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Tom Baumbach's page

Organized Play Member. 1,136 posts (1,172 including aliases). 5 reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


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Scarab Sages

Sara Marie wrote:
... you can email customer service and we will add a backordered subscription copy to ship with the first subscription shipment after the product is available.

Can I subscribe now (starting with #2) then wait till after Gencon to make the backorder request? I'd try to get my hands on a copy of #1 there.

Scarab Sages

Lorathorn wrote:
Are there open calls to be a part of this publication?

Not just yet; we're still figuring out what we want AC to be. That being said, a good way to get our attention (right now) is to tell us what you'd like to contribute, under the guise of telling us what kind of 'zine you'd like AC to be.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We want to hear from you!

Have you checked out Adventure Chronicle #2 yet? AAW Games wants your feedback!

What do you want to see more of? What were you hoping to see that we didn't include? What parts didn't you like? Would you pay for content like this?

Leave a comment or send your feedback to jonathan ((at)) aawgames (dot) com SUBJECT: AC FEEDBACK and let us know how we can improve. Make Adventure Chronicle the magazine YOU want to read!

Scarab Sages

Feyesh wrote:
I understand my wording was mildy bad, let me rephrase. Can you have bullets loaded in your gun already so that when you draw it it is already loaded?


Scarab Sages

And by Dungeon I mean Dragon.

Scarab Sages

I'm trying to track down which issues of Dungeon the Ron Shirtz series of Instant Dungeon Tiles appeared in. From this page I believe the artist's work appeared in four issues: 280-283.

From other sites I've cobbled together that the order of appearance is this:

Dungeon #280: Instant Dungeon Tiles: Wilderness (aka. Arctic & Desert) (source)
Dungeon #281: Instant Dungeon Tiles (aka. Forest & Cavern) (source)
Dungeon #282: Instant Dungeon Tiles: Wilderness (Cover says "wilderness.")
Dungeon #283: Instant Dungeon Tiles: City & Sewer (source)

The problem is I've got them all except this supposed "wilderness" tiles of #282. In its place I've got unlabeled "castle" tiles, an image of which you can see in this this auction.

TL;DR I have four Ron Shirtz tile posters that appeared in four issues of Dungeon, but there appears to be duplicate "wilderness" tiles in all descriptions. Where do the castle tiles come from!?

Scarab Sages

Does anyone know what the bonus post map in this issue was?

Nevermind, I can read!

Scarab Sages 2/5

Tom Baumbach wrote:
I'll be there!

Turns out I'm a liar. This time I'll say, "I'll try to be there!"

How was the turn out on the 12th?

Scarab Sages 2/5

Thanks nb3D for linking me this thread! I'm happy to see PFS finaly take of in South Bend.

I'll be there!

Scarab Sages 2/5

nb3D wrote:
And yes, I will be your friend.

Check your PM!

Scarab Sages 2/5

I'm in! (I'll text you what slots I'll run, Brian.)

nb3D: Which store do you play at? Is this a private group or is it open to curmudgeony out-of-towners? Will you be my friend?

Scarab Sages

You're forgetting the class skill bonus. As a monstrous humanoid, Perception is a class skill for dopplegangers.

Scarab Sages

Aid Another being used by the crew makes those checks pretty easy.

Scarab Sages

I want to learn more about NeoExodus Legacies. I've read this page, but can't find any info about your organized play format.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
FAQ item added about this.

Updated the link. Hopefully.

Scarab Sages

The rules, as far as I can tell, haven't changed.

Skeletons never had extra spells, but they cost HDx2 to create (normal HD to control).
Zombies have mention of remove paralysis, haste, and contagion mentioned, but not in a specifically rulesy way, and don't require extra HD to create.

This article (and its sequel) detail extra variants that assume both HD cost and extra spells for both types of undead. (Those articles, joined, and with a readable table, also appear here.)

Scarab Sages 2/5

Daniel Luckett wrote:

Hmm...the things I look for when starting organized play are in this order.

1) Do I have a public place to play, even if you consider your "home" public, unless it's a store or some such, it's not. A FLGS is where I'd start looking, if not available someplace that's open late, and offers food is nice. In Kalamazoo we play at a grocery store with a cafe that's open till 12am, because our FLGS decided it didn't need the "F" in it's acronym.

2) Do you have 3 solid people to give you the minimum for a table?

3) Talk to everyone, put up flyers, advertise where ever you can.

That's pretty much what I did. I know there are at least 2-3 players in that area of Michigan. If I can find their contact info, I'll forward them to your PM box.

You should also include a Coordinating or Getting Started page, where you post this and similar advice, perhaps with a googlemaps plug-in that shows active PFS games in the area.

Scarab Sages

The Elusive Jackalope wrote:
Topic aside; objects are not generally immune to energy based attacks, they merely take half damage and apply their hardness to the damage dealt, so they often take very little.

