Shiyara the High Mediator

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Say you have acid splash, but you're able to cast 3rd level spells, so it's automatically heightened to 3rd. Does that qualify as a 3rd level spell to then cast elemental tempest to deal 3d8 to any one attacking you?

There is some confusion to me on what stacks.

Enlarge Person plus Large Polymorph doesn't stack (afaik)
Can you still cast enlarge person on a monstrous humanoid to make it bigger?

What about Enlarge Person and Small Polymorph?

If the spells don't stack the assumption would then be that you still become a large creature.

What about enlarge Person and Impact Weapon? As I see, impact only applies to the weapon so it isn't a size increase (per se) and therefore it should stack.
Does an impact weapon stack with Lead Blades? I'll assume they don't.

Now the same question for a large polymorph and the Strong Jaw spell?

Side question:
Does a magical weapon stack with the magical weapon spell? Say you have +1 Flaming Longsword, you cast improved magic which gives you +3. Do you now have a +3 Flaming Longsword, or a +4 Flaming Longsword.

Does a +5 bane/alignment weapon give +7 to attack and damage against a specific creature/alignment, do they add up to +9?

Elemental Spell wrote:
Benefit: Choose one energy type: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. You may replace a spell’s normal damage with that energy type or split the spell’s damage, so that half is of that energy type and half is of its normal type.

You could prepare an acid fireball, but as you cast it just do regular (full) fire damage, correct?

Just to be sure.

I've been reading up some magus guides and stumbled upon the Prescient Attack Arcana, which would be ridiculously useful for an Arcane Trickster build. Making enemies flatfooted by simply hitting them with a weapon attack.
According to this thread, any attack that requires you to make an attack roll (other than spells that have you roll for an attack of some other entity, like Black Tentacles).

By the way, we play without Weapon Finesse, every character is just assumed to have it. You'd have to pick that up if you go the Whip Route, and it would be great for your touch spells as well.

Half Elf for Paragon Surge

25 PB (+2 INT)
8 16 12 18 10 14 (if you can get a Headband of Mental Prowess, INT and CHA +6, the Starlit Caster boon would give you +5 to overcome Spell Resistance)
10 16 12 19 12 8

Magical Lineage (Fiery Shuriken)
Bifurcarted Magic (if it works with Alchemist, otherwise Magical Knack and Reactionary)
Elf Racial Trait: Multidisciplined

Favorite Class: Wizard

1. Vivisectionist, SA 1d6
Improved Initiative
Accomplished Sneak Attacker (retrain at level 3)

3. SA 2d6

2-4 Wizard, Void School (opposition Fire)
Emissary Familiar of Luck Domain, for that one round to go Nova with a bit of luck). Also having guidance cast on you every round should come in handy as well.

Arcane Pool -2

5. Arcane Trickster
Deific Obedience (Desna)

Evangelist (Aligned Class Arcane Trickster)

7. SA 3d6
Prescient Attack

9. SA 4d6
Heighten Spell

11. SA 5d6
Spell Strike (maybe for a River Whip, to deliver touch spells at 15 feet distance, like Vampiric Touch).

13. SA 6d6
Preferred Spell: Fiery Shuriken

15 SA 7d6
Bane Blade or Arcane Accuracy, Accurate Strike, Quicken Magic or Maximized Magic

That choice depends whether you want to go with an actual whip, in which case you'd want to get give it spell storing. This would necessitate a Wayfinder with an Opalescent White Pyramid Ioun Stone (10500 GP). That would be the Accurate Strik, Bane Blade Route.
Not sure how Reveal Weakness would interact with a conductive weapon since it doesn't require a touch attack, but that would be great of course.

Arcane Accuracy and probably Maximized Magic (for when you deliver that Vampiric Touch with sneak attack) would probably work better if you just wanna stick to your spells.

16-20 Wizard

Quicken Spell
Wizard Bonus Feat: Elemental Spell (Acid?)

So you have enough Metamagic Feats to pick up Spell Perfection with Paragon Surge.

