
Voronoy Kueb's page

19 posts. Alias of rainbow33.


Female Human Fighter 1

Unfortuntely, due to real-life events, I have been struggling to keep up (and my posts have suffered even when I have managed to be online).

As a result, it makes most sense for me to leave the party. I have really enjoyed my limited time being part of the adventure and appreciate the opportunity.

Finally, good luck and have a great time (which I know you will).

Female Human Fighter 1

Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Voronoy sleeps soundly as soon as her shift is done. She’s practiced at napping when the opportunity arises - given the amount of time she spends on guard duty.

Female Human Fighter 1

Voronoy smiled at Casina’s description of her talents. ”Make that two of us that are about hitting things,” she added. ”For a while, I wondered why I’d been invited. I was half-expecting to be told to keep an eye on you all, given what I do for a living. But so far, I’d say everyone’s knowledge of the wilderness and such-like has been paramount in us getting where we are. In fact, I’m hoping my skill-set isn’t going to come in handy at all. But…” she lays a hand on the hilt of her sword, ”rest assured I’ll be ready if needed.”

Female Human Fighter 1

Had my gallbladder removed due to gallstones. It was a relatively simple procedure and well worth it for the pain I’d been enduring. The only pain a man can have that’s even close to childbirth apparently.

Female Human Fighter 1

Voronoy smiles at the camaraderie that the group are exhibiting. From her relatively short time with the military, she knew how important it was to not only be a team, but to act like a time and feel you were a team. Because teams looked out for one another - whereas a group of individuals will tend to put themselves first when the chips were down.

And, as she listened to the song and ate her meal, she reflected on her role as part of that team. Maybe when those chips were down, her military training would come to the fore? One thing she knew from that training, was to let the experts take control at the appropriate time. Natural leaders will always emerge, but they know when to take control and when to defer.

Glancing around, she was aware of the varied background, the blend of skills and competencies. Should they come across a challenge, she felt assured they would deal with it.

But her musing ended almost as it began. What was her role? How could and should she become part of that team, as opposed to the silent outsider for now.


Not that she was a procrastinator, but she promised herself that the next day she would have at least one conversation with each of the group.

Female Human Fighter 1

Works for me too

Female Human Fighter 1

Campsite Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Food Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Well, Voronoy thought, being the quiet one isn't the worst thing in the world. The thought had no sooner flitted across her mind when Culver made it worse. Clearly unintentional, but it made her feel even less useful.

"Um..." she responded to the hafling, "that I don't actually. When we march we tend to either keep quiet or, you know, count...1,2,3,4 or sometimes we shout left - left - left. Not exactly songs."

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Female Human Fighter 1

Voronoy was feeling more like an outsider than before. Back in town, she had a role. And the role equalled a purpose and a persona. She wasn't Voronoy, she was part of the local militia. She mused as they walked that she'd almost forgotten what it was like to be a person. And that feeling was amplified by the camaraderie she witnessed. And the longer it continued, and the less she contributed, the harder it was to join in.

So she didn't. Instead she kept a careful watch. Not because she suspected any special challenge as part of the event, but because this was the wilderness after all and anything might decide they represented lunch. In their favour they had numbers on their side, but you could never be too careful she mused.

Female Human Fighter 1

Voronoy sat on the fence and will go with the majority

Female Human Fighter 1

Feeling slightly uncomfortable - not by the climate but because of the circumstances - Voronoy remains on the outside of the group. In town, she was a symbol of authority - someone who no doubt was seen as a figure to stop things happening as opposed to making them occur.

But now she was feeling awkward, a bit of a fish out of water. So, she was more than happy for the others to take the lead. No doubt they will need her at some point in the future, when she would step up. But she was not one to speak just to hear the sound of her own voice.

But a decision had been called for and for a moment, she prevaricated before finally sitting on the fence!

"I'll go with the majority," she offered.

Female Human Fighter 1

Voronoy was used to military life. And taking orders. And being ordered about. And often in a very unfriendly voice.

But Maidie's brother's speech made even her feel like a small child, and she wondered how the others might have taken it. But, when you shook off the tone of the monologue, it was all sensible advice and came from a place of caring.


The following day, Voronoy assembled with the others. Once again, her training meant she listened to the mayor's words solemnly. She felt, as she always did, that she was representing both herself and the town militia whenever somewhere in public.

Once the ceremony was at an end, she took her backpack and quickly checked it over before stowing everything back with meticulous care. Then she took a look at the parchment. It was clearly part of a map and she reflected on what she knew, to see if there was more she could add to the single strip.

Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Female Human Fighter 1

More than happy to use Voronoy's avatar - less confusing for me :)

Female Human Fighter 1

Sometimes it was hard for Voronoy to stop being part of the militia. In part because she didn't want to - she believed she was on duty the whole time. And also because she felt a duty to uphold the law.

So, the children running and the laughing - plus the wet bucket - made her immediately suspect not so much foul play as tomfoolery. And in her limited experience, pranks could escalate with age and turn into something more sinister.

But before she could make any reaction, she heard Casina and appreciated it was just a game. Not that Voronoy was good at games, so she did not naturally join in the merriment - but at least she did not shut it down.

Instead, she smiled and watched, enjoying the simple fun and games that were unfolding.

Female Human Fighter 1

Voronoy's quarters:

Voronoy knew when she was dismissed, so she bowed at both the mayor and her captain and exited the room. Once back into the barracks, she prepared for a short journey, ate a hearty meal and got to bed early, believing a good night's sleep was important.

Female Human Fighter 1

Voronoy's meeting:

Voronoy offers a short bow, first to the mayor and then to her commanding officer.

"Just the one question, where will the others be, in order to meet them?"

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Female Human Fighter 1

Voronoy's meeting:

Voronoy had learned some important lessons since joining up to serve with Captain Wisslo. Many were tough but fair, but of the ones she used most often, they came in useful now. Take orders and be punctual.
So, she arrived for the meeting her ubiquitous five minutes early and was allowed to enter his office one minute early. She stood to attention, as usual, until he told her to stand at ease. And she held this position, doing her utmost to ignore her captain’s frustration and remain calm and keep her face neutral.
Finally the reason for requesting her presence became clear - or at least the ‘who’ part was…the town’s mayor.
She turned to face the dignitary as he addressed her and nodded when he mentioned to quest - even in her relatively short time here, she understood its customs and practises. And she managed to suppress a sound of shock when he told her that she would be one of the participants, although an observant bystander would have seen her left eyebrow raise for a few moments.
She glanced over at her captain, expecting him to speak - but when he did not, she took that as a tacit agreement she could respond. “I would be honoured and delighted to participate. And if I may ask a question, how ‘short’ is short notice?”

Female Human Fighter 1

Talking to the DM, we agreed that 16, going on 17 is right. Given her background, that could be a year out of course.

Female Human Fighter 1

Some depth for Voronoy. As I said before, I am entirely happy to work with anyone to fit into their background :)

Revised back story:

Voronoy began life doing whatever made the most coin, to keep the proverbial wolf from the door, which led to a life of prostitution. In her role, she also felt compelled to look out for the younger members of the house. In truth they were all free to leave but the guarantee of a roof over their heads, free meals and access to a healer meant none did.

Which explains why they put up with so much abuse from the owner of the establishment. It was something the girls simply got used to. But a new girl took the owner’s liking and his attentions were both unwanted and excessive. Voronoy felt obliged to step in but her meddling earned the new girl a beating. Fearing the worst, at dawn the following day, Voronoy stole from her bed – leaving the sobbing young girl behind – and crept out of her room via the window and onto the roof. There she
only way of gaining entry by stealth. Once inside, she woke the man and pleaded with him to leave the new girl alone.
His laughter echoed through the building and Voronoy just wanted it to go away. So, when he back-handed her across the face and she discerned the metallic taste of blood in her mouth, she picked up the nearest object and pounded off the man’s head until he laughed no more.

Aware of her actions – and the power and influence of the man she just killed, Voronoy ran. And ran and ran until she was as far away from that place as she could get.

But a girl needs to eat and with no discernible skills, Voronoy travelled somewhere nobody knew her and she enrolled in the local milita of Kassen. She lacked muscle and her peers constantly derided her efforts but her wiry frame and natural elegance, she worked hard with what she had to execute her duties. 


1. What emotion best describes Voronoy?
Guilty – she may never get over her murderous act and lives each and every minute looking to atone for it
2. What emotion does Voronoy evoke in others?
Surprise – she does not look a soldier by any conventional measure, but when she’s focused on her job, she is unexpectedly efficient
3. What does Voronoy need most?
To be forgiven – not by her peers, but by herself
4. What is Voronoy’s goal in life?
To be remembered for who she wants to be, not what she is i.e. on her tombstone, she would not want to say, ‘Here lies a murderer’. But, deep-down, she knows that aspect of her life can never be erased. And given she was formerly a prostitute, this aspect of her life she as relatively at peace with (but does not share widely)


