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Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
shaventalz wrote:

Thanks for running. I've got my chronicle.

I assume only Liberty's Edge members get the boons marked "Liberty's Edge"? Or is this a special case?

Where was the Blood Lily Barb?

Yes to Liberty's Edge only getting their boon.

Captain Jirandel had a fancy whip that she didn't get to use on account of hold person. It is only the bloody lily barb if a player had an earlier chronicle on this character. In that scenario the Pathfinders cost her her rank in the Chelish navy & that gives her this version of the whip. I probably should have tossed it off. In all honesty, the whip master tengu was tougher for your team. :)

No plunder, No play is a 7-11 scenario. If anyone wants to let your GM redeem myself, I could be persuaded to run it for you all.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

The waverider is in excellent condition, and you can tell the pirates are better skilled at shipbuilding and maintenance than they are at estate encounters.

Thanks everyone for joining, I hope the wizards especially got some thing out of it!

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

This scenario starts out with a very long RP encounter, and ends with a potential single encounter that expects a lot of agro. I appreciate the options and the variety from other scenarios. I think it is better in PbP, and I hope I did it some justice.

I hope I have not killed your interest in PbP. I do not think I did a good job with the late start, the late finish, and now with the late chronicles.

I did not add everyone's purchases, but I trust you to add those correctly.


Please let me know if I need to correct anything.

Happy New Year everyone!

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Yep. Tomorrow if I don't skip the purchases/day jobs, tonight if I do!

Also... Took me a while to find this number so I am putting it here again:

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

"I was going to make an underground labratory down there," Phlegos whines. "Then she made me a slave!"

Eighty feet or more, down the spiral stairs. (Slide 7)
An intermittent sucking sound echoes through the cave as sea water is drawn out before gushing back into this enormous underground cave. A deep pool of water conceals an underwater passageway to the south. Eerie blue flames burn under the water, illuminating the entire cave in a rippling radiance. Fish bones and crustacean shells litter the bottom of the channel.

A few minutes after arriving a huge shadow crosses the channel, cast by the blue flames.

The orb’s bearer may relinquish control of a dominated
creature as a full-round action, so long as the orb is submerged in the same body of water as the creature.
Once (if?) released the creature squirts a black liquid into the water using its ink cloud, and then uses its jet ability to escape.

Phlegos' plan:
Decades ago, smugglers would use this cave to hide illicit goods, entering the cave from the sea during low tide using only a row boat. Phlegos had plans to add an underground poison laboratory, but when Jirandiel took the island for herself, she decided to use the cave as a lair for her monstrous cephalopod. She had Flak’ak cast continual flame spells under water so that she could see if the creature was lurking nearby or out hunting.

white square:
If you had requested a magical aid from Khanuur, the efreet grins at you saying, “Your wish is to go
to Phlegos, then your wish is my command.”
With a snap of his fingers, the Pathfinders are instantly teleported to the island estate. To the docks if you made a good impression, or if you did not make a good impression on him, he teleports them to the middle of the cave at the north end of the 30-footdeep channel.
You did not make a good impression on him. >:)

Jirandiel's clipper:
The Waverider’s Revenge, anchored just south of the barrier reef, about 2,000 feet away is visible
from the coast.
The clipper only has a handful of inexperienced crew members onboard and doesn’t pose a challenge for the PCs; they can easily intimidate the crew into sailing the ship back to Sedeq. If the PCs are curious about the ship, it’s relative vulnerability is readily apparent.

I was going to spool these out slowly, but I missed a couple of days for our local mini con:
The DC to discover the magical trap in the main entry was 2 higher than the Perception check rolled. Anyone speaking the passphrase near the room (a profane insult against “The Ten”) disables the trap for 10 minutes. Jirandiel and the crew all know the phrase and use it if lured into this room. The dogs have all learned that if they want to cross the room, they must do it quickly before becoming trapped in the floor.

Back in town. With Jirandiel Waverider and her vicious crew defeated, the shipping lanes between Jalmeray and Absalom are once again
safe to sail. Karisa showers accolades on the Pathfinders, “The Decemvirate will be quite impressed with you, and pleased to deal with this traitor themselves. I have a few questions for him regarding those missing Pathfinder agents, too.”

later in the chronicles:
Kaborghia (rescued Pathfinder) is much more coherent after a few days of rest and nourishment. However,
he still refuses to talk about the Venicaan College tablets he found, insisting he’ll only speak with Ambrus Valsin, though a disturbing glimmer dances in his eyes. Phlegos had sent a group of Pathfinders to investigate a lead on a small island off the southwestern coast of Qadira. Shortly before Phlegos was forced to flee Katapesh, these Pathfinders had reported an astounding find: a sprawling estate filled with ancient relics, as well as graven tablets procured from Katheer’s Venicaan College.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

In the scenario the last bit is on two different lines. I read it as a +1 bottle of rum :)

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Phlegos says, "There are four other slaves. They have been re-building the estate with the first mate."

