Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 Seeing the blood Vezron first checks the door for traps before trying to open it. ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron pull out the e-pick they found that day before and attempts to open the locked door. He attaches it to the lock and adeptly pushes in sequences of code through the device into the door trying not to break the lock or the e-pick.
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron readily finishes analyzing the code from the robot. Before entering his rest cycle he sets his final research on undercommon to compile with the rest of his data that by the time he wakes up he'll be able to speak the language. By morning he rested and ready to re-enter the cave. ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron will leave the others to their gambling choosing to head back to Khonnir's house. He unlocks the workshop for Darian to use, then goes inside and begins to write notes down on the coding from the damaged robot from the cave. He spends the night trying to decipher it so he can be more prepared for the next robot they meet. ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron's red eye opens and looks around unnaturally for a few seconds before closing. A moment later he opens both eyes. He sits bolt upright groping around for his sword, until her realizes that it is still in his hands. He stands up, draped in the cloak, and turns to Rosa. Androffan:
"It appears I still function. Thank you Rosa." He eyes the body on the floor and turns to the rest of the group. He motions to the body with his sword. "So what did I miss while I was.." He pauses thinking of the right idiom, "taking a nap." ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Galvanic Sabotuer 2 +10 health
skills: +1: Disable device, perception, know (eng), know (arc), know (geo), stealth, survival, linguistics, craft (mechanical) Learn Undercommon from linguistics Combat style: Two-handed
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron moves up and swings at the monster. attack: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 5 - 1 = 19 power attack
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron stays out in the desert while the others move in to watch for anything trying to attack them from behind. Upon the activation of the "sky" he sits and stares at it trying to analyze what he is looking at and where it might have come from. However his lack of knowledge in stellar bodies just informs him that it is probably another planet. He then moves inside where the sight of the 3D object draws his attention. He begins to study it. ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron watches the others flail at the last enemy. Seeing it distracted by his comrades he steps up next to it and delivers a powerful swing.
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron plants his feet and takes a strong swing at the skeleton in front of him. attack: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (18) + 5 - 1 = 22 power attack
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron will step up and attack the skeleton engaged with Rosa. attack: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (12) + 5 - 1 = 16 power attack
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() "Might someone with a bow draw them, possibly one by one, over to the narrow passage we just passed through. Then we can face them one at a time instead of getting surrounded." ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron shakes his head at the sorry state of the robot's code. Androffan: He waits a moment as Rosa tries to repair it but it becomes quickly apparent that it is beyond either of their current skills. "Calling me a coder would be generous. Most of my knowledge comes from reading tomes I've found in some ruins. This was a good test of my skills, which are more limited than I had expected." androffan:
"Maybe we will find a way to repair this drone after searching this place." Seeing Azmerai find some interesting pieces of tech, he inspects them. know (eng): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 "These batteries are fully charged."
Androffan: He pockets the e-pick. "I'll need this to access some of the tech around here." He will say to the rest of the party. "Interesting. This is a black level electronic lockpick. I'll be able to access more technology with this." ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() reprogram: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17 Wild empathy for constructs Vezron steps up to the robot. He reaches out, his circuits glowiing, as he speaks to the machine in a strange code. He attempts to reprogram it to be the groups guide around the area. While doing that he'll work with Rosa to try and keep it from attacking anyone know (eng) aid: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron pockets the key card. He had read about them but Rosa's description of them made more sense than what was in the books. It makes much more sense that these run based off of electromagnetism than magic. He waits patiently while the others finish their business with the cave dwellers ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron sees the little gremlin slip something into its mouth, providing an opening to attack. Seeing it start to disappear he quickly lashes out with a strong attack to try and finish it off.
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() With his previous attacks not quite connecting Vezron reigns in the power of his blow to go for a more accurate shot. Flanking with the others he goes in for the gremlin's blind side. attack: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 2 = 21
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron moves in for another swing. attack: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 5 + 2 = 15
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Before approaching the gremlin Vezron will look for any traps perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10, then move in to attack by whichever path he deems safest. Once he gets up to the gremlin he swings his sword like a bat hoping to knock it off its perch. attack: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 5 - 1 = 19 power attack
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron will attempt to pin the creature to make it easier for Rosa to finish it off grapple: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17. ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron lets out a sigh then lets the little gremlin bounce around on his head for a bit (And do whatever he apparently does before i go). He will then reach out and attempt to grab the little beast grapple: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron marks where the trip wire is and moves back to the party, being careful to step back over the trap. "I have marked a tripwire further up ahead. I would ask for Jolkum's help in disarming it once he is ready." Pausing, he thinks for a second. "By the way, did anyone ask how many gremlins there were to exterminate." ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron turns to respond to Azmerai, but is beaten to it by Lelet. Seeing the others focusing on Jolkum, he moves forward a bit to peak into the next adjoining area. It wouldn't do to have everyone get alchemist fired by another sneaky gremlin while they care for Jolkum. He takes extra care to look out for traps as well. perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24 ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron will move past everyone and take a swing at the nimble little gremlin.
