Tycoon's page
Organized Play Member. 20 posts (126 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

GM Granta wrote: Tycoon wrote: EDIT: When I hit submit your previous post went through. First time getting assassinated by the PbP ninjas? Don't worry, the wounds heal faster every time.
If you're going for Healer's Hands, Incredible Healer is a must, IMO. Darius Braum wrote: Yeah I thought this would be part of it anyway. A much better return for the feat, if you happen to combo it with SF: Heal. You can max the Heal skill, and heal crazy amounts of damage each roll. I actually have to disagree, Incredible Healer and Signature Skill Heal both have Prerequisite Level 5 and don’t stack, instead it’s one or the other. Incredible Healer is marginally better in terms of HP for Levels 5-9, but lacks ability damage and when Signature Skill hits Level 10 it becomes a clear winner. I also grabbed a story feat that, if completed, will let me spontaneously cast Breath of Life.
To compare, at Level 5, Incredible Healer would be: Take 10+ 5 Ranks + 3 Class Skill + 6 Wisdom + 3 Circumstance + 1 Competence, or 28 Damage 5 times per day.
At Level 5 Signature Skill would be: 10 (2HP per HD) + 6 Wisdom + 5 Ranks K. Planes, or 21 Damage plus 2 Ability Damage healed to every ability score 5 times per day.
At Level 10, with Skill Focus Heal nabbed at Level 8, Incredible Healer would be Take 10 + 10 Ranks + 3 Class Skill + 7 Wisdom + 6 Skill Focus + 3 Circumstance + 1 Competence, or 40 damage 10 times per day.
At Level 10, without Skill Focus Heal, Signature Skill would be 40 (4 HP per HD) + 7 Wisdom + 10 Ranks K. Planes, or 57 Damage and 4 Ability Damage healed to every score 10 times per day.
and while I don’t suspect our game will go into super high levels, Signature Skill snowballs from there, gaining 4 HP per level, and at level 15 jumping to 6 HP per level.
For fun, at level 20 it would 268 HP, 12 Ability Score Damage, 20 times a day.
I’m actually starting to like this idea for him, and if it’s what I settle on, I’ll probably go:
1. SF Barrister, Healer’s Hands
3. Sacred Summons
5. Signature Skill: Heal
7. Spell Focus (Conjuration)
8. Skill Focus... Sense Motive?
9. Augment Summoning
11 onward I think I’ll figure out as we play. As for the cost of CLW wands, as the one whose “role” it is to heal, and the one who can use them without UMD checks, I’m comfortable paying for half myself, and the other half could be split amongst the rest of you? Until we buy our first wand I can keep a CLW chambered, and I can already heal 6 HP as a full round action as well.
At this point, if Tiber is certain he doesn’t mind me taking Heal, and Zenizar is comfortable with me taking K. Planes, I think this will be the final product. GM, may I make a call for inspection Here?
Here is what Cassius would look like if he went the Heal route. I’m refraining from posting as him as I’m at 9 posts and he may yet change.
At Level 1 he could take 10 for a Heal DC of 25, and heal 6 HP. He can do that once a day as a full round action, and gains another use per day each level. At Level 5 he would be healing 20 HP and 2 Ability Damage as a full round action 5 times per day. At Level 10 it would be roughly 55 HP, 4 Ability Damage, 10 times per day.
This is purely an example build, as I know Tiber covers Heal and Zenizar covers K. Planes.
EDIT: When I hit submit your previous post went through. Please take all the time you need to be with your loved ones. That is no light thing to go through, and I would never fault anyone for putting their family before a game.

Avery Ocellio wrote: @Tycoon, just summoning with Augment is still going to be a strong addition Yes, but if I have a Lawful Good alignment and a Lawful Evil diety, I cannot cast any Good, Evil or Chaotic spells. Summon spells automatically gain the alignment of any monsters they summon with an alignment type or subtype, so even without Sacred Summons, I would be unable to summon any Good, Evil, or Chaotic monsters. That's a fairly big blow to the spell's usage, and that's ignoring all the other spells that become unusable as well.
Which leads me into my next question, and I'd like sincere feedback. Does the group think Wands of CLW would suffice if I dropped Pact Servant? I would probably bite the bullet and prepare CLW once per day just in case. I know having a Channel Positive energy on hand is something most groups feel better having, and if additional healing is needed/desired, I will probably do a full rebuild.
