Dawn of the Scarlet Sun One Shot (Skype)


Silver Crusade

I am an aspiring DM who thinks he's ready to run his first game. As I don't expect anyone to commit to multiple sessions with me due to that inexperience, I have decided to run Dawn of the Scarlet Sun as a one-shot adventure. For those who have not heard of it, here is its blurb thingy:

blurb thingy wrote:
The city of Magnimar is no stranger to crime—even to crimes as violent as murder. Brutal Sczarni turf wars occasionally spill blood across the typically peaceful streets, nearly forgotten hungry things skitter amid the foundations of ancient monuments, even the infamous Skinsaw Cult has been intermittently active in the coastal Varisian city. But the latest set of murders to strike Magnimar bears a different calling card than that of the murder cult—a new killer stalks the city streets in the early dawn hours!

I'm looking for 4 level 6 characters. Ability scores may be generated through 25 point buy or by rolling 5d6 and dropping the lowest two. (If picking the latter option, you'd be rolling the stats in line.) Stick to the core book in terms of class and race. No evil alignments. Max HP at starting level and Half-Max Plus 1 from then on. 450 + the average for your class starting wealth.

I would prefer the game be hosted over skype. This would, by default, occur on Saturday August 22ed at 2PM CST and run until the adventure is finished. If I cannot find four people willing to gather then, however, I would be willing to either reschedule or run it play by post instead. Please post a skype ID when you reply.

Thank you to anyone who gives me the time of day.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Zerigoking is my skype handle and i'll have a character whipped up in a couple hours for you to look over.

Hmm, Skype session on Saturday the 22nd of August as a one-shot? I'm tempted here, and don't have plans for that day (outside of PbP games).

Got ideas for a Bladebound Magus as well, lets say with the Words of Power spellcasting. I'll start putting it together, and let you look over it.

Skype is live:mliebennett

Just to confirm though, starting gold will be 450 + (Avg lvl 1 starting gold for the class) instead of the starting gold for a lvl 6?

Here is lokiel's submission. Bertrum the paladin and his mount, Muffins!

Silver Crusade

Bertrum wrote:
Here is lokiel's submission. Bertrum the paladin and his mount, Muffins!

That is what I put, but I hadn't seen the higher level starting golds. Yeah, go with those instead.

Silver Crusade

Bertrum wrote:
Here is lokiel's submission. Bertrum the paladin and his mount, Muffins!

Did you roll those or use point buy? I ask because the stats there perfectly match up with point buy, but without factoring in the +1 you get to an ability score at 4th level.

I did point buy and totally forgot about that +1 ability at 4th, thanks for reminding me.

Silver Crusade

Bertrum wrote:
I did point buy and totally forgot about that +1 ability at 4th, thanks for reminding me.

Alright then, seems in order.

Gonna have to pass after all. Double checked my calendar and I've got family coming in that week. Good luck though.

Silver Crusade

I'm going to post a note at my local game store inviting people to see if we can't do a group. If not, I'll do my damnedest to find a level-appropriate adventure for whatever we can get together. (If we get only one more, I'll run a level 7 pre-gen and the other two will move up to 7 in level. If we get 2, I'll run a level 6 pre-gen.)

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