In the Carpathian Mountains of Wallachia, Prince Vlad II the Dragon and his loyal Romani warriors wage a crusade against the Turks, fighting with courage and cunning to retake the forested realm for the Church...
Recently forced to send his young son, Vlad III Dracula, to live as a hostage in the court of Sultan Murad II, the Dragon Prince of Wallachia burns with hatred for the Turks, and a desire for revenge that his son will inherit, leading him to earn the title "The Impaler" a couple of decades in the future...
Foreshadowing the monstrous sadism of his son Dracula, the Dragon vents his wrath that Sunday afternoon by listenjng to a captured Turkish spy scream in terror as Romani warriors shovel dirt onto the pine coffin he has been nailed into, burying him alive...