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I'm in on this; it'll be the fifth Kickstarter I back from Red Box Games, and I've been very, very happy with what I've received so far. Absolutely beautiful miniatures.

The stretch goals have been shuffled around a bit, and there has been quite a bit of sculpting done since the campaign launched. Check it out, there's only three days left now!

This project is now counting down in hours, last chance to get onboard people!

A new British company called Minion Miniatures is in the middle of running a Kickstarter to fund the production of a number of resin monsters which I think look pretty awesome.

The name of the company, ("Minion") is slightly misleading for this Kickstarter, as this campaign is all about big-ass monsters. Their first miniature is called the Bugbear Ironshield, but at 58mm to the eyeline (at the 28mm scale), this is not quite your regular Pathfinder Bugbear. It would make a fantastic tower shield-equipped Ogre or Giant Fighter, though; I think this mini looks fantastic. In the same type of scale they also have a Flesh Golem, and stretch goals have at this point also unlocked a huge Lizardman and a Minotaur (so far there's only concept art for these last two, but they look very promising). Upcoming stuff includes a Troll King and the enormous Zombie Hulk.

Anyway, it's a cool campaign for us DM's that enjoy scaring our players with big monsters, and I think the prices are pretty reasonable. Check it out!

Link to Kickstarter

I'm in on this; Red Box Games miniatures are fantastic.

After the Njorn and Aenglish were funded, the focused was kind of shifted towards making a set of brigands. I love this addition, they look great, and will make perfect bandit miniatures for use in RPG's. Check it out people, only 4 days remaining on this Kickstarter!

Only three days left on this campaign now, and we're counting down in hours!

Stretch goals have been reworked, and now include a bunch of interesting terrain, a giant dragonman, and a Triceratops-riding lizardman. Check it out!

Also, there are a couple of bonus stretch goals that might expand the number of points you get with the various pledge levels:

100 backers - +1 point for pledges of $100+
$15K - +1 point for pledges of $100+
$25K - +1 point for pledges of $100+, +2 points for pledges of $225+

Additionally, if you happened to have backed the original ShadowSea project at $50 or higher and back this one at $50 or higher you get 1 bonus point, and if you backed the original ShadowSea project at $225 or higher and back this one at $225 or higher you get 2 bonus points.

With a couple of these in place, I think especially the Major pledge level at $125 will be looking like a really nice sweet spot. Check it out people, the campaign ends on September 6th!

AntiMatter Games are running a Kickstarter to expand the range of miniatures for their Shadowsea game. I was in on their last campaign, and was extremely pleased with how everything was handled; ended up with a big box of metal and resin of top notch quality, delivered pretty much on time (a rare thing when it comes to miniature Kickstarters).

The goal of the Kickstarter is to fund a set of Draconids (dragonmen and lizardmen) but, just like in their previous campaigns, they have a whole bunch of stuff available as add-ons from their existing ranges; ShadowSea, DeepWars, and the old Dragonblood line. Coupled with the fact that there's a trading system where you can basically swap around as you like with the various pledge levels makes it a very flexible campaign.

As you can trade in the deluxe starter sets for 6 points, the softcover rulebook for 4 points, and the hardcover for 7 points, the main pledge levels are basically worth as follows:

Captain ($55) - 6 pts, plus PDF rulebook and PDF painting guide
Major ($125) - 18 pts, plus PDF rulebook and PDF painting guide
Gamemaster ($225) - 30 pts, plus PDF rulebook and printed painting guide
Gamemaster Pro ($300) - 47 pts, plus PDF rulebook and printed painting guide

Link to Kickstarter

Doh! I see now that both Price and Cost are listed separately, I must be blind. Thank you Captain Zoom!

I had also missed that the price for mastercrafting should be added in (300 gp for weapons, 150 gp for armor and shields, right?), so thanks for also clearing that up for me.

Here's a quick question that I'm sure is really obvious, but I've looked and couldn't quite figure it out.

The PC's in my campaign have amassed some wealth and are visiting a major city during the downtime between our last session and the next. For the first time, they are ready to purchase some magic items (and maybe sell a few they've found too).