Bane Blade or Arcane Accuracy, Accurate Strike, Quicken Magic or Maximize Magic


The main problem of this build is that you're gonna be starved for feats, but getting the prescient attack is really worth it. Paragon Surge also allows some flexibility, for example in getting Dampen Presence against an enemy with blindsense...but then again, thanks to Prescient Attack you could sneak attack them anyway.
I would also recommend playing this build with Fractional BAB and saves.

Thoughts, recommendations?

The feat doesn't come with prerequisites but the benefit text heavily implies that spell combat would be one.
I would assume you couldn't pick that up with VMC 7th level Magus Arcana ability. But just to be clear.

Also just for kicks. For a Charda it would be 4 attacks (3 claws 1 bite) at -2 and a spell

Or some other spell database to find only spells without spell resistance or no saves?

Now the spell explicitly names that a true strike applied to the attack that allows you to use this spells will not be applied, but can you use true strike to apply it to the attack roll that is inherent to the the Arrow Eruption spell (say via quicken spell)?

And just to be sure, prescient attack would be a

Arrow Eruption wrote:
limited-use magical effects that you used to enhance that particular attack


What about a Magus' Arcane Pool ability to enhance the bow he's using?

I've seen this old thread that talked about some of these issues but there wasn't any real conclusion to it.

1. If you don't have weapon proficiency (whip, do you take -4 on attacks with River Whip/Whip of Spiders ?

2. The entry for whip has: disarm, nonlethal, reach, trip
Can you do all of that with a River Whip? The spell tells us that you always deal damage, I suppose to circumvent a normal whips issue with armor, but does it remain being non lethal damage?

3. How do whips interact with size increases? The general assumption would be that they double so they should be 30?

4. Let's say you cast Whip of Spiders -which can be overcome by spell resistance- with spell combat and Vampiric Touch. What happens when the Whip fails the caster level check to overcome SR? Is it dispelled? Does it become a spider swarm? Let's say the Vampiric Touch had succeeded its caster level check? Would it still apply?

edit: removed some abundant information.

First of all, here's how I understand this works.

When you hit an enemy (with a weapon attack, whatever that exactly is, we'll come back to that) the attacked creature loses its dexterity bonus (how does this interact with uncanny dodge?) to this attack (no effect unless you have sneak attack) and to every further attack (from you) until the end of your next round.

Prescient Attack wrote:
Benefit: The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as an immediate action after hitting a target with a weapon attack, allowing him to anticipate his opponent’s defenses. The target is denied its Dexterity bonus against the magus’s attacks until the end of the magus’s next turn

What are weapon attacks?

Certainly manufactured weapons such as daggers, bows etc, likely unarmed strikes but what about natural weapons?

What about ray attacks? You can take weapon focus in them, so they should be weapons?

What about fiery shuriken, we play with being able to take weapon focus shuriken to get the +1 on those attacks so they're weapons. Maybe?

What about a river whip? It functions like a whip except you make touch attacks.

What about other spells, particularly the weapon like spells such as acid arrows, flame arrows, mages' swords or spiritual weapons?
I suppose the issue with spiritual weapon and mages' sword is that you're not actually the one wielding it.

When it came to retraining it used to be allowed to retrain a base class into a prestige class, so long as that base class level doesn't remove your prerequisite for the prestige class.

Now for the purpose of these questions, let's assume that under the previously outlaid conditions it's still possible to do that I wanna know how certain things would play out.

Let's say we have a:

1. Vivisectionist 1d6

2.-4. Wizard, Alertness from Familiar
3. Accomplished Sneak Attacker 2d6

5. Arcane Trickster

The idea would be to retrain Vivisectionist into Sleepless Detective, maintains the sneak attack prerequisite for Accomplished Sneak Attacker and thus the prerequisite for Arcane Trickster

Would Sleepless Detective become the first level? What I mean by this is how does it interact with

Would your hitpoints remain 8+4d6 or become 6+3d6+d8?

How about the Saving Throws? Would it revert to +2 Will at first level (from Wizard) rather than +2 Reflex and Fortitude from Alchemist or change to +2 Reflex +2 Will from having Sleepless Detective as a first level?

Dampen Presence:
This feat does not confer any advantages against other forms of perception, such as scent, vision, or tremorsense.

