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![]() I am not a game designer, nor do I have a keen eye for balance. I am, however, able to notice what annoys me about Pathfinder 1e, and I hope that Paizo is taking steps to address it: ============ 1. Content aggregation and ease of understanding. AKA, "Pathfinder is too Bloated."
2. Establishment of versatile, cross-class, and exchangeable abilities.
Magic is Cross-Compatable; A single spell, once developed, can be distributed to dozens of spellcasters. Abjuring step can be cast by an alchemist, arcanist, bard, investigator, magus, occultist, psychic, skald, Sorcerer, and Wizard. Creating a single spell can increase the options of half a dozen classes, and as such, it is economical.
Magic is Adaptable; A single spell is not a game-defining choice, nor does it deny you the option of an important, heavily required feat. Chokehold takes up two feats, and up to 3/4ths of a 7th level characters feats. [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/aboleth-s-lung/]Aboleth's Lung[/b] requiers a 2nd level spell slot and *Perhaps* Heighten Spell. 1/14th of a character's spell slots, and perhaps 1/4th their feats if they focus on it. Magic is easy to understand: A spell does not have to abide by the laws of physics. It does not have to listen to how gravity works, or explain itself. Nothing of the sort is required. Bladed Dash is something that could happen if fast enough, but is limited to only Spellcasters. To my knowledge, no similar ability exists for Mundane characters. Because it doesn't seem "Realistic" enough. ====== So my question with Paizo is: What are they doing to resolve these issues? What does 5e do to either remove the problems with magic or enhance martial characters to make each character more viable? Does anyone know? In my eyes, if they implement structural changes to allow martial options to be output at a similar level to Magical options, then we're probably golden on this edition. If they do not, this edition has about 5 years. But I'm not an expert, and I'd like to hear what you have to say. ![]()
![]() The Spherecaster's obituary: One hundred Sphere NPCs, five of each level. Grimoire of the Spherecaster: A ton of spellcrafted spells and rituals for NPCs and players. Spherecaster's Hazards: Hazards for combat encounters, both mundane and non-magical. Stuff that makes players pause and completely reconsider how to use their sphere powers. ![]()
![]() As listed in the title, you are an epic wizard who has to make a pair of dresses for your two daughters. You have one million gold to spend on enchanting the dress. What enchantments do you perform on the dress. You can use any items from pathfinder, 3.5, spheres of power and psionics, plus any custom item using the pathfinder item creation rules. What do you add to the dress? Presume that your daughter lives in your demiplane- However, you will frequently have adventurers, dragons, and outsiders visit your demiplane, and not all of them will be friendly. So you should be prepared for level 5 characters to attempt to attack your daughter, or to manage to convince her to go adventuring. In addition, you should be keenly aware that you could quite plausibly die. ![]()
![]() Charlie Bell wrote:
1) You are correct; No abort button. 2) Indeed; They are in mid-flight, you'll have to stop them somehow. Maybe gate them when they land.a) You indeed, don't have unlimtied time to plan; You only have what a standard wizard has prepared to deal with threats that might assail him durring the day. b) If you can bend WBL, you can do so. c) Indeed; No creating magic items that don't already exsist; You can craft them. As for the questions of who they are, and other such things, just go with the standard wizard, hidden on his demiplane. ![]()
![]() As listed in the title; You have 30 rounds to save the world from complete destruction. The entire nuclear arsenal of the world, fifteen thousand nukes, have been launched, and is directed to burn the world in fire. All your possessions, your demiplane, and everything you possess have been teleported with you. If you do not save the earth, you cease to exist. You only have to save 40% of the population. Rules:
If three minutes is not enough time, is 10? 30? What's the lowest amount of time you'd need. ![]()
![]() Welcome to the Artisans Guild- We’re the guys who work on the walls, keep the wilds out. We’re the men who build the warp gates. We’re the ones who build the cities. You, however, are the ones who get the materials needed to do this. Now, grab some stuff to get yourself armed, we have a job to do, get to the Airship.
