![]() Apologies ladies and gents. I'm having a very difficult time trying to get in the proper headspace today >.<. I've tried to sit down and write a few times today and I'm just plan struggling to find my muse. I feel bad because I feel I've had this issue with this game more so than others. I'll try to get a response in at least by tomorrow evening. ![]()
![]() I'm just gonna go ahead and fail that. You roleplayed a good fault of his which is damsel in distress. I don't feel I gotta roll against that for you to win :P Vincent looks around confused a bit, but pulls out the gun and points it at the only new...thing in the room. This nightmare he was living was getting more and more unreal. Bits of the last thing he remembered that made sense and this "dream" were starting to overlap as he saw the bloodbath in front of him. He didn't seem worried or annoyed when the woman slipped behind him and used him as a shield. He looked at the others and back at the creature in front of him "The hell is going on now. Anyone remember anything from the feast to now...cause I'm coming up blank and I don't think I'm seeing s!+~ right with something...like a damned ghost in front of me." he said tempted to shoot it. ![]()
![]() Alright so I had 5 leftover from character creation so that mean I have 20 freebie to spend then yea? Changes: Increase Str 1 Increase Intelligence 1 2 presence, 2 celerity 5 points for a dot in Potence, 5 for Dominate 1 point for italian? 4 points for two ranks in Occult 1 point for another willpower 4 points for two more humanity ![]()
![]() So you get: One free stat boost in Primary, One free stat in Secondary, No stat boost in Tertiary
Now, do we gain an additional 15 freebie points? Edit: Hopefully I'm looking at the right book but Celerity, Potence, and Presence are the Disciplines for Brujah? ![]()
![]() GM: Vincent looked at the book handed to him and he was surprised by what the man had said. It wasn't common for the times to consider the mind an asset for warriors. He opened the book and sighed before offering it back "It's a wonderful gesture, but alas the book would be wasted on me. I never learned the language.' he said smiling. Vincent looked at the man before him, unable to speak then looked at the man beside him. He shrugged "There is little point interrogating a man who cannot speak. His condition isn't sound enough to assume he'd survive any kind of torture to even get semi viable information." was all he could say. ![]()
![]() More stuffs: Dex+Stealth: 4d10 + 2d10 ⇒ (5, 7, 4, 9) + (8, 6) = 39
I'd go ahead and spend a willpower, possibly two if I could on the second roll.
Vincent follows along rather curious to see what the man has planned. He does his best to slip away unnoticed as instructed by Marchettus, Later with Mieczyslav, he follows him with some curiosity as not to offend any of the hosts. He finds that he at least agrees with what the man says about being feared but not hated. When he came upon a man in chains, his jaw clenched a bit. He wasn't sure if he was dreaming and this was simply an illusion or if they truly were somehow in the past. He tried to cast aside his modern thoughts of justice and follow along with the times. He knelt in front of the man and tilted his head "Tell me, what are you accused of?" he asked with curiosity to see if the man would lie to him. Perception+Investigation?: 3d10 + 2d10 ⇒ (2, 10, 1) + (7, 7) = 27 I'm not sure what to roll to check if they are lying...but this at least can possibly let me get insight into what the man's body scars can tell me...like callouses, bruising, feet and such...maybe?
![]() Vincent politely imbibed. He didn't drink much, mostly sipped on the first glass he was offered. It wasn't a good idea to get sloshed at an event like this and he wasn't sure how long into the night things might go or how his "companions" might act. He gave a slight bow of the upper body when others approached and was surprised at how pretty much everyone eventually took a turn talking to him, he recounts at the end of the night. Answers:
When Marchettus the Bold asked his questions, he scratched his chin a bit "Err...hmm, I think each person is entitled to their own life, provided they are not destroying the lives of their subjects. So I'd rather not on both of your questions." Dimitria: "I've enjoyed the hunt many times, I used to work with dogs a lot so I know how to mimic a howl proper. Give me another drink or three and I'd easily take you up on your offer." Theophana: This one caused him to think for a bit, this felt somewhat philosophical "It's true, people hide behind the mask they put on for each person based on what they feel that person would like...mostly. I suppose villainy is the essence of causing grief upon another with your actions that is against civilized societies laws." he offered as a decent answer, at least he felt. Violetta: Again, a bit of philosophy "Beauty can hide the ugliness of the soul, too often man falls for a pretty face only to be stabbed when they least expect. Time eats all, it gives no preference nor takes any excuse. It simply devours." he offered Wenceslas: "Commitment I would say...Hmm, my talents are pretty menial I think. I am pretty good with numbers but to show off the talent would take immense time. And I can train animals to do things, but again that takes time. I'm afraid I don't have anything showy to offer you." he says with a shrug and polite bow in apology. Casmir: "Hmm, I know of magic and it's ways but I am not a practitioner." he offers, of course referring to the sleight of hand tricks modern magicians do. It's not that he's ignorant of the fairy tale type of magic, he's read many fantasy books after all.
