Morning dawns on the glorious day. The streets are bustling with various merchants out peddling their wares, and you can barely move through the crowds of visitors in town for the festival. You are able to mill about for most of the morning, but as noon approaches the crowd naturally moves in the direction of the palace. At the stroke of 12, every temple bell begins ringing out. The excitement in the air is palpable as King Darren steps out onto the balcony above Royal Square. Cheers and hollers erupt from the crowds gathered below. The king raises his hands in a polite waving gesture and smiles broadly. He is a middle aged man, with brown hair giving way to grey at the temples. He wears several rings on his hands and deep blue robes with silver trimmings on them. The crown resting on his head is clearly a ceremonial one, as it has far more gems than most have seen in a lifetime. As the crowd calms down he speaks loudly, ” My loyal subjects! Welcome one and all to our glorious gala! It brings me much honor to come before you today. This is a momentous occasion, today we celebrate a new age of peace and prosperity in our lands. As a token of good faith I have here with me King Ared of the Dwarves, come to visit all the way from his home in Kel Mar.” He gestures behind him and a sturdy looking dwarf steps up beside him. The dwarf’s beard is a deep rich black, he is dressed in his own set of formal robes, a deep grey/silver that seems to shift as he moves. He raises a hand and nods to the crowds, who yell out in approval again.
King Darren steps forward again, ”It is because of this alliance and because of the peace that has been forged in all our lands that I welcome you to the first annual Festival of Unity!” He raises his hands above his head and smiles again. The crowd lets out another yell, and you almost don’t hear it but a loud crack pierces the air. The sky seems to dim despite the lack of clouds overhead. People begin looking back and forth and another cracking sound echoes through the sky and suddenly a woman screams, “The king… the king is gone!” You look around and see that where King Darren once stood is a pile of robes and a crown…
The Diamond City is a buzz as the celebration draws near. For whatever reason you find yourself in the city the day before the festivities begin. Off in one district of the city you manage to find a reasonable tavern and sit yourself down for a drink.
Feel free to RP in here and get to know one another...
Greetings one and all... I am pleased to announce after a long absence that I am returning to the table to run a game! This game will take place in a homemade land I've created and therefore will require some extra knowledge.
However to begin I'll give the basics:
- 20pt buy
- Starting at level 1 with normal gold and max HP*
- All Paizo Races/Classes allowed(3PP only with my permission**)
- 2 Traits
- No characters that are too evil/disruptive...You'd think I wouldn't have to say this...but you'd be surprised.
- Serious RPing, If you RP well you will be rewarded!
- Must be able to post minimum once a day. (I'd prefer more, but minimum once.)
Now that the Basics are out of the way, Here's a little bit about me:
I was introduced to D&D several years ago, but I have always loved a good story. In my mind that is the most important part of the game, the communal storytelling aspect of it. I say again, If you RP well you will be generously rewarded! I tend to be a flexible GM and will work hard to make the game exciting and fun.
All that being said, I will leave recruitment open for several days. If you have any questions feel free to let me know, I'll try to answer them in the best way possible.
* Average HP every level thereafter.
** I have some homemade races that fit into the world if you're up for a challenge ;)
So I had a strange idea for a character, and I have more of the fluff than the actual crunch of the character. Hence why I need help.
Basically the premise is a man whose parents offered his soul to the devil, in exchange for allowing him to live as a child. And he grew up to be your typical loner cowboy, who begins exhibiting symptoms of magical power.
I was thinking starting off gunslinger then multiclassing to Sorcerer later. Which bloodline would be best? How would you spread the stats for this character? Maybe some good feats ortraits.
I was thinking rolling him up at 1 and then offering options for 3, 5, and 7th level.
It has now been 200 years since the Final War. Peace has finally begun to reign in the Airdwyn. The cities have finally righted themselves, and as a declaration to the world The King of Kel Fair has called a Summit commemorating this historic occasion. Each of you have received a letter by King’s messenger:
By Proclamation of His Majesty King D’olm of the Diamond Throne,
Your Prescence is requested in Kel Fair
On Dutal 13th 2145
Is to be held for the rememberance of all peoples’
The celebration shall span a weeks’ time and will be a wonderful time for all.
You have one week to arrive at the city from your various locations across Airdwyn. Prepare for the ceremony, because who knows how long peace will last…
Character Creation:
25pt buy
Starting Lvl 3
500 Gold to start. No Magic weapons or armor.
All Paizo stuff allowed, 3rd Party available upon request.
Also use the following items of history and locations to fill out a character's story.
Ok, here's the deal. I'm looking to create a PFS legal character with the intent of taking on the Draconic Disciple prestige class after 5th level. My initial thoughts are Draconic bloodline sorceror or Summoner with a draconic styled eidolon. I'd like for his primary function to be controller style caster. What would be the best stat spread for this and or which base class would be best? Thanks in advance.
Ok, I'm looking for one or two more players for an All Dwarven Homebrew game
20pt buy, All Paizo accepted, 1st level, Full HP, Average wealth. I would like a character background and an RP sample as well. If you want to use any 3PP let me check it first.
Currently I'm running a Ranger at 3rd level thinking about multiclassing to make him more interesting. Low magic campaign so nothing too crazy. Stats are as follows:
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Deadly Aim, Endurance.
I was looking at Arcane Archer, but I need some different feats. What other classes work well for multi?
The king paces the long corridor of his main hallway. His dark eyes dart are focused in contemplation. His long thick black beard is tangled and messy, clearly not having had any maintenance recently. From a door to the right of the throne a dwarven woman with long red hair strides into the room.
"Ark...Come back to bed. What is it?" She looks genuinely concerned. He looks up from his pacing and adjusts his vest nervously. "I'm sorry my dear... Tarks returned and...well it seems that I may be needed soon. Down near the Wall."