Right. What did I say?

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Jdb4301 wrote:
As a magus can you sunder with spells and apply both feats as well when using spell combat?

Depends on the spell (and possibly the item). Frex, if you're trying to sunder with scorching ray, probably not (objects are generally immune to energy-based attacks), but maybe if you're sundering a napsack. Spells that modify attacks, however, are perfect (true strike, stone fist, etc.). In the end, the GM will decide if the spell creates an effect that can sunder.

Scarab Sages

Timitius wrote:
Think about it!

For my part, I merely polished and filled out what James had created. If he thinks it's a good idea, I'm all for it.

For what it's worth, it should be his name on the byline; if mine is included it would be as developer and/or editor. You probably shouldn't print the maps because they make use of art from Dundjinni, which requires certain licenses for publication. Feel free to use them as a base for new-art maps.

Also the text that's on the webpage is probably missing hyphens, apostrophes, and similar punctuation; the site has gone through a few hacks and restores, and restoring those pages has yielded difficulties.

Scarab Sages

"Purple Duck was feeling blue. But Raging Swan wasn't interested. He was always in a bad mood!"

Scarab Sages

If there's weapon attacks and natural attacks in the same round, apply the penalty.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

I'd rule that the ogre regenerates hit points into a "pool." The ogre mage remains at 0 while regenerating; once the pool has his full hit points, the skin dies, the spell ends, and he regains all his hit points.

If you don't want to have to stretch the rules: have your ogre mage construct a room from which to conduct his spell casting, a sauna that's hot enough to deal 5 hp of fire damage per round.

CE Chef wrote:
I feel like there is a rule somewhere when a body part is taken off your body, it reverts to original size and shape if you were under a polymorph spell.

No such rule, though it's useful as a plot device.

Scarab Sages

setzer9999 wrote:
What happens when Ferocity/Diehard kicks in after your move action?

As soon as you gain the staggered condition, you're limited to a single move or standard action. Since you didn't previously have this condition during your turn, any actions you took don't matter.

setzer9999 wrote:
The other question is, what if you start your turn with Ferocity/Diehard active, and use a standard to heal yourself above 0 HP. Do you then regain your move action you would not otherwise have had?


Scarab Sages

You could use it to move them to a square, but they wouldn't be prone.

Scarab Sages

There's always shrink item, which would be perfectly reasonable to allow the caster to choose how much the item gets shrunk. But also, have you read this? Generally speaking, size and equipment isn't an issue as far as loot is concerned.

Scarab Sages

Medium characters can indeed ride Medium-sized creatures (appropriate as mounts). Issues of weight and carrying capacity are beside the point. (Real-world example.) If the creature couldn't carry a cavalier and his gear without becoming encumbered, he shouldn't choose that creature as a mount (or he should wait to choose that creature).

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages 2/5

Similar timframe as Kyle, and some of the same reasons.

  • Not only did I undergo a career change, I started freelancing on a regular basis.
  • I too grew... impatient with the local player base.
  • I lost my Bob.
  • I grew fatally frustrated with my inability to find/form a home game. PFS is fun, but pales in comparison to pure Pathfinder.

  • Scarab Sages

    Oh I'm an idiot, I didn't read properly. Yeah, Starglim has the right of it.

    Scarab Sages

    You have a point. I've only ever seen the collide rules used in special circumstances, never because the flier ran into something because he couldn't get out of the way.

    Scarab Sages

    Sounds legit.

    EDIT: Actually, I think the prevailing theory is that you can drop a hand from holding a two-handed weapon as a free action. Thus, the magus can:

    Let go with one hand (free action)
    Cast the spell (standard action part 1)
    5-foot step (free action)*
    Regrip the weapon (free action)
    Attack (standard action part 2)

    Unless there's some errata I'm not aware of.

    Not actually necessary to use spellstrike with a two-handed weapon, but useful for avoiding an AoO

    Scarab Sages

    MegaPlasticMan wrote:
    Is this check required only if your the total direction changes are greater than 45°, i.e. you could make many 45° changes without a check, or do you have to do it once you have exceeded 45° in one round?

    I believe it's the former. That's how I've always played it and seen it played.

    MegaPlasticMan wrote:
    Also, when you fail the check and have wings you might fall, if you don't have wings do you continue on in a straight line?

    You've spent the movement, even though you didn't make the turn. If you've movement left, proceed how you please.

    MegaPlasticMan wrote:
    Can you attempt the turn again once you've moved one square. The rules for trying again at the fly skill state that you can try again the following round so it sounds like once you fail in a round, that is it for turning.

    It does read that way, but I don't believe that's the intent. The "following round" bit, I think, is meant to encompass things like hover. The "varies" bit is the key here, which essentially, at least to me, means, "If it makes sense to retry, you can retry."

    Scarab Sages

    Tarma wrote:
    1.) Does combat training for the mount give it attack for all creatures?

