Gelatinous Cube

Uncle Monkey's page

Organized Play Member. 99 posts (508 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

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Jib wrote:
Fair is fair! How about some little know RPGs that you can suggest? Now I am not talking the big one like Vampire, Shadowrun, D&D or Traveler. How about some little known games that have that certain edge... that extra color... that fun that keeps you returning for more.

Once upon a time I used to run a game called Bushido, by FGU. The mechanics weren't great, but I loved the setting, and they had very interesting reputation/social interaction rules.

And I'll throw in a "me too" for those who have already said Toon. Back in the mid '80s I played an alligator who wore a polo shirt with a little human on it.

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Alex Y wrote:
Uncle Monkey wrote:
Catalyst: Summon Undead vs Evil Cleric
Wow, this is a great death. Ironic, but awesome.

Thank you. nothing like scoring an "own goal." Great role-play fodder for the PCs as well.

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Name: Yngvarr
Class/Level: CN Male Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 2
Adventure: Burnt Offerings
Catalyst: Not looking where he was going, or Barbarian fall down the hole

The party arrived at Thistletop with instructions to find Shalelu, who was scouting the area, and figure out what was going on. Upon entering the outer area, they proceeded around to the left, making their first encouter the ten goblin prisoners. A fight breaks out, with the golblins mostly trying to throw rocks and sticks at the party, or running away. One of the little runts gets past the group and the barbarian gives chase. Not looking where he was going, he trips and falls into the howling hole. A good climb check to catch himself helped momentarily, until he tried to climb out. He rolled poorly. He plummeted. He survived the fall, and managed to get out of the water onto the ledge. He did not survive being alone with the Bunyip. Meanwhile, the party was topside, arguing about how to recover someone from a 70-foot hole using 50 feet of rope.