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() So dropping prone and rolling on the ground is a +4 to any reflex saves to extinguish fires so you might just make it Jolkum. ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 He spots another one peaking around the corner. "There is another one." He says to the others, gesturing towards the creature. Would i be able to run up and smack it, or are we still running initiative? ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron steps around the corner to see the tiny little monster pull a needle out of jolkum's leg. With no hesitation Vezron swings his sword in a upward slice hoping to cut the little monster in half. attack: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 5 - 1 = 19 power attack
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron will follow a little ways behind Jolkum, keeping an eye out for anyone that might try to sneak up on him while he is searching for and disarming traps. He will also look for any traps that Jolkum might have missed. perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20. ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron will continue to observe, keeping special attention to the odd humanoid outline that caught his attention. He grips the hilt of his sword, waiting for someone to draw a weapon. If anything draws a weapon and makes a move against Jolkum he will step in. ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Hearing Jolkum talking to someone further down the passage perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23, Vezron will sneak around the corner to see what is going on. Still going off my previous stealth of 23 i think, if not stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21 . He catches the last bit about safe passage and gremlins. Assuming it is not entirely safe he will stay hidden around the corner, listening in to what is being said. ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() androffan:
"It would be optimal if we could find a way to recharge them." As everyone finishes up with their tasks Vezron will start to move down the tunnel to see what is ahead. stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron will step up to the junction and guard the tunnel that leads further in while Lelet deals with the brown mold and Rosa searches the junk pile. ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron swims in just after azmeria kills the creature. know (arc): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 "It appears my assistance wasn't needed after all." He says to Lelet before swimming over to the corpse he noticed. He searches what's left of it.perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9. He will then investigate the brand on the creature. linguistic: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Hearing Lelet, Vezron wades into the water and swims over to see if he can assist. If the blindheim is still up he will double move to flank it. ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron hears the splashing sounds of combat then looks to his greatsword and decides that a fight in the water would not be optimal for him. Deciding that the others will call for him if he needs him he will move up to the next room and stand guard from anything that tries to move in from deeper in the cave. ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron steps forward and swings at the beetles.
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron dives in first and swims into the caves.
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() I have a quick edit on Vezron if it is ok GM. I changed one of his languages from Undercommon into Draconic. I figure since Vezron has been around Lelet for a few years that it would make more sense that he picked up an interest in draconic from her instead randomly knowing undercommon. ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() During the conversation with Rosa, Vezron realizes how terrible his spoken Androffan is as he had learned it mostly from reading and studying in ruins. Hearing Azmerai, he turns and nods. "It is a specialty of mine." He continues to work on the robot with Rosa.
"I was here when Khonnir brought the robot back. he did not make it, it was found below the mountain." Vezron takes the cylinder and inspects it, shaking his head. Androffan:
"It is more than scrap. It is unique and may require more study. It also shows there is something more interesting under that mountain than a glaucite wall." He stands up, picking up the two halves of the robot, and moves it over to the foundry. He then returns to the residence and steps back inside. "Val if you are okay then it is time for us to continue our search for your father." He steps forward and pats her on the head, copying what Lelet did to him earlier. "Do not worry we will be back with Khonnir soon enough." He then steps over to Lelet. "If I may ask another question of you Lelet? The thought that that robot might have harmed Val caused a burning sensation to grip my chest and my vision to blur. Instead of trying to use my skills to reprogram it I instead lashed out and destroyed it. Do you know if that might have been an emotion or did i just have a strange malfuntion of some kind." ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Verzron shakes his head at the odd sensation that ran through him and decides to ask Lelet about it later. He then steps inside to see Darian pulling Val from under the table. "Val are you unharmed?" After checking she is all right he steps outside to see Rosa working on the bot. He then studies the repair bot for knowledge and to figure out what Rosa is doing to it. knowledge (eng): 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 7 + 2 = 25 He asks Rosa a question. Androffan: "Do you require any assistance? I am adequate with machines." ![]()
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron leads the way to Khonnir's house but is stopped short by the sound of Val's scream. Before he can process what is going on the robot Khonnir brought from his last trip bursts through the wall saying repair over and over. Seeing Darian move too check on Val, he decides to take the robot down first. Then the idea that this robot might have hurt Val causes a burning sensation to grip his chest and blur his vision. He screams out in Androffan "Try and repair THIS!", and strikes the robot with a powerful overhead swing of his sword.
Male Android HP (16/23)
Stats: AC/Touch/Flat 17/12/15 Fort/Ref/Will 6/5/0 Init +2 Skills: 1 Galvanic Saboteur (Ranger)
Disable Device +7, Perception +7, Know (Eng) +8, know (arc) +7, stealth +7, survival +5 ![]() Vezron steps into the room and surveys the people inside. "Ah Lelet I see you got here before me." He says stepping up to the desk. He nods towards Darian then turns to the dwarf. "I am also here so that I can help locate Khonnir. I am...worried about him." He turns to Lelet with a questioning look on his face on whether he used the right word.