Male Human Expert 4
Artifact and unusual item descriptions RETRIEVER DRONE:
PRICE 8,000 GP SLOT none CL 15th WEIGHT 5 lbs. AURA strong conjuration A retriever drone appears as a masterfully preserved spider the size of a house cat, whose eyes have been replaced by four glittering gemstones. These devices are created by spellcasters who wish to control their own retrievers, since the secret of creating those monsters is beyond mortal capacity to understand. A retriever drone can be used to usurp control of a retriever that is within 30 feet. To take control of a retriever, the user of a retriever drone must have line of sight to the target and concentrate on it while holding the retriever drone in both hands. The target retriever can resist the attempt to take control by succeeding at a DC 16 Will save. If the retriever is currently on a mission to retrieve a target, it gains a +8 bonus on this save. If the retriever’s saving throw is successful, the drone thrashes and scurries, making a single +15 bite attack (1d6+4 damage) against its carrier before becoming inert for 24 hours.
AURA strong evocation; CL 15th SLOT none; PRICE 22,315 gp; WEIGHT 4 lbs. DESCRIPTION This longsword has an enhancement bonus of +1 on the Material Plane, but on any Elemental Plane its enhancement bonus increases to +2. The +2 enhancement bonus also applies whenever the weapon is used against creatures native to the Elemental Plane. It operates as a +3 longsword on the Astral Plane and the Ethereal Plane, or when used against opponents native to either of those planes. On any other plane, or against any outsider, it functions as a +4 longsword.
AURA moderate evocation; CL 7th SLOT: none; PRICE 1,500 gp; WEIGHT 1 lb. This fragile glass flask encloses a single scrap of worn parchment held in place by a taut metal wire threaded through its cork stopper. As a full-round action, a spellcaster can cast a targeted language-dependent spell of 3rd level or lower into the flask as a full round action, which covers the parchment with magical writing and charges the flask with power. The flask cannot be used with spells that have a casting time longer than 1 full round. Any of the spell's variables that are determined by its caster (such as commands given to the spell's target) are decided when the spell is cast into the bottle.
AURA strong conjuration; CL 18th SLOT none; PRICE 10,000 gp; WEIGHT 1 lb This divine food comes in many forms, from a light and airy honeyed cake to a deep, rich chocolate. A mythic creature that eats this food is restored and replenished. Eating this food takes 1 minute, and when the meal is done, the consumer regains all her uses of mythic power for the day. If a non-mythic creature consumes ambrosia, that creature is subject to neutralize poison,remove curse, and remove disease, each at caster level 10th. A mythic creature can choose to either gain this effect instead of regaining mythic power.
FORTUNE'S ARROW: AURA strong evocation (minor Artifact); CL 15th; SLOT none; WEIGHT 1/10 lb.; While this +3 seeking arrow is carried, it grants its bearer a +2 luck bonus on saving throws and skill checks. The wielder doubles her favored enemy bonus on attack and damage rolls against any creature of that type she attacks with the arrow.
Male Human Expert 4
Brain Collectors Labratory
The writing on the wall is in Aklo and is a strange combination of arcane and mathematical notations. Between Linguistics and Knowledge (engineering), you can determine that it’s a massive and complex equation that incorporates elements of alchemy, arcane magic, and metallurgy that are normally believed to be unrelated. It’s evident the work is unfinished. It is possible that the equation is part of an attempt to alter planar binding spells to work on natives of the Material Plane.
