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Goblin Squad Member. 76 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Good morning everybody,
My group recently started Starfinder after an 11 year Pathfinder campaigne and we are realy enjoying the new setting.
I picked an android operative after 11 years of playing a wildshape druid. I am realy enjoying this class, but have some finetuning issues I hope you guys can help me with.
My character was stolen just after "birth" and reprogrammed as a hitman voor a group of outlaws. After a hit went wrong and my character got hit by an explosing, memory's of his original life started to return. He fled and started a new life for the starfinder society als a gun for hire.
I am planing on ranged play, "can't touch this", "one shot, one kill".
Android Street rat Operative (Ghost)
Str 10, dex 18, con 11, int 14, wis 12, cha 8
acr 11, ath 5, bluff 4, comp 7, cult 7, eng 7, med 7, percep 6, phys si 4, sleigh 9, stealth 12, surv 6
1ste feat Mobility.
And this is my first question. I like very mobile characters, I like to have options (hence the wildshape druid).
I am thinking about going the Shot on the Run route. Combined with Trickshot this feels like a good choice for my character, running from cover to cover. I thought I needed Uncanny mobility at 2nd level, but this and its followup feel like to much of the same thing. My character has a high Acrobatics and Mobility will give a bonus on AC for the AoO's. Do I really need Uncanny Mobility or is it better to take something like Jack of all Trades (we already have a Mechanic in the group with high science skills).
Second question is my ability points. I switched two points in STR to WIS for the extra perception and my focus on ranged. But in hindsight I think about switching it to INT for extra Piloting. Our DM lets us make switches until the end of second level. And he already told us that there would be many space and vehicle battles. With only one other high pilot in our group of 7 I could easily fill that roll. It would go from 5 now to 9.
Thanks in advance.

We are going to switch to P2 this weekend and our group has a blast designing their new characters. I myself made two characters, a backstabbing rogue and a cleric (Durance type, from Pillars of Eternity, healing and damage)
a friend quickly called dips on the rogue and another one told us he would like to be the party healer. Since he can attend our games much more often than I do, I let both characters go.
And now I am at a loss, I have played a wildshape druid for 10 years in our previous campagne. I enjoyed to be a jack of all trades when doing damage. But when searching for another fun class I get a manner of choice anxiety, every guide I find is min-maxed and multi-classed.
So unless someone has a nice build for a Striker class, no Face, I would like advice on the following dual wielding fighter build.
(Other groupmembers have Alchemist, Champion, Rogue, Cleric)
Human, Half-Orc fighter
Background, Laborer
Heritage, Half-Orc
Ancestry feat, Orc Superstition
Class feat, Double Slice (Pick, short sword combo)
I am in doubt of the 12 in Dex, because full plate will nullify that (Bulwark)
Is dual wielding viable? there are not many feat's to choose from?
I have also thought about a Barbarian with a great sword, summilar setup.
Thanks in advance
I am playing a human Invulnerable Rager (Barbarian) in a Viking campaign. The game is high stat, low magic. The campaign pits us against winter witches in a society which disbelieves and detests magic and thus I have chosen to go for a Superstition build.
I missed out on a few games and was allowed to level from level 3 to 5. So now I am undecided about my feat and ragepower
I don’t want a Vital Strike build, I have had one on my previous character. Since healing will be low, I have been looking at the Renewed Vigor or Witch Hunter ragepowers.
My current build is as following:
Level 5 Invulnerable Rager (Barbarian) wielding a 2H Sword
STR 20
DEX 14
CON 16
INT 11
WIS 12
1 Power attack and cleave
3 Raging Vitality
Rage powers:
2 Superstition
I have been thinking about the spellbreaker and come and get me chains. But both of them are only allowed at level 8. I have no clue what to do in the meantime.
Any advice?
in short;
Anybody ever used an AP for a New World of Darkness game?
I understand you can not copy everything, since they both have totally different game mechanics, but what about the story, the NPC's, some of the creatures and bad guys?
On a side note, we are all familiar with the NWoD rules.
So I have played my druid up untill level 11 now. I play it as a melee druid, I don't like cooky-cutter-builds. I enjoy it much, I am on par with damage compared to our fighter, but I want something else.
we already have a wizard, clerc, fighter, sorc-dragon disciple and a misfit paladin with an identity crisis...
To make things worse, i don't want to play something we use I our other storyline; monk, ranger, sorc, oracle, rogue.
I thought I liked the rage prophet, but it does not get good reviews on these boards.
I thought about a bard, simply because nobody else seems to want to play it haha.
I thought about a magus and then I realised I always seem to pick a hybrid class....
so... any suggestions?
So I am making my self a new Excel sheet for the different shapes (lost the previous one)
and all of a sudden I see this in the core book (page 179)
"Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + size modifier"
you get a size bonus to your attack for being bigger than medium?
I did know you get a penalty on your AC, but this is like totally new for me. (and my druid is level 10 in the meantime...)
so when I am in huge shape I get a +2 to my attack bonus?
and when I am in a tiny shape I get a -2 to my attack bonus?