The orb: This is an orb of aquatic mastery. The bearer can place the orb in a body of water and call to aquatic creatures as a standard action. The most powerful creature with the aquatic subtype and submerged in that body of water within 1 mile is compelled to travel to the orb and then is automatically fascinated once they reach the orb. Once fascinated, the orb’s bearer can attempt to dominate the creature. Though the domination attempt does not break the fascinated condition, if the target creature succeeds at a Will save against the orb, it is immune to the orb’s powers for 24 hours.
The orb’s bearer may relinquish control of a dominated creature as a full-round action, so long as the orb is submerged in the same body of water as the creature.

Flak'Ak: feather token (anchor), feather token (bird), feather token (fan), feather token (swan boat), feather token (whip), potion of fly, scroll of alter winds, acid (2), antitoxin (2), Gear mwk chain shirt, mwk whip, cloak of resistance +1, masterwork shipwright tools, fancy pirate clothes, 299 gp

The keys from the desk unlock the chains of the slaves.
The other slaves: They are all exhausted from overwork and suffering from hunger and dehydration. One of the slaves identifies himself as Kaborghia, the leader of the expedition that originally came to investigate the island. He talks about the tablets he discovered tied to the Katheer’s Venicaan College. He refuses to say more, saying he’ll only speak to Ambrose Valsin on the matter.
(Away from Phlegos) The other three are able to help Kaborghia remember the location of the pile of death tokens, chips of stone engraved with the names of the dead, buried by the docks. They contain the names of all the slaves who had died while under Jirandiel’s control. (This replaces a failed Perception check earlier on)

Two doors remain unopened, under the stairs. One leads to a privy. The other to a spiral staircase that leads down into the earth.

Pisotleer: potion of cat’s grace; +1 studded leather, mwk pistols (2) with 32 alchemical cartridges (paper), mwk scimitar

Drunken brute (2x): potion of cure moderate wounds, +1 hide armor, +1 falchion, amulet of natural armor +1, bottle of rum

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

"How many slaves? I am a slave. She made me a slave." he cries.*

The nautical charts are mostly of local waters. Many of them bear the mark of the Chelish Navy. Jirandiel Waverider, was a former officer of the Chelish navy afterall. Years ago, a group of Pathfinders forever changed her life when they stole her ship and a valuable prisoner from her. After this embarrassment, Jirandiel lost her commission with the Chelish navy. Knowing only the sea and the wind, she took up a life of piracy. Though the years have dulled her self-hatred for becoming that which she once hunted, her ire for the Pathfinder Society has only sharpened. She has taken every opportunity to twist a dagger in their plans, her revenge against them for destroying her life never quite complete.

The keys to the slave’s chains and a glass orb--swirling with blue and green light, like light reflected under the ocean--on her writing desk in the southwestern corner along with gold embossed vellum stationary.

*Please make a Diplomacy check to find out that information. While your are at it, a Perception and a spellcraft to identify will also be usfeul :)

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

"She hates Pathfinders. She enslaved me," Phlegos pleas. The sagging flabby skin attests to his recent rapid weight loss.

Before the slaves could finish repairs to the estate, Jirandiel and her crew turned on Phlegos, subduing him and taking control of the island as their new base of operations.

He radiates no magic (except the mutagens he has consumed-which will wear off soon). Scanning Jirandiel the same way reveals a lot of magic. Including a Wayfinder inscribed 'To Venture Lieutenant Phlegos Dulm. -Your friend Venture-Captain Wulessa Yuul'.

"That is mine," the half-orc claims. "She took that from me! She enslaved me. Please don't kill me." he is almost whimpering.

Also (assuming you eventually identify it): potion of cure serious wounds, antitoxin (4); +1 spiteful mithral chain shirt, +2 rapier, dagger (16), cloak of resistance +1, Phlegos’s Wayfinder, bandolier (2), jar of pickles, nautical charts, sextant, a key, 547 gp.

I am going to post information that you can gather after the conversation with Phlegos. It is flavor text & you can decide what you do with said information after.

