Ogre King

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Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Cheers Graelsis, I'm sure you'll have a ball. We had some breaks in our 6 years and even fitted a couple of Wrath of the Righteous, chapters in between our sessions but overall it was a very satisfying achievement to get it finished.
I spoke to a longtime RPG friend about our campaign yesterday and the time it took and he pointed out "The long form often gives us the most memorable of events; long spoken of years from now." I agree

Good Luck with your game, mate.

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I completed DMing my RotRL campaign on Tuesday 22/08/17. It took us 6 years, involved 11 deaths and the party earned 95 levels in total. I've lost count of the number of grey hairs the Dms shed!
Anyway to Commemorate this achievement and because none of my players ever will I present; The Hero's of Sand-point!

Cody - 18th level Barbarian, Ex Human Male now Enlarged Gnome
Kaliban - 18th level Fighter, Dwarven Male, through and through
Mabb - 4th level Cleric of Pharasma/4th level Mage/10th level Mystic Thurge, Ancient Human Female
Lanedorm - 18th level Rogue, Elven male, now Halfling dreaming of been an elf once again
Mogash - 18th Level Druid, Halfling! Summoner of T-Rex's that become confused all too often
And finally: Lynx - 18th level Lynx, the lynx

Thanks Paizo best Campaign Ever! Until the next one...

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Hello to you too,

I’m not much of a poster, more of a lurker and avid idea stealer, but UK, Early 40’s, Pathfinder... Snap!
I started playing in 89 in a 1st ed Ravenloft Campaign and I’m lucky enough to have been gaming ever since.
We play pathfinder exclusively now but we’ve played all editions of D&d through the years.


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Hi All

The Party i'm Dming has just reached the point were they:

fight the Glabrezu in The Scribblers Lair. Of course during that fight the Glabrezu invite someone to make a wish, at which point the barbarian cries “I wish I was more stronger”….

So with immediate affect I granted him the benefits of the enlarge spell, more damage but easier to hit, this kept combat flowing and allowed him to be pretty chuffed with his power trade. However over the next few sessions the character will change his base race into an ogre including some of the deformities seen on the Graul Ogres in Hook Mountain. I had planned to replace his base stats with that of an ogres so strength up but a serious hit to Dex and Intelligence, )allowing him to re-apply his level bonus adjustments).

My question is twofold, is this the best way to handle the stat change, and is this really a big enough downside. After all this is a corrupt wish, granted in a temple of Lamashtu?


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Thanks Chaps, She will make contact with the party but i'll assign her back to sandpoint as she could come in handy for the next part.Cheers

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Im currently running RotRL with a party of 6, plus a couple of animal companions. As we dont need the extra firepower, any fallout from Salelu not accompanying the party to TBF and beyond?

Apart from her family connections with the BA ofc

We're just starting Hook mountain

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I ran parts one, two and three straight out of the book. No distractions and no side treks (remember when that was an article in dungeon?) all in an effort to complete the AP. It has still taken us just over a year to do, the problem for me was that it was all starting to become a little too familiar. I missed adding my own little sparkles and twists, it drives me to do more as a DM. I’ve used the trek from Magnimar to TBF to recapture some of that, it’s taken three sessions so far and I’m having a ball. it feels like I’m recharging my Dming batteries! My party still has to encounter Mytarlacoraxithryl before I’m done.

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Thanks peeps and great timimg, my party sets off from Magnimar next Tuesday! hurrah...

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1. How long have you been gaming? Since Aug 89, 24 years
2. First game system you played? 1st Ed Ad&d.
3. What are your 3 favorite systems? Pathfinder. But I have a soft spot for all the Ad&d editions especially 2nd but excluding 4th,Yuck, Sorry
4. Fate of your first character? Thyran, Human Cleric. Dominated and killed by Strahd in Ravenloft 1
5. Do you still game with any of your original group? Yes! At least two of my current group were there at the start. Others still play but in other groups
And finally why do you visit these forums? Mainly to keep up to speed on pathfinder and rules errata et al. Plus I like feeling part of the bigger gaming community 

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Weekly Home Game, 7:30pm til 10:30pm. Late players are our bugbear..

Back in the day, Weekly Games lasted 10:30am - 10:30pm every Sunday. Break for tea and a Dm switch. Ah Nostagia

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It’s a difficult situation for you mate and if I’m honest I wouldn’t want to tell you a solution, you need to work it out together. However, it may be useful for you to hear my situation. I've been gaming with the same group of guys since 89. Started the year before I met my wife. Things rubbed along fine whilst we dated but once we got married and especially after we had our first child, I found myself in an identical situation to yourself. What I did was, as advised already, moved the session. Doing that removed the noise and alleviated the “disturbing the sleeping child” issue. I also cut back on a few other non-gaming activities. Importantly we resolved to have some together time every week that nothing could interrupt. Things got better. As I said at the beginning that was 24 years ago, I game still and host whenever I dm, more importantly my son has just joined our group, with his mother’s blessing too! So if you try you can work it out. Keep on gaming :)

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Thank you, perfect timing as my party has just headed back to town to "tool up" before hitting The Misgivings. Saves me refreshing the towns availabilty of Items :)

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In my current campaign the party rescued Ameiko from the glassworks but let Tsuto escape. Despite the leads from the glassworks it was a struggle to motivate the party into high tailing to thistletop (they were planning a defence of the town). My Tsuto returned and with the help some goblins and some alchemists fire broke into the Rusty Dragon and re-kidnapped his sister. The party hit thistletop in hot pursuit, with a renewed sense of urgency...

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Back in the day we used a chess board for complex combats, pencils for walls. Jumpers for goalposts etc :)

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Consider me a third supporter for uk subscriptions. At the moment i have to pre-order from Amazon...

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Before the sessions starts you prep the canvas and paint the background. The Shadow that your character casts can only be completed by his actions and deeds. I've played characters from 1st to 15th over the years and can truly say you never know how they will end up, often a completely different picture than your original concept. Sorry to hear about your loss my friend.

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Whilst having a minor disagreement with my wife, she exclaimed "I don't believe this!" my answer of "Roll a D20 you want high!" did little to calm the situation...