What I’m looking for
In addition to filling one of those roles, I request that you also provide a small amount of detail about your character: This is primarily in the form of backstory and personality. Finally, I require each player to tell me how they make their magic items. How they create things is intimately tied to each character, as such, how they make magic items should detail far more than anything else who the character is. The posting rate should be at least once every two days, maybe daily. Recruitment ends December 23rd. The setting:
One hundred years ago, something came to golarion. Nobody knows what it was that came, or how it came, but it broke the word to ashes. Most of the Gods from the old world have died, as have most societies. However, from this chaos and madness, new magic was born. Akashic magic, Magic of Spheres, Psionics, and many other forms that nobody has even thought possible. From this chaos, the world was remade, with most of the stories from long ago long forgotten, and with new stories taking their place.
The world, however, is now full of creatures beyond mortal comprehension, creatures that could kill whole squads of mortal men with ease. The world was reforged as ten megacities, connected by those adept with the talents of teleportation, and Warp Gates designed to permit things to travel between the cities. Each city consists of five rings- The inner city, where lords and the chief artisans work, the midcity, where trade and commerce are as common as the wind, the outer city, where most folks live, the forest city, where farms and forest reside, and the Border City, where most artisan guilds and guards guarding the walls against those who wish to break them down reside. Outside the city walls are the Wilderness, a wild expanse of chaos and madness- Few are willing to travel outside the city for fear of what lies beyond- Outside the city walls lie beasts outside of most comprehension- But many things worth more than any sort of comprehension. However, there is a lot that remains out there in the Wilderness, and there are the occasional small town, isolated outside of the Cities. They are few, and very isolated. Those who go out into the Wilds are called “Foragers,” who are sent out to gather materials to keep the cities running- Usually in the form of materials, or salvaged weapons, or similar materials or metal. They are sent out into the wild to gather materials to make things they needed. You are an artisan in the Artisans guild, with training as a Forager, as most artisans are. Your home city isn’t that far from the Mana Waste, which you will have frequent incursions to. The Mana Wastes primal magic is also far, FAR more chaotic than before in their wild magic. To the north, beyond the mana waste, the Nex Ruins, where arcane wonders lie, and where every artisan hopes to one day travel to to make their fortune. But magic there is particularly wild, in those ruins, but the danger does not stop your lust for knowledge. Welcome to the Artisans Guild. The Artisans Guild is a homebrew, high-magic Gestalt game I’m going to be running here on the Paizo forums. Character Building rules:
-Sourcebooks: Paizo permitted by default, as is Spheres of Power (And expanded) and Psionics on the SRD.
-Starting Level: 9 (Gestalt rules). Everyone must Gestalt with the Artisan class.
-Starting Wealth: 1,000 gp worth of mundane items, starting WBL in Gold Coins, and 98,000 gp worth of magic, alchemical, or costly items you can craft. If you have Efficient Enchanting, add 16k to your WBL. If you have Spark of Creation or Hedge Mage, increase your WBL by 3k. No Item worth more than 25k. No pre-game crafting- that’s listed above. -Race: The Artisan Guild doesn’t give a crap about what you are- The reforging resulted in nearly every type of character to move to the major cities. So, generally, if it’s outside core or featured, then talk about the race for a bit. -Alignment: Generally speaking, the Artisans Guild is one that greatly prefers you follow the laws of the city. They live at the edge of it, and even though they do permit seediness, if you do anything that actually threatens to get people to hate the Artisans guild, then you're f$&~ed, and are going to be thrown into the wasteland to be eaten by colossal magic bears. -Hit Points: Roll or take the average per hit dice. -Ability scores: 12 point physical buy, 12 point mental buy, with one point added to the ability type of your choice. Alternatively, roll two sets of four 4d6b3s, select the best three for your point buy for your physical score or mental score. -Skill Points: As normal, but Background Skills are in use. You cannot select a Craft skill for this purpose, and if you're a bard, you cannot select a Perform skill. -Traits: Two traits, three with a drawback. -Deities: Many of the gods changed after the reforging. In some cases, they gained a bit of Artifice. The biggest thing, however, is the fact that Brigh is now the biggest god in the world, thanks to the number of her disciples who got things to work well. -Alternate Crafting Rules: We will not be using the standard Paizo crafting rules. We will be using the Unchained Dynamic Item Creation, Unchained Craft and Profession, Unchained Afflictions, and Skill Unlocks. You can choose to take Unchained classes, but are not required to. -High Level Spells: Spells above level 7 cannot be scribed down, or learnt by spontaneous casters. They must be learnt from monoliths found in the Wild, from consuming the blood of an outsider, or by pact with a divine deity (This doesn’t mean clerics gain higher level spells). You still have the spell slots, but must use metamagic to derive. Level 7 spells require an entire spellbook to be scribed. You can either prepare a spell from a monolith (If a prepared caster), or add it to your spells known for one month (If spontaneous) from a monolith. Spell DCs: The DC for all spells are now 1/2 level + Spellcasting Mod. Primarily for simplicity sake. -Hero/Action points: If not a spellcaster, Gain a one action point every week, up to your Charisma mod. Two action points can be used as a hero point. -Third Party and homebrew: Primarily due to lack of support for item crafting, I’m permitting some third party material. Generally speaking, I’m relatively lenient in my acceptance, especially for the purpose of flavor. If I cannot be linked to it legally, then I will probably not permit it. However, I have a lot of D&D 3.5 material, and, if you desire to use any of it, just ask. As such, here’s a list of pre-approved 3rd party material, besides the listed above:
I have a few homebrew and minor house rules, as listed below:
House Rules/Minor homebrew: -Improved Familiars can take the Valet archetype (Only).
