Tikon2000's page
Organized Play Member. 79 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.
Yes please, send me the rest of my order. Send the logo pin when it comes in.
Paizo Order # 42612633
Yeah I've had this problem before. WHY has my order been stuck in pending for 2 months AGAIN?
Submitted Wednesday, January 08, 2020 01:47 PM
Status Pending
Purchaser Patrick Mastrobuono
This was my only response, Still haven't heard anything.
Sat, Feb 29 at 10:49 PM
Thank you for taking the time to contact Paizo Customer Service!
Our Customer Service team is experiencing a higher than usual rate of requests for assistance.
Our Customer Service representatives will take care of your request as soon as possible. Thank you very much for being understanding!
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Re posting a funny comment which seems aproppo here:
"If I hear PROUD WARRIOR RACE one more time!"
Just checking on my yearly order.
Listed as Pending. Checking cause sometimes it can be listed as Pending for up to 3 weeks.
Nope, getting the same problem. I just made an order. Hope that hasn't been deleted.
Castles & Crusades by Troll Lord Games has done so.
https://www.trolllord.com/tlgstore/#!/A1-Assault-on-Blacktooth-Ridge-5th-Ed ition-Adventure-Digital/p/58567398/category=21100009
Now that Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne have been updated to Pathfinder Rules. In very nice hardcovers...
How about the same treatment. But converting to D&D 5th edition? That way Paizo gets another revenue generator, and access to another gamer crowd.
Okay I checked on my order again and it's still listed as pending. Now I know what you said about shipping, but this seems like the order hasn't even been processed yet. My card hasn't been charged. The sale hasn't been finalized. I'd like to move it forward so that it can be put together and sent out.
'M only making an issue of it because it's happened once before and I was told that was what happened. So the customer service representative had to change the status manually to get things going.
Greetings, just checking up on my order. Sometimes I order something and it ends up in the "pending" category. Can you check up on it and put that order through? Thank you.

Thought Fugitives
Greetings all.
I've just gotten back into using the Storyteller system and I found I really like the Aeon Trinity rules for Sci-Fi. I wish WW would re-introduce Sci-Fi Psionic rules using NWOD of darkness rules (although I hear they are doing something like that for general sci-fi but tying it to Vampire etc.) Like I said I like the rules but found the setting a bit constraining. I mean I liked it, but felt they bottleneck the story.
So I intend to write a starting adventure using the rule set. Using to start my campaign or as a convention adventure (As a convention adventure I'd have 6 pre-gens based on each psionic type).
Basing all this on my own premise. Sort of Blake's 7/NBC's Chuck/X-Men. The main reason I did this was because I wanted to highlight each mode without tying it to an organization. That and I also wanted to try surprising the players with their new "powers". Having them acquire them halfway through the 1st Act. Assuming prior to that event that this was a regular human centered sci-fi game. This will be in a pre-starflight Solar system setting.
The adventure should flow in 3 Acts as follows:
Act 1: The characters are all in prison at the edge of the system. The pre-gens would either be actual criminals or political prisoners sent there by their oppressive FSA type government. Here they learn about their surroundings, get to know each other, and hear disturbing rumors about experiments being conducted on the prisoners.
Soon after tremors rock the facility and power crashes occur. Giving the PC's a chance to escape. They'll have to fight their way past the guards but also some feral alien looking monstrosities. During their attempt they come upon a scientist in his lab. He tells the PC's that all the chaos is due to an experiment on discovered alien DNA getting out of hand. Yes that's right, they foolishly created monsters that are now running amok. Another part of the experiment was inserting some of this DNA into the prisoners. The scientist believes that these experiments could unlock certain potential benefits and is willing to give them to the PC's as their best chance of survival. As the scientist never agreed with the government's totalitarianism. Once they agree the characters step into the chamber and receive their “gifts”. The rest of the act is their race to the hybrid craft bay and escape.
Act 2: The characters receive psychic signals nearby. Getting the impression that it's from the original source of the alien DNA. Coming close they spot an organic looking ship (basically a Orgotek Scarab, though I think I'll buff it up). Docking aboard they begin exploring the ship. Finding it overrun by more of the monsters they encountered at the prison. As well as guardian robots trying to fight off the monsters (along with the PCs). Reaching the control deck, they'll discover that the alien craft was overtaken by parasite monsters, which killed the entire crew. One escape pod launched, but it also had a parasite creature, this is what the prison scientists found. Another dicovery is that due to their alien DNA infusions, they can now take control of the ship.