Looking at it now, I realised I'm not sure what the cost should be. I've been assuming the "base cost" (2,000 gp for a +1 weapon, for example) is the price for buying... but now I'm thinking that might be the cost to create (ie. half the cost to purchase). So, what should it generally cost to buy a +1 sword in 'ye old magic shop'; 2,000 gp or 4,000 gp? Conversely, if I want to sell a +1 sword in the same shop, should I be getting 1,000 gp or 2,000 gp?

Thanks, I must be blind but I knew it was in there somewhere! Some cool ideas in that thread too; thanks for that.

So we are nearing the end of Stolen Land and I've started reading up on Rivers Run Red and the kingdom building rules (we'll be using Ultimate Campaign). Came upon a quick question; are the PC's supposed to receive some number of Build Points to start out with when they begin establishing their kingdom (as a donation from Restov perhaps)? I really seem to remember seeing a reference to this in one of the Kingmaker books, but for the life of me I can't find it now. Ultimate Campaign suggests that new kingdoms start out with 50 BP, is that a good number?

With only 70 hours to go, some new greens have arrived! I actually like all of these, the Sea Serpent looks great, the Boneneedle is fun, and the Crabman is oh so very old school.

Link to update with greens

A summary of news for this campaign:

* Stretch goals have been added all the way up to $56,5K where Gargax the Mighty, a limited edition resin dragon, awaits. It'll be sculpted by Drew Williams, who in my opinion did good work on the drakes from ToHI as well as their last big limited edition beast (Tsathogga), so I think it has potential. Really not sure we're going to get that far, though, time is running up.

* A KS exclusive has been added, which will unlock at $34,2 (we're nearly there) and be included for free in the $100 and $200 pledge levels, and as a $10 add-on for the lower levels. It's... the Giant Hamster. :-)

* The $25 and $50 pledge levels are being reworked so that they now will be able to access all the add-ons (that were previously available only at the $100 level). That, combined with the fact that those levels are also allowed to swap the models they get just like $100 pledge, makes them pretty good if you're just looking for a few specific figures. It should also be noted that Matt has said that choices will not need to be finalized until ALL the greens are completed. So a low level pledge is actually quite flexible, you'll be able to pick and choose your favorites when everything is done.

Come check it out people!

Only four days left on this project, so now's the time to check it out. A bunch of stuff has been added to the higher pledge levels, and there are plenty of stretch goals ahead which I'm hoping will be achieved. Potential for many fun, never-before-seen classical monsters here!

I'm backing this. I have the minis from CSM's first Demons & Devils Kickstarter, and they're really nice. I also like many of the greens we've seen from the previous ToH Kickstarter (linked by Serpine above); this one should be fun too.

It is now funded, and the first stretch goal is down, meaning that an Ice Golem and a Ferrous Giant are available. A Jack O'Lantern and an Orc Warrior were also thrown in.

There is right now also a daily stretch goal up; if we can reach $21,900 by tonight a Demon Lord Succubi will be included. So go check it out people, and let yourselves be tempted by that demonic lady! :-)

Thanks for the clarification darth gator, I feel more confident concerning the whole readied action thing now! My guess was that things would play out as you describe it, although I was only 99% sure that the casting of spells worked the same as other, "normal" actions in this regard, and I could not see how using a full round action spell could work by the rules (until thenobledrake explained it to me).

Just learning as I go here; thanks guys!

thenobledrake wrote:
1) Spells are always clear about whether they affect allies, enemies, or creatures (which means of all types) by way of using those exact words in their descriptions.

OK, cool, that does make it absolutely crystal clear. Thanks!

2) The only way to ready a spell with a 1 round casting time would be to spend a standard action in one round to "start a full round action," and then in the next round use your standard action to ready the standard action of "complete a full round action," to finish the spell.

OK, this I would have missed. So then it is actually possible to set up a readied spell with a full round casting time like Sleep using this scheme (at least in an ambush type situation where you have several rounds or more to prepare, it might be less viable in an ongoing combat). Cool.

Hi all,
I'm DM'ing Pathfinder for the first time, we had our second session last night and two things came up that I realised I'm not 100% clear on. These might be stupid questions, but if someone could give me a quick answer or just direct me to the relevant part of the rulebook which I might have missed, it would be greatly appreciated.