-If you can fit it into your background how you got the soul, you can have a Soulbound familiar as a Improved Familiar. -If your Caster Level is equal to that to craft it, you may take any of the alternate homunculi as an Improved familiar/Homunculus familiar. -You can take 1 on any roll. This means that you take literally the worst possible roll without taking any more time. -Magic Items are crafted from History Stone, and History Dust. History stones and History Dust are basically Gold and Platinum pieces for the purpose of magic items, and can be gathered at a 50% rate from magic items by tools at the Artisans guild from magic items. ![]()
![]() I've heard that several spells should just be things Martials should be capable of doing at high-enough levels, and I want to see some of the spells in question. Just my curiosity, I'm not trying to start any fights, and try to keep it ON TOPIC (I've seen to many threads like this derailed, so please be polite). ![]()
![]() I don't see why, but at the same time, I don't really see why not. If they make a class that makes sense for it to be genderfluid, it would make complete sense. A genderfluid or genderless shapeshifter for a class based on changing into various creatures would make complete sense. However, as I said before, I don't really see the reason why unless it makes sense for a character- If it's just there to be there, then It'll just feel tacked on. ![]()
![]() Gah- Why are all your characters so good... In the end, it was a tough choice, but I'm going to go with the following: Qat Tzgane
My apologies for everyone else who proposed characters (Especially you, Tacticslion). Either way, if you're still there, report to the the Discussion thread. ![]()
![]() And, with my play being over now, I can actually post! Whoo!
@Tacticslion: It's a preference, and not a requirement. You can play a featured race, or something as obscure as an android. It's a question about whether I'll accept your character or not. I'm heavily preferenced to the standard core races, Aasimars and Tieflings, but will accept some rarer characters.
@Izzy: Well crap. It was supposed to be spells per day. Not spells known. I feel incredibly foolish- Apologies for not clarifying. Way earlier. Really should have.
@Lessa: I should read that webcomic at some point. ![]()
![]() @Roonfizzle Garnackle: Alright, back- Looking over it, Psychic Tracking is somewhat more unnerving, but not too bad- While I'd prefer against it, and would genuinely prefer that it would scale. However, the other powers I'm fine with. And, if I find time soon, I'll post what she said. And, you can just deciper it ahead of time, can you not?
@Rae: Thank you- I'll enjoy this sheet from hereon out. @Black Shadow: I'm not even sure how to respond to that.
![]() So, I have good news and bad news:
@Roon: Yeah... I'm afraid you might have to if you wish to retain the outsider trait- Though, to be frank, the outsider trait represents it on a genetic level- as such, you CAN actually be an "Outsider" in the knowledge sense, but, if you so desire, you can also have a linage to Weit Weg via genetics- Which, to be frank, the Fairy Godmother trait makes it even more plausible for you to have a genetic connection to Weit Weg, or even have it be a magical method of gestalting with Bard. Maybe have the actual music still be with him before, but NOT the spellcasting, which only just appeard as he entered Weit Weg- As it is, however, I'm not sure. I'm afraid I'll have to deny Expansive Collective- Still don't own the book. As it is, looks good. I might swap your spells around once I have time. As for now, I recomend swaping Read Magic for Guide Vessal @Rae: That is the best character sheet I've ever seen. Seriously. That's just... Holy crap. I have never seen a character sheet that looked that good. Like- Holy Crap. Why do I feel it's so good? It just looks so good. I don't suppose you'd be willing to post a template? I want that character sheet.