Male Human Expert 4
Jerribeth’s Quarters
Handout – Jerribeth’s Letter: Hepzamirah, Our esteemed representative of the Lord of the Locust Host continues his dalliance with his guests. It should not surprise me that one such as he would look to the Dark Tapestry for alliances. Despite his condition, he remains a child of this tiny plane, and I suppose I should not concern myself overmuch with his pastimes, yet the presence of these aliens in your Father’s Ivory Sanctum vexes me still. They are not so dangerous—not to one such as myself— yet I remain concerned for the dangers they may represent. Their presence is more a symptom than the problem itself. Vang has been supplying them with victims intended for sacrifice. He knows better than to short my needs for the rituals, yet still. These mortals belong to your Father, not some clattering tangle of legs and brains. Even so, our Dominion visitors possess some interesting powers. I have not yet managed to crack their minds and tempt them with my wishes—nor have I cracked Vang, for that matter—but I will. And when I do, we will have an interesting new tool to use against these crusaders. Vang will simply need to accept the fact that, when that time comes, these “guests” were never his at all, but merely waiting upon the will of your Father to join in the war. The effects of Nahyndrian elixir continues to impress me. My own experiences, combined with the fact that the last four demons who imbibed survived with ease, tell me that Minagho’s serpentine scum and her insane scientist have finally perfected the recipe. I look forward to the next shipment from the Fane, and hope to be able to join you soon to aid you in recruiting more of the lords and ladies of Midnight to our cause. And in regard to the Drezen situation, you need not fear. I am in the process of
Male Human Expert 4
Vang’s Chambers
There are two masterfully preserved spiders, each the size of a house cat. The eyes of each spider are glittering gemstones. The spiders radiate strong conjuration. You can identify these as Retriever Drones. These can be used to seize control of a retriever and command its actions. (details below)
His Type 4 bag of holding contains his collection of spellbooks. There are many books here, obviously written by many different spellcasters. It will take a considerable amount of time to completely inventory them. For game purposes, it will allow Ison to add a third spell for free each level, and has a chance to contain any other arcane spell you are looking for. In addition to the standard spells, there are instructions for a special preparation ritual. Preparation Ritual—Abyssal Binding:
By spending the boon granted by this ritual as a free action while casting a planar binding spell (including the lesser and greater variants), the wizard gains a +4 bonus on all opposed Charisma checks attempted against a chaotic evil outsider, and the maximum duration of an open-ended task increases by 4 days. More information on preparation rituals is in Ultimate Magic. In the side room, hidden away under some other mundane treasure, there is a chest with a complex lock, which can be opened by a slim mithral key carried by Vang. It contains two vials containing a strange purple residue; each vial radiates faint conjuration and necromancy magic. These vials once contained Nahyndrian elixir, but are now empty. Intelligence from Vang’s Quarters:
Elixir Distribution notes:
Male Human Expert 4
Wrath of the Righteous Chapter Three Wrap Up When Xanthir Vang collapses into a pile of dead worms, a quiet falls over the room. As you catch your breath (and presumably do some healing) the Cloudkill drifts lazily down the corridor away from you.
The Western side of the building contains mostly living quarters for the inhabitants of the Sanctum. However, there are a couple of rooms of note. (Spoilered for length) Planning Room:
One appears to be a strategy/planning room. There is a large table in the center of the room. When you get there, the table is swarming with locusts. There are also shards of glass on the table. You surmise that the templars had some sort of device that released the locust swarm, which in turn ate the sensitive documents on the table. However, the walls are still covered by a couple of large maps of the worldwound. These are very valuable, as they appear to depict the region as it currently is. Most of the maps being used by the crusaders are old maps of Sarkoris with hand-written notes for where things have changed. The maps also contain notations of the locations of several Templar strongholds. Workshop:
Next to the planning room, there is a workshop. A smokeless forge sits in the northwest corner of this room, next to an anvil. A weapon rack stands against the north wall, while two tables to the east and west, respectively, are covered with tools, alchemical supplies, magical reagents, books, and more. Several wooden chests sit under the western table, while to the north of the eastern table sits a second weapon rack; whereas the northernmost rack contains several weapons that appear to be in fine condition, this more southern one contains weapons that appear to be damaged. Vault: Working your way all the way around behind the temple, you find one more room – the vault. Behind a secret door, armed with an arcane lock (you find the key among Vang’s possessions) is the inner vault. The walls are lined with lead to prevent divination, and inscribed with countless tiny Abyssal prayers and runes that constantly sweat and reabsorb cold black water. The runes on the walls radiate strong evil and strong necromancy magic, for they are infused with the waters of the River Styx, filling the area with potent and debilitating energies and a low, discordant drone. The room is defended by a Thanadaemon. As you approach, he calls out to you, asking to talk. He has been bound here against his will by Vang. If you release him, he promises to leave your plane and cause you no harm. Whether you deal with him peacefully or violently, I am going to assume that the CR 13 daemon won’t slow you down that much. There is a substantial haul of treasure here. Two items stand out. The first is a gleaming set of Mithral Full Plate (+3) emblazoned with the symbol of Iomedae. He isn’t sure why, but the armor seems familiar to Parmadon. Assuming you look into it when you get back to Drezen, you can find out that it is the armor previous worn by the paladin Yaniel, whose sword Parmadon now wields. The second is a single darkwood arrow, decorated with Elvish script. The writing reads: “May Fortune Favor Him Who Bears this Arrow.” Its aura is very strong, and it cannot be identified with Detect Magic. Further research identifies it as Fortune’s Arrow, a minor artifact, which once belonged to Ison’s father. Description below. Also in the vault, there are several powerful magic items that you recall were described to you back in Kenabres, as having been stolen from the Riftwardens, from their vault at the Blackwing library. This includes: a Greataxe +3, a Sword of the Planes, a Rod of Empower metamagic, a Staff of Healing (6 charges), a Carpet of Flying (5x5), and an Instant Fortress.
Male Human Expert 4
Aramnar wrote:
Granite dust is easy to come by around here. For diamond dust, you need to have it shipped in.
Male Human Expert 4
Aramnar wrote:
Your patrols in the city are largely uneventful. Within the first few weeks, any stragglers among the demons or cultists have been captured, killed, or driven off. Beyond the city, things get a little more wild. With regular patrols, you are able to pacify the immediate vicinity, but anyone who goes more than a few miles out, or stays in the Wounded Lands for more than a day or so still runs a significant risk of running into some sort of hazard. The whole region is oppressive, dangerous, and ugly. Still, with the Sword of Valor hung prominently in the Citadel, morale remains high.
Male Human Expert 4
The Corruption Forge It takes Davina and Ison several days of research to work it out, but with several spells and prayers, they are able to dispel the Evil and Chaotic auras from the forge. By manipulating the forge's magic, Ison is able to reverse its effects. The Corruption forge is now the Redemption forge. Using the forge, it is possible to convert an evil magic item to one aligned with good.
Male Human Expert 4
Ison Ryzhik wrote:
I'm going to rule (for now) that you can't add sonic to the admixture class ability. Since there is absolutely nothing resistant to Sonic that I can think of, that would replace admixture with "I bypass all energy resistance all the time". This AP is already running on easy mode.
Male Human Expert 4
Ison Ryzhik wrote:
Sorry, but per the PRD: Mythic Spells in Magic Items: Mythic spells can't be crafted into magic items unless the item is an artifact (for example, you can't brew a potion of mythic cure light wounds).so no mythic spell wands.
Male Human Expert 4
Ison Ryzhik wrote:
What item creation feats do you actually have? If you have the actual feat, then crafting mastery cuts the time in half, which may make a difference considering how many items are on the wish lists.
Male Human Expert 4
Reminders about the medals and actions needed to qualify Agility – kill a demon before it gets to go.
Command – redeem an enemy
Spirit – become possessed, but become free before doing any evil acts.
Valor – kill a demon with a CR higher than your level.
Vigor – get dropped or killed, but survive and rejoin the fight in which you got dropped.
Male Human Expert 4
Aramnar wrote: With the city here are we able to feed this larger army? Also I assume we have the sword of valor up and can inhibit any teleportation? Yes. You are reliant on the caravans coming from Mendev, since you can't grow anything here, but once those are up and running, you can maintain the army. In fact, it becomes Irabeth's problem. you don't need to track it anymore.