I plan on either using the regular Scarab deck plan or Stellar Armada's Mercury deck plan PDF.
Act 3: A patrol ship has come to investigate alarm signals from the prison. And the PCs must now repel an attack by it and it's fighters. (If you're feeling like adding more action, they might also have to repel a marine boarding party).
Epilogue: The PC's now have a powerful alien ship. Which they can use to take on the corrupt government, become pirates, or whatever inspiration strikes their fancy. Future antagonists & allies could include a special forces team hunting them down, a resistance fighter wanting their help to create a rebel fleet, pirates wanting their ship, or even the original creators of the ship who may or may not be friendly. Another interesting expansion would be the finding of a Leviathan type ship. Opening up interstellar possibilities.
Here are the 6 Pre-Gens I had in mind for the convention adventure:
Blake Seiben (obvious Roj Blake refference :)
A Canadian political activist and leader. Imprisoned for speaking out against the Government's oppression. Good social skills and Willpower.
Primary Aptitude: Telepathy
Emma Wayfield
English space freighter Captain (and smuggler) Smart pilot and savvy negotiator.
Primary Aptitude: Clairsentient
Carl King
American Drop Marine. Imprisoned for refusing to follow as he saw it, unlawful orders to kill protesting civilians. Forthright, aggressive, and confident.
Primary Aptitude: Telekinesis
Vanya Valentine
Russian Hacker. Caught siphoning corporate payrolls to fund her extravagant lifestyle. Beautiful, hedonistic, and technologically talented.
Primary Aptitude: Electrokinesis
Cyrus Sigma
Hong Kong break-in specialist. Greedy, weasily, and adept at not being noticed. Does like being a risk taker. For greater reward or just to test himself.
Primary Aptitude: Biokinesis
Gale Florenza
Columbian Doctor. Was caught helping wounded protesters, was rounded up and jailed with them. Pacifist, kind hearted, and full of conviction.
Primary Aptitude: Vitakinesis
Everything you need can be found here:
I've also become interested in starting a Trinity Campaign. Here's a link to their main Forum site and the campaign post I'm thinking of starting.
http://www.rpg-post.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/264433/Thought_Fugitives_Adve nture.html#Post264433
Previously posted this on a different thread about Christian attitudes towards D&D. Thought I'd share this comedian/pop culture reviewer's totally hilarious send up of "Mazes & Monsters". That Tom Hanks made for TV movie about the "dangers" of role playing :P
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I was going to post this in it's own thread, but putting it here sounds appropriate. Remember "Mazes & Monsters" the movie? Based on the book which tried to tie role playing with kids going crazy? Well one of my favorite comedian/pop culture reviewers went and made an epic video totally owning the paranoia & propaganda behind the D&D hysteria.
"Mazes & Monsters" The Spoony Experiment by Noah Antwiller:
One of the things I wish I could play in the Pathfinder Society (I've been informed the rules don't allow it) was a Tiefling rouge of Cheliax, who is actually an undercover agent of Andoran. Seeing the direction this thread was is going makes me wonder if it would me more challenging/fun to play an undercover Paladin. Although being a secret agent would probably require more pragmatism.
Now that this has veered into Paladin's code territory. Nothing says the Paladin can't TRY to help people while in the drow city. Say in going back and healing the goblin of all things. Or "buying" a slave and making him/her your compatriot. Starting an underground resistance movement. Defying the evil order doesn't have to be overt :)
On another note: anyone finding the overuse of the kill 1 innocent to save a 100 argument kind of annoying? I think we've proved it's a ridiculously artificial gotcha game in the end.
Jared Ouimette wrote:
Short answer: Damned if you do, really damned if you don't. The lesser of two evils is to abandon your code to save the lives of innocents, you may be damned because of it, but it is the noble sacrifice.
Umm, when would saving the lives of innocents equate to abandoning the code? I think the point I made was that following the code means saving the lives of innocents.