@Vir: Sorry it took so long to respond. As it is, rundown!
And with that, good night. ![]()
![]() YoricksRequiem wrote: Hrm, a lot of houserules and complexity, but I do find the idea appealing. Let's see what the dice gods have to say. Eh, not THAT much- Most of it's fairly minor stuff, for the most part- The major things you need to know is this: You gestalt with bard, gaining all the class features, but not saves, hit dice, or skill points, with the option of changing the stat your bard uses. Your skill points are a minimum of 4 + Int. You can use Charisma for will saves, and you gain two bonus feats (Weapon Focus, Improved Combat Manuver, Two Weapon Fighting, or Weapon Finesse), and the fact that you gain some Action Points (Which you can swap for Hero Points, at a 2:1 rate) equal to half your Charisma Modifier (Max your Cha mod + 1). The rest is mostly just situational stuff- Clerics gaining Variant Channeling, a Divine Witch, Dazing Spell Nerf (-10 to DC is pretty harsh), and Rouge and Fighter having double class features.YoricksRequiem wrote: Question: Do you have to take the same base class every level? I mean, you always Gestalt with Bard or Skald, but could you multiclass the other class? Nope, you do not- You can multiclass the other class all you desire. However, you must always Gestalt with Bard or Skald (Or some 3.5 prestige classes- See 3.5 materials). Or some prestiege classes- For example, you can put level 3-10 of Pathfinder Chronicler on your Gestalt side, but not the first two levels. I suppose it's a bit complex, but it's there, in case you want it (You don't NEED to know that, but it's nice to know). ![]()
![]() Chapter One:
While I am not entirely certain as to the plot as of yet, I'd like to run a game where everyone is a bard- And I mean EVERYONE. All your enemies, allies, NPCs and such are all bards. Everyone is bard-blooded. Background:
Character Creation:
Keep in mind, I’m looking for characters, and not stat blocks- You should have a fairly decent backstory, or decent roleplay.
Deadline for concepts is the thirteenth of March, deadline for character sheets is the fifteenth, and the accepted characters will be decided sometime early during the week. You can certainly attempt to post your character later, but I wouldn't recommend it. The deadline MIGHT be extended. You gain gain a +1 bonus on any d20 roll by making a DC 20 perform check, increasing by 1 for every 10 you beat the DC by.
Lesser Gestalt Rules:
Every level, you Gestalt with either Bard or Skald, but do not gain saves, skill points, hit dice, or base attack bonus of the gestalted class. If you have 2+Int skill points, increase that to 4+Int skill points. Everyone gains ONE versatile performance (Unless you’re a pure bard- See further down). To prevent everyone from having the same handful of spells, I hold free will to change up your spells according to your backstory (So ensure your spells make sense with your characterization). It won’t all be cruel, however, since I might swap it for stuff from other classes spell lists.
All bard abilities may be used with one of the following ability scores:
Alterations to Perform:
High Powered Classes and Bard:
Bard as the whole class:
Prestige Classes- Prestige Classes that advance bardic music may put the levels that advance bardic music on the Gestalt side. Third Party Policy: I’ll look over third party stuff upon request- Just run it by me. At the moment, Path of war is denied, but Psionics is allowed. Bard stuff is far more likely to be accepted.
Pre-accepted Third Party Bard archetypes:
Gaining access to path of war
3.5 materials and homebrew: Alright, now, for even more options, I’m willing to permit 3.5 materials upon request, with Bard related stuff permitted fairly easily- However, like all third party options, you’ll have to run it by me. Skill rank requirements are reduced by three for 3.5 materials.