1.) Does the spell Sleep discriminate between enemies and allies? When we played I ruled that it only affected enemies, and the party Sorcerer in one situation therefore cast it over a pretty dense combat situation, with only the enemies dropping slumbering to the ground. However, thinking about it after the game and rereading the spell, I am now leaning pretty heavily towards thinking I did that wrong, and that allies can also very well be affected by this spell (you just go by lowest HD first, followed by closest to spells origin to determine who takes a nap, be they friend or foe). Is that right?

2.) In one situation the Sorcerer's player asked if he could ready the Sleep spell, and wait for an enemy to show himself before casting it. I said it wasn't possible as casting Sleep is a full-round action, and you can only ready standard or move actions. Was that correct, or is there some other way to cast a spell like Sleep in advance, and then delay the effect until a given moment? As for other spells, with a standard action casting time, is it indeed possible to ready them and then cast them to interrupt an enemies action?

Wow, thanks for the input guys; love it! You're right that Nyrissa is far off in the campaign, and it might be a better idea tying the reincarnated Abyssal Sorcerer to a BBEG that will come into play earlier (we don't manage to game that often, only once every three weeks or so, so there's honestly a chance we might never make it through all six parts).

I do like the idea of using Armag the Twice-Born from the fourth adventure, as that does seem to fit nicely with the reincarnation theme. As Andostre suggested, perhaps Armag wasn't a favored of Gorum, but instead the chosen of some demon lord (maybe Nurgal, The Lord of Senseless War?). Perhaps the backstory could be rewritten so that the original Armag, way back in the Age of Destiny, had a twin brother; these brothers were both chosen by the demon, and infused with great power. However, the twin was unwilling, or he and Armag had a falling out, so that when Armag died and was prophesied to one day return, the spirit of the twin also lived on, reincarnated over and over again in mortals so he could be there when Armag returned to finally destroy his brother (either out of vengeance directed towards his brother, or out of love because he pitied him). As the twin was infused with demonic power, every reincarnation has had a shard of this in him (that's where the Abyssal Sorcerer's powers originate from). How does that sound?

Again, thanks, and please keep the ideas coming if you have them!

Hi folks!
I just started up the Kingmaker campaign with the first session of Stolen Lands last night, and now that the players all have their PC's nailed down I've started thinking about where to take this; would love some input on the following thoughts! It's my first time DM'ing Pathfinder, so it's possible that some of this doesn't make any sense, please tell me in that case! (I've DM'ed plenty of other systems, thinking mostly about Pathfinder/Golarion lore here.)

One of the PC's is Cleric of Iomedae, and another is a Monk who worships the same goddess. To tie the PC's to the setting as much as possible, I'm toying with the idea of changing the Temple of the Elk from a temple devoted to Erastil to one devoted to Iomedae. Alternatively, perhaps just alter it to be some kind of more generic holy place where contact with all divine powers is easier, making it a possible place for establishing a church of Iomedae later on in the campaign. Would that make sense? A temple of Iomedae might feel a bit more misplaced stuck out there in the wilderness, but I'm thinking perhaps it is truly ancient, the only remnant of a city that once lay there. How would you reskin the temple and the encounter that takes place there if doing something like this?

Another of the PC's is a half-elven Sorcerer of the Abyssal bloodline, and when he randomly rolled for background traits (we used the system in Ultimate Campaign) his 'circumstance of birth' turned out to be that he is reincarnated, repeatedly being born into the world until he can fulfill some unknown destiny. Now we all agreed this must somehow be tied to the demon blood flowing through his veins, but I would like to also specifically connect it to the campaign. Was thinking it might be cool to have his destiny tied to Nyrissa in the last adventure of the series. With that in mind, are there any specific demon-fey interactions in Pathfinder that one could utilise to this end? Perhaps Nyrissa once had a demon lover, rival or hated enemy that was destroyed or banished, but managed to impart a small part of himself into a mortal line to one day have his revenge, or wholly possess his love, or whatever. I dunno, I kind of see demons as just psychotic forces of destruction, and it would have felt like more of a given if he had chosen the Fey bloodline, or even the Infernal bloodline. Any other ideas?

Only 8 hours left on this Kickstarter! Check it out people, there is some really nice, high quality stuff here!

Only three days left on the kickstarter to fund the production of the second edition of the ShadowSea skirmish game! It's been hovering just above the funded level for quite some time now, but there are some easily achievable stretch goals that I'm hoping we can make it through.

