
Victor Sixsmith's page

121 posts. Alias of Jam412.

Organized Play Character

Liberty's Edge Jam412's Variel
(0 posts)


Barl “the Boulder” Skein

AC:15 HP: 18/19 HD: 2/2 (130 posts)
DM Jam
(371 posts)
Man with a Pickaxe
Freddy Elliot

Sanity 8/9 Stability 9/9 Health 12/12 (344 posts)

jamie gregory
(0 posts)

jamie gregory 511
(0 posts)
Eldran Tesh
Julian Preston

Male Toreador (38 posts)
Abderrahmane Zagora
Khalid de la Poer

Male Half Vistani Wizard 6 AC: 15 HP: 38/38 Pass Per: 17 Pass Investigate: 21 Spells: DC 15 1st: 4/4 2nd: 3/3 3rd: 3/3 (250 posts)
Ury Sevenskulls

Male Half Orc Duskwarden 2 (240 posts)
Olivia Forgeborn

Female Aasimar Paladin 1 [HP 12/12] [AC 17. T 11. FF 16] [F+4 R+1 W+0] Init+1 Per+2 D.Vision (64 posts)
Krun Thuul
Uro Taraka

HP 59/59 AC 17 Per:10 Rage 0/12 AC: 20 DR: 4 (390 posts)
Victor Sixsmith

Male Human (121 posts)
Half-Fiend Minotaur

AC: 18 HP:20/20 Passive Perception: 15 (8 posts)
Serpentfolk Spy
Zukhan Ssalaras

Male Asaatthi Ranger 3 HP: 33/33 AC: 15 Pass Per: 14 ST: S+3 D+5 C+4 I+0 W+2 C+0 (ADV Charm & Poison) DVision 60' (120 posts)