*Denotes that you can Gestalt with this class
Homebrew Feats: And, finally, a few homebrew feats:
Weapon Finesse [Altered]: Gain Dex to Damage and Attack rolls. Any penalty you take to strength applies to your HP, AC, Attack, and Damage. Shield Bearer:
Combat Expertise [Altered]:
Combat Training:
House Rule List: And now, I have a few, fairly minor house rule list-
*Flanking is a condition- Meaning that you are considered flanked by everyone if you are flanked, period. *Clerics gain their choice of variant channeling for free (Or Rebuke/Command undead), which they choose which channel to use when channeling energy. *Fighters and rogues are considered to have two copies of each class feature for the purpose of archetypes. Alternatively, a rogue may obtain This bonus instead. *Will saves are now based off of Charisma OR wisdom. *Gain a passive Perception check- Your base attack bonus plus your Wisdom modifier. Rouge levels count as having full base attack bonus for this purpose. *Gain a free rank per level in either Profession (Any), Craft (Any), or Knowledge (Local, Engineering, Geography, or History). Base it on your character background. *There are now two versions of Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Magic arms and Armor, and Craft Arms and Armor- The difference is that the Non-magical ones are mundane- If you craft it, explain why the bonuses it gives are mundane. Use Profession (Blacksmith) or Craft (Arms)(Armor) in place of spellcraft for these rolls. *Everyone gains the original combat expertise and power attack as a bonus feat. *Everyone gains a pool of action points up to their Wisdom or Charisma modifier, plus one per four character levels. You may trade two action points for a Hero Point, up to either your Strength or Charisma modifier (Whichever is higher). Do not count nine level spellcasting purposes for your effective character level. If you are a Charisma or Wisdom based nine level caster, or summoner, count your Charisma as one lower per spellcasting level you have access to (So, if you had a charisma of 20 and could cast 2nd level spells, your charisma is counted as being 18 instead of 20) *Action Points are gained upon rolling a natural one or twenty on any d20 roll and permitting something bad to happen to your character (State upon discovery of roll), good roleplaying, and/or playing out your drawbacks. You will lose action points if you do not roleplay low ability scores or your drawback. You might loose access to the Action Point system if your traits do not match up with your characterization. *When you crit, you may make a skill check, ability check, or combat maneuver in place of dealing extra damage. *Gain an Improved/Greater Combat Maneuver, Weapon Focus, Armor Proficiency, 1/2 a metamagic feat, or Weapon Proficiency feat at level 1, 3, 6, and every 3 levels thereafter. At level one, you may choose to gain Weapon Finesse as your level one feat. Alternatively, if you posses Two Weapon Fighting, gain a feat with that as a prerequisite instead of an improved combat maneuver feat (You must meet the prerequisite for the feat, however). *Spell Like abilities count as spells for the purpose of meeting prerequisites for prestige classes. *If a gun has a higher enhancement modifier than your strength modifier, take a -4 penalty to attack rolls, and never target touch AC. *Dazing spell decreases the DC for a spell by 10. *Failing a skill check by 5 or less will have something interesting happen instead of merely failing *You can increase the "Level" of your called shot by taking a -5 penalty. From Called Shot, to Critical shot, then to Debilitating Blow. *A Witch may choose to become a Divine caster, basing their spells and Hexes off of Wisdom instead of Intelligence. If they have a penalty to Intelligence, apply that penalty to their Wisdom score for all things requiring Wisdom. *Eidolon's max attacks are reduced by one. Campaign Setting Info:
Campaign Traits:
Fairy Manager- You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Diplomacy checks made to deal with fey creatures and a +1 trait bonus on Will saves made against their spells and supernatural abilities. Bard of the Fantasy- Gain a +2 bonus to any single perform type, and gain a +1 bonus on Bardic Knowledge or equivalent checks. Foolhardy Soul: Morale bonuses last for 1d4 rounds, but take a -1 penalty to sense motive checks. Outsider- Do not gestalt with Bard. As a bonus, you may now sunder Bard spells, and any bardic music you hear, as with the Spell Sunder rage power. In addition, gain a bonus feat every even level. You may make a perform check opposed by your opponents own perform check to neutralize the magic in Bardic Performances. Animal Whisperer-
Impurity of the Salt
Fairy Godmother
Destined Swordbearer-
And now, to a local god: Songheim:
Keep in mind- All these house rules apply to all beings- Meaning that, now, monsters have Hero Points, and are gestalted with Bard. So be wary- You never know who you might encounter. ![]()
Female Half-Elf Scryer Wizard 1/Separatist Cleric 1/Evangelist 1/Mystic Theurge 1/Evangelist 1
![]() The tavern is fairly empty, as folks slowly enter into the Mended Drum. It's not a very nice establishment, as you can tell by some of the bloodstains on the floor, but it's generally where people of all colors gather, good, evil, Upper and Lower, everyone goes to the Mended Drum fairly frequently- Primarily because it's also the safest place in town.