The problem here is that some people are using the GOTCHA! argument again. "Well if sacrificing innocents saves the world, isn't that following the code?" Ummmm No. Especially in the Pathfinder world, where those innocents could end up being sent to the demon realms. The Paladin's code is to NEVER compromise in the face of evil, much like Rorschach's code from Watchmen ironically enough. You can't decline to save people when it's your job, or in this case your calling.
The problem with this argument is that it's so esoteric. People transform it into a numbers game. If X gets a higher net result then Y... etc. Which from the the Paladin character's perspective, wouldn't fly. It also ignores the personal connection that they're supposed to have with the world. 100 generic villagers is one thing, but what if those villagers were your friends since childhood? Your family? "Sorry little Sis, had to choose practicality over my principals. Enjoy burning in hell for all eternity!"
I didn't intend this thread to put Mr. Jacobs on the defensive :P Like I said before the AP's are awesome, and to be fair he's right, at high levels the go to bad guy was the engine of destruction that is the demon.
Kuma wrote: I should include the caveat that this is not my personal philosophy, but what I feel to be the underlying truth of any universe divided neatly into good/bad, law/chaos. On another note, one of the things that irritates me was how True Neutral was portrayed. From OD&D through the Red Robes of DragonLance. That instead of just being non-committed, to that they actively try to balance good & evil. Which I think is a western misinterpretation of Ying Yang theory, which is about internal balance of impulses, not about "Oh I gave money to charity, now I have to boil a baby." ?!? (An actual example from a book, granted it was a White Wolf book, so take that with a grain of salt. Hint those people are screeeeewed up)
Take the evil path you mean? Well as I stated in my original post, it's not that they're encouraged to take the evil path, it's that the PC's will not get the stated advantages (information, magic items, or troops) unless they ally or make deals with minor villains. My main complaint wasn't that it was in there at all, but that it kept cropping up every AP. That and there weren't any provisions if the PC's didn't want to make that choice.
On another note, perusing "The Twice Damned Prince" I spy another "I'm not Evil I'm Neutral" character.
I'd also like to say that, I didn't at all think Pathfinder was getting too stale or unimaginative. One of the reasons it's so successful is the imagination that's put into it.

Wow, seems like I've touched of a firestorm debate. (Kewl :) Reminds me of "Davinci Code" book discussions that used to get out of control at the library I worked at (turns out most people didn't want to discuss the book really, but religion).
I'd just like to point out I didn't intend this as a damning criticism. I'll say again that I love love love Paizo's creations (my savings account loathes you, but that's another matter). It's just that I thought I saw a systemic plot trend that kept popping up. Granted, upon examining the examples I gave, I see that they weren't all painted as necessary, but they did help to illustrate my point. It was from there that I started theorizing on why the anti-hero morally ambiguous trope was always getting the most attention. Maybe it just reminded me too much of the Dark Age of comics, where almost every new character was a Rob Leifield inspired brooding borderline psycho path.
Anyways, my objection wasn't that such elements were included, I too find them interesting when done well, but that they seemed to be consistently pushed as the favored options. I just remembered that in the Savage Tide path there was something similar in the beginning. Except more in the opposite vein. I'm talking about the sidebars where advice was given on what to do if the players didn't ally with the lead NPC Lavinia, but instead joined the pirates. At 1st I didn't like it, but later I saw it as a good idea to include the option. Especially considering that alot of Players alignments actually default to Homicidal Kleptomaniac :)
As to points made in some of the other posts. I find the whole Paladin having to choose to murder a child to save a town to be kind of lame. As others have put it, it's sort of a GOTCHA! argument. And again is an example of extremely limited options. It reminds me of that scene from Dark Knight. Where the ferry passengers are given the choice of saving themselves by blowing up the prisoner's boat 1st. In the end they decided not to play along with his game. Someone else made a good point: why would you ever trust the villain to uphold his end of the choice? Referencing the Dark Knight, wouldn't it have been just the Joker's style to lie and have the detonators actually be for the ship they were on? (and addressing a plot hole here, why didn't anyone check for bombs before they left?)
And to that post that attested that killing and eating a lone traveller of a different species might seem unsavory, it needn't necessarily be seen as evil. O_o ?!? Oooookay.