The other oddball option would be to pump my Heal and Knowlege (Planes) and take Healer’s Hands at Level 1, and Signature Skill for Heal at Level 5. That provides a surprisingly decent amount of healing, but it starts off relatively slow grows exponentially more useful later. Healer’s Hands increases the amount you heal with Treat Deadly Wounds, and lets you Treat Deadly Wounds as a full-round action a number of times per day equal to your level. Signature Skill greatly increases the amount healed and also lets Treat Deadly Wounds restore Ability Damage. That said, both Heal and Knowledge (Planes) are already covered by others.

It isn’t “crucial” per se, but I’m concerned about combat effectivity. Taking Skill Focus and dumping Strength quite low means I’m dropping my front line ability that most clerics have, in lieu of focusing skills. Sacred Summons would help to fill that void, as well as be the playstyle I enjoy, but I’m still looking at my options.
Regarding traps, CRB wrote: Creatures that succeed on a Perception check detect a trap before it is triggered. The DC of this check depends on the trap itself. Success generally indicates that the creature has detected the mechanism that activates the trap, such as a pressure plate, odd gears attached to a door handle, and the like. Beating this check by 5 or more also gives some indication of what the trap is designed to do. So if one of us spots the trap before it goes off and points it out to the Disabler, and the Disabler can beat the Disable Device DC but not the Perception DC to spot it, they can’t disable it correct? I don’t gain Perception as a class skill, so if the Disabler needs Perception to work on traps I may pass it off.
Also, at the risk of shooting myself in the foot, you can typically only take 20 on tasks that have no penalty for failure, as it’s expected you fail many times while attempting. Can we take 20 on the Perception side of disabling traps? Is the Perception DC to see the trap after it’s been pointed out to them?
GM Granta wrote: In hindsight . . .
CRB wrote: Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells: A cleric can't cast spells of an alignment opposed to her own or her deity's (if she has one). Spells associated with particular alignments are indicated by the chaotic, evil, good, and lawful descriptors in their spell descriptions. That means your build would be prohibited from casting evil and good spells, as well as chaotic.
Good catch and my mistake, I erroneously thought it went off your aura. That seems to completely shut off any appeal to the Pact Servant.
For playing a Divine Caster in an intrigue based campaign, my mind immediately snaps to an Asmodean Advocate. They cover social skills and also give more effective skill ranks per level, however they are absolutely focused on Bluff and Diplomacy. If you have a desire to play a socialite, I don’t want to go this route.
My line on discord is always open as well, if you wanted to shoot messages and hash it out.
Avery Ocellio wrote: Lets go for it. I'll be happy playing anything and my roots in pathfinder are "hit thing with big stick" so I can always get behind that :)
@GM, I'm going to wipe Avery off our Skills Spreadsheet, and after some time tonight, start putting ideas back in there
You got it, and much appreciation my man. Were you still planning on going Bluff and Diplomacy?
Avery Ocellio wrote: @Tycoon,
Hey I got caught up and read how interested you are in this AP... and I can see the front-liner/martial slot is hanging you up a bit.
Would you be interested in swapping into the 'Divine Caster' role? Basically our healer slot for a 4 man. I'd be willing to change into the front-liner position if that helps you with a character you'd really like
I would graciously accept that offer, if and only if you also can make a character you sincerely enjoy in that slot. We all need to be playing someone we really like.
GM Granta wrote: How does everyone else feel about replacing normal multi-classing with this alternate system? I wasn't sure if you'd be using them in tandem, or as a replacement, so I'd like to make this clear to my fellow players. If you have even an inkling of desire to multiclass, veto this. I was looking at it to gain a bonus to some Social Skills and that's it. The utility of standard multiclassing dwarfs this and I don't want someone else's character to make a sacrifice for a relatively minor bonus to myself.
Here’s a bit of a curveball. What are your thoughts on Variant Multiclassing?
Relevant rules snip: A character who selects this option doesn't gain feats at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels, but instead gains class features from her secondary class as described on Table: Multiclass Character Advancement.
Typically this is a weak option, but it does occasionally lead to some neat combos. You can Eldritch Knight without dipping into a martial by VMCing into Oracle and grabbing the Revelation that makes you proficient in all Martial Weapons for example. That particular one isn’t what I’m looking at, but I am having just a bit of trouble making a front-liner I’m content with, and might see some potential here.