Her Bedroom:
Bright colors and gold-plated embellishments define the central theme of this bedroom’s décor. The northern double doors open into a sitting area filled with enormous pillows and a small writing desk overlooking the sea. The four-poster bed covered in silks and matching vanity establish this feminine boudoir. Each exterior wall features giant windows with gossamer curtains pulled shut to maintain privacy while letting in light.slide 6

Dining room:
The age-worn, but still quite impressive, solid oak dining table occupying this room sets a tone of comfort for the whole dining area. Well-made chairs stand haphazardly around the room and a mat of dog fur obscures the rug and stone floor. Nautical maps and charts lay on the table, daggers pinning the largest map open, unfurled across the tabletop.

Designed for culinary efficiency, this kitchen meets the standards of a master chef. However, Jirandiel’s crew has kept
the kitchen in poor condition. While trying to deep fry fritters, one of the crew spilled the cooking oil all over the place. Treat the floor in this room as if covered in grease.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Tom Soup, Watery Pudding.
Something like that. :p

Tom Pudding is sitting out.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Phlegos is without a weapon and does nothing to stop Koryo from his attack. Seeing the precision of the rapier he drops to his knees.
"Please don't kill me," he begs. "You have saved me from this pirate, please do not kill me. The half-orc visibly shudders and the mention of Venture-Captains and 'chats'. He begins balling again. "She enslaved me, enslaved me and has starved me and forced... forced me to give her... give... give her pedicures! Please do not kill me!"

Fort v CdG: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

you ready for this?:
Out of combat!

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Watery pudding is sitting out, not sure about the rest.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Just three joining us?

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
shaventalz wrote:

GM: The rules for CDG are a little iffy when it comes to reach weapons.

As a full-round action, you can use a melee weapon to deliver a coup de grace (pronounced “coo day grahs”) to a helpless opponent. You can also use a bow or crossbow, provided you are adjacent to the target.
My question is this: can a melee weapon with reach be used at reach to deliver a CDG, or do all attempts need to be base-to-base?

Not iffy IMHO. Melee is melee and can be used for CdG. Ranged weapons can not be used, except for two weapons with a significant restriction. In answer, reach weapons need to be at reach to work (some feats may change this to adjacent as an option).

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Phlegos belches loudly in the quiet left when Jirandial's triumphant cackling stops. "Who are you?" he asks. The question is barely a question as if he knows the answer and not sure he likes it.

Koryo and Mykel are up (if Mykel is still up after the 25 damage :)

Koryo (18): <-- here now
Mykel* (16): <-- here now
Phlegos 7+ (16)
Mordack* (15):
Jirandiel (13):
Sorithar* (13):
Spica* (10):


Koryo (18): moves trips Phlegos
Mykel* (16): moves, misses Phlegos
Phlegos (16) 4+3+: stands
Mordack* (15): casts magic missile
Jirandiel (13): attacks Mykel.
Sorithar* (13): casts hold person
Spica* (10): double moves[/ooc]

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

You had rolled two. She beat them. The third missed your AC, so parry wasn't needed.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Not sure how I missed that... Phlegos takes two magic missiles. Are you out of other spells Mordack?

Nobody has credit for PFS scenario #38 correct? It has been long enough I am not sure I even asked....

"How delightful! You think you can attack me in my own home!" the elfs laughs. She begins dancing too. Making excellent use of her rapier against Mykel.

rapier: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (16) + 22 = 38, piercing: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 threat
rapier: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (15) + 17 = 32, piercing: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 threat
rapier: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25, piercing: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 miss
crit?: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (8) + 22 = 30, piercing: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 success
crit?: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 20, piercing: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 not success
(25 total damage)
Her third attack misses, so it cannot be parried correct? More importantly, not riposted?

Sorithal attempts to press on the captain's mind. And the magic works!
Will save: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 2 = 15, Will save: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 7 + 2 = 12

Koryo (18): moves trips Phlegos
Mykel* (16): moves, misses Phlegos
Phlegos (16) 4+3+: stands
Mordack* (15): casts magic missile
Jirandiel (13): attacks Mykel.
Sorithar* (13): casts hold person
Spica* (10):<-- here now

Spica is up after which, Koryo & Mykel can start the next round!

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Mykel miss?: 1d100 ⇒ 49
Koryo miss?: 1d100 ⇒ 91

The swashbuckler, moves up the stairs blindingly fast and strikes at the traitor. Phlegos seems to move just as fast and is standing two feet from Mykel's blow.
Koryo follows up and also strikes, sweeping the legs out from under Phlegos who falls to the ground Koryo attacks again, but misses the man laying at his feat.

Phlegos stares at the swashbuckler as if to measure his chances. before trying to stand tries to stand. Koryo miss?: 1d100 ⇒ 23
also provokes from Mykel if you would prefer that to using parry.