She recoils a moment."The wall... I thought we'd rid ourselves of the outside world. Why there?" When he doesn't respond, the defeat is evident in her eyes. "Very well then. I will be watching for your return." with that she turns slowly and returns to the darkened doorway leaving the lonely figure pacing back and forth slowly. He sits on the throne and lays his head in his hands.
Here is the beginning my friends. Go ahead and update with where your character is now, and we will begin to bring it all together.
It's been requested so I'm DMing an all Dwarven game.
*All classes
*20 pt buy
*Starting at level 1.
*Everyone starts with 100 gold and standard items. If you try to put something crazy on your inventory I'll check :P.
*Please submit a RP sample from your character's POV.
*Background/Character story(Why are they here, what do they care about, etc)
I would read the Dwarves of Golarion as reference if you need to.
Ok I'm doing an AP( not gonna say which one) but it mentions that any character entering a room is affected by the levitate spell. However when I read RAW it says that levitate can only be cast on a willing subject. Does entering the room qualify them as willing or should I allow them a save of some kind. Or perhaps I'm just reading something wrong.
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Ok just out of curiousity...let's say a player wants to make an untrained Knowledge check and add Know the Enemy ( )
Is that allowed, does it count as using a complete library, or is it something else?
Ok, so I know that Mindflayers are property of a certain sorceror of the seashore, but I was curious if there was anything like that in Pathfinder and if it can be translated to a Player Character?
Ok here's the setup. Level 9 Goblin Bard in an evil campaign(not necessarily truly evil, just no one wanted to play a "goodie-goodie") Thinking about Prestige classing after I reach level 10. What is the best class to multi/prestige in this case? I can provide feats and stats if necessary.
You are all gathered in the Tavern sitting around the table when you hear a commotion at the bar. It appears that a young redheaded woman dressed in the cloak of a cleric has come in and is very excitedly talking to patrons.
Knowledge Religion
She is about 5 feet tall and very slender. As she approaches your table she says hurriedly, "Are you the people who were looking for Master McDarrow?" Her eyes dart around the table to each one of you.
Welcome everyone! If you are reading this you have been selected to participate in the Last Rites campaign. This thread will be for OOC conversations and downtime RP. Please get to know each other here because you'll be playing together(You can even RP your characters meeting a bit before we start the campaign.) I have a busy weekend ahead of me, but hopefully I will start the campaign on Monday the 16th or Tuesday the 17th. Congratulations again and good luck!!
Setting: Golarion(Homebrew story, not canonical) Starting in Sandpoint.
Story: There have been curious goings-on in Sandpoint of late. Rumors of attacks by vampires and werewolves. However, the local guards are baffled. Angus McDarrow is a paladin of Erastil and has come forward with a strange story about what is going on. The mayor believes it to be rubbish and has ignored him out of hand. But as the danger looms closer people can't help but wonder...
Application points:20pt Buy. All core/base classes are allowed(with the exception of gunslinger). All core races are allowed, and others will be taken under consideration. Traits allowed, except alternate racial(standard 2).Average starting gold. Story will be RP heavy, with many opportunities for combat and skill use.Tone will be slightly dark, but lighthearted at times. Looking for posters 1/day minimum. Applications should contain the following:
Name: Race: Class: Story:(including why you're in Sandpoint, make it reasonable) Personality: RP sample: based on the premise that you have heard of Angus and seek him out in the temple of Erastil.
Applications will be accepted until Friday April 13. Good luck!
So I was discussing with a friend the other day of creating a new race. Here's what I have so far:
Shellfolk are an ancient race of humanoid turtles. Due to their longevity they have a great knowledge of the world. Their shells also provide a natural defense against their enemies. They are a very tribal people, and tend to be isolationists. However they are intensely loyal to their friends.
Shellfolk settlements are usually on the edge of bodies of water, however this isn't always the case. Some tribes can be found in desert or mountain areas. They tend to avoid magical abilities, preferring to fight with their bare hands or weapons of some sort. There have been many attempts by outside religions to establish congregants within the Shellfolk tribes, but their tribal nature and pre-existing beliefs make it difficult to gather many followers.
Racial Stats
+2Con,+2Wis,-2Cha(Shellfolk are wise from long life, and have natural protection, but tend to draw strange looks from other humanoids)
Swim: Shellfolk can also swim their movement speed.
Amphibious: Shellfolk take no penalty from attacking in the water.
Racial Skill Traits: +1 to Swim, and Knowledge(history) checks.
Natural Armor: +2 AC(shell benefit)
Special Ability:
Hide in Shell- As a free action Shellfolk may retract their body into their shell. This allows them to gain +4 AC. While they are in this form they cannot make attacks, use items, or cast spells.
Languages: Shellfolk begin with Aquan or Terran(depending on tribe) and common. Shellfolk with a high Int may also choose Draconic as a learned language.
So I recently started GMing for some friends of mine, all who have played quite a bit before. The issue I am having is that I tried to follow the "Yes, and" rule with my players, but now there is a large discrepancy between their power.
For example I have a level 4 Half-Elf Rogue/Beastmaster(2/2). I allowed him to have a pet wolf and 2 knives as weapons. Between his feats and weapon bonuses he and his pet can do serious damage.
On the other end of the spectrum I have a level 5 Serpentfolk Necromancer. He on the otherhand cannot do much damage and consistently has lower attack and damage roles.
Have I done something wrong? Is there a way I can fix the discrepancy or am I out of luck?
P.S- the Other characters are a level 4 Dwarf Paladin/Oracle(3/1), and a level 4 Human Fighter(Gladiator Archetype). Those two are pretty balanced.