Male Human Expert 4
The Army Enough of the troops leveled up from the battles fought in chapter 2 to make the army a unit of 5th level paladins instead of 4th. In addition, reinforcements increase their size from Medium to Large. New stat block is below. The Divine bond allows them to act as if they had the magic weapons resource for one melee phase per day. Knights of Kenabres Revised ACR6
Male Human Expert 4
The City Currently, Drezen has the following stats: DREZEN
Its base value is 2200 gp, and its purchase limit is 5000 gp. Not including the party, the highest level of spellcasting services available is 5th level spells. With some work, the “ruined” disadvantage can be removed, which would enhance the city’s economy, and increase the goods and services available.
Male Human Expert 4
Downtime You have approximately one year between the liberation of Drezen and the main events of Chapter 3. I believe Steve was writing down treasure. Since you have Ison, who has the mythic feat allowing him to craft anything, I presume you’ll be crafting a crap-load of magic items with that time and money. Feel free. Make a list. The first few encounter areas will actually take place during this down-time, but for ease of record-keeping, we’ll assume all of your crafting is completed beforehand.
Male Human Expert 4
You soon learn that Irabeth has also received correspondence from the Queen. She has been assigned to the position of Commander of Drezen. Several other NPCs have also been given administrative responsibilities in the town. Sosiel Vaenic is acting as High Priest, helping to organize the clearing and re-consecration of the various temples and shrines that once served the crusaders who lived here. Anevia is acting as an advisor for Irabeth, and becomes sort of a part time chief constable as more people begin to arrive. Aron Kir, meanwhile, is put in charge of repairing the defenses of Drezen, putting his engineering skills to good use. There are a couple of familiar faces in the caravan as well. Caelda Halse, Parmadon’s cousin, arrives with a couple of apprentices, and sets up shop crafting and repairing armor and weapons. One of the librarians you met at Blackwing in chapter 1, a young woman named Fallas, arrives. She bears greetings from Aravashnial. She will be acting as the local representative of the Riftwardens. She is not nearly as powerful a wizard as Ison, but she has some knowledge skills, and access to resources. If you have any magical or mundane books to sell, she can give you a good price. She can also help you acquire scrolls and the like. Somewhat surprisingly, there is a small contingent of Mongrels, lead by Lann, the mongrel you helped rescue in the tunnels below Kenabres. They have volunteered to join the crusade. While their appearance can be unnerving, their natural skill at stealth and their ability to see in the dark makes them very handy as sentries and scouts. The least expected is the person who seems to be leading the caravan. You find that the whole supply caravan has been organized and financed by Horgus Gwerm. The nobleman still seems a bit stuffy, but the word around the caravan is that he took considerable personal and financial risks to make this happen. He doesn't stick around long. He soon heads out with his wagons and guards, to arrange for an ongoing supply chain.
Male Human Expert 4
Word of the liberation of Drezen travels swiftly back to Queen Galfrey, who wastes no time in dispatching a contingent of paladins and crusaders north to aid in holding, rebuilding, and fortifying the city. The crusaders don’t come alone—trailing behind is a small army of laborers and artisans, as well as caravans bearing food and other supplies. These crusaders bear with them a note to the PCs from Queen Galfrey. To the Heroes of Drezen— Words cannot convey my gratitude for what you have done. I wish that I could say the worst is over, but as you must surely know, the liberation of Drezen is but the first of many steps. You are poised to serve in a way that no others among the crusaders can match. Use Drezen as a base of operations. Set out to explore the Wounded Lands to the south and west for anything else we can use against the demons. You, being on the front lines, doubtless have already isolated several possible leads to investigate, but do not hesitate to consult those I have sent north with you. Sosiel, Aron, Irabeth, and the rest know much of the region’s history and legends. Word of your success and Drezen’s liberation has already started to spread, and already I see the results in the faces of my soldiers. They fight with renewed morale. Our increased tenacity along the southern borders should keep the eye of Deskari turned away from you, affording you time to explore and investigate behind enemy lines. With your aid, I now feel that victory is finally something we can hope for. —Galfrey