The campaign is very flexible when it comes to trading stuff around, even the rulebook if you have no interest in the game, so you can really pick and choose to get the minis that strike your fancy. And with everything from their Deep Wars game and the old Dragonblood line also available, there is a lot to choose from here.

I'm really digging the lizardmen and the Axibalan Empire stuff (Aztec women and beastmen... beasties) myself, but their Dark Mariners (Cthulhoid ocean dwellers) are pretty sweet too. Go check it out!

Link to Kickstarter

Only six days left on this campaign, and it could certainly use a little help. Please check it out, and consider a small pledge for some awesome Orcs or a Hogman!

I've decided to go in on this, for an Orc horde and the awesome Hogman. The campaign could use some more backers, though, come by and check it out!

Three hours left, and around $2,000 to the wolf riders... A nail biter, for sure, but I think I'm starting to believe we'll make it!

And now the orc brutes are achieved!!! Only 18 hours left, but lets go onwards towards the wolf riders!!!

Slowly closing in on the orc hero here... Only 69 hours to go people!

Yeah, so to summarize the upcoming stretch goals we have:

$25K - Orc hero ($10 add-on)
$30K - 4 Orc brutes with two-handers (a rank selection)
$36K - 4 Goblin wolf riders ($25 add-on)
$40K - Goblin wolf rider hero ($10 add-on)

I'm especially hoping (and think) that we'll reach the orc brutes. Only 4 days left though!

GentleGiant wrote:
I really dig the t-shirt motif (it helps being from Scandinavia for some reason ;-))

Indeed! Sweden here, you're Denmark right?

I'm in for ten ranks. As I don't own any Red Box minis, there are going to be some tough decisions on what to get here. As of now, my plan is:

Orcs x2 (to make one set of armored, and one set of unarmored orcs; I really like these brutes!)
Goblin Footmen
Runty Goblins
Njorn Footmen
Aenglish Watchmen
Dire Wolves
Troll Brothers
Wraith Knights

But damnit, I still haven't completely ruled out Ymir's Warband, Infernal Horrors, and the Nether Beasts... And then we also have the solos to waver back and forth on... A lot of nice stuff here.

Damn, this has really been smashing through those stretch goals! I'm really happy about the Glass Wyrm and Jack-In-Irons, but now I'm getting greedy and want the Gorgimera, Furnace Golem and Lucifer too. :-)

I wonder if it'll make it to $100K for that final stretch goal.

Two extra minis have been included as someone put down for a double Seasoned Selector pledge: the Lurker Above and Four-Armed Gargoyle (free at the $200 level, available for swapping at lower levels). Very happy about these actually!

The countdown has begun; only 68 hours to go!

I'm liking the look of those frogmen so far!

The $47,500 stretch goal was just achieved which means the Inphidian, the Inphidian Priest and the Foo Dog are included. And there's a new bonus goal for a Stone Roper at $51,200! This has really started to pick up the pace now it seems, and the stuff included in the $200 pledge level (and to some extent also the $100 level) is growing steadily.

Less than 4 days left now!

I'm in on this. We're almost at $35K now, where the Froghemoth will be unlocked. Stretch goals have also been charted out all the way to $87,400 with some very enticing large and huge minis at the end there.

As for their earlier Kickstarters, I also backed the Demons and Devils. It is a shame we won't receive that stuff before this one ends (we're waiting on the last three sculpts now), but I've liked what I've seen of the minis, and the quality looks pretty decent to me (the style is pretty old school, which of course isn't for everyone). The bulk of the demons and devils were reviewed by a backer who got them early here. Here is also a summary of almost all of the demons and devils greens (can be used as a benchmark for what the Tome of Horror minis might look like perhaps), and here is the last green that was completed just yesterday of The Lashing Prince ("Not-Demogorgon").

This Kickstarter has really slowed down, but I still hope we'll eventually reach those Wolf Riders. Even if not, a low or medium level pledge (like the $30 or $55 levels, for example) will still get you a bunch of very cool looking goblins. So come on now; pledge for this people!

I'm in on this. The goblins look really cool, but I'm especially hoping we'll also see some Aenglish on this Kickstarter.

Things have really slowed down over the last couple of days, though; I hope not too many people are waiting for stretch goals to be achieved before pledging...

(I like your goblins Robert, thanks for posting!)

