Translucent Wolf's page

Organized Play Member. 37 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 20 Organized Play characters.


Dark Archive

Quintain wrote:

Dimension swap cannot be used with a collective. It does not have the network descriptor (without the use of additional feats). Regardless of whether they are part of the collective or not, since the power says "ally", it cannot be used in the way you describe.

Collective says, in part:

If a vitalist power specifies one or more willing targets (or is harmless) and has a range greater than personal, he can manifest this power on a member of his collective regardless of the range of the actual power.


If he is capable of manifesting powers or casting spells from a different class (as is the case for a multiclass vitalist), any compatible spell or power with a range greater than touch can also be used through the collective.

Dimensional Swap
Target: You and one ally in range, or any two allies in range;
( one or more willing targets )
Save: Will negates (harmless, object);

Looks like Dimensional Swap will work though a collective, without the 'network' descriptor. Network ignores the other collective requirements, it doesn't invalidate them.

Dark Archive

Emerald GM wrote:
Healer needed. Oracle. Cleric. Vitalist. Whatever. If you heal, please travel.

I heal. I travel. I'm available during the time slot ( I'm in Michigan, Eastern timezone ).

If you're still looking, please let me know.

Dark Archive

Please cancel both of my subscriptions.

Dark Archive

Hi Customer Support,

This order shows as pending since Jan 13.

Can you let me know what the delay is?


Dark Archive

My group invited her to join with them in their quest. She felt that performing a service for Baba Yaga would worthwhile, both for a chance to meet new beings, and the potential for reward.

My group also brought along Ratibor from the next book. The two of them generally relax in the Hut when a full party is available for game night. They're called upon as guide / bodyguard when the group is missing a player or two.

Dark Archive

Hi Customer Support,

Please cancel order 7978900, and any other pending / sidecart items for this account.


Dark Archive

Translucent Wolf wrote:

Hi Customer Service,

My order has been pending for 3 weeks now.

Could you please cancel it?


Also, please let me know the reason for the pending, if possible, so that I can set up a new order, without it occurring again?


Dark Archive

Rysky wrote:

Uh, the KS was only launched in March of last year.

And yes I did read the updates, he's dealing with health issues but was giving an actual update such as concept art.

Let me put it another way. The book was to ship in Nov 2018.

In May 2019 ( 6 months past ship date ), an update was posted stating:

"I have taken this week off from work and I will be focusing on getting another major update out. This will include both content from the books, as well as project information. Whatever is ready will be released to you so you can see progress is being made.".

It's now August 2020. No further updates from the developer.

Like I said. Get a better example of system support than Psionics.

Dark Archive

Rysky wrote:
Translucent Wolf wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Again, I direct you the wealth of 3pp products that have existed for all of 1e's run, that Paizo staff themselves have directed people to (such as Psionics).
And the 2nd edition compatibility license is already available. I would, however, suggest you look at how well Dreamscarred Press has been supporting Starfinder before pointing to Psionics as a model to follow :)

Uh yeah, they just had a massive KS to bring Psionics to Starfinder.

If you're referring to the delays, eh. Those come with KS.

I feel that your google fu may have failed you there.

The book was supposed to ship last year. The writer ( down to 1 guy ) stated this year ( in May ) that he was still working on it, and super confident that it would still ship. When it got finished. Honest.

Dark Archive

Xenocrat wrote:

Yeah, you don't understand how any of this works. Paizo is limited in how much it can change its own license because it's own rules are an outgrowth of the 3.5 OGL. They can't stop 3pp PF1 compatible rules with being published, just some marketing stuff and logo allowances. Which isn't going to stop the PF1 grognards from finding and buying it.

I hope you're right. But if not, PF1 will live on, just as all previous editions have. GMs who prefer to use it will write new stories for their own tables. Long Live DnD 3.75.

Dark Archive

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Rysky wrote:
Again, I direct you the wealth of 3pp products that have existed for all of 1e's run, that Paizo staff themselves have directed people to (such as Psionics).

And the 2nd edition compatibility license is already available. I would, however, suggest you look at how well Dreamscarred Press has been supporting Starfinder before pointing to Psionics as a model to follow :)

Dark Archive

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Rysky wrote:
Just gonna completely ignore the rapport Paizo has had with 3pp since forever?

Only if it means more income?

I hope that we continue to see additional quality 3rd party content. But, really, when was the last time you saw any new 3rd party content for DnD 3.5? Mongoose Publishing... I weep for the loss of your wise words, in these dark times.

Dark Archive

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Xenocrat wrote:
Translucent Wolf wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Nox Aeterna wrote:

Well, guess that is that for 2E and now PF1 wont get new books either...

Oh well.

Don't panic yet. A lot of 3rd Party publishers are likely to continue supporting PF1 for a bit.

That is unlikely to last long. If sales of 3rd party PF1 books even *look* to be cutting into the PF2 market, those licenses will get pulled.

Paizo: Nothing personal, it's just business.

OGL, how does it work

And it goes a little something like this:


9. Updates
Paizo may update this License at any time. The latest version is available at If you published anything under a previous version of this License, you can choose to use either the version in place at the time you originally published the work or the updated version. For new products, you may only use the current version of the License.