Koryo (18): moves trips Phlegos
Mykel* (16): moves, misses Phlegos
Phlegos (16): stands
Mordack* (15): <--here now readied magic missile
Jirandiel (13):
Sorithar* (13):
Spica* (10):

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Spica boosts the party with the speed of crashing waves.
Mordock prepares as spell and soon gets the chance to use at a flabby skinned half orc emerges from the door pushed ahead of a well dressed elf with a very fine hat.

The traitorous Phlegos has been found!

Perception DC 15:
The elf is using the half-orc as a shield.

Koryo & Mykel are up, Mordock's readied action happens.

Koryo (18): <--here now[/b]
Mykel* (16): <--here now[/b]
Phlegos (16):
Mordack* (15): readied magic missile
Jirandiel (13):
Sorithar* (13):
Spica* (10):
Phlegos: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16, Jirandiel: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13


Pirate (56-23+3) flies into jungle (180 feet from door in jungle)
Koryo (18): retrieves & drinks potion.
Mykel (16): moves to Sorithar, gets
Mordack (15): readies magic missile
Sorithar (13): UMD CLW wand
Spica (10): casts haste

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
Spica Capella wrote:
I hadn't used my T-shirt reroll so, take that reroll as mine and you can have yours back.
Mordack Dunstar wrote:
seriously, I need like a 20 to escape, I'll be trapped here for eternity.

I rolled a 20 with my t-Shirt reroll. Since Spica didn't want it...

Mordock slips the bonds of the nefarious trap! (in R12 I also botted your move action to put you in the dining room with the others. Please undo if you would prefer a different move action.)

Pirate (56-23+3) flies into jungle (180 feet from door in jungle)
Koryo (18): retrieves & drinks potion.
Mykel (16): moves to Sorithar, gets CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Mordack (15): <-- here now
Sorithar (13):] UMD CLW wand
Spica (10): <--here now

Nothing to hear from the doors (passively speaking). Doors open into the room (away from Koryo)

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

A loud crash emits from the dining room, followed by even louder thunder as Sorithar turns arcane energy into electricity.
Reflex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 Nat 20!

R11 (I got off by a round and we had two R9s.)
Pirate (15+22++4)(21): flies away casts black tentacles
Koryo (18):struggles against tentacles bleeding,bleeding: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Mykel (16): bleeding, escapes the grapple, bleeding: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Mordack (15): struggles against tentacles.
Sorithar (13): casts lightning bolt
(bats disappear).
Spica (10): casts dimension door to dining room

Pirate (41+15) bleeding: 1d4 ⇒ 3 cast spell cure: 3d8 + 9 ⇒ (2, 8, 4) + 9 = 23 flies away. (60 feet from door)
Koryo (18): escapes tentacles, moves to upper landing (bleeding: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Mykel (16): <--here now bleeding, bleeding: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Mordack (15): struggles against tentacles, also trapped by floor
Sorithar (13): withdraws pearl, regains a casting of magic missile
Spica (10): casts dispel magic (unsuccessfully)
GM t-shirt reroll: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 [ooc]Nat 20! Success! unless someone wants to save my reroll for later?

Pirate (56-23+3) flies into jungle (180 feet from door in jungle)
Koryo (18): <--here now bleeding, bleeding: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Mykel (16): <--here now bleeding, bleeding: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Mordack (15): <-- here now still trapped in floor.
Sorithar (13):<-- here now
Spica (10): <--here now

Mykel has a R12 action, everyone has a R13 action, double check I got that right Sorithar? retcon as necessary!

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Mykel escapes the tentacles grasp, and dashes to a place of safety Or not? just assuming
Spica's eyes lose focas as her mind gains it. Then she disappears in a wave of salty air. And reappears... on top of a dog bed still warm in the dining room. EDITwhere? take an ally?

R11 (I got off by a round and we had two R9s.)
Pirate (15+22++4)(21): flies away casts black tentacles
Koryo (18): <--here now bleeding,
Mykel (16): <--here now bleeding, escapes the grapple, Move action remaining.
Mordack (15): <--here now
Sorithar (13): <--here nowEDIT: Spica's dd retcon the escape artist check.
(bats disappear).
Spica (10): casts dimension door EDIT: Dining room

I want to speed this up...