There's one issue I particularly find strange, namely that Dampen Presence allows to make stealth checks against blindsight, but blindsight including

sensitivity to vibrations, acute scent, keen hearing, or echolocation.

So since these specific forms of "blindsight" are out (which is what I understand them to be given the text) which other form of blindsight are trying to evade? Magical aura?

Also, how would such an opposed stealth check look like? Unmodified, straight up stealth check against perception? Would the carefully hidden trait help?

This build is supposed to work in conjunction with a Brown Fur Transmuter and/or with a Alchemist (Vivisectionist) using Infusion.

It mainly relies on the Ascetic Style and Ascetic Form feats to apply all the UAS feats to all the natural attacks, including the UAS damage progression.

Alchemist only gets level 4 "spells" at 10 and Arcanist requires level 9 to gain share Transmutation. At the earliest this build comes alive at level 4 with martial flexibility.
Early on Alchemist is the better partner, with Alter Self and possibly Troglodyte for 3 natural attacks (1d8) and darkvision.

The real fun comes with Monstrous Physique II and 4 Armed Gargoyle though and once your party reaches level 12, your Brown Fur Transmuter ally can give you Transformation (especially cool with VMC wizard and Idealize at level 20)

First line are the essential feats to this build.
Ascetic Style, Ascetic Form,, Martial Versatility, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike)

These are some desirable feats.
Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Power Attack

I'm rather undecided if I want to take an archetype, for example Mutagenic Mutagenic.

25 PB:
18, 16, 14, 7, 11, 7
Human, +2 Strength

Level 1
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (UAS)

Level 2 BF: Ascetic Style

Level 3 Ascetic Form

Level 4 Martial Flexibility: Martial Versatility


Mutagenic Mauler would delay things to level 5. Maybe Barbarian VMC for some rage too?

What is the order of things?

Basically, could you use spell perfection first, for example quickened cone of cold, then apply a metamagic rod (level 4-6) of (let's say dazing) and then use heighten spell with preferred spell to up it to a level 9 spell (either with heighten magic or other metamagic feats).

I would assume not. But is it clarified somewhere?

1. As I understand you can make one melee touch attack as a standard action. However you could also deliver a touch attack by hitting an enemy with your hand, or rather claws for natural weapons or an unarmed strike for a monk.

2. If so, would that apply to all your hands/claws? Is chill touch be cast specifically on one hand?

3. I do recall that casting another spell removes any held charges. If using magic items, potions or wands while holding a charge, does that remove your charge?

4. As for greater fang I'd like to bring an example.

You polymorph into a Four-Armed Gargoyle (minutes per level). You cast greater magic fang on each of your 4 claws (hours per level). As the polymorph spell ends, you lose your claws.

But an hour later you decide to become a 4 armed gargoyle again. Is the greater magic fang still applied to your 4 claws?

5. Not in the title, sorry but it's about haste.

First of all, haste and natural weapons. I can only assume it stacks. Can you select which of your natural weapons gets the additional attack?

I'm thinking to allow this feat to be taken by my players.

Prerequisite: At least 1 Metamagic Feat, Domain or School Power

Select one arcane school/domain power available at 1st level of the class granting the school/domain that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + Intelligence modifier or Wisdom Modifier (or Charisma for School Understanding).

As a swift action you can pay the Metamagic level increase cost in uses of your Domain/School Power to apply the Metamagic feat.

For example: By expending 2 uses of your Bit of Luck power you can extend the duration to two rounds in combination with the Extend Spell Metamagic feat.

You can take this feat multiple times, each time for a different power.

What about powers that require swift actions (such as teleportations Shift)? Maybe they just can't be modified?

Or quicken spell that require a swift action? Could be just subsumed in the use of swift action to use this feat?
Maybe it should increase the "casting" time from a standard into a full round action like the sorcerers use of Metamagic feats.

Thoughts? Would this be too powerful?

Having levels in Brawler/Monk qualifies your fists as both natural and manufactured weapons.
Should they be polymorphed into a say 4-Armed Gargoyle with 4 claws, would these claws in turn qualify as both natural and manufactued weapons? What about the bite and gore attack?