Kingmaker is starting to sound alot like Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale, one of my favorites. I also like the idea of the goal not just stopping the big bad, but maybe freeing the big good? To save a city in Galt maybe? Maybe other interesting goals can be explored; like accomplishing the 12 Labors of Hercules? Winning the hand of the Princess/Prince? Becoming renowned enough to join the Round Table? Boarding a ship and going where no Man/Elf/Dwarf/Xorn has gone before (sexing up green skinned women optional)? Getting the band back together to save the orphanage? etc. None of this prevents having interesting bad guys around for heroes to smack.
Thanks for the interesting discussion guys!

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While I love Paizo and their invention of the Adventure Path, I've noticed a trend in almost all the Adventure Paths (even those from Dragon Magazine) published so far. From Cauldron to the Council of Thieves it seems like you have to do something evil to win. Or more likely make a deal with an evil entity to gain an advantage. This is seriously getting kind of repetitive.
What's next? "In order to have righteous victory over the forces of evil, you just have to make an alliance with Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer... sure they murder people and eat them, but don't worry they're CHAOTIC NEUTRAL. I'm not kidding, I don't know how many times I've come across an NPC description: from a merchant who regularly poisons his rivals (it's just business), to the latest Madjaw from Mother of Flies who sometimes eats the flesh of human victims! (hence the Dahmer reference) Yet when I look up their alignment stats, what do I see: CHAOTIC NEUTRAL. ?!?!??!?
Is this an example of the standard player cop-out: "Oh I'm not evil I'm chaotic. Now excuse me while I kill the farmer and his family for the XP."
So what's with the constant call to corruption? Is it for bored white kids tired of playing goody 2-shoes? Aping the thrill choosing evil choices in all those Bioware games? (KOTOR, Dragon Age, etc) The H.P. Lovecraft fetish Paizo seems to exhibit? "It's cruel uncaring universe and there's nothing you can do about it muhaha!"
Is there something against heroes actually taking the heroic path? Is it seen as more "adult" to choose to compromise their principles? On a side note: I once read on these boards that James Jacobs admitted it was harder to find an appealing concept to attach to Assimar characters. Something he felt would make them interesting to play. Because being good is boring? I would propose that playing one should be more difficult and rewarding than playing the standard self-serving scoundrel. Cause doing the right thing is HARD. Remember that the Dark Side isn't better, just the quick and easy path, despite what the Sith fanboy posers keep saying.
Anyways, that's my piece. Thanks for listening to my rant. Am I right? What's the story? What do you think?
P.S. I'm also wondering about the hard-on you seem to have for soul destruction. In almost every issue of the latest path there's mention of someone's soul getting erased. Or an innocent's soul getting sent to Hell. Is it for the lurid horror factor? Or is it a game mechanic thing made up to deal with the ease of raise dead spells? It's also kind of confusing. In modern mythology only God can condemn you there (despite what that silly "Send Me to Hell" movie says), and in Pathfinder mythology I would think Pharasma would get miffed at all these demons robbing her of souls to judge. But then again this is your creation, just wondering where you're taking this.
Actually D20 Modern and D20 Future get updates all the time. Mostly from 3rd party PDF publishers. I recently bought some interesting ones called "1001 Weapons Revised" and "Shape Memory Polymers". The former has a hilarious tag line: "Now with more violence!" and has some pretty imaginative weapons like living torpedoes, coagulators, gamma ray guns, etc. The latter is interesting because it deals with tools and weapons that change shape when an electric charge is applied. Very Popular Mechanics.
Now that Pathfinder has come out, and a whole slew of supplements are coming. Has anyone given any thoughts to Sci-Fi rules to use with Pathfinder?
You know, the more people keep bringing it up, the more nostalgia I get for Alternity. It like that it was skill based (precursor to D&D 3.0, planet load of feats deluging everything) So it might be a good middle ground between D20 Future and Starsiege. The other plus is that it has plenty of equipment, starships, and aliens already created.
Thanks everyone! I actually got Firefly. Uses the Cortex rules, I haven't had a chance to look them over. Although the setting seems very PL 6 oriented. Does anyone have any take on the Star Wars Saga system?

I'd appreciate a little advice. I've been DM'ing a 3.5 campaign for a while. I've been enjoying it for the most part, though getting stats for NPC's, trying to balance ECL's to CR's to my PC's, and keeping track of all those feats is spinning my head around.