I will retcon what I need to, but you can make the next few rounds at once if you would like.
Pirate (41+)(21): flies away. Out of combat, ?!?unless PCs are clever in R11?!?
tentacles grapple: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33 +5 versus those folks still grappled. damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Koryo (18): <--here now bleeding,
Mykel (16): <--here now bleeding,
Mordack (15): <--here now
Sorithar (13): <--here now
Spica (10): <--here now

Round 13


tentacles grapple: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15 +5 versus those folks still grappled. damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Koryo (18): <--here now bleeding,
Mykel (16): <--here now bleeding,
Mordack (15): <--here now
Sorithar (13): <--here now
Spica (10): <--here now

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Yes, if the grapple beat your CMD you are grappled and need to make a concentration check to cast a spell. The DC is 23+spell level.

Grapple is different from engulfed. You can make actions that require one hand. If your scroll or a spell's material component is in a pouch on your belt, you can retrieve it. If it is in a backpack, you would not be able to.

Spica is adjacent to Sorithar and can take him with her when she uses dimension door (unless her dd is a different ability from the standard spell?). @Spica. Where do you want to go. You can see into the dining room (B4) and the top of the stairs. You can also go into any of the places you have already been including outside.

Yes the tentacles climb the stairs. I should note the template I laid down is not quite accurate. Mordack is one square away from its edge, unfortunately that means going through a wall so it isn't actually a five foot step.

@Mordikar: affected creatures are entangled and anchored until they destroy the stone around them or escape the stone with a Strength or Escape Artist check (DC 20).

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
Mordack Dunstar wrote:
[dice=reflex]1d20+6 How do I climb out You need a climb check for me to climb out?

hrmmm... Paizo went down while I was editing that post. The stone has grabbed you only at the ankles, so not a climb. Escape artist or destroy (damage) the stone holding your feet. I will post DCs later.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

At the festival of colors, people from around the world meet. Including those who do not yet know how those meetings might change their lives.
please introduce yourself, including what you might be doing at a festival to celebrate the colors (games, songs, vending, prayers, etc.) no wrong answers make up what you would like or expect.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

I have a busy week ahead, but let's get started. :)
Please post your characters.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

staying on the defensive, the seawitch flies to the other corner of the room with a hideous cackle. "Captain! Captain, boarders!" they scream. Mykel continues to feel the horror of that eye upon him. This is only fair, as his force of will also has a grip on them.

Pirate (15+)(21): cackles, moves (shaken)
Koryo (18): <--here now
Mykel (16): <--here now
Mordack (15): <--here now
Sorithar (13): <--here now
Spica (10): <--here now


Pirate (13+1+1)(21): readied action.
Koryo (18): retrieves sword
Mykel (16): standard action remaining
Mordack (15): double moves
Sorithar (13): readies magic missile
bats arrive, move to seawitch. 1d6 ⇒ 1
Spica (10): magic missile

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
Mykel Therinor wrote:

-4 penalty to saving throws. as you have been hexed with the evil eye!

Also, you posted while I was editing the above post. Please make sure to double check it. :)

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Mykel enters the room, and can see the pirate flying near the ceiling (30 ft. up). One eye, green and purple energy swirls from the pupil causing Mykel to check himself.*
Magical bats come into being and fly toward the flying target.
Koryo pick ups his weapon and begins moving into the grand entry.

A natural stone floor and twenty-foot-high domed glass ceiling enhance the beauty of this entrance hall. A wide staircase leads up to the second-floor balcony while double doors open to the north and south, and another leads west into a garden.

I was kind of stuck until someone went after the seawitch. If I forced it it would have removed the chance to heal or cast other buffs. Mykel needs to make a Will save.

Pirate (s)(21): readied action.
Koryo (18): partial move action remaining. <--here now
Mykel (16): standard action remaining <--here now
Mordack (15): <--here now
Sorithar (13): <--here now
bats arrivev move to seawitch.
Spica (10): <--here now

I added the second floor version of this room to the map. You may have to 'arrange > bring to front' your token

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

swarm?: 1d100 ⇒ 14

Pirate (s)(21):
Koryo (18): <--here now
Mykel (16): <--here now
Mordack (15): <--here now
Sorithar (13): <--here now
Spica (10): <--here now


Pirate (s)(21):
Dot (33+19) attacks Mykel
Koryo (18): returns to lounge
Mykel (16): kills mastiff, stands(?)
Mordack (15): <--here now[/b] anything?
Sorithar (13): casts summon swarm
Blue Pirate (+63) (11):
Spica (10): searches for keys
Pirate G (+93) (6):
Pirate R (+96) (6):
less big dogs (6) (+2):

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

DC for jumping is double without a running start. There is one square you can get a running start and only have one square to jump over. All the others would require clearing two or more squares. However I think it would be reasonable to assume one could skirt the pit, holding on to the wall & door to avoid jumping altogether. (A five-foot diagonal move going from sloped edge to sloped.edge. So long as one doesn't end there turn on the slope it.should be doable.