Would their unarmed damage progression apply to the polymorphed form? Getting at least 4x4d8 full BAB attacks (at lvl 20) would be quite something. With weapon focus claws and feral combat training you could get it up to 5 with unchained flurry and quite frankly, I have no idea how it would interact with regular flurry (5 BAB-2, -7, 12, -17?).
With a wand of Vine Strike (requires natural weapons) and a wand of Sense Vitals (CL15, requires manufactured weapons) he could get an additional d6 damage and entangling attacks and possibly 5d6 sneak maybe monk of the mantis or snakebite striker archetypes.

If you built more into a DEX build, slashing grace could be helpful...foregoing the flurry though and it wouldn't apply to gore or bite.

Some obvious errors I missed?

For this example, a persistent magic item that grants paragon surge.

Cast by a level 20 wizard with Idealize (+4 to ability bonus from transmutation spells, such as paragon surge). That's a +6 on INT and DEX.

Use-activated or continuous wrote:

Spell level x caster level x 2,000 gp

If a continuous item has an effect based on a spell with a duration measured in rounds, multiply the cost by 4. If the duration of the spell is 1 minute/level, multiply the cost by 2, and if the duration is 10 minutes/level, multiply the cost by 1.5. If the spell has a 24-hour duration or greater, divide the cost in half.

Paragon surge is minutes per level, so multiplicator of 2.

The base cost would be (as I understand) 20*3*2000*2 = 120 000
There should be a premium for it to be cast with a certain feat.

Also it grants enchantment bonuses to 2 attributes to the tune of a 90 000 Headband of mental prowess +6 as well a feat (that would have to be decided on creation).

There's a further question if your character needed the prerequisites of that feat in order to use it. Say it granting Extra Contingency even though your character doesn't have level 19 or Spell Perfection without having lvl 15 or 3 metamagic feats.

I would also like to understand how it would interact with charges, that part of the cost table I can't figure out...or maybe I did.

So the cost of a similar item that grants 3 daily charge of that base spell, level 3 CL5 (command word) would be 3*5*1800/(5/3)=16 200, fixed feat duration of 5 minutes.
But then you could arguably add several other variants of the same spell with different feats tied to it.
So another 3 charges with a different feat would cost 1.5 more, so that's 24 300 more. So for 40 500 you'd get a voice (free action) activated spell that grants you 2 different feats for 3 times 5 minutes each. Maybe even branch out more give yourself more different feats?

Though I guess that would mess with the idea that Paragon Surge isn't supposed to give two different feats in a single day. Then again, since the command word version would just cast the spell and wouldn't need to have fixed feat attributed to it.
I kind of assume that when the crafter puts the spell into the item, as part of the casting of the spell he would have to select a feat.

Anyway, seems awfully complicated to me, so let me hear thoughts please.

Similarly, what would be a reasonable premium for metamagic feats? The level increase of the spell and the relevant minimum caster level are a given of course.

Generally speaking I'm sure that it's possible but just to be sure.

It seems evident enough that this would work with the classic schools they are after all the same school, but how about with Elemental Schools?
They are not spells divided by spell schools, but each school gives you a list of spells that apply.

Say for Fire, can you prepare a Piercing Burning Hands from your 2nd class bonus spell slot?

Or for Void, which includes some spells that are not really in the Wizard's Spell List, such as a Keen Senses or Guidance.
Bonus question: can a void wizard prepare those spells in regular non class slots?
Given that it later goes on to add keen senses to your spell list, sure. But then again, guidance isn't. So does Void give a school slot to cantrips and you have to have guidance in it?

Void wrote:

Add the following spells to your wizard spell list at the listed spell level:

1st—keen senses, 3rd—twilight knife*, 4th—wandering star motes, 6th—true seeing, 8th—moment of prescience.


Void Elementalist Wizard Spells

1st—gravity bow, keen senses, shield, true strike

This is confusing (the first time I read it as add these spells to your spell book) because it omits Guidance and also adds some spells to your Spell List that are there anyway.

Now with domains there are more frequently spells that don't appear on the Clerics Spell List but instead give you a couple of spells that can only prepared in Domains Slots (except of course spells that are already on the clerics list).
For example the Travel Domain is full of them, such as fly and dimension door. Say you want to extend fly, you would cast it from your 4th level domain slot, no problem. Correct?