1. Where did Voronoy come from?
2. Who were your parents?
Unknown – she has no memory of being anything other than an orphan. She suspects her mother was a prostitute and her father a client, but this is just an educated guess
3. Where did Voronoy live?
She lived for most of her years (up to the age of 15) in a brothel in Tamran. For the past two years she has lived in Kassen.
4. What was Voronoy’s family’s economic and social status?
Working class and decidedly looked down upon
5. How was Voronoy educated?
Given the brothel looked to satisfy all elements of society, some girls received a decent education – so as to be able to converse with more important clients. So she learned to read and write, had an education in history and current affairs, learned to dance, and had access to a small library of reference books
6. What were the three most important lessons Voronoy learned?
i. You cannot escape your past – but perhaps you can grow sufficiently to move on from it
ii. Justice is an ill-conceived concept – life happens and it rarely ends happily
iii. She is now just beginning to understand that fate is also an ill-conceived concept, and that you make your own ‘luck’ in this world (and accept the consequences)
7. When did Voronoy grow up?
From a young age – when she realised she was expected (at least by her own moral compass) to look out for the younger girls. So maybe from the age of 12 or so.
8. What values does Voronoy hold?
i. Responsibility – own your actions and don’t blame others
ii. Courage – be brave enough to do what’s right, not what’s easy
iii. Altruism – do the right thing always because you choose to, not because you have to
9. Name three things Voronoy considers sacred.
i. Life is precious and should only be taken as a last resort
ii. Advantage is a privilege and so should only be used to help others, not yourself
iii. ‘Judge not, lest ye be judged’
10. Three things she is idealogically opposed to.
i. Rules are the most important thing
ii. Holding a position of authority means your word is gospel
iii. Do as I say, not as I do
11. How does Voronoy dress?
As she’s invariably on duty, she wears the uniform of the local militia – chainmail, not no helm. She does take pride in her armour and keeps it neat, tidy and polished – and her leather boots literally shine as they are so well maintained.
Her hair is invariably tied up in a bun – and she wears no jewellery whatsoever.
12. What are Voronoy’s means?
Voronoy lives frugally, believing there is limited – if any – value in material things. Her greatest asset, therefore, is her relationship with her commanding officer. Her peers see him as past his best, but Voronoy values his experience and looks to learn as much as she can. This honest interest means he has a positive disposition towards her.
13. What are Voronoy’s personal tastes?
For someone who lives frugally, she still enjoys the feel of fine silk and the smell of incense. These remind her of the few pleasant things from her past. From the present, she actually loves the smell of saddle soap – that she uses to clean her boots.
Conversely, she dislikes the taste of alcohol – a less positive memory of her past, when girls were forced to be drunk if they were tense when entertaining a client. Stubble is another strange dislike. Clean shaven is OK, as is a beard – but she finds the middle ground reflecting of a lazy attitude. Finally, she does not like the sound of belching – something guaranteed to raise her hackles and give someone a piece of her mind.
14. What are Voronoy’s opinions?
She has three significant ones. Firstly, she disdains anyone who lives off the work of others without either having done it themselves or working as hard in another way. Next she accepts she has to uphold the law and does so, but often wishes she could turn a blind eye if the punishment she knows will exceed the crime. It is a constant challenge for her. Linked to this, she despises people who hide behind laws or rules and take no personal responsibility without at least a valid argument.
15. What is Voronoy’s comfort zone?
When stressed, Voronoy will clean. Ideally she will have something that needs cleaning, but if not, she will buff her boots, or polish her belt buckle. This is often done absent-mindedly – and can be a tell that she is out of her comfort zone.
16. Who has had the biggest impact on your Voronoy’s life?
Captain Wisslo – who took her in, trained her and believed in her.
17. What are some of Voronoy’s unexpected quirks?
Most militia know how to fight, but precious few can quote poetry. Even fewer can dance with Voronoy’s grace. She also paces when thinking through a particularly challenging conundrum.
On the other side, her lack of strength means she fights in an unorthodox manner – which is often in her favour. She is also colour blind, so has at least the common sense to dress in natural hues (and checks what colour things are if she acquires them).
She has a phobia of thunderstorms – which can be debilitating if she is outdoors at the time.


Primary motivation – Benificence
Emotional disposition – Curious
Moodiness – Even-tempered
Outlook – Optimistic
Integrity – Conscientious
Impulsiveness – Controlled
Boldness – Intrepid
Agreeableness – Agreeable
Interactivity – Reserved
Conformity – Heterodox
Sense of humour – Dry
Favourite topics of conversation – Work ethics/the justice system
Group affiliations – Local militia
Religion – Agnostic
Hobbies – None (all work and no play)

Female Human Fighter 1

Hi everyone. Glad to have made it in as first reserve. Been on a three-week work trip and back home tomorrow night, so expect me to have a revised and updated back-story for Voronoy. I’ll also be fleshing out her personality - and just wanted to say that I’m open to amending things to fit better within the group.

Expect regular interaction starting tomorrow.