Also: big kudos on the placement of that pit :)

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Even though he is flat on the floor of the pit, Mykel is able to connect against the wounded Dot. The mastiff howls once more but is soon unconscious.

Spica's spell manages to splatter the eagle into bits of shadow and chaos sending the creature back to the plane it came from.

Eagle & mastiff are down. We can stay in rounds if you want, the final pirate is not coming in anytime soon, but you can pursue them if you wish. Three people builds a concensus, or two and 24 hours.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Per the spell, any character ending their turn adjacent to the pit must succeed at a Reflex save or fall into the pit. However I do think if we were at a RL table Mykel might have been cautioned against that last movement. Instead the fall is an intentional jump (which does allow for the Athletics to lesson the damage), followed by an attack.

With a bit of panache the swashbuckler jumps into the pit. Mykel feels a tendon twisting painfully far and lands in a heap at the shadow mastiff's feet. Even prone his attack manages to
miss?: 1d100 ⇒ 55

Mordock applies a magic missile to the mastiff, moving a little farther into the room stand on the furniture so as to able to see into the pit.

A black eagle swoops into the room, heading toward the first target it sees, Sorithar.
talon: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19, slashing: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Dot having a target at last, bites at the prone Mykel, getting past the raised blade!
bite: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28, damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Sorithar has an R7 action. The party is up. The seawitch (pirate number 4/yellow) is not visible, but not out of the fight either.) Koryo is no longer panicked and may act in R8.

Pirate (s)(21):
Dot (33+19) attacks Mykel
Koryo (18): <--here now
Mykel (16): <--here now
Mordack (15): <--here now
Sorithar (13): <--here now
Blue Pirate (+63) (11):
Spica (10): <--here now
Pirate G (+93) (6):
Pirate R (+96) (6):
less big dogs (6) (+2):


Pirate (s)(21): summons eagles: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Dot (30+5) in pit howls ineffectively (immune after first save),
Koryo (18): flees in panic iii
Mykel (16): jumps into the pit attacks dot.
[b]Mordack (15): casts magic missile
[b]Sorithar (13): <--here now

Blue Pirate (+63) (11):
[b]Spica (10): looks for keys
Pirate G (+93) (6):
Pirate R (+96) (6):
less big dogs (6) (+2):

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

The final pirate is not visible from this side of the room, and Koryo might have seen someone behind the door as it opened, but he did not. Mykel also seem to have failed to notice the edges of the pit and looking into the pit then slides in.
falling damage: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 1) = 11
He suddenly has a target again.

Spica begins checking the pirates bodies for keys.

Dangers of standing adjacent to the pit have been directly mentioned. Less directly I flavored the dangers twice. I also tried for a perception check, so I feel a little bad about Mykel's position. but only a little bad. :(

Sorithar and Mordock are up, Spica is welcome to retcon the key search if prefferred.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Mykel: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Koryo: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Mykel Reflex: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
Mykel Therinor wrote:
I have Combat Relexes...

granting at total of 5 AoO -1 for the parry/ripost correct?

The dogs get too close to the Rondeloro or the clambering over the furniture is too much of a distraction. Mykel finds an opening as the pink dog passes and cuts it down. The next dog also leaves an opening and it too is cut down.

Mordack puts a tiny dart of pure force to the remaining smaller dog.
Spica aims for the bigger dog with bigger darts of force.

Mykel attacks Dash with a decisive blow, but his second attempt catches only murky whisps of shadow. Fortunately the first brings the big dog down and he instead directs his blade to the remaining purple paw. 1d100 ⇒ 91, miss?: 1d100 ⇒ 48
The bodies are piling up around the Mykel!

Pathfinder's are up! (no visible targets, but one of the pirates was in the entry hall & Dot can still be heard in the pit.) climb: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Pirate (s)(21):
Dot (18+12) in pit howls ineffectively (immune after first save),
Koryo (18): flees in panic iii
Mykel (16): <--here now
Mordack (15): <--here now
Sorithar (13): <--here now
Blue Pirate (+63) (11):
Spica (10): <--here now
Pirate G (+93) (6):
Pirate R (+96) (6):
less big dogs (6) (+2):

Sorithar wrote:

Sorithar aims his staff at the nearest larger shadowy mastiff and utters a command.

Sparkling motes of bright light shoot toward the mutt and swirl around it in a complex pattern.

[ooc]Sorry to do this to you again, but you are out of targets. Would you like to retcon?