After this I wanted to try a Sci-Fi campaign. Along the lines of "Blake's 7": future prisoners and victims of a totalitarian government, escape from a prison ship and find an advanced alien warship. With a little BSG/Firefly/Cyberpunk flavor thrown in.
The problem though is that I'm stuck on what system to use:
Traveler T20 and D20 Future are both good bets. They're familiar systems, have my favorite aliens from Alternity, and can easily insert rules for weapons, ships, etc. Although I was hoping to get away from the complexity of D20. And Traveler seems very specific in some cases. (Doesn't have many entries for exotic alien items)
I'm also considering returning to Alternity. The system was kind of cool and versatile. Although that also seemed limiting. One of the ship deckplans they made, had only room for one fighter?
I've just recently bought StarSiege (by the same people who made Castles & Crusades) And that is definitely more streamlined and versatile. One of it's selling points is that you can create any Trapping you can think of. Although it might also be too open. A lot of emphasis seems to be on ad hoc solutions. Putting a lot of responsibility on the GM to create... well everything.
So what would your take on this be?
My apologies then Mr. David Fryer. Some of the ire from reading the other thread must have transfered over. I probably should have made my main posting there.
Daniel Moyer wrote: Abraham spalding wrote:
5.> Did NOT like the ending... it felt off to me somehow, but at the same time the ending was entirely appropriate to the movie as presented. It's plot issues for me but that's me.
The ending was the one part of the movie I REALLY liked. I thought it was an exceptional way to present an arch-villain. ** spoiler omitted ** *cheers for a well portraited villain* (I've never read the books and went into the movie relatively open-minded.) Having heard tid-bits from friends who have read the book(s), I honestly think I prefer this ending to the original that apparently involved an alien invasion of some sort.
Rorschach's prison scene was also pretty awesome.
Dr. Mahattan's blue schlong wasn't an issue, but from a movie go'er stand point, unnecessary. It was relatively obvious that Manhattan and NightOwl2 had a lovers triangle with opposite qualities going on without the schlong. *shrugs* Whatever works, bring on the blue woman porn!
This is like the second time someone has gone right wing nutjob on a film here, cause they percieve it as a politically correct attack on poor white males. The other one I saw was about how someone was dissappointed that Star Trek (actually Rick Berman)didn't allow gay characters. That other poster mocked the originator by saying that all movies now need one of every type of person to satisfy the PC crowd.
Naw, it couldn't be that this guy just wants to be included. Or that Battle for Terra wants to be an interesting morality tale with a different perspective.
Nope, everything is an attack on traditional values, guns, and "real Americans". Just like the screaming, ranting, condescending, whiny, insecure, bullying, paranoid, delusional "reporters" on Fox news tell you.
Now I see what looks like a new player character on the cover. Will future Pathfinder issues continue the tradition of having interesting pre-generated characters. Or is that done now that all the iconic classes have been covered?
Tikon2000 wrote: I just got an e-mail telling me I'm about to get Pathfinder 16, but I still haven't gotten Pathfinder 15? I look on my account and it still listed as pending, it's been thatway for a couple of weeks actually. Still pending
Ooops nevermind, just read my bank account.
I just got an e-mail telling me I'm about to get Pathfinder 16, but I still haven't gotten Pathfinder 15? I look on my account and it still listed as pending, it's been thatway for a couple of weeks actually.
I haven't gotten my latest Pathfinder, I checked and it turns out a credit card I got rid off months ago is still listed as my payment method. I added (again) my current card, but I still can't erase my old one. Is this going to happen again?
Also aren't I supposed to get the Panthfinder AP subscription discount?
Oh okay, I don't know why it's doing that. Here's a link to these same videos on my Photobucket page.
Also is there anyone who's going to record the panels?
One solution for the captain's chair could be to have him/her be an NPC at first. Then when the PC's have gained enough levels, have the current captain get promoted, retire, married, or vaporized into red dust on the floor. Then choose one of the characters who've shown leadership potential. As for different people in different specialties, you could always assign them to a special permanent away team. Either they're all security (A-Team anyone?) or it's a well rounded team with varied skills. Giving you a reason why they have to always work together.
At last year's GenCon I managed to attend Paizo's Pathfinder Panel and record it. I posted it here on Youtube if you haven't already seen it.
What I was wondering though is could somebody also do this for this year's GenCon? Since I won't be attending most likely.
