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![]() Homebrewing up a new race, and I want to use this racial trait. Need advice on how many RP it should be worth. • Second Soul: The [race name] that dies does not die. Instead their second soul becomes dominant, the character rerolls their mental ability scores and re-assigns their skill points as if they are first level. The second soul as treated as a completely different persona effectively as a first level character, immediately re-training two older class levels for a new class level and retrains their saving throws as if their new level in their new class is their first character level. As the character gains new levels, she gains one new level and retrains one level from her first level and continues to do this until all of their old class levels from their first soul are re-trained.
![]() Cloaked Soul (Ex): Though [redacted] are monstrous humanoids, they detect and are treated as human for the purpose of racial effects. Any game effect that is helpful or harmful for humans applies to [redacted] as well. [Redacted] count as human for the purpose of racial prerequisites. How much RP do you think this is worth? ![]()
![]() My posters arrived...destroyed. Can these please be reshipped with the words 'DO NOT BEND' written on the tube? Tube / Posters in Tube
And on top of which, though my books show that hey have been delivered by tracking, they did not arrive in my mailbox. I suspect USPS employee interference, but I would really like to have the books I purchased delivered to my front door by UPS this time rather than dealing with incompetents that work for the USPS. This whole order with the posters and the muck-up of parcel delivery is entirely frustrating. Also, the Deep Magic pdf has not been added to my downloads. ![]()
![]() Does the racial bonus from these two traits stack (for a total of +12 if a race has both)? Also is the Take 10 while swimming exclusive to the Water Child or do races Swim trait also get it? .
Swim (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race have a swim speed of 30 feet and gain the +8 racial bonus on Swim checks that a swim speed normally grants. ![]()
![]() First I want to express a little disappointment that my card had to be charged for shipping Order # 2588731. Since the rest of my year is under financial scrutiny the card I am currently using only had enough money on it to cover the next four months of the monthly $3 monthly use fee. Now I don't know how well that's covered. This leads into the next part. Since I know I am not going to have the funds available on my card to process the shipping fee of Order # 2590931, I request that the shipping fee be deducted from my store credit. If that can't be done then please cancel Order # 2590931. ![]()
![]() As a backer of the Pathfinder Online: A Fantasy Sandbox MMO who is in for quite a bit of money, I am a little bit nervous about the whole survey thing (about it potentially not going out). So now I need to know, do I absolutely need to have my Kicakstarter and Paizo accounts synced up so that I can be sure of getting what I want out of it? If yes, how do I sync them up? ![]()
![]() I'd really like to add an extra AP subscription to my account to be able to get additional copies for Reign of Winter. As an experiment I tried to see if it would work, but I'm guessing Paizo folk are going to have to do something on their end to ensure that subscribers who want more than 1 sub to a specific product line can have them. ![]()
![]() I'm giving away my copy of the 3.5E PHB which is signed by Monte Cook and Gary Gygax. Enter the contest to win! ![]()
![]() Take Earth. Advance it to being one planetary city. Inject magic. Inject Fantasy. Result equals a fantasy equivalent of Star Wars Coruscant. In a Pathfinder game, how would such a setting work? How would the races work now that there is no more wilds? How would racial traits change? How would the classes change? What kind of new classes or archetypes would emerge. How would the blending of magic and tech work, and what new things (magitech) would appear? This is something I've been thinking about for a very long time. Expect to see answers to these questions soon.