Pirate (s)(21): moves, casts spell
Dot (18+12) in pit howls ineffectively (immune after first save),
Dash attacks (26+15+23) Mordock
Koryo (18): flees in panic ii
Mykel (16): attacks dash
Mordack (15): casts magic missile
Sorithar (13): casts wandering motes retcon?
Blue Pirate (+63) (11):
Spica (10): casts magic missile
Pirate G (+93) (6):
Pirate R (+96) (6):
less big dogs (6): cyan, magenta, orange
PurplePaw (6):

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

What is DC to climb pit?

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

These prize winning shadow mastiff puppies were obtained from a
Nidalese frigate a couple of years ago. Their howl causes fright and they blend in with shadows except in the brightest of light.

Red feels the deck shifting under his feet and moves to a more stable position, then strikes at mykel. The swasbuckler deftly pushes the fist away with his blade, opening a large slit in the pirate's wrist. Nat 20!. The loss of blood is too much for Red and he falls to the floor crying out "I will never capitul...."

punch: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 10 - 2 = 20, blind?: 1d100 ⇒ 23, blind?: 1d100 ⇒ 81, damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Purple dog moves up to Mykel also to bite, the other two dogs run around in circles before coming back at the pit with mighty leaps. The move toward Mykel but, have to clamber over the furniture before they can get into an attacking position.

Purple: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7, snap: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 plus trip: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16 (miss)
Cyan's jump: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27, Magenta's jump: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22,
Dot's climb: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Dash the shadow mastiff rushes into battle, ending up on a table and next to Mordock.
Dash: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12, snap: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 plus trip: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Pathfinders are up! Mykel may make other AoO if he has them?

Pirate (s)(21): moves, casts spell
Dot (18+12) in pit howls ineffectively (immune after first save),
dash attacks Mordock
Koryo (18): flees in panic ii
Mykel (16): <--here now
Mordack (15): <--here now
Sorithar (13): <--here now
Blue Pirate (+63) (11):
Spica (10): <--here now
Pirate G (+93) (6):
Pirate R (+96) (6):
less big dogs (6):


Pirate (s)(21):
big dogs: (20): Dot (18+12) howls, D
ash attacks Koryo falls into pit.
Koryo (18): flees in panic 3 rounds
Mykel (16): attacks red
Mordack (15): uses wand of magic missile
Sorithar (13): casts my favorite spell
Blue Pirate (+45+18) (11):
[b]Spica (10): casts magic missile at Dot
Pirate G (+93) (6):
Pirate R (+33+15+22+2) (6): attacks Mykel
less big dogs (6):

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
Sorithar wrote:
Can Sorithar dispel magic that fear effect..? Not sure if he recognized the creature who caused it…

It is a supernatural ability, so not dispel but other spells may work remove fear

Kn (planes to identify) (I keep forgetting that is a free action in PF1! ).

Also: Game reported. (let's hope I did it right this time. I had a lot of errors with the last submission thingamajig.) I will start chronicles this weekend, so as to have them ready by the time we finish (we are close :)

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Sorithar's magic missile takes the swagger from the blinded pistoler.
The door was opened from the other side to reveal the dogs. Had to retcon who opened the door, but that removes an attack from said door-opener. :)

Create pit (added blue square to map)
Dash: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Dot: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 dot falls into the pit, along with the limp body of the orange setter.
Purple: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Spica is up.
(Red is still up and not surrendering).

Pirate (s)(21):
big dogs: (20): Dot (18+12) howls, dash attacks Koryo falls into pit.
Koryo (18): flees in panic rounds: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Mykel (16): attacks red
Mordack (15): uses wand of magic missile
Sorithar (13): casts my favorite spell
Blue Pirate (+45+18) (11):
Spica (10): <--here now
Pirate G (+93) (6):
Pirate R (+33+15+22+2) (6):
less big dogs (6):

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Yup, that.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
Mykel Therinor wrote:
i'm Grand Lodge

E-mail & PFS number? I found your number on another character but need the character number (-?)

email is needed for the boon, PM is cool if you want privacy too.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X
Venture Teller Play b'Post wrote:

This should be set up for a reply to make it easier for you (deleting everything above). I would like the top information all a a single line. When I create chronicles, I can cut and paste this quickly.

RL name (Paizo Avatar is OK): * Character Name * PFS number: * Faction
e-mail: for game day prize support. PM me if you are uncomfortable posting it here. Gameday Only.

This information will make gameplay easier. When I need to bot someone they will have already made their action. Make sure to add the appropriate modifier and the final closed bracket (])to the die rolls. You can roll day jobs now or wait.


I need this information from you ASAP!

mark B C faction

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Sorry no post today, I gotta get reporting done.