We may update the Exhibits at any time; if we do, we will send notice to the contact information you supplied in your registration. You must always use the most recent version of each Exhibit. The Exhibits are incorporated within the terms of this License by this reference.

We may update the Compatibility Logo and the text required by Exhibit A ("Compatibility Text") at any time; if we do, we will send notice to the contact information you supplied in your registration. You agree to use good faith efforts to stop using old Compatibility Logos and Text and start using the updated Compatibility Logo and Text for new products. You may continue to sell items made with the old Compatibility Logos or Text as long as you continue to comply with the terms of this License. If you reprint any products that were originally published using old Compatibility Logos or Text, we request, but do not require, that you use the new Compatibility Logo and Text.


What Paizo Giveth, Paizo may Taketh Away.

Dark Archive

Lord Fyre wrote:
Nox Aeterna wrote:

Well, guess that is that for 2E and now PF1 wont get new books either...

Oh well.

Don't panic yet. A lot of 3rd Party publishers are likely to continue supporting PF1 for a bit.

That is unlikely to last long. If sales of 3rd party PF1 books even *look* to be cutting into the PF2 market, those licenses will get pulled.

Paizo: Nothing personal, it's just business.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

PF2 was never about being 'better' than PF1.

Sales numbers have been declining steadily for PF since 5e was introduced. To the point that the numbers from last year had Pathfinder dropping out of the top 5 on the ICv2 sales charts.

Paizo saw this coming a while back, and determined to cater to a customer who was interested in a simpler experience in chargen and play. A customer who needed to be guided through the experience and then have assistance with 'well, what should my character do now' from 1 to 20.

And so, we now have PF2, which caters to a customer who enjoys having many of their decisions made for them. Pick a given path in a class, and then at each level, there's only a couple of things to choose from, rather than the massive number of options available in PF1.

This probably makes characters easier to run though 1-20, from a 'how it's built' standpoint. I personally feel that it limits players from many classic combinations that have been built and played over the past couple of editions.

PF sales number did come up in Spring. It seems that they've been doing a good bit of pre-sales for PF2, while also selling off all the old PF1 hardcopy stock they have in the warehouse. Good for them, for the quarter.

If they can manage to pull in more new players than they loose from the PF1 base, then they'll have succeeded. I personally see PF2 as Paizo's 4e, but time will tell.

I will probably continue to pick up Adventure Path material, and just mod it to work with PF1. I wish them luck, as I like the writing, which I find to be superior to WotC.

As things stand today, however, I will not be transitioning the players at my table over to 2e.

Dark Archive

Hi Customer Service,

My order has been pending for 3 weeks now.

Could you please cancel it?


Dark Archive

I've taken a bit of time to consider the move to PF2, and have decided that I don't wish to support it. I'll purchase PF1 compatible content from other publishers going forward.

Dark Archive

I would like to cancel all active subscriptions.

Thank You.

Dark Archive

Just ignore Resonance.

Dark Archive

Hello Customer Support,

Sorting of content to locate what I want to download no longer works.

Clicking sort by date fails.

Clicking one of the sidebar filters ( starfinder, for example ) also fails to filter down to starfinder content I've purchased.

Here's what I see, when I choose 'starfinder society' as a filter:

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (OGL) Beta Release
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (OGL) Beta Release
Pathfinder Companion: Legacy of Fire Player's Guide (OGL)
Shadowrun 3rd Edition Gamemaster's Screen
Pathfinder Paper Minis Instructions
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Conversion Guide (OGL)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bonus Bestiary (OGL)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Orcs of Golarion (PFRPG)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Carrion Crown Player's Guide (PFRPG)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #43: Haunting of Harrowstone (Carrion Crown 1 of 6) (PFRPG)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #43: Haunting of Harrowstone (Carrion Crown 1 of 6) (PFRPG)
Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide
Pathfinder Society: GM Star Reward Chronicle Sheets
Pathfinder Society: GM 101
Pathfinder Society: GM 201
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide (PFRPG)
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide (PFRPG)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary (OGL)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary (OGL)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary (OGL)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary (OGL)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

( the multiples are for 'one file per chapter', 'full', etc. )

Is this a known issue?

Dark Archive

Re: Volley - Just use a composite shortbow, and don't worry about the average loss of 1 point of damage.

Or, and this is important:


Dark Archive

My group was also lacking in 'Fly'. So, they sent Bescaylie, Efrixis, and a group member ahead to inform the defenders that the rest of the group would be teleporting in.

This allowed a delegation of defenders to be waiting at the trap when the group arrived, thus avoiding the golem fight.

Dark Archive

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DnD got some media exposure via tvs / movies / etc.

WotC sales of DnD improved considerably.

Paizo sales declined. Just about everyone that will buy the Core book *have* bought the Core book.

Solution: Paizo creates PF2.

A simple update would not cause re-purchase of Core, Bestiaries, etc.

If the rules are made completely different however, so that the two systems are entirely incompatible?

New sales are guaranteed.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Looks like, basically, a 'feat' every level. But you don't actually have an entire character till several levels in.