Mighty Cleaving wrote:
A mighty cleaving weapon allows a wielder using the Cleave feat to make one additional attack if the first attack hits, as long as the next foe is adjacent to the first and also within reach. This additional attack cannot be against the first foe.

First of all, does it require the Cleave Feat, because that's what it looks like to me.

So this allows the Cleave Feat to make up to 2 attacks if 2 enemies were to be in range.
The reading doesn't make it too clear who the first opponent is in this regard.

1, 2 and 3 are opponents within reach.
So hit 1, then cleave 2 and then mighty cleave 3. Or can it also be Hit 1,
cleave 2, mighty cleave 1?

Cleave is only allowed once per round, but what if it's triggered by an AoO?

So you cleave during first round, but then an enemy walks through your threat range and you hit it, can you then cleave again?

How do you determine whether a monster you polymorph into is capable of providing vocal components?

How for somatic components? So long as it has hands (or something akin) or opposable thumbs?

Since you can't make use of your equipment (which is melded into your body) there won't be any scrolls and wands to use.

But why couldn't you just put the important things aside (the wands and scrolls and potions and you material component spell pouch) and pick them up after transforming?

I've been looking at old threads concerning the DC to hear someone casting a spell. For many uses of it would be quite detrimental if they are standard speaking voices, or even louder. I've seen arguments considering that a strong voice is not necessarily a loud one too...and more often than not that for every 10 feet the DC would increase by 1 and the base would be 0 (regular conversation).

Which brings us to ghost sound. Say you want to distract a patrol or whatever, but the vocal component of the spell is loud enough that they'll hear that too. I suppose that the sort of speech used in magic is somewhat...arcane, while you wouldn't easily recognize what it is being said, it should be easy enough to recognize it as being magic. Maybe a DC 5 knowledge arcane check...or even just an intelligence check. The assumption being that most people have seen wizards casting spells before.
So imagine this guard hearing some incantation and suddenly some loud sounds coming from a different direction...wouldn't they become rather suspicious?

Message wrote:
Those nearby can hear these messages with a DC 25 Perception check.

Given that this spell has a vocal spell component and gives a DC 25 perception check for nearby creatures to hear the words you speak into the spell, so my question is if those whispered words are the vocal spell component.

I sort of assume that this spell is used to communicate in private when you don't want people to overhear what you're saying, but casting with a strong voice (vocal component) would immediately alert everyone around that something fishy is going on.

I've been looking at old threads (2013 mostly) on how Haunting Mists work and there seems to be no clear answer.

First of all there is range (20) vs. flavor text; centered on you which seem to contradict each other or is a weird way of expressing that it has a range of 0 but reaches out 20 feet in diameter.

Second, there is the question whether you have to save every turn. Because all cloud effects do but it does not explicitly state so.

Third, there is the issue whether this, as an illusion (figment with fear and shadow descriptor) can be disbelieved after successfully saving, might be very handy for the caster too.

Reflexive Brace allows you to make an Attack of Opportunity while doing double damage against a charging opponent. Let's say an elven branched spear, because it also gives +2 to AoO. I'll assume that this brace attack still qualifies as an AoO.

A fortuitous weapon grants another AoO (-5, -3 with an Elven Branched Spear) if you hit with an AoO.
Does this second attack also do double damage against the charging opponent?

Supposedly they are particular to Pathfinder Society games, but I don't see any reason not to include them in a regular campaign. How early could they possibly drop. The emanating magic aura is only level 5 and the cost is only 500 so a level 5 creature might actually have one?

For what they can do (for ioun stones) they seem pretty cheap.

Maybe tied to a Faction? Or a gift from a deity (Selune or some other deity with travel domain)?

Let's set up an example for color spray.

The level 1 wizard has cast long arm on himself, with his second spell he wishes to cast color spray. To avoid attacks of opportunity he casts it one square away from the next (non reach, non large) enemy, but since the spell emanates from his hand, as he finishes casting he would be able to have it start one square further away, correct?

The text for Color Spray, Burning Hands and Cone of Cold specifically describe the spell emanating from your hand/fingertips.