Sorithar boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Koryo boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Mark Shadowlord boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Mykel boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Spica boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Venture Teller boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Nat 20! twice :)

I will pass my 19 on to Mordock (odds) or Mykel (evens): 1d100 ⇒ 45

Sorithar boon?: 1d3 ⇒ 2
Koryo boon?: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Curaigh boon?: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Spica boon?: 1d3 ⇒ 3

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Blue screams in panic!

Therin Baldaril wrote:
did my parry/riposte not take effect? andfor the blind foll...does 1-50 hit or does 51-100 hit? just want to clarify...will wait to hear...that affects my actions/ooc]

Probably? It was late & I added seven combatants to the mix, so might have missed something. If you have only one, it would not matter against Green. You may have parried Red, I probably didn't check.

51+ is a hit.

I need to know Sorithar's last action to finish mine, but what I posted last night is the least amount of retcon.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Intimidate is a skill, coerce is an action (usually a one minute interaction). No action was declared for the Intimidate roll & I forgot to ask. DC for most Intimidate actions is 10+ 1.5CR. Your roll of 27 beats that, I just need to know what the action is to know wht the end result is.

Two dogs did not leave a threatened square (door was closed), hence did not provoke an AoO. Koryo did AoO the other four (shaken, crit/dead, damage, miss) given the rolls provided.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Sorry all, I missed something. Sorithar are you sure you want to cast an illusion on the pirates you have already blinded? Would you prefer a different spell?

The green pirate strikes at Mykel with a guttural yell...

Green strike: 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 12 - 2 = 13, blind?: 1d100 ⇒ 12, blind?: 1d100 ⇒ 90, damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

...then falls over with a crash.

Red laughs when he hears a body fall to the floor, not realizing it is his drinking buddy. With a cry of his own his fists begin flying with amazing speed at Mykel.

Red strike: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 10 - 2 = 26, blind?: 1d100 ⇒ 76, blind?: 1d100 ⇒ 66, damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Red strike: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 10 - 2 = 25, blind?: 1d100 ⇒ 54, blind?: 1d100 ⇒ 52, damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Red strike: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 5 - 2 = 8, blind?: 1d100 ⇒ 93, blind?: 1d100 ⇒ 71, damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

The door opens and six dogs come rushing in. All are the size of a human, but two are of such deep black color their coats seem to radiate shadows. The first four gang up on the nearest intruder, Koryo.

Teal bite: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4, damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 plus trip: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Magenta bite: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18, damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 plus trip: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
The third one rushes in and stricken by Koryo magic gloves Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 and is too afraid to attack.
The fourth also rushes in only to fall at the kitsune's blow and lies on the floor whimpering. orange dies The two black dogs take their packmate's places, also drawing attacks from Koryo. The first of these takes damage and lets out a bone chilling howl. miss?: 1d100 ⇒ 83

Will save needed from everyone.

DC 16 panic for 1d4 rounds

The last dog avoids the attack and instead bites at the kitsune.
dash bite: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 12 + 2 = 21, damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 plus trip: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 12 + 2 = 29

Pirate (s)(21):
big dogs: (20): Dot (+18) howls, dash attacks Koryo
Koryo (18): here now
Mykel (16): here now
Mordack (15): here now
Sorithar (13): here now
Blue Pirate (+45) (11):
Spica (10):
Pirate G (+93) (6):
Pirate R (+33) (6):
less big dogs (6):


Pirate (s)(21):
big dogs: (20):
[b]Koryo (18): closes door, attacks red
[b]Mykel (16): attacks green
[b]Mordack (15): casts burning hands
[b]Sorithar (13): wandering motes
Blue Pirate (45) (p) B(11):opens door
Spica (10): casts magic missile
Pirate G (93) (6): attacks mykel-falls down
Pirate R (33) (6): attacks mykel
less big dogs (6): orange dead, magenta shaken, teal & pink attack koryo

Everyone please track your damage. I have... a lot going on this side of the screen :)

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

GM Screen:
Will B: 1d20 ⇒ 3, Will G: 1d20 ⇒ 4, Will R: 1d20 ⇒ 2[/dice]

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Opening a door does not provoke an AoO.
You never said what Intimidate you were doing, I forgot to ask. 27 beats the DC for most Intimidate checks on this one.
Yes Flakak was CR9+.
No sneak attack against Green.

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X

Reflex R: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 914+19=33
Reflex G: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 942+18+19+14=93
Reflex B: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 1111+14=25

Blue opens the door, feeling her way slowly to its handle.

spica is up

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