About Kua Kua
==FEATS & TRAITS== Spoiler:
Traits Dusk Warden training: Kua was trained to move around in tight spaces while lightly armored. He subtracts one from his armor check penalties for his chain shirt. Suspicious: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you. Feats
When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. Cleave: As a standard action, you can make a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within reach. If you hit, you deal damage normally and can make an additional attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the first and also within reach. You can only make one additional attack per round with this feat. When you use this feat, you take a –2 penalty to your Armor Class until your next turn. ==SKILLS & LANGUAGES== Spoiler:
Ranks: 14 (12 Class +2 Favored Class) • Acrobatics* +3 • Appraise +0 • Bluff +0 • Climb* +7 • Craft* +0 • Diplomacy +0 • Disable Device* +6 (+8 with MW thieves' tools) • Disguise +0 • Escape Artist +2 • Fly +0 • Handle Animal* +0 • Heal *+2 • Intimidate* +6 • Knowledge (arcana) +0 • Knowledge (dungeoneering)* +4 • Knowledge (engineering) +0 • Knowledge (geography)* +4 • Knowledge (history) +0 • Knowledge (local)* +4 • Knowledge (nature)* +0 • Knowledge (nobility) +0 • Knowledge (planes) +0 • Knowledge (religion) +0 • Linguistics +0 • Perception* +9 • Perform +0 • Profession* (Cartographer) +6 • Ride* +2 • Sense Motive +7 • Sleight of Hand +0 • Spellcraft* +0 • Stealth* +6 • Survival *+6 • Swim* +7 • Use Magic Device +0 *Class Skill Skill Breakdown Languages
Racial Abilities Darkvision (60 feet): You can see in the dark (black and white vision only) Bestial: Replaces Orc ferocity: +2 to perception checks Intimidating: +2 racial to intimidate Class Abilities
Track +1/2 Level to survival checks to track Wild Empathy +1 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
==EQUIPMENT== Spoiler:
Combat Gear: Composite Longbow (+2 str), Masterwork Greataxe, Dagger, Masterwork Chain Shirt, Forty Arrows Other Gear: Backpack, Crowbar, Rope; hempen (50 ft.), 3 days Trail Rations, Water Skin, Vial of Holy Water, 2 flasks of oil Map Maker’s Kit: This small kit contains a simple slate with a grid carved into its surface and a number of different colored pieces of chalk. Anyone using this kit to draw a map as they travel receives a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival skill checks to avoid becoming lost. MW thieves' tools Money/Wealth:
Carries –lbs
Background Spoiler:
Kua spent his early years in the caverns and tunnels of an orc settlement called Blisterwell in The Hold of Belkzen, son to Gunzar of the Haskodar tribe and a slave woman, Kleah Brightstone of the Sklar-Quah. Being of mixed blood, Kua was treated little better than his slave mother and had to battle with his siblings and peers constantly. When Kua had reached his twelfth year, Gunzar decided it was time to see if his son was worthy of being an orc. He blindfolded Kua and took him deep into the Darklands that stretch below the Storval Plateau and told him that if he made his way back, he could live and fight next to his brothers and maybe even be allowed to take a slave, otherwise he would die, alone in the caverns. Thinking back to his mother, the only person who had ever shown him any kindness, he bristled at the though of taking a slave but nodded in agreement anyway, not that he had much choice.. As much time as Kua had spent in tunnels of Blisterwell, these Darklands were not his home and he soon became hopelessly lost. Wandering through the caves and tracking food where he could, Kua managed to survive for a month until he found the surface. In the past, he had taken several trips to the plateau, mostly for hunting and he was quickly able to deduce that he was far south of his home land. Not far enough, he thought. Kua had no desire to return to the life that awaited him back home. He would head further south, to a place that his mother had told him stories about. She said that it was a city that erupted out of the earth like a great tombstone, but it was hollow and men lived within its walls. That was where he would go, he determined. It was somewhere that he could live, free from the cruelties that he had suffered at the hands of his family and equally important, out of this blasted sun that his mother so revered. After a couple days of travel, the city appeared on the horizon. Kua didn’t expect the walls to be so pockmarked with holes. All the better, he thought he had no idea how one would enter the place otherwise. Finding a place with a good handhold Kua began his climb up to about a third the height of the wall and entered what looked to be the gaping mouth of a carved stone head. Kua was surprised to find that the tunnels within the walls were filled with as many dangerous creatures as the darklands that he had traversed. He found himself beset by a group of small spindly creatures, whose barbed hands reached out too far from their bodies to be natural. He was becoming overwhelmed by them when two warriors burst into the tunnel and helped him dispatch the creatures. The warriors named the creatures chokers and named themselves Duskwardens. When they heard his story and how long he managed to survive within the darklands and the undercity, they offered him a place amongst their order. Grateful to have found a place in his new home, Kua eagerly agreed. He has been with the Dusk Wardens for the last five years, working as an escort on the Halflight and tagging along in mapping expeditions. Recently, Kua has been informed by his superiors in the Duskwardens that they've received a request from Sheila Heidmarch, a Venture Captain with the Pathfinder organization, that they are in need of a trust worthy individual who is adept at dungeon delving, discreet and more importantly, an outsider to their organization. The Duskwardens, in a sign of good faith, have sent Kua to Magnimar to help where he can on the terms that he be allowed to map any complexes he enters and return copies of the maps to the Duskwardens central vaults. |