Can you cast a level 3 spell, use spell perfection to heighten spell to a lvl 9 (though it still remains level 3) spell and still use a lesser metamagic rod?

Spell Perfection specifically states that the spell level is not influenced by the metamagic feat.
However heighten spell specifically increases spell level.

Daylight wrote:

Daylight brought into an area of magical darkness (or vice versa) is temporarily negated, so that the otherwise prevailing light conditions exist in the overlapping areas of effect.

Daylight counters or dispels any darkness spell of equal or lower level, such as darkness.

I'm a bit confused by the wording. So even though Daylight (lvl 3) would dispel Darkness (lvl 2), it is negated by magical darkness in overlapping areas? Does that mean to dispel it you'd have to cast it on the very same target/object?

For light sensitive creatures, let's say drow who can cast darkness, would that mean they'd be unaffected by the daylight spell in the area of magical darkness as well as in the area where both spells overlap?

Tieflings can get 2 claw attacks in exchange for their SLA. Which would work very well with a Vivisectionist Alchemist, which can get Feral Mutagen to get 3 more natural attacks, 1 gorge and two claws.

The question is whether they would stack. I would generally assume that you'd need more limbs, but the text* just says they gain 3 natural primary attacks.


Feral Mutagen wrote:
Benefit: Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen, he gains two claw attacks and a bite attack. These are primary attacks and are made using the alchemist’s full base attack bonus. The claw attacks deal 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if the alchemist is Small) and the bite attack deals 1d8 points of damage (1d6 if the alchemist is Small). While the mutagen is in effect, the alchemist gains a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate skill checks.

Would be insane, 5 attacks at full BAB with potentially sneak attack.

Also: I never really understand how this would stack with regular normal weapon attacks?

3 natural attacks at full bab, then your other attacks at -5?

Weird title, so I'll device an example:

Your party has found the enemies, but are still hiding in the bushes. One of your companions casts a 1 round duration spell or special ability on you. At that precise moment you storm into the battle and roll initiative. Assuming your roll is higher than your companion, are you still under the effect of that spell/special ability?

Let's say that special ability was from the Luck Domain, Bit of luck, could you use that power to roll twice for initiative?

Say you have an Eldritch Rogue with a spell storing armor (shocking touch). An opponent flanked by you and an ally attacks you, triggers the stored spell which unleashes into the enemy.
Can you add your sneak attack dice to the damage?

Intuitively I would say no, because it isn't you guiding that spell to some specific weak point...but anyway.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The following numbers are shorthand for the different square distances you can threaten/attack, 1 being adjacent.

Medium sized: 1
Medium sized, long arm: 1 and 2
Medium sized, reach weapon: 2
Medium sized, long arm, reach weapon, 2 and 3
Enlarged: 1 and 2
Enlarged, long arm: 1, 2, 3
Enlarged, reach weapon 2 and 3
Enlarged, long arm, reach weapon: 2, 3 and 4

As I understand long arm is natural reach (doesn't specify, I further assume that this growth in arm length extends the reach for the weapons you're holding in them), so is enlarge. And enlarge gives +5 natural reach.


So you have a wizard with a tiny familiar in his backpack specifically crafted to permit it touching him.
Given that it would reasonably be under total concealment, would it incur AoO from casting touch spells on its master?

There are some rules regarding AoE attacks and equipment which I assume would apply to the familiar. Say a fireball is cast and the stuck familiar would have no way to save since his movement would be restricted...but would be considered saved if his master least for reflex saves. Will and Fortitude saves would occur normally I suppose.


This has build has been something of a pet project of mine, I hope to at some point in the future actually try out this build so for now it's a rather silly endeavor but here's what I got so far.

I figured the best would be to make it a half elf alchemist. In terms of point buy (25) you'd probably wanna go something like

10 16 12 16 8 14

Half Elf, up INT to 18.
This build will be unfortunately starved for feats.

Multidisciplined if it works with Alchemist
Favored Class: Wizard
Traits: Bifurcated Magic, Fate's Favorite, Magical Lineage (Fiery Shuriken), Pride?/Umbral Unmasking?