So my DM gave me a change to get some dragon hide for a nice full plate armor. *happy druid*
So me (a level 9 CN druid) and our sorcerer/dragon disciple did a favor for a black dragon. The DM gives me a choice to take one color of dragon hide for my armor, but every color has a consequence.
Black; I have to promise I will never attack a black dragon again…
Good aligned color; I will piss off my cleric since he is NG and he will give me a very hard time RP wise. The black dragon will probably raid THE dragon graveyard for this. I just know this will get me into trouble the next time I enter a big town…
“neutral aligned” color; my DM was very cryptic about this, although I don’t understand what color this could be, I got a definite *evil grin* from him after asking if there where any neutral dragons…
I could ask for another boon, since I can’t get heavy armor proficiency till level 11, but hey, it seems easy to get this way.
I can't decide :(
On a side note, my druid has been build like a fighter, build to hurt other creatures, a lot! The problem is, our fighter has an AC of 29, while I, in wildshape only have 18 AC in Huge form. Guess who gets his ass handed to him as soon as the bad guys see the big hipo is easy to hit…
2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Topic says it all; our fighter just told my animal companion to stay, with a handle animal skill check of 17. Will my companion just sit there, because I'm not near?
So basicly I get (almost) killed when I WildShape because my AC drops like mad.
Sure, we have Barkskin and a ring of protection, but as soon as my level 8 druid changes to a huge shape my AC goes back from 21 to 18. And i don't have to tell you how easy 18 is to hit at level 8...
so, i want more!
Enter full plate dragonhide armor (and one feat for future use)
My GM will allow me to get it, but only if i make up HOW to get it... i have to supply him with a bit of storyline or how i would like to get the skin to make it.
Could any fellow druid help me out with how they got their armor of something simular? I don't want to pay 9k gold for the wild enchant on my hide armor...
The rules state:
Skills: This lists the animal's total skill ranks. Animal companions can assign skill ranks to any skill listed under Animal Skills. If an animal companion increases its Intelligence to 10 or higher, it gains bonus skill ranks as normal. Animal companions with an Intelligence of 3 or higher can purchase ranks in any skill. An animal companion cannot have more ranks in a skill than it has Hit Dice.
is this the total of all skills? Example: at level 1; one point in perception and one point in climb for a total of 2
or is this the total of one skill? example: at level 1; two points in perception and two points in climb for a total of 4
i find the text very confusing...
Can you first move and than ready/delay your action.
i found out that you can only make a standard or shorter action when you ready. I am unable to find if you are allowed to move before you ready/delay.
on a sidenote;
are you allowed to move [u]during[/u] your ready/delay action.
so if a rogue is flanking a mob with another player and the mob moves away in a straight line
does the rogue get to make sneak attack on the mob as AoO (because he flanked)? I think not, but I am unable to find the RAW.
I saw some of the book on Amazone and noticed some of them had a white cover (just like Rise of the Runelords). Is this an older printing? If i buy all 6 of them i'd like them all to have the same color..... :/
Thanks in advance

The group I play with consists of players who have at least 15 years of experience in all sorts of RP games. WoD, Vampire, D&D and all sorts of other games, pen and paper and computer alike. Most of us have known each other for at least 10 years, some I have known for as long as I remember.
Three years ago I started playing RPG’s and this year I started to DM. All together only 3 years of experience with three different games (WoD/Vampire, D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder) against a collective of 6-7 player with a total of 100+ years of experience.
Some time ago, we had a friend of us joining our group. He is very loud and much of an attention wh@re. A real OOC Diva. He has stated that he knows he is loud and asks me to call at him to stop him every time he does this. But personally I think he should consider the rest of the group and keep a hold on himself.
Last game I ended up yelling at him my self because I was fed up with him disturbing my conversations with the players and people simply not hearing me call them.
One of the guys takes his side in this, which makes it harder for me to find a solution. Any idea’s?
3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
yes, the everlasting question about grapple(checks)
Our monk grappled a kobald shaman to question him. He made his grappleckeck and won.
Next turn he rolls to check if he can maintain the check (with the +5 bonus) and after that he changes the grapple to a pin.
now on the kobald's turn, the DM rolls a natural 20 to get out of the pin. What should happen next?
Does the shaman go back to being grappled or is he free all together.
And now that i think about it, he made another grapple check to get out, should that have been an Escape Artist roll?
I started DM-ing some time ago, after being a player for a few years now.
I started with the D0 and D1 module, going for D2 afterwards. Me and the players are really enjoying the modules, although sometimes it is hard for me to convert it for more than 4 people.
I began reading the first part of Curse of the Crimson Throne and damn,... do I want to play this with my friends!
I don't want to let my players start all over again and I still have to convert it for 4 to 7 players.
The first building I see will give my players a good challenge, packed up with 4+ in those cramped spaces, but how on earth do I change the evil guys?
The first guy is a CR1 who at least needs to be a CR4... How do I do this?