Jadviga: "I think that the efforts and dedication required from good leadership deserves rewarding...I prefer the leader born of the station in this instance, though I believe a leader should be leading from the front of his men. Has the man done something that deserves it? Has he touched a child in the way no man should? Has he taken from a woman who did no readily give? If so, then I would support his beating and join, if not than perhaps an alternative punishment to get the point across?" he offered Leopold: "Feared. Yes, I've read Aristotle a bit. Hmm, I suppose it truly depends. Light subjectively could be considered the absence of dark but the same could be said of the opposite. However, Astrology tells us that Darkness is the absence of light." he said with a shrug. Mieczyslave: "I treat my enemy the same as I would wish my enemy to treat me, with caution and care. Interrogate him, make him talk but take care of him and feed him." he offered. He then began to describe various techniques, including shoving the man in a box where he can neither stand or sit in a busy location filled with noise where he won't be released. Bajazet: "I've sat at the table with death and another man a few times. I've made my peace. I have no cause to dance with you and death this day, I don't take such actions lightly." he said somewhat sternly. Amisa: "Pleasantries only help so much, you either like someone or don't. So I'd agree....and survival." he said politely. Lothar: "Our? Hmm, if you're referring to man...our humanity? Our ability to care for each other and to ensure not only your own survival but those of others you care for, and sometimes those you don't. I don't care for this kind of philosophy, yes you can own things." he offered.
He takes his seat that is offered and settles down. And then the questions begin again. He's been answering all pretty politely through the evening unsure of what is going on. "If it were not, then there would be not meat to eat." he offered as an answer. He holds out his hand when the group is asked, but politely bows his head to one of the others when they speak up and offer to do it. He honestly didn't care enough about who killed the goat. ![]()
![]() Vincent looked at the others, he understood their desire to save her, hell he wanted to as well but this was not the way. "If you want to help her, then let the servants take care of her and ask about her at the meeting with the owners of this place. It would look better at the negotiating table if we did it that way. Otherwise, they might take offense and we may no longer have a job. " he said trying to help. ![]()
![]() Vincent steps into the hallway and notices what everyone else is held up with. He raises a brow at the way the servants are acting and his "future group". He sighed, these were the type or morality choices he didn't miss about being in the military. He looked at the servants, looked at the naked woman, and then looked at his own people. He stepped up and leaned in "We have no connections, no income, and are having to live off the good graces of people we don't know who seem to know us. Let's say you can convince the old ways that she should be free or treated better. Could you help her yourself, losing your only current resources? Cause that's a possibility. The servants don't look abused, they are well fed, and clothed and housed. I agree she's coming in in an awful way...but it doesn't look like it's to an awful end." he said arguing slightly the current situation. ![]()
![]() Honestly it had been too long since Vincent had last had a bath. He sighed and relaxed in the tub of warm water. It wasn't anything compared to what he was used to but he'd take it. Once bathed, he took the new clothes and slipped them on before folding up his old ones and putting them on whatever flat surface he had other than his bed. He looked in the mirror and checked his face. The beard that had started wasn't too bad on him and he didn't feel like he felt comfortable enough with old school blades for shaving. He looked at how the clothes fit him and shrugged. He slipped the gun in the waistline before heading out. He'd check on his group of future friends later. For now, he might as well go visit the one group he'd connected with and see if they were all parting ways here. ![]()
![]() While my skills and backstory are more based in the future. I think I do have enough relevant skills to be able to survive with my current build. i'll spend some time for sure fumbling given that I might have some talking issues...but then this character wasn't gonna be the best of talkers for the moment. Looking at all my skills, I was actually pretty surprised after a bit of thinking. ![]()
![]() Vincent attempts to use his newfound toddler like understanding to offer to try and drive the carriage for the older wagon hand. He figured this would at least make him seem useful. He nods to the others "Yea, might as well attempt to make ourselves useful and go along with this until we can figure things out." Honestly, I'm not sure what roll is applicable here. I am gonna just toss out my best to you, and whatever you decide we can subtract dice off the end till I've got the right amount? Charisma+Animal Ken?: 3d10 + 3d10 ⇒ (7, 2, 7) + (9, 7, 10) = 42 ![]()