Alright, there are now 54 hours remaining on this Kickstarter, and we're at around $45K. This means the goal has been reached where all pledges of $25 or more receive all three jungle goblins for free! Next stretch goal is at $46K, so very nearly reached, and will unlock a cool looking 70mm tall forest elemental. After that I think the tribal elves are coming, and then there's a big freakish demon creature at $55K. (There is also an enormous sea dragon in the unlikely event of us reaching $100K...).

Time to come onboard and pledge people!

Yes, the jungle goblins will be free for everyone pledging at least $25, so even if you're just interested in a few minis you can get a really good deal here. And those jungle goblins look pretty damn creepy in the concept art that was just posted.

There's also a deal that bears repeating where you can get both the Asura and the Gnoll for $12 (and the WIP shots of the Gnoll are looking absolutely awesome).

Well, we've nearly reached $36,000 which will unlock a couple of very cool looking ghouls. After that, a jungle themed set is coming, and a sneak peek was dropped of a wild, tribal elf. I'm getting a Dark Sun vibe from that elf, even if it's supposed to be jungle, not desert (and a Dark Sun vibe is always a good thing in my book!).

I'm backing this sucker for sure; I really, really like the badass look of the Blacksands Orc and the King of Ghouls in the original four mini lineup.

But there's a lot of other interesting stuff that has been unlocked at this point too; I think I'm going to go for both the desert set and the undead set.

Also, the sculpt for the Wandering Monk (included in the desert set) has been completed, and pictures are up! Go check him out; an absolutely whacko mini with amazingly sculpted detail.

This Kickstarter turned ballistic! So much fun, I wonder if we'll make $50K in the last three hours here; that would mean power armored alien hunters... Who knows?!

DSXMachina wrote:
Woot. Thanks Trodax for the breakdown. I might just go for Swarm & upgrade the bases and swap stuff out.

Cheers mate! Swarm is looking to be a really awesome deal with all the latest stretch goals adding heaps of stuff. Just remember the $10 for international shipping!

Trading has also become a bit more restricted than it originally was, so the maximum amount of minis you can trade away is equal to half of the original value of the pledge. For a Swarm pledge that's $55; enough to get you a dreadnought and some hunters, though.

Alright, we've hit the $36K and $38K stretch goals; the $40K goal is next, and a new one at $42K was just added (described as hound on steroids...)!!!

Nine hours to go!

DSXMachina wrote:

Thanks, I was thinking some bases, maybe a Dreadnought, some of the Hunter Troopers & at a minimum the Host pledge. I will be an International shipper so there's that to consider.

Currently, I am in the first 200 pledgers too. So I was thinking 5 extra bases.

Ideally I wouldn't want to go much past Queen.

Well, I'd start by figuring out how many of the aliens you want, and pick a Host, Swarm or Queen pledge as your base (use the link provided by Philip above to see what you'll currently be getting for these levels - there are also two more stretch goals coming up which will add stuff to Swarm and Queen, but not Host). These are all good deals!

For bases, there is a deal from stretch goal #5 where you can get bases for all the minis in your Host/Swarm/Queen pledge for $25/$30/$35. Again, check the link above for how many minis (i.e. bases) you'd get; but if you have one of these three pledge levels, I think this will be your best deal for bases. Otherwise you can just tack on the pledge levels for bases from the left of the Kickstarter main page (for example, 20 25mm bases for $10). But each of these added pledge levels would also add $2 international shipping (again, check that link for info on international shipping; every *pledge level* above the most expensive one adds $2, but there's no extra charge for pure add-ons like the dreadnought).

For dreadnoughts and hunters, you can just add them onto your pledge - check that link again for costs! You are allowed to trade out stuff that you don't want to get these, but you can't go crazy with it (not more than half the value of your original pledge traded away). Alternatively, if you want a lot of this stuff, there is a new pledge level for $105 which gives you 2 dreadnoughts and a buttload of hunters - check it out on the main page of the Kickstarter. You could add this on to your other pledge.

One example for you could be:
$50 Host level pledge
$25 Decorative bases for those minis
$25 Dreadnought (or $45 for two dreadnoughts)
$29 15 Alien hunters
$3 1 Heavy weapon alien hunter
International shipping would be $8 (for the Host pledge)
Total pledge: $140
(If there is stuff in that Host pledge that you really don't want you can trade it out to lower your total a bit.)

