Able to post daily
>will be choosing party based on character background and how the group will be able to work together
>Evil character allowed on request and with good back story
>character will start at lvl 1
>accepting 6-8 characters for this adventure
About New Phlan:

New Phlan is the result of a stockaded community that rose up within the ruins. Surviving the devastation of the Flight of the Dragons, which took place in the month of Kythorn (June), in the Year of the Dragon, Dalereckoning 1356, the men and women of the community set up a council of strong leaders made up from the very families of the previous council from Phlan’s past, some fifty years ago. Further reestablishing their home, they built up a stronger defense for their portion of the city.

Please post if your interested, THANKS!

Hi all run and play several games here on Pazio and most recently discovered a 2nd ed D&D campaign trilogy that caught my interest am thinking of converting it to Pathfinder rules and doing as a PBP.
Will still take place in Golarion though it will be in a fictional location called The Land of Song a place somewhere in the north arctic area don't know where yet will be back with more info regarding soon.

The requirements will be:
>20 point character build
>Able to post daily
>will be choosing party based on character background and how the group will be able to work together
>Evil character allowed on request and with good back story
>character will start at lvl 3 max hp each lvl.
>3 trait one social, combat, and moagic or Faith
It's a rough idea but will be patched up soon please dot if you are interested not sure when date for recruitment will end will decide based on how many applications.

Campaign Start

As you walk through the streets of Solku, you see your destination a slew of camels (8 in total) reined in at the North Gate and the already recognizable figure of Garavel, with customary cigar in mouth. He appears to be arguing with a small bald rotund Dwarf merchant dressed in ripped and stained clothes. As you approach you see five other figures, differently attired, some with weapons, others unarmored, also approach the two men. The merchant stares in shock at the gathering of the six men "Calm yourself Rogar these are the men I recruited for my "little" mission" Garavel stops to take another puff of his cigar."So this is what you brought together one ex gladiator, a Bloody witch, A pretty boy, A tall zealot and whats this a Hob you must be over your head...".Rogar says in response "And what about Urdaan Einalf you've heard of him no, the great and legendary caravan guard". looking to the the elf wearing the dwarven crafted mail, he then Laughs heatily at his comment."you think they can handle the job roads are pretty dangerous nowadays".says the dwarf "think of it this way.." Garavel says before continuing "your future, Rogar, and everyone Else's...is in their hands" More laughter ensues "Ok, that's enough of that"He says then turns and faces the group "you lot, Please mingle get to know each other" Says Garavel referring to the group "your life literately depends on it, now I have to see a man about our ride". Smiling, Garavel walks off with Rogar towards a nearby awning with shade, leaving the six of you standing in front of the camels. Yes adventure certainly awaits....

Everyone expet Urdaan please make a DC 15 knoledge local cheack to read spoiler

DC 15 knowledge local:
you've heard of the Caravan gaurd Urdann before aparently single handedly held off a Flind and two gnolls is quite renown as a gnoll hunter

This is your time to interact with each other describe yourselves etc. will continue when everyone has a chance to post

Congratulations everybody for being selected to join me in this adventure. will be starting on Thursday or Friday depending on how busy I am so you can spend this time to get to know each a little better and clear up any questions.

There are also some things I need cleared up:
>Your timezones
>Your preference on hitpoints gained each lvl will be using the method for all npcs and monsters as well to keep things simpler.
>how you came to meet Garavel and joined the expedition.

Thanks glad I could have you all

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Hi all, well I am finally going to give GMing a PbP a go. I have experience GMing in real life, so hopefully it won't be too much harder, but please just bear with me if I don't get it perfect to start with.

The Requirements Will be:
>20 point buy system
>Core rulebook and Advanced Players guide allowed(Ultimate Combat and Magic may be allowed on request)
>2 traits one must be campaign trait from the legacy of fire players guide
>Maximum starting gold for class
>You may work towards achievement feats but must keep your own progress
>Able to post daily
>will be choosing party based on character background and how the group will be able to work together
>Evil character allowed on request and with good back story
>character will start at lvl 1
I will be accepting 4-6 players for this AP. Characters may of have history together as long as it is confirmed with both players. Group must be a Balanced party e.g. not accepting 6 wizards. Closing date for recruitment will be November 13th or sooner if too many applications.