1. Alchemist Vivisectionist (mostly for brew potion and some buffing potions, long arm, shield, etc)
1. Improved Initiative

2. - 4. Wizard (Void-Fire or Conjuration/Teleportation-Enchantment-Evocation/Divination)
Familiar: Greensting Scorpion, probably Emissary - Bit of Luck
3. Accomplished Sneak Attacker
4. INT 19

5. Arcane Trickster
5. Obedience (Desna)

6. - 15. Evangelist (Arcane Trickster)
7. Craft Wondrous Items (Access to Paragon Surge, probably Point Blank Shot at this point)
8. INT 20
9. Heighten Spell (PS switch to Preferred Spell: Fiery Shuriken)
11. Preferred Spell: Fiery Shuriken (PS switch to Dazing Spell or Elemental Spell, probably Acid most of the time and depending on the situation)
11. 2. Evangelist Boon: Starlit Caster: add CHA to overcome spell resistance
12. INT 21
13. Dazing Spell/Quicken Spell
15. Dazing Spell/Quicken Spell (switch PS to Spell Perfection: Fiery Shuriken)

16. - 20. Wizard
16. INT 21
17. Spell Perfection: Fiery Shuriken (Switch PS to Elemental Spell)
17. Bonus Feat Wizard: Quicken Spell
19. Improved Familiar
20. INT 22

Full Caster Level

Hopefully you get your hands on a Headband of Mental Prowess +6 (CHA and INT) and a Belt of Phsyical Might +6 (CON and DEX) as well as a Stone of Good Luck (Fate's Favorite).

Total Hitpoints
Sans constitution averages out to about 84.5, with it you should could get some 40 more from 18 constitution (Belt).

Total Skillpoints
84 without intelligence. You could get up to 180 more from 28 intelligence (Headband).

Havne't distributed any FCB points yet. Getting more uses of reveal weakness might proof useful.

The main strategy is to hopefully scout out the enemies, learn what type of enemies they are and what type of energy resistances they have and precast paragon surge (select the proper Elemental Spell) and drink a mutagen before engaging them. Desna gives out a luck bonus to initiative, which you get another +1 from Fate's Favorite for a total of +2. Add 8 from improved initiative and a greensting scorpion familiar. Ideally an additional 8 from 26 Dexterity (Mutagen and Belt of Physical Might which sadly doesn't stack with Paragon Surge).
May all your enemies be flatfooted.

Anyway, hoping for thoughts, comments and the like.

Preferred Spell wrote:
Choose one spell which you have the ability to cast. You can cast that spell spontaneously by sacrificing a prepared spell or spell slot of equal or higher level.

I suppose this might be an oversight, but would this allow you to cast an opposition school preferred spell to be cast using a single slot?

Probably a confusing title, so let's get straight to the example.

So we have an alchemist 2, wizard 3. He got magical knack and has scribe scroll as any wizard as well as brew potion as any alchemist would have. Along his adventure, he picked up a scroll of haste and managed to copy it into his spellbook.

So he got a CL of 5, spellslots up to second level and knows a third level spell, namely haste.

As I read you need to know a spell, not able to cast it.

Most of the time, they take the form of spells that must be known by the item’s creator

Is he able to create haste scrolls and potions? Minimum caster level 5, known spell, haste.

There is a thread on the topic of Twilight Knives, though it's from 2012 so instead of necroposting I decided to make a new one.

So you could maneuver your knife into a position where one of your allies would help it flank, then fire off scorching ray or even better, fiery shuriken for up to 8 attacks (potentially two more with intensified spell).

For the purpose of this spell, is an attack of opportunity also an attack?

Instinctively I would think that this would include all the spells that have the [element] descriptor in their description even though they are not mentioned on the relevant arcane school pages. For example Fiery Shuriken, which doesn't appear on Fire.
Assuming this to be true, does it also apply to spells cast through the meta magic feat elemental spell?

First of all, as far as I'm concerned you can align a prestige class to your Evangelist. Given that with Accomplished Sneak Attacker you can Arcane Trickster at level 5 it looks to me like the perfect choice for it too.