I don't know if this was at all helpful, ask again if anything is unclear!

DSXMachina wrote:

So you can trade in all the mini's but hosts....

Sorry trying to work out how much to up my pledge by.

Just to clarify; it's not the host miniatures that are restricted, its the Host pledge level (not sure if that's what you meant). There's also been a further restriction on trading; this is to prevent people from, for example, instead of getting 2 dreadnoughts for $45 picking up a Host level pledge for $50 and trading all of it in for 6 (!) dreadnoughts. This is totally reasonable, I think. Here's the announcement:

TFM wrote:
Ok, ok. Due to trade in abuse I'm adding the 1/2 a pledge trade value only. This means you can only trade 1/2 the value of the pledge in to swap items. Many of you are not abusing this but a few want to and it's not fair to limit the host pledge but also abuses the trade in values. You can still stack pledges and various items trade etc. but you can't take more than 1/2 of a single pledge and trade it in for something different. It's getting out of hand at that point. I still want the values to be there for you but also can't get ripped off with a loop hole out of generosity. If your pledging $700 or more, and some are, your going to have no problem any way it goes but your not going to be able to drop in get one host and trade for $200 worth of other stuff now. It's just something well beyond what the pledge was aimed for. I'm sorry but I had to add this, it's a shame but people always look to abuse any weakness.

What do you want to get; perhaps I can help you work it out.

Well we've smashed through the $33K stretch goal, are less than $500 away from the Overlord/Cthulhu at $36K, and have new stretch goals (for HUGE) minis at $38K and $40K.

This Kickstarter just went crazy, with only 16 hours to go it'll be really exciting to see how far we get!

BTW, the Troll Forged Miniatures blog blog has a handy table showing what's presently included in the Host, Swarm and Queen level pledges, and the current add-on price for all the miniatures (updated as further stretch goals are achieved).

This sucker just blasted through stretch goal #7 at $30,000; and that creepy Stealth swarm adult is now part of the deal! Also, a sweet bundle deal with two dreadnoughts and all the arm options for $45 is now available.

A Fiend is now included in the Host level pledge ($50), making it a crazy good deal. A Queen level pledge ($200) is also very nice if you want a lot of stuff, and will especially benefit from the next two stretch goals as both a Drone (at $33,000) and an Overlord/Cthulhu (at $36,000) will be included for free in the pledge (and these are both enormous minis on 120mm bases).

Only 41 hours to go and its picking up steam!

OK, strike that last part, there was just an update; Cthulhu is available now for $45, but he will be $30 (and free for Queen level pledges) if/when we reach $36,000.

Mean motha indeed! I like the classic Cthulhu the best; me wants one!

I think one of the most amazing things with this Kickstarter is how generous it is on trading in minis that you don't want. Say you're not that in to aliens, but you love Lovecraftian slime (who doesn't?). You could pick up a Host level pledge for $50, trade in everything but the Host minis, and use that cash to get Cthulhu and more Hosts... you'd end up with a 6-8 inch Cthulhu and more than 100 mindless drones... for $50... Pretty cool. :-)

Oh, we do need to get to $36,000 where Cthulhu is unlocked, though.

Alright, stretch goal #6 at $27,000 has been achieved and this is where the Host level pledge for $50 is starting to turn into an amazing deal (as I posted upthread).

Less than three days to go now, I really hope we can make the last three stretch goals (which will be especially nice for the Queen level pledge with two enormous minis and a bunch of other stuff added for free).

Also waiting for the Overlord/Cthulhu concept art... I anticipate that to be a big hit.

Yup, stretch goal #5 at $24,000 was just achieved, meaning that the Fiend, a massive abomination measuring 5-6 inches is available!

And this stretch goal also unlocked that deal with the bases mentioned by DSXMachina:

Also at this stage I'll allow the host level to replace all their slotta bases with decorative bases for $25, swarm level can do the same for $30, and queen level for $35. That will be a ton of extra bases cheaper than the base pledges.

If you have a Queen pledge you can get scenic bases for all your minis for $35. At the moment, that's 96 bases, and it will rise to 114 bases if we go through all the remaining stretch goals all the way up to $36,000. That's a lot of bases... and as suggested by DSXMachina, I actually plan to get them in the dungeon tile/flagstone variant and use them for my Reaper Bones. :)

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