Gelatinous Cube

Uncle Monkey's page

Organized Play Member. 99 posts (508 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

Male Human Expert 4

to be used for downtime activities etc

Male Human Expert 4

Place for out of game time discussion and down-time activvities

Group meets in northeast Atlanta area, weekly, Wednesday nights.

The group has been going for about 10 years.

We run Pathfinder APs. New player would be coming into chapter 3 of Wrath of the Righteous.

Conjuration school, second level power (page 66) - This doesn't scale well at higher levels. A 20th level caster can cast Summon Monster I 10 times per day? I don't see that getting much use. Suggestion: allow a caster to burn additional uses to cast a higher-level version of the spell. E.g., for 2 uses, you get Summon Monster II, for 8 Uses, you get Summon Monster VIII. That way, your 20th level uber-mage can pull a 9th level Summoning out of his hat in case of emergency.

Same issue with Illusion school second level power (page 68). Similar suggestion, additional uses give better illusion.

War Domain second level power (page 78). Similar problem. Magic Weapon doesn't scale. It's always +1.

I'm not sure about the schools and domains that give Enlarge Person either, but I can see where some casters would still like that at higher level.

I am confused about the wording on this one. It reads: "this ability has no effect on creatures of a higher level than you or with more HD..."

Does this relate to class (cleric) level, caster level or character level?

Also - is there a save or a duration? My presumption is that it is as the spell Daze, but I don't like to presume.

Have you considered Armor as DR rather than making characters harder to hit? I kind of like the idea that it isn't harder to make contact with the guy in Plate Mail, just harder to hurt him through it. This concept dovetails well with the class defense bonus in some other RPGs.