Is it? My bad. Yes please do.
Greetings, just wondering about this order. Two orders I made after this one have been processed and shipped. Most of this order are pre-orders, but the why are the in-stock items still pending? Was there a mix up because of the Memorial Day weekend?
I did notice that Living Greyhawk was still on the D&D main website.
Ooops sorry, meant to put it in 4th edition.
Was skimming through the 4ePHB in the store today and I noticed something in their blurb box about the history of D&D. They seemed pretty spot on about Gygax and Arneson's creation of D&D. But when they talked about the very 1st campaign settings.... Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance? Excuse me? Wasn't the 1st campaign setting Greyhawk? Where were all those classic modules set in?
Ok, I went and ordered it... but what do I do with the extra quarter I got with my previous order?
Thanx Toth :) They're issues Dungeon 118 to 121. Here's the link:
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/p/paizoPublishingLLC/dungeon/issues/greyha wkmap
Don't know why the a and w are separated.
Just wondering what the situation was with the goblin warriors and Seoni miniatures I ordered. Is everyone waiting for their shipments? Also I bought the 4 Dungeon Issues containing the maps for Greyhawk, but I received 2 copies of the lower left quarter, and am missing the upper left quarter, is there any way I can exchange it for the correct quarter?
Here's a pic of the maps in question;
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v227/Tikon2000/High%20Queen%20Campaign/?a ction=view¤t=DSCF2554.jpg

Mostly they're "Excalibur" (from Sword & Sorcery Studios), type stuff I found on the net. That and Elfwood is awesome :)
Anyways here's the cast of characters, at first it began with only 3 people;
Jimmy Shakes: my brother's best friend, who like me was bemoaning the long lack of D&D in his life. He opted to play the charisma using Bard. Yes he can spin quite a tale. As you can tell he likes to try and get away with a lot of stuff. I let him think he is, till the inevitable betrayal :)
Walter Albright: another friend who also needed his fix, although he was only clean for like 3 years. The Ranger was his choice. Him and Walter compete as to who can be the most charismatic, and somehow always fumble their rolls. Said he wanted to play a Ranger, who's secretly fascinated by cities. Also a bit of a goofball.
Rommulus: Paladin supreme and resident hit point monkey. Quickly becoming the resident bad ass, although he should start sticking to the code of conduct more, maybe I should stop throwing grateful damsels in distress at him. Friends with Walter, who brought him into the game at the start.
Britney "Spears": Yup, played by our newest newbie. Had her borrow a copy of "Confessions of a Part-time Sorceress—A Girl's Guide to the D&D Game". And like yeah, like totally fit her :) Seeing less and less of her since she turned 21... don't know why... Anyways she plays our half elf fighter, who kicks even more ass than Rommulus.
That's my core group so far, there have been other players flitting in and out of the campaign:
Talen: Italian class was where I found my Halfling Rouge. I had to name roads and plazas in a fictious Italian town. He noticed that my map came from the D&D website:) Anyways he came for the beginning arc of the campaign, but got a little tired of our little group's newbieness. He also brought in a friend to play who made up a character in like 5 minutes (Gnome illusionist), he only played one day though.
Fenris/Dorm/??? Brought in by Walter as well. You could call him a professional roleplayer. As he regularly plays with the people who run ConnectiCon. Kind of threw me off every game, cause when he didn't have his character, he'd just swap him out for any character of the right level he had in his huge black binder. Also a bit off putting with his proffesional status.
We also had Jimmy's Roommate try a game, as well as a youngling friend of Rommulus try it out.
OK, time to play catch up. Next time I'll detail the group's effort to save the town when they returned from their diplomatic mission. The Paladin's getting drunk and skinnydipping in an elven village (hint: he was drunk in real life at the time), confronting minions of my main enemy, and trying to make it through The Barrow of the Forgotten King without constantly falling into every body of water.
Thanks Man. I tried cutting and pasting straight from the FAQ's page, but it kept going wonky on me. Anyways enjoy.
I keep meaning to update. I did say I was going to describe our cast, which I will, But for now I thought I'd show everyone the pics I uploaded of our actual gaming group, their characters (try to guess which loon belongs to what character), and some cool flavor backgrounds.
Every time I try to link a site it just brings it back to this page