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Ironfang Invasion Grymwold – Grymwold the Shieldstorm Phaendar Map Who's who Loot Sheet and Provisions Combat Map! Initiative: [dice=Gronilda] 1d20 + 2[/dice] [dice=Grymwold] 1d20 + 2[/dice] [dice=Lizzie] 1d20 + 4[/dice] [dice=Saelihn] 1d20 + 3[/dice] [dice=Zarena] 1d20 + 2[/dice] Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
Grymwold – Grymwold the Shieldstorm
Phaendar Map
Who's who
Loot Sheet and Provisions
Combat Map!
Baldwin the Merciful's Bloody Nightmare Heroes of Wolfpoint A House of Cards: Ange de la Nuit's The Harrowing Campaign Into the Desolation Lost Lands Rappan Athuk set in Nirmathas, Golarion (inactive) The Black Monastery (inactive) The Carrion Crown GM Bone Man (inactive) The Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms (inactive) Death-Lok's Age of Worms Campaign (inactive) DM Mathpro's advanced Rise of the Runelords campaign group 2 (inactive) Gallery of Evil (inactive) GM Neirikr's "Academy of Secrets" (inactive) Into the Desolation (inactive) Second Darkness beer and pretzles (inactive) To Rappan Athuk (inactive) Treasurefox's Rise of the Runelords (inactive)