TranslucentDuck's page

19 posts. Alias of J PETERS.


Thanks for the reply.

Let's say I have a Technomancer who doesn't have Comprehend Languages on his/her list of spells known.

The Technomancer goes down to the local Magic Mart and purchases a spell chip with 5 castings for the low low price of 770 credits.

In the course of an adventure, 2 castings from the spell chip are spent.

Now, during the spaceship ride back, my Technomancer wishes to reload the spell chip.

1) Without having Comprehend Languages on the Technomancers list of spells known, Can the Technomancer reload the spell chip?

2) Will the cost of reloading the spell chip be 277 UPBs (the cost of the 2 spells spent) or will it be 693 UPBs (the cost of reloading the entire spell chip)?

I wish I could give a better answer... maybe? In pathfinder initiative is explicitly called out as an ability check, in starfinder initiative is not. In fact, under checks on page 8 initiative is called out separately from ability checks.

That being said, ability checks are stated as "roll a d20 and add your modifier for the relevant ability score", so are initiative checks.

Ravingdork wrote:
Can you provide a rules passage that supports this? I've not seen it mentioned before.

page 248 core rulebook

When you threaten a space and the opponent moves out
of that space in any way other than a guarded step (see
page 247) or withdraw action (see above), you can use your
reaction to make a melee attack against the opponent.

Hopefully, blindsense/sight will be expanded upon in a future publication. Best guess... I'd look at detect thoughts as a baseline for what can be detected and what would mess with your ability to perceive.

...You must pick one solar manifestation (either armor or a weapon) upon taking your first level of solarian. You also choose whether your solar manifestation (in any form) either glows brightly with one color common to stars (including blue, red, white, or yellow) or is the perfect darkness of a black hole. A glowing solar manifestation, regardless of its form, sheds dim light in a 20-foot radius. You can shut off the light or darkness as a standard action in order to blend in or assist in stealth...

the darkness simply refers to the mote. At no point does it refer to the dark mote as shedding dim light. Given, this ability was not written in an easy to digest form ...

You can increase or reduce the gravitational attraction between yourself and the terrain around you. You can add a bonus equal to one-third your solarian level (minimum +1) to Athletics checks to climb, jump, or swim <b>as part of the action you take to attempt the skill check</b>. In addition, as a reaction when you are falling, you can reduce the falling damage you take by half. At 6th level, you can move along vertical surfaces and even upside down along ceilings for 1 round.

you can use the ability out of combat

EDIT: I don't know how to fancify my text ... the part between the b tags is important.

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never mind... just found the section that clarifies...

I am slightly confused by the wording of this ability. Am I correct to understand the ability as lasting one round if not photon attuned and indefinitely (until leaving photon attunement) if photon attuned? Or is this ability not useable if not photon attuned?

Even if you are using a weapon's reach, you aren't using it in a way that the weapon was designed (tripping with the haft, hilt, or crossguard, not the slashy/piercy/smacky part). So I am highly doubtful that a bleed effect would go off after succesfuly shoving/tripping/sand tossing(to blind)/repositioning a creature.

It really is. Only the glowing manifestation sheds dim light. Both the glowing and black hole manifestations form a globe that follows you around. You may dismiss the globe to blend in (not be the weird guy with a ball of pitch black/glowing light following you) or, in the case of a stealthy glowing manifester guy, cease to shed dim light in a 20 foot radius.

That will work, you aren't missing anything.

the called fusion states

"This ability has a maximum range of 100 feet, and effects that block teleportation prevent the return of a called weapon."

this is assuming that the character is within 100 feet of the weapon and the cantina isn't warded with effects that would prevent teleportation.

Subjective reality and probability prediction are definitely on the list of spells that it could defeat. As written it might be able to punch through a wall of force or a force sphere. Hope this helps.


Does the Technomancer deal weapon damage while using spellshot?

Gullyble Dwarf - Lvl 7 DM wrote:
I see no reason it wouldn't apply to rays as well.


While I know a caster has to make a concentration check to cast during a mounts movement, I'm unsure if that same caster would have to take a penalty to hit for using a ranged weapon while using a ranged touch attack.

Can anyone give me an official ruling? Barring that, educated guesses would be welcome.

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Hi, first time posting.

Proxy Summoning
Creatures you summon can act as proxies to deliver your spells to foes.
Prerequisite(s): Ability to cast conjuration (summoning) spells or a conjuration (summoning) spell-like ability, caster level 5th.
Benefit(s): Whenever you cast a touch spell while adjacent to a creature you summoned (including an eidolon), you can have the summoned creature carry the spell's charge. Once the spell is cast, you and any creature you summon gain the share spells ability. This feat doesn't qualify you for feats or other rules options that require you to have an animal companion, familiar, or similar allied creature with the share spells ability.

Does this mean I can cast personal range spells on summoned creatures?

Do I have to cast a touch range spell before my summoned creatures get share spells? (“once the spell is cast”... Once what spell? The summon spell?)

If I get the shared spells ability, does this mean the summoned creature can cast personal ranged spells on me?