Male Human Expert 4
Between Game Updates and Info (spoiler tags used for long blocks of text) Food Stores in the Citadel provide 16 units of provisions for the Army Staunton Vhane’s Journals contain
The tower
The open rooftop of the tower has the faint remains of a gold and ivory inlay conjuration circle. It could be repaired by a skilled craftsman relatively easily. A person who uses the circle gains a +3 bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks relating to a creature being called or summoned, and a +3 bonus on Charisma checks, Diplomacy checks, and Intimidate checks to influence or bargain with a creature called or summoned here. The arcane prison in the dungeon level Spoiler:
One of the two cells still works. The wards in the cell create an antimagic field inside the cell. The cell is equipped with masterwork manacles fastened to the walls. The other cell has been decorated with hundreds upon hundreds of butterfly images, scratched into the stone. The entire cell radiates strong chaos and good—auras that increase to overwhelming on the northern wall, where a short prayer has been scratched into the wall. The prayer reads: Hear my prayer, lady luck. For it is luck I need in escaping this cell. Not just the life behind these bars, but an eternity spent shackled to the abyss itself. If you truly are the tender of dreams, then tender unto me a new existence. Let me sing the song of the spheres, see the stars with new eyes, and escape the pit into which my soul was cast. Bring me good fortune, my lady. Bring me a new spirit made clean. And I will forever be yours, in life, and in faith. I am ready. Finally ready.
The Torture Chamber
In the torture chamber, the whispers of the dead are the loudest. You believe that a combination of prayer and magic could put the souls to rest and end the whispering effect throughout the dungeon. You think that the spells Dispel Evil (Cleric 5/Paladin 4), Dispel Chaos, or Hallow (Cleric 5/Druid 5) would all do the trick. Hallow is more time consuming and expensive, but Dispel would require a level check. The Corruption Forge
Spoiler: The forge makes the whole room hot. Characters within the room itself take 1d6 points of fire damage per round from the heat—demons are immune to this, of course, but for humanoid crafters to use the forge, spells like resist elements would need to be employed. The forge itself grants a +2 bonus on all Craft checks made while using it, but it also allows a character with the Craft Magic Arms and Armor or Master Craftsman feat to transform a magic item from lawful and/or good to chaotic and/or evil. This process takes multiple days, during which the crafter must toil on the weapon or armor as if crafting it from scratch. You also suspect that the forge is the source of the abyssal energy that seems to infuse the dungeon, making the area strongly chaos and evil aligned. With a little research, you think you could dispel the evil and chaos energies to remove their influence on the dungeon level.
Male Human Expert 4
Book of the River Nation page 18 wrote:
So, does that mean that even if the invading army occupies Leveton, so long as we keep unrest below 5, we wouldn't lose the hex and still get to keep the benefits from the City? That seems odd, but I don't see anything in the rules that contradicts it.
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee!" I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd
Papa-DRB wrote:
Longtime PCGen user for 3.5. I just installed the Pathfinder files. Works well for me so far. Thank you. I'll probably grab some of the files for the APs next.
Captain Marsh wrote: 3. Know the rules. I know this sounds basic, but it's essential. If your players are running characters with weird or unique magic items or abilities, make sure they know how they work. Similarly, if you're running a special monster or running a unique game environment, know its abilities thoroughly. Nothing kills a climax moment more rules-lawyering. I agree with this for the most part, but I do allow some leeway. The rules are complicated and I don't have a photographic memory. So, looking up something, like whether a spell is short range or medium range is OK. Arguing over application is not. That being said, I agree 100% on the second half of this rule. The GM should be prepared, with an adequate knowledge of the NPCs' abilities.
Lokie wrote: Secondly... carrying the opponent away from the ground to a distance they might fall would be placing them in a hazardous location so I'd suspect they would get another free attempt to break free just prior to take off. Alternately, I might allow the free "hazardous location" attempt to let the character hang on while they are in the air.