To his left, is a fairly young woman, a small book around her neck. She's cleaning a few glasses. She's quite obviously a cleric (Of whom, nobody is quite certain), and has a pair of feather wings on her back. She idly waves at you, turning back to her glasses. You know that she usually handles the cleaning and everything having to do with leaving the house. Her name is Abby. The Mended Drum is about three floors- First floor is the bar and such, second floor is the lodging for guests who wish to stay, and the top floor is for Isaac and Abby's room, along with a small kitchen and a game room, where card and dice games are performed. ![]()
![]() This is just my curiosity burning inside- What's the most f***ed up s*** your players have ever done? For myself, I have to say it was when I DMed for some new players for Pathfinder- The party was a Bard, a Sorcerer, and the player of Note- a Barbarian. The person playing the sorcerer was dating the person playing the barbarian. I was running them through Master of the fallen fortress, and, after interrogating one of the trygolytes, the barbarian, despite the Bard's protest. After they got up the stairs, the sorcerer was sad because she had nothing to use Mage Hand to throw things at. So the barbarian plopped the trygolyte down, and proceeded to carve it into five pound chunks for the sorcerer to launch at their enemies. ![]()
![]() Eh, I kinda like the idea of SLA being used to gain early entry into prestige classes, not from a crunch perspective, but from an actual fluff perspective- Sure, you might not be as well versed, but the thing is, you have lived with the magic in your blood your life. You have felt the magic flow through you with immense ease. You've lived with this magic all your life. You've felt Divine or arcane magic flow through your blood. And you've known how to channel it forever- Even if it's one thing. To this day, you are fully aware of how your spell works- To the core, even. You know your spell inside out, even if not how most others draw it into existence. It's a jump. A hurdle. And, oftentimes, what's important to performing magic is knowing how it works- Not the prescise gestures, or as much training. You need to know how second level spell work, as listed, and, the thing is, you DO know. You HAVE known for most your life. chbgraphicarts wrote: -Snip- The question is, is it a "This OR that" thing? While Archetypes are wonderful, Prestige Classes offer quite a bit more versatility in character creation, allowing for a even larger range of character options, even if it is later in a characters life. Archetypes AND prestige classes may work in harmony to make a wonderful mixture of beauty so that a concept can be realized to perfection, rather than simply to a passable degree. So, the point still stands- Why is it "YOU CAN EITHER BE WITH THE ARCHETYPE SYSTEM OR BE WITH THE PRESTIGE CLASS SYSTEM, YOU CANNOT WISH FOR THEM TO LIVE IN HARMONY FOR THEY CANNOT LIVE IN HARMONY! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! IN THE MOST LITERAL MEANING POSSIBLE! YOU CANNOT DO SO! EVER! UNDERSTAND?! IT'S LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE!"My apologies if it seems rude, it's just that your phrasing of it kinda implies this stance on the subject. I understand your dislike of the 3.5 system of doing things, however, I'd argue that, while Archetypes can handle a ton of things, they cannot handle EVERYTHING. You cannot make a archetype for every character archetype that exists. That's the primary fault in the Archetype system. Prestige classes can fill the remaining fault in this respect. Just my two cents on the concept. ![]()
![]() I RETURN AGAIN. To provide you with further detail on how to play him! Your character is incredibly boring. I'm talking, INCREDIBLY boring. Have him be stupidly socially incapable, have him make rude comments to your magical friends, ect. Your character doesn't have much to talk about beyond stabbing folks, and stabbing magic folks. But you know what you do have? A clever head. You can tell when folks are lying through their teeth, and point out that, if they do, you'll stab their face off. Then stab them if they lie again. From that point on, you're companions should probably aid another you several times to ensure your intimidation actually gets what you need from them. Also- Something to note, without training, casting a first level spell deals 1d3 intelligence damage, second level 1d4, and third 1d6. Also, if your familiar can speak, have him speak for you. Next up- A decent comparison would be heavy weapons guy from TF2- Read it's comics, and you'll not notice heavy a lot, but he does notice things. ![]()
![]() So, I'm planning on running a all-bard gestalt game for a while now, the issue is, I don't really have any idea what to run- I want to make an adventure, but I'm not entirely sure HOW. Currently, I have a few ideas for a setting- A small village, in a land far, far away from standard Golarion- It's a quiet village, fairly low magic, except EVERYONE has some sort of bardic magic in their soul- They can sing, they dance, and magic is in all their souls. Basically, imagine everyone's in a Disney movie, musical numbers and all. The issue is... Beyond that, I don't really know what to do. I don't have any adventure ideas, and would love your guys ideas. I also need ideas for campaign traits- To which, I have no idea what to make. Currently, these are the campaign traits I have:
Campaign traits so far: Fairy Manager- You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Diplomacy checks made to deal with fey creatures and a +2 trait bonus on Will saves made against their spells and supernatural abilities. It takes half the time to perform diplomacy checks.