![]() Hmm, I don't really see a problem with the setting so long as it's temporary? My only reason for feeling like I'd want to change characters would be if we were to permanently stay in the past and live out our lives to the future. As a player, I would have difficulty playing a character out of time and place to the point where I can barely socialize because of all the differences (particularly language barriers as Europe in the olden days, you weren't guaranteed one bit that people would speak English.) If this is just a small section (Even if it takes months out of game given the nature and speed of PbP) then I can handle it and it will just be an interesting thing for the character to look back on. ![]()
![]() He listened to the Sermon from the comfort of the "company" of the Gypsy's wagon area. He looked around as the others turned in for the night unsure what to do himself given their unusual predicament? Are we saying interactions are over for the night and has there been any indication where on earth we might be bedding down ourselves? ![]()
![]() Vincent took the cup from the older woman and smiled politely, he sat the cup down and got his share from the cook and made his way back to the hospitality of the old gypsy and was curious how he might converse given what he assumed was a language barrier...or hell perhaps she was just quiet or mute. Still, the pheasant with carrots was delicious and he partook of the dark coffee she offered. Apologies, I'm not 100% sure what you meant by eating without processing...are your referring to we aren't digesting and like Ezra decided, we are about to be sick? ![]()
![]() Vincent looks perhaps a bit more than mildly annoyed at the Soldier for stopping him so, but he takes a breath and nods. "A shame, let him know that others of the camp would appreciate the pleasure of his company if when he would enjoy it." he said trying not to sound annoyed. Charisma+Empathy if needed: 3d10 + 0d10 ⇒ (3, 3, 1) + (-) = 7 Well, the dice are showing his annoyance well >.> Finding that avenue closed, he shakes his head as he returns to camp. He knew better than to approach the monk, not because they were unfriendly but because he knew he wouldn't do well at keeping his own foot out of his mouth about things regarding the spiritual side of things. Vincent had seen the world for what it was and if he had truly had any faith before, it was gone now. He would be curious to talk to the chef, but he had a feeling that come after a meal he'd have a better opening to speak with him. Leaving him with only really one group left to interact with for now...he turned towards the Gypsy Elder's cavan and bowed politely and respectfully. "Good evening ma'am. I hope you take no offense to my company or intrusion....I had hoped to know more about my traveling companions and I must admit I enjoy learning about others ways of life." he said hoping to earn some favor with the woman. Charisma+Empathy if needed: 3d10 + 0d10 ⇒ (10, 1, 9) + (-) = 20 ![]()
![]() Vincent paused and considered the information he'd found. He considered who he might talk to to try and gain more information, and had almost decided on the Military retinew when Jessica left his side to speak with them. He raised his brow but said nothing and instead considered the rest of the available people. While the Gypsy woman and the rather unclothed daughter would be an interesting choice, he had to admit that it would be better to leave that to others. If his memory served him, Gypsies were typically not fond of outsiders and typically preferred languages he did not know. He settled on the nobleman and made his way towards them. He raised a hand and "hailed" the wagon. "Good evening, you seemed lacking of company. I thought I might introduce myself and spend some time getting to know my fellow travelers. I am Vincent, Vincent Delaney." he offered simply to try and strike up a rapport. ![]()
![]() Vincent raises a brow as he listened to Justin's words, his eyes flickering and noticing the "show" but saying nothing for the moment. He shakes his head and looks at Justin. "If I were to guess, I would say the foreigners in camp looking confused and like a bunch of jackasses." he said shrugging slightly. He decides that he would just start wondering the camp for now and checking out what was around them. He doubted this would prove to be all that beneficial given the language barrier but it didn't hurt to check out their "friends" just in case. Going for a walk around camp and snooping a bit, preferably nonchalantly or hidden. ![]()
![]() Vincent scratches his head a bit looking a bit ashamed at being so out of place "Most of my knowledge is pretty current. I could potentially help with dealing with any animals, money, or medical needs. I suppose my experience in the wilds might help as well but I'm gonna be relying on you to help translate and such it seems." he said offering what little he felt of his expertise would be useful right now. ![]()