    It's only got the basic combat training. You need to push it to attack non-humanoids, or train it to advanced combat training.

    Tarma wrote:
    2.) Can Mounted combat let you use ride checks to get out of criticals?

    Yep, you can negate any attack that requires a roll to succeed.

    Scarab Sages

    Relevant link.

    A normal human changing into a big dog via beast shape II?

  • Speed 40 ft.
  • scent
  • low-light vision
  • +2 Strength
  • +2 natural armor
  • +20 to Disguise to pretend he's a big dog

  • Can't cast spells
  • Loses abilities dependent on form, including talking, singing, and more
  • Equipment melds into new form, is mostly unusuable except for items that provide constant bonuses and do not need to be activated (with the exception of armor and shield bonuses, which cease to function).

    I think that about covers it.

  • Scarab Sages


    Scarab Sages

    Optimistic Cynic wrote:
    This might be a no-brainer, but am I able to jump over the bad guys during combat?

    Sure. Make sure the part of your move that is jumping takes you at least 10' high, otherwise you're provoking attacks of opportunity as you move through the spaces directly above your enemies.

    Optimistic Cynic wrote:
    What if I wasn't in a mook's threatened square, but still had to jump over them?

    Over them, but still adjacent to them? You provoke AoOs unless you make Acrobatics checks to avoid them.

    Optimistic Cynic wrote:
    What if the magic user was off to the side, and not behind the mooks, but I was still in a threatened square?

    If you move out of a threatened square, you provoke an AoO, unless something says you don't. There are tons of things that might prevent an AoO.

    Optimistic Cynic wrote:
    If the jump is part of another action (if I remember the description correctly), does that mean I can initiate a full round attack action against that magic user if I jump 50' and land next to him?

    No, because jumping is a form of movement, and you can't move and make a full attack (under the normal rules). If the action you take includes moving, then you can (usually) incorporate jumping.

    Optimistic Cynic wrote:
    If the jump is part of another action (again, if I remember the description correctly), does that mean I can take a move action to get past the mooks, then declare a standard attack action against the magic user, starting with a jump and ending with the actual punch/kick/trip/etc.?

    Most commonly, a jump check is part of an action where you're moving. If you can move, you can (usually) incorporate a jump into that move.

    Optimistic Cynic wrote:
    Does landing next to a guy from such a jump provoke AoOs?

    Landing from a jump is no different (as far as AoOs are concerned) than simply moving into the square, so in and of itself it would not provoke an AoO. However, if you're landing directly next to an enemy, there's a good chance you're leaving a threatened square above the one you're landing in, which would indeed provoke an AoO.

    Scarab Sages

    Yes, if a sohei monk is wearing armor, she gains no benefit from her monk AC bonus. She can still grant that bonus to her mount.

    Does the mount have to be unarmored as well? Hard to say. I'd say no, since the sohei's mount doesn't advance with monk level, it needs all the help it can get.

    Scarab Sages 2/5

    In my experience, roll vs role is (nearly) entirely decided by the amoint of time available to complete the scenario. Four hours? Everyone wants to hear dice hitting the table. Six? Eight? Indulge away.

    Still, organized play does come with the expectation that more players (however marginal the majority) are interested in the dice/wargame/mechanics aspect than the storytelling/socializing aspect.

    Scarab Sages

    Is it intended? Who can say. Should you allow it? Up to you.

    If you don't want to allow it, here's your reason: the manuals grant an inherent bonus to an ability score. Because bonuses of the same type don't stack, the player can only gain the highest available bonus.

    In your case, he can gain the benefit of one +4, but not two.

    Edit: Upon further reflection, I think it is not allowed, for the reason stated above.

    Scarab Sages

    You are correct. Other creatures with the ablity — djinn are the only ones I'm aware of — have a limit on how often they can use it. In any case, Hit Dice determines how long the creature remains in whirlwind form.

    Scarab Sages

    FuelDrop wrote:
    shadow conjuration wrote:

    You should be quoting shadow evocation, since daylight is an evocation spell. Also, shadow evocation says the following:

    shadow evocation wrote:
    Nondamaging effects have normal effects except against those who disbelieve them.

    Lastly, light is not an attack, so ignore the 20%.

    Scarab Sages

    There's no damage involved in a daylight spell, so ignore the 20% part.

    Unless there's some reason to want to be in darkness - light blindness or light sensitivity, perhaps - it makes sense that all targets "voluntarily" fail their saves.

    Scarab Sages

    The order shouldn't matter, just announce what roll is being made before it's rolled. Yes?

    Edit: Ah I see your example does matter. In that case, I'd give the one rolling the choice of order. I don't believe it's codified.

    Scarab Sages

    It's B, unless there's some errata I'm not aware of, but A is entirely appropriate for a house rule (and quite reasonable, if you ask me).

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