Bard of the Fantasy- Gain a +2 bonus to any one perform type, and gain a +1 bonus on Bardic Knowledge. Foolhardy Soul: Morale bonuses last for 1d4 rounds, but take a -1 penalty to sense motive checks. Outsider- Do not gestalt with Bard. As a bonus, you may now sunder Bard spells, and any bardic music you hear, as with the Spell Sunder rage power. In addition, gain a bonus feat every even level. Animal Whisperer-
Alternate Gestalt Rules: Every level, gain access to Bard class features as if you were also a Bard of equal level, except for Versatile Performance. You gain one versatile performance at second level. Archetypes that trade away versatile performance still functions with this altered versatile performance.
You do not gain BaB, Skill Ranks, or saves of the Bard class. ![]()
![]() thejeff wrote:
Eh, in many ways, builds are characters- Their the engine that runs a character, and if that engine is very different from the outside, then you end up with a feeling that something is OFF. That things don't quite FIT. You feel slightly uneasy, as you pass your acrobatics check. This feeling runs over you, and you can't escape it. It perviates every d20 you roll. Your character's actions never fit the mechanics. They don't seem to WORK. Crunch and fluff in pathfinder is tightly interwoven- They are still separated, but the line can be thin, and grows thinner the more you build your character. You can't build a suave character without charisma, because charisma represents how suave your character is. You can't have a Barbarian without Strength who's backstory is how he wrecked face when angered, because the mechanics speak otherwise. He can't have done that in his backstory, because his crunch doesn't fit his fluff. How did he wreck face? He can't. ![]()
![]() Question- Mind doing one for a custom race?
Fortress Dorfs (RP I have no idea): I'd like to see either a Wizard archetype (Focusing on !!Science!! (Like science, but with more magma, screaming, and Fun)), or any archatype that fits idiotic little robots. Fortress Dorfs are a dumb, DUMB race- But are also unbelievably intelligent, and capable of stupid feats of engineering.
Racial Traits: +4 Int, -6 Wis, +2 Con, -2 Cha Size: Dorfs are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Type: Dorfs are humanoids with the dwarf subtype. Base Speed: (Slow and Steady) Dorfs have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance. Languages: Dorfs begin play speaking Common and Dwarven. Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon. Dependent: You need alcohol to survive. If you go without drink, your speed slows by 5 feet per day without alcohol. Sleepless: You only sleep four times per year, but when you do, you sleep for a whole week. Martial Trance: When outnumbered greater than three to one, double the AC bonus of your choice, or gain a +10 armor bonus to AC. Quantum Stockpiling: You can store an infinite amount of junk into a 5x5x5 space. Strange Mood: Sometimes, in a Dorf's life, you are taken by a strange mood- You find a place to craft a thing, and find the materials to craft it with if you cannot find them. When you gain them, you, over the course of a couple days, make a legendary artifact. ![]()
![]() GM Demonmoose wrote: @IronVagabond, Fell Robot is too strong. Robots raised need to lose Defensive Abilities, otherwise you have an army with Hardness 5 or 10, can't be flanked, force fields, etc. It probably should lose any non-combat feats, as well as intelligence, as they are now undead as well as constructs. It should keep the robot/construct subtype and be undead. I was just gonna go with losing all combat feats, the undead replacing the AI that used to control the bot. And the skeleton and Zombie templates specifically state that they lose intelligence and feats, gaining only a handful of feats. Defensive Abilities are already removed by both the Zombie and the Skeleton templates. It's type already turns into an undead, as per the Template described. GM Demonmoose wrote: Paying the cost of integrated weapons is fine. But it should probably need batteries and have charges like normal weapons, as their bodies are not completely robotic/construct anymore. I think you misunderstood: I was thinking more adding Integrated Weapons to my non-robot undead. Like just ripping the whole bottom part of a collector robot and implanting it into the center of my (Non-robot) undead minions to function as emergency defense. The robo-zombies still get their integrated weapons, because that's the robot equivalent of a natural attack. It's basically "That's a nifty weapon. Let's add the entire right arm to my zombie." GM Demonmoose wrote: Probably needs some more revision. By Sounds like it. Still, in a campaign that contains so many robots, it's gonna be useful to be able to animate them. Also, a quick little story I just wrote:
The Discovery: The table was cold, the walls, table, and worstations sanitized with fire and sodium hypochlorite.