![]() Vincent does a few cursory look overs upon himself again. He wasn't a historian by any means though he at least did well in his history classes particularly those involving weaponry. He noted the rather...odd gun, this would definitely be difficult to explain or find in such good condition today. He was already beginning to have a migraine from the attempt to even understand this. "Alright, quick inventory of our abilities. Anyone understand this lot beside....What is everyone's names? Mine's Vincent." he said trying to wrap his mind around things. ![]()
![]() Vincent kept his head down even as they dipped outside. The second he saw the blades, his fingers had wrapped around the gun hidden in his jacket. But he was surprised...relieved even when they had made it out the door and he saw a familiar face. Or at least it felt familiar but he couldn't place it at the moment. Needless, he was safe for the moment. He heard the words only faintly, still lit up with adrenaline and suddenly it was dark. He almost screamed silently into the dark but he had to keep it together. He shook himself off as he looked around, noticing the stars, the campfire, the horses. He was alarmed as he looked around at their surrounding utterly confused at what had happened, where everything had gone. When he hears the woman call out, he turned around and his focus came back to the here and now. He began to look over himself and the others. "Is...everyone ok? Does anyone remember how we got here from the bar?" he asked trying to figure things out as he began to search his clothes for his weapon. ![]()
![]() Lol, hmm...I reckon this is not common in VtM? I'm assuming I had critical success? Browning 1911-380 Black Pro w/Rails 700 (Cabella for sourcing) 2014 Triumph Bonneville 900 (AutoTrader for sourcing) I had planned on trying to squeeze in the vehicle into the background purchases but I'm fine with spending my first month to just have one paid off so I don't have to worry about it. ![]()
![]() Vincent couldn't tell if it was his instincts, some kind of PTSD episode, or perhaps even something supernatural but his body responded before he knew what was happening. His adrenaline began to pump, he crouched down and began to move from cover to cover towards the back exit. He angles himself, ready to dive behind the bar at a moments notice as he tried to escape the feeling. ![]()
![]() Roll:
Whichever you think is more interesting: 3d10 ⇒ (8, 5, 7) = 20 Vincent seemed annoyed at how tonight had been proceeding. He'dd chatted a bit with the waitresses, even going so far as to talk to the tables around him to ease the boredom but this just didn't seem to be a good night for the Rodeo, at least for his tastes. Still though, he was beginning to get suspicious of what was happening behind door number two though. ![]()
![]() Vincent made his way into the tavern, much like he'd done most nights of the last month. He found himself a a nice spot in the corner looking over the exit, letting himself know who and when people came in and made sure he was able to get there if he desired. He waved at one of the waitresses and waited his turn for them to show up. Meanwhile, he watched the room curious to see who he knew and if he expected much trouble tonight based on how people were acting. ![]()
![]() No worries, I've made like 14 aliases on here and kept changing names when I'd use something I thought was unique but someone else had made a profile for and I never thought about it....till I ran into someone who used a middle name in their submission. Then it donned on me for the first time. I don't mind Nosferatu, I think they are amazing and useful. It's just I would prefer to set up specific for that particular embrace. The issues that you face that are special to the Nosferatu is particularly difficult and the handicaps of it I feel make it a little rough and more demanding of forethought. Most all others, you can adjust as they are at least able to interact with the world at large without immediate potential Masquerade issues. ![]()
![]() Vincent walked in shortly after, he had been reviewing his notes on his notepad and was still doing so as he walked in. He took a seat at the bar and ordered a double shot of whiskey. Probably one of the best things of having a heavy regeneration factor was he could drink as much as he wanted and not have to worry about it. He turned in the stool and looked at the others. "So, from what I gather. Skip was pretty pissed at our cocky deceased, bit of bad blood there and he would have the know how to break the thing. From the info you guys sent, Duke ran off pretty quick once he know who we were...but we got nothing really on the other two as far as info yeah?" he said trying to sum it up before popping back the whiskey. "How do you guys wanna handle it, personally I think we got too many chickens in the same pot. Fan out a bit, someone check with ol Duke and his kid. Someone check the finances on Lou, see where the backing is coming from. Someone try and piss off Skip on the downlow and see just how he really reacts when under pressure. And maybe someone who speaks the Doc's language handle him yeah?" he asked trying to figure out a gameplan based on everything that has been provided recently.