
Vlad II Dracul “The Dragon”'s page

6 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


With dying breath, Count of Wallachia bestows on his adopted daughter Ihrin The Boon of House Dracul: The next time she or one of her allies within 30 ft of her fails a save against a death effect, she or the ally gets a second saving throw attempt at +8 morale bonus to the roll!

Count Vlad II Dracul turns his pale, bloody visage upon his daughter Ihrin and smiles with fatherly love and pride.

Eu mor, floare de primăvară. Te iubesc atit de mult. Împrăștiați acest monstru cu prietenii voștri valenți și răzbunați ne, draga mea.

I am dying, Spring Blossom. I love you so very much. Slay this monster with your valorous friends and avenge me.

A gout of crimson blood bursts from his lips, he hangs his thorn-crowned head, and dies.

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bat! wrote:

Johann turns to a bat, and tries to fly up and above the ring!

[dice=fly check]d20+13

He soars above like a natural born flier, and gets 60 feet closer to the action.

Count Vlad II Dracul manages to raise his thorn-crowned, bloody head to smile at Dire Bat Johann as he soars into the chamber on giant bat wings...

Lord Perpireen tries not to notice his ally's repulsive metamorphosis...

Ah... croaks "The Dragon" of Wallachia, How I adore zee children of zee night...

Nailed over Christ's body on the marble crucifix is the still living father of Lady Ihrin, Count Vlad II Dracul of Wallachia, his blood mingling with the fountain's wine...

Feebly, he calls out to his daughter in Romani: No, Ihrin! Run! It's a trap!

In the Carpathian Mountains of Wallachia, Prince Vlad II the Dragon and his loyal Romani warriors wage a crusade against the Turks, fighting with courage and cunning to retake the forested realm for the Church...

Recently forced to send his young son, Vlad III Dracula, to live as a hostage in the court of Sultan Murad II, the Dragon Prince of Wallachia burns with hatred for the Turks, and a desire for revenge that his son will inherit, leading him to earn the title "The Impaler" a couple of decades in the future...

Foreshadowing the monstrous sadism of his son Dracula, the Dragon vents his wrath that Sunday afternoon by listenjng to a captured Turkish spy scream in terror as Romani warriors shovel dirt onto the pine coffin he has been nailed into, burying him alive...

Having seized the Principality of Wallachia following his half-brother's death the year before, Vlad II "the Dragon" wages war against the Ottoman Turks and other dark forces malignant to Christendom. His young son, Vlad III, is only eight years old... He has not yet grown into the sadistic, homicidal monster that later sages would name Vlad the Impaler, and Dracula, Son of the Dragon... His dark fate is yet to play out...