CRB and Ultimate Equipment are the only Unrestricted books, correct? The rest are by permission only?
Tiber wrote: Someone who can actually stand up front would be prime. We should have some good caster support. I want to contribute as much as I can, especially as someone jumping into another group. That said, intrigue and social encounters have always, always been my favorite part of Pathfinder. War for the Crown is my ideal AP, and things like social combat sound like what I’ve always wanted. I’d like to fill whatever needs we have, while still being able to fully enjoy WftC; I don’t see myself getting another chance to play it, so I’d like to make this count. Most typical front-liners just don’t have the skills or abilities I’d want to really enjoy myself.
All that considered, would a Monster Tactician be appropriate, welcome or allowed? If so, would summons be “enough” of a front liner? I would also be posted up at front lines, albeit built more for spells and intrigue and relying on summons for damage. The Player’s Guide for WftC recommended Diplomacy, Bluff, and Sense Motive in Social Combat, which I do want to actively participate in. However I also want to fill in some holes in our skills (Falx is no longer here, correct? I’m looking at the skills checklist), as well as be able to protect from the front line.
This was something I whipped up last night as an example of what I had in mind. It isn’t finished, but it gives an idea of what I had in mind. All of it would need permission and this is very much just a pitch idea. I’ve played Summoners in the past, and am intimately familiar with the rules surrounding them, but I’m also aware of the animosity some players have towards them. This particular Inquisitor gives up Judgment and Bane for summoning and intrigue abilities respectively. All of it is Hardcover, except Monster Tactician which is from a companion book.
I do already have a personality and backstory in mind, but I’d rather not fully invest in anything until I see how much wiggle room I have. Do forgive my long posts, I typically check Paizo twice a day, and try to make my posts count.
You got it, I’ll do some reading tonight after work. Are we just jumping in on this thread or starting a fresh one for the AP? When do I meet my new allies in arms? Will we be able to explore avenues that may not be explicitly spelled out in the AP, such as becoming public figures? Forgive the barrage of questions.
Also, I have a discord, Trout #7261
Good to be here. Is this the proper character creation guideline? And we currently most need a front liner? I’ve already read over the Player’s Guide, so I’ve got some ideas.
Pleasure to meet you all, my compatriots!
1d6 ⇒ 1
Considering I dotted with a 7 Charisma character, that will certainly make for interesting RP.
GM Granta wrote: Tycoon wrote: Does being new to Play-by-post, and therefore not having a history of existing characters who have had a chance to roleplay heavily, bar one from applying? Not at all. Just create an alias for a character that you have played IRL. If you are new to role-playing in general, then yes, that will mean more work since you are starting from scratch.
Copy that, thank you for the swift response. I’ve dotted for the first round and will draft up for the second.
Does being new to Play-by-post, and therefore not having a history of existing characters who have had a chance to roleplay heavily, bar one from applying? I only have a single character made who I feel an attachment to from a roleplay perspective, and she’s waiting to begin her first game still. She could ninja dot for the first round, but a new character would need to be generated for the second.
While new to play-by-post here on Paizo, I am not in any way new to online play, Pathfinder play, or roleplay heavy campaigns/adventure paths.
While I've only just joined PFS (little late to the party, eh?), I've given PF2e an honest try and think I'll be sticking to PF1e for as long as I have people to play with.
To throw my 2 CP back into the discussion from the Recruitment Tab, I'm lucky in that I've not played any Society material, save for 9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God which I currently have my first character playing. It's my second character that I've become much more invested in though, I'm interested in seeing them become my "main" character and go down a proper Pathfinder path so to speak. If there is enough interest, both in players and a GM, I'd love to play The Confirmation; I'd be willing to rotate GMs as The World's Most Interesting GM suggests, but I don't know what goes into becoming qualified to GM in Pathfinder Society.
It's good to see the play-by-post is an active, friendly place, and I hope I didn't arrive too late to experience the best of it.
How often do new games come up, and is it worth waiting to play a specific scenario for a character? I've been told that it's a good idea, both mechanically and from a lore-perspective, to have a character's first quest be The Confirmation and I'm interested in playing it.
Thank you for the welcome, I posted in your thread GM BadBlood.
Hello everyone. I’m no longer able to play in person with this quarantine, so a friend of mine directed me here. I’m figuring everything out, is there a guide I can read somewhere?