One of my players wants to create a mighty composite longbow, with a strength rating of 4. I understand most of how to create an item, but I still have the following questions (just confirm the numbers, unless I have something wrong);
1. is this bow considered magical because of the strength rating, thus requiring the player to have the craft magical weapon and armor feat? (as far as I am concerned the strength rating is due to the material and not magical. This would allow the player to make the bow with the Craft skill.)
2. am I correct that crafting with the feat is measured in days, while the craft skill is measured in weeks.
3. when making this bow am I correct to assume the following crafting costs.
a. Longbow ,100g
b. Strength rating 4, 400g
c. Masterwork, 300g (separate crafting, for future use of enchan. Masterwork, 300g (separate crafting, for future use of enchants)
Resulting in a price of 1667sp for the bow and 1000sp for the masterwork. (1/ 3 the price)
4. Does he have to pay this amount even if he can find the materials needed in the natural surroundings. (it’s a bow,…what more do you need than wood)
5. The DC check for the composite bow is 15 + (2 x4) = 23 and for the masterwork the DC is 20
Thanks in advance!
*shameless bumb*
knowbody who could at least anwser a few questions?

Hey guys,
our group changed from World of Darkness to D&D 3.5 to Pathfinder this year. Our regular DM stopped playing WoD and so we were (kinda) force to look for something else.
So we started Pathfinder with a new DM, who has experience in D&D 3.5, but our DM wants to sit at the other side of the table after almost 7 levels. We all agree that he should also enjoy Pathfinder as a player but nobody else has the experience as DM.
Basicly I offered to play several games as DM with ZERO knowledge as a DM
Enter the Modules and Adventure Path's;
Short question; which one is easier to start with, the modules or the AP's?
Long question; i have read D0; Hollow's Last Hope and like the idea. But if the group enjoys these modules i would like to carry on with the story and thus far i only found two more modules continuing the story. Or can you just glue different modules to eachother?
I have also read an entry of Council of Thieves, which is more of an continuing story (correct me if i am wrong, only read the first 4 pages after the index). On the forum's I read groups doing multiple sessions with just one part of the story and although it will take more from me compared to the modules, in the end i would like to DM for about a half year, with games every 2/3 weeks.
I also noticed that the older modules and Path's aren't realy made for Pathfinder RPG... let alone 6-7 players...
Any advice?
last week we got into a discussion about crafting.
The corebook says you can cooperate with another person to craft something, but does this mean both people need the same crafting feat?
or can i let my fellow wizard (with the craft feat) make a pair of boots of longstriding, with my (druid without the feat) longstrider spell.
somehow we get the idea you can make an item as i stated above, since the druid would only have to cast the spell at the appropiate time to "finish" the craft.
i recently started a druid which is now level 6. I enjoy wildshapeing, although I have the feeling there are not enough animals to choose from...
My question;
when using the Natural weapon from my chosen animal, do I only use the dice damage or the added damage as well?
so when the text says 1d6+6, do I throw a d6 add 6 AND add my strenght mod(x1,5) of do I roll a d6 and add my strenght mod(x1,5)?
I also get the feeling that higher level druids don't really get to do more damage. But that is something i will probably have to find out for my self
can someone also give me some good gearadvice for a pure damage/wildhape druid? (must haves)
First off, after a 2,5 year campaign of World of Darkness we were happy to see that Paizo made something of the 3.5 rules instead of the 4.0 of WotC… Big up! for Paizo
Now, I choose to play a druid, but Wildshape has me confused.
I recently made an Excel sheet, so I don’t have to calculate the stats that change, I simply have stats for my main and a medium and a large creature. As soon as I change something in my main, both wildshapes change.
This sheet also gave me another insight; the difference in a medium animal and a large animal, AC wise is 0…
Now correct me if I am wrong, but large gives me 4 STR (size bonus), 4 NA and -2 DEX. Compared to medium that is 2 AC higher, but because of the DEX penalty that’s -1 AC…
Now this is where I probably go wrong. A large animal gets a -1 size penalty on AC, do I substract this too or is this already calculated in the -2 DEX?
On the same note, am I correct to add 1 to CMB and CMD for the large size bonus?