Now here's my question:
Favored Prestige Class allows you to pick one of your prestige class class skills and give it a +2 bonus, +4 once you have 10 ranks in it.
Given that Arcane Trickster is a prestige class (and has a better class skill selection than Evangelist), and you keep getting levels from Aligned Class, if you were to choose Arcane Trickster as your favored Prestige Class would you, starting with the second Evangelist level.

All things considered Toughness or Skilled would probably be better.

Say you're a level 2 magus, eldritch archer archetype.

Then you decide to take monk levels, Zen Archer archetype.

So you're magus 2, monk 1

You have spell combat and spell strike and flurry of bows.

You decide to cast chill touch, you gain an additional attack.

Then you do your full attack routine with flurry.

Do you now get 3 attacks at -4?
Is the bonus attack from Chill touch only at -2 because you haven't started your flurry yet?
Is it completely impossible because both these class features, spell combat and flurry are sort of based on TWF?

So disregarding any changes to attack from feats and ability scores and enchanted bows.

-1/-1 from flurry of blows and -2 from spell combat. So you'd be at 3 shots per round at -2 attack at level 3.

Do they stack?

This doesn’t stack with any similar increase from traits such as Magical Knack.

BM/MK are race and magical traits. Multidisciplined is a racial trait. It states that traits wouldn't stack, but does it mean the "traits" traits, or are the racial traits included in this? The "such as" phrasing being a linguistic undecidability is once again an issue here. It could be such as this trait that increases caster levels under given circumstances or it could be such as this trait (as in a trait you can pick from ).

Alchemists treat their Class level as caster level, could they benefit from such an enhancement in caster level?

Could it be worth it foregoing multitalented and consequently multitalented mastery if you're going 10 levels into a prestige class? 10 hit- or skill points (possibly 3 more, respectively FCB) at the cost of 1 feat and two (or possibly more) caster levels.

You call forth two fiery projectiles resembling shuriken, plus one more for every two caster levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of eight shuriken at 15th level), which hover in front of you. When these shuriken appear, you can launch some or all of them at the same target or different targets.[...]On rounds subsequent to your casting of this spell, you can spend a swift action to launch one of these remaining shuriken or a standard action to launch any number of these remaining shuriken.

Since they hover in front of you, how does this work with invisibility?

Let's say you cast fiery shuriken in round 1, then again in round 2. As part of the casting and launching "some or all of them" can you also include the ones created in the first round?

Select one arcane school power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the wizard’s Intelligence modifier. The wizard adds +½ to the number of uses per day of that arcane school power.

The reading seems to imply that the elf could

a) Add a level 1 power from a different school than his own.

b) Add level 1 powers despite having picked up an archetype that denies him a school.

Any of that true?

This feat only affects spells with the cold descriptor.

RAW there is no mention of not being able to prepare Rime Spells with spells that don't have the cold descriptor this should work perfectly fine. Even better, it doesn't even have a saving throw. Nice synergy with Heighten Spell too.

Globe of Invulnerability wrote:
Spells of 4th level and higher are not affected by the globe, nor are spells already in effect when the globe is cast.

So I'm not sure how this applies to summon and creation spells.

The Globe is already in place, a monster is summoned through summon monster I. Can it attack the protected wizard?

What about a mudball created after the Globe?

Is the assumption here that the creation/summoning is the spell effect and once summoned/created they are no longer spell effects?

For example, Paragon Surge, would it change it to +4 +4 rather than +2 +2?

Our DM allows Arcanists to pick up Arcane Discoveries. How would it play with a Brown Fur Transmuter. Would a Fox's Cunning go up to +8, would Paragon Surge go up to +4 +6. At 20th level would it go up to +12 or to +6 +10?

Other transmutation spells with multiple ability enhancements?

Is there a way to further strengthen spells beyond Intensify Spell?

Would be nice if you could get it up by one at least...or 3, even better.

For every three levels you can get +1 to DC to one Arcanist exploit.

Does it work for potent magic? Getting 2 CL and 1 DC or 3 DC?

Since clever wordplay replaces one CHA based skill with INT as its modifier, does the +1 tp CHA based skills still apply to it? Similarly with Student of Philosophy for convincing someone/lying.

Or in other words. Do they still count as CHA based checks?

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