Sheyln (Symbol)

Tom Baumbach's page

Organized Play Member. 1,136 posts (1,172 including aliases). 5 reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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Poor, poor grammar. So abused.

(6 items)

This list: examples of terribly written posts. Let this list be a reminder that there is no substitute for a modicum of consideration before hitting submit.

Rules Question - Heighten
Thread (11 posts),

Ambiguity is your enemy.

2.  Beltias Kreun
Half Dragon [template] level 1 sorcerer
Thread (1 posts),

Sunder with spells
Thread (9 posts),

Re: iO9 using Paizo art in article on racial diversification in RPGs
Post, by Steelfiredragon

There *might* be a coherent sentence in here, but I can't bring myself to try and find it.

Gish help... only with Pathfinder rulebooks... 3.5 or homebrew stuff not allowed
Thread (27 posts),

Yet another that I couldn't get past the first sentence.

6.  Menthen Jagaro
What was his name again...
Thread (4 posts),

What is this guy even talking about?