And she stand there, looking at my creation. It was worrying, it. It was a robot, one that came to collect her. Why, she didn't know, maybe it was these experiments that made these robots seek her out. She just looked at it, broken and beaten. She slowly walked forward, placing three finely cut onixes into the robots eyes. And she turned to the cadaver. The cadaver had been raided of muscle mass, it's head cut open and brain tissue removed. She looked at the robot again, it's circuitry and broken parts overlayed with Muscle and Brain Tissue. She breathed in, pulling out the silverdust, and sprinkling it around the robot. Pulling out the vial of unholy water, she walked to her gods altar, and desecrated the area. And she begun her chant, feeling the necromorphinc energy flow through her hand, flowing through it into the onyx... The robot flickered. The robot flinched. She watched as the robots servos slowly whirred to life, as it began to float. "Yes..." And fly... "YES..." And work. "YES!" She stood up, and danced like a fool, the sound of joy in her voice slightly louder than the sound of stampeding elephants. She smiled, slowly walking to the undead collector. "You're my... Most wonderful creation..." she said, slowly stroking it, tears flowing down her eyes. She felt... Accomplished. So many tries she's tried this, and now? Now she may use those robots that are unused to use. She had mastered them... Now what she will do... She smiled, gesturing the robot to sit down next to her. That it did, and she got to work imparting the materials necessary for her work. --- She sat down, a zombie slowly cleaning the floor to her right. She heard the tapping of a hammer on the roof, as her newly animated robot worked on roofing. And a few more requests::
May the archetype add Disguise and Heal to the list of class skills, and add Desecrate to the spell list?
Also, would a robot's flight be considered magical (Generally speaking, Magic and Technology are only a hair throw away) Thirdly, may I gain Animate Dead as a second level spell until I obtain third level spells? This is primarily because I'd rather not miss out on Necromancy, and I just realized I wouldn't be able to cast Animate Dead until level 6. And, finally, may I have a pre-game undead minion? Her first undead minion, in fact: Minion.: Collector Robot CR 1
N Medium Undead (robot) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +4 Defense AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+6 Dex, +2 natural) hp 21 (2d8+12) Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +0 Defensive Abilities; DR 5/Bludgeoning, Immune Undead Traits, Cold Weaknesses vulnerable to critical hits and electricity Offense
Integrated Stun Gun (Ex) A collector robot has an integrated stun gun slung beneath its body. This weapon uses a powerful sonic amplifier to produce powerful lowfrequency blasts of energy that pummel targets. This weapon has a range increment of 20 feet, and it deals 1d8 points of nonlethal damage. On a critical hit, the robot can attempt a free trip combat maneuver (CMB +12) against the target, which does not provoke attacks of opportunity. ![]()
![]() ... Alright, I'm gonna play Sam Vimes. Silly, stupid idea, and one that oddly fits (Heavens knows, he's slowly bordering on that.)
Edit: Alright, Divine Source, being one of Good and Protection (His core tenants, and what is at his core), domains for his cleric levels being Community, Liberation, and Law. Favored weapon is either/are all Sap, unarmed, Longswords, and improvised weaponry.
![]() LazarX wrote:
Believe it or not, I had no intent to do so. The reason was purely cosmetic and roleplay focused. I had no real intent to minmax, mostly just to make a intresting character. ![]()
![]() So, recently, while attempting to sign up for a campaign online, I proposed a 11 year old half-Elf Wizard who taught herself magic from the ground up from the age of six (Int 20), but was denied due to her being too young, and said that if I wanted to play a child, I would have to use the Young Characters ruleset.
A note: I would be the only child there. |