If that's what the kids want, and they'll pay for it, let 'em have it.

I think Shadowrun and Cyberpunk in general are going to be the next big thing in 2019. See you guys for PF3.

Dark Archive

Tithron wrote:
... I get really bummed when something new comes out and the existing fanbase starts a pool on how long it is till the publisher goes broke. ...

I suppose you have a point. After all, gambling is not mentioned a single time in the playtest.

Dark Archive

No more Diplomancy.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Dracovar wrote:


A system that retained enough elements so that 10 years of previously purchased products would still be easily usable. But with enough crunch to clean up problem points from PF1. That’s not the case here, I’m afraid. ...

That's the issue. I suspect that re-releasing maps as "bigger x" versions, and a couple of new classes every 6 months isn't giving them enough income anymore. They need to re-release the entire system, and force players to re-purchase all the books again.


This will continue to happen, every x years, for the rest of time. At some point, you just have to step back, say "I'm happy with system X" and keep playing that.

I stuck with 3.5 for a while, before PF1. I now own a lot of PF1, and I can play that for a few years, till something worth learning / buying comes out again.

Dark Archive

Not every special material is offered at every level.

Dark Archive 1/5

And not listed under sanctioned AP content on that page either:

Dark Archive

ShinHakkaider wrote:
Skeld wrote:

It doesn't matter (to me) who's generator came out first. I'm more interested in what the support looks like a year from now. Maybe PCGen will bebefit from the slower release schedule for SF. If their PF track record is any indication, a year from now, PCGen will be about a year behind on releases.


Which begs the question: With HERO LAB you actually can go in and enter new feats and spells and other material manually. There's a learning curve but you CAN do it. Does PCGen allow you to do this as well?

Yes, you can. Tutorials exist that allow you to edit the plaintext files to add new content ( feats, races, classes, equipment, etc. ) to the software.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Data sets cost xx to purchase, and to use them in the future, there will be an yy / month fee.

Note, there is *nothing* to prevent the yy / month fee from being raised in the future. I expect this will, in the fullness of time, get bumped up to the usual MMO level charge of ~15/month.

Do yourself a favor. Use PCGen, and learn to code your own datasets. You'll save hundreds of dollars, and learning to code is useful on it's own.

Dark Archive

Any word on availability for the pdf on Paizo?

Dark Archive

I'm a superscriber, and I don't see the scenarios in 'my downloads' yet. When will they be available?

Dark Archive

Stratagemini wrote:
AnimatedPaper wrote:

That's actually ANOTHER failure point that I didn't even think of. ** spoiler omitted **
A competent GM will talk to their players about character creation during Session 0. You don't actually need a Player's guide. They're nice, but not necessary. Like Maps. I wish Starfinder's APs came with Maps like Pathfinder's do...

Perhaps the interactive maps will be sold separately at some point?

Dark Archive

Nice of them to put you up close. They also bring around bottles of water while you're running.

Dark Archive

Ulfen Death Squad wrote:
How much have you had to volunteer or GM to get the free housing and how many people do they place in each room?

You have to volunteer for 8 games, iirc, for the room. And they're reimbursing for 1/4th a room. Not sure if that means they put you in a room with 3 people, or say you get 1/4th of the standard cost of 'a room' somewhere local.

Can someone who ran the max comment on the housing particulars?

Dark Archive

Depends on where you're flying in from. But, if you book a month or so prior, you can usually get a round from from/to just about anywhere in the US for ~500. Sometimes a *lot* less.

I, personally, drove up. I stayed in a room ~6 miles from the city center, and drive in early to park at the Zoo. Zoo parking is either $6 or $9 per day, and you can stay parked there till midnight.

Indy Lodge was $90/night for the 3 nights and 129 for 1 night. ( wed/thur/fri/sat, I wanted to pick up passes wed night, to avoid the insane thur morning Will Call line for tickets :) )

If you plan to run enough sessions for room + pass, you'll be running till midnight, and the zoo is a 15 min walk away.

I've checked all the really close places, and they're quite pricey. The only walkable place you can book *today* 1 year out, costs ~380/night. It's .1 miles away.

I'd suggest:

Get Indy Lodge for ~90/night for 4 days.
Get a rental car for ~250 for 1 week.
Plan on ~$40 parking for the zoo ( or riverside parking, 10/24 hours. It's closer, but fills up by 8am. You have to get there *early* )

That's around 1200 for travel / room.

You'll want to walk to the mall for food, during breaks. When you run the non-specials, you sometimes end early. This could give you enough time to walk to the mall, have lunch, and return. If you can't get away to the mall, you can still get something for about ~10/meal from the vendors in the convention center, or from the vendor trucks outside. Figure ~150 for food/drinks.

4 day pass was 80 dollars this year.

That's under $1500 for the trip. You could do it for significantly less than that. If you pre-register with Paizo, and agree to run 8 tables, they'll pay for your 4 day pass, and 1/4th of your room cost. Not sure how the room works, exactly. Maybe you'll get put in with 3 other random snorers :)

Debating 8 sessions next year. Will *definitely* have to budget for some 5 hour energy drinks for the attempt.