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![]() Thought Fugitives Greetings all.
The adventure should flow in 3 Acts as follows:
Here are the 6 Pre-Gens I had in mind for the convention adventure: Blake Seiben (obvious Roj Blake refference :)
Emma Wayfield
Carl King
Vanya Valentine
Cyrus Sigma
Gale Florenza
![]() Previously posted this on a different thread about Christian attitudes towards D&D. Thought I'd share this comedian/pop culture reviewer's totally hilarious send up of "Mazes & Monsters". That Tom Hanks made for TV movie about the "dangers" of role playing :P http://spoonyexperiment.com/2010/08/01/mazes-monsters/ ![]()
![]() While I love Paizo and their invention of the Adventure Path, I've noticed a trend in almost all the Adventure Paths (even those from Dragon Magazine) published so far. From Cauldron to the Council of Thieves it seems like you have to do something evil to win. Or more likely make a deal with an evil entity to gain an advantage. This is seriously getting kind of repetitive. Examples:
Shackled City:
A PC must take on the tainted burden of a fallen angel's realm. Savage Tide:
To finally defeat the big bad guy the PC's have to ally with the witch queen Iggwilv (who is also the mother of Iuz), along with not 1 but 2 other Demon princes! After previously making deals with and freeing a group of succubi. They do get the Eladrin to help, but what are the other forces of good doing? Sitting around on their thumbs? Rise of the Rune Lords:
To defeat the Rune Lord of Greed the heroes have to enhance their weapons with runes from other sins (cause virtues would be useless?) Curse of the Crimson Throne:
In Scarwall in order to gain this artifact the heroes have to ally with clergy of Zon Kuthon (torturers, disfigurers, and murderers) Not to mention a throwaway blurb at the end of the series where they mention that the only way to destroy all the cursed pieces of the dragon are to sacrifice an innocent. Second Darkness:
The heroes have to pretend to be drow by wearing the bodies of slain drow as a disguise. Gooing along with the evil culture while in disguise. Legacy of Fire:
in order to defeat one of the villains the heroes must accept a deal with some Denizens of Leng. Giving the villain a potion which will cause some soul destroying seed to consume him. (and they can't not make that choice because the DOL is way to powerful for them) Council of Thieves:
and the latest one where the heroes must ally (wait, not just ally with but rescue!)a maggot & fly covered evil hag and a redcap that has to control the urge to chop down children, in order to learn how to defeat the main villains. To be fair the author did include the option of getting the info without helping the hag, but the adventure is written with the assumption that they will. What's next? "In order to have righteous victory over the forces of evil, you just have to make an alliance with Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer... sure they murder people and eat them, but don't worry they're CHAOTIC NEUTRAL. I'm not kidding, I don't know how many times I've come across an NPC description: from a merchant who regularly poisons his rivals (it's just business), to the latest Madjaw from Mother of Flies who sometimes eats the flesh of human victims! (hence the Dahmer reference) Yet when I look up their alignment stats, what do I see: CHAOTIC NEUTRAL. ?!?!??!?
P.S. I'm also wondering about the hard-on you seem to have for soul destruction. In almost every issue of the latest path there's mention of someone's soul getting erased. Or an innocent's soul getting sent to Hell. Is it for the lurid horror factor? Or is it a game mechanic thing made up to deal with the ease of raise dead spells? It's also kind of confusing. In modern mythology only God can condemn you there (despite what that silly "Send Me to Hell" movie says), and in Pathfinder mythology I would think Pharasma would get miffed at all these demons robbing her of souls to judge. But then again this is your creation, just wondering where you're taking this. ![]()
![]() I'd appreciate a little advice. I've been DM'ing a 3.5 campaign for a while. I've been enjoying it for the most part, though getting stats for NPC's, trying to balance ECL's to CR's to my PC's, and keeping track of all those feats is spinning my head around.
![]() I haven't gotten my latest Pathfinder, I checked and it turns out a credit card I got rid off months ago is still listed as my payment method. I added (again) my current card, but I still can't erase my old one. Is this going to happen again?
![]() At last year's GenCon I managed to attend Paizo's Pathfinder Panel and record it. I posted it here on Youtube if you haven't already seen it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jyv2hZetwyc What I was wondering though is could somebody also do this for this year's GenCon? Since I won't be attending most likely. ![]()
![]() Was skimming through the 4ePHB in the store today and I noticed something in their blurb box about the history of D&D. They seemed pretty spot on about Gygax and Arneson's creation of D&D. But when they talked about the very 1st campaign settings.... Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance? Excuse me? Wasn't the 1st campaign setting Greyhawk? Where were all those classic modules set in? ![]()
![]() Greetings,
Here's a pic of the maps in question;
![]() My name is Patrick Mastrobuono. When I went to check up on my Pathfinder subscription I found a discrepancy. Ongoing Subscription Most recent volume:
Next volume:
Is this why I haven't received #3 yet?
![]() One of my players was kind enough to write a couple of stanzas, inspired by our latest adventure :)I've already posted this under campaign journals, but I thought I'd share this poem here. "The Journey Continues" by Jimmy Shakes, bard, poet, singer extraordinaire, and author of "The Girl From Binyer Blade"
We all survived the dungeon, and we found the town with ease, but townsfolk hacked and caughed and choked on some unknown disease, so we were hired by an alchemist to track some items down, so she could mix some magic up and save her dying town. We were given healing potions and a promise of some gold in exchange for us obtaining some very precious eldermold, which grows on the side of a barkish hide of the forest's eldest tree, and so we set off on adventure, brave heroes that we be. Yes we're off on an adventure, brave heroes are all we. We came upon a wyvern flying high up in the air, and though it did not threaten us, it gave us quite a scare. Then Britney found some glowmoss, not the eldermoss we sought, but she put it in her pack, for heaven's sake, why nought? That night as we lay slumbering in a snooze restful and deep, a lizard-zombie-skeleton-dog man attacked us in our sleep. But bold, brave Britney fought it off, and wasn't even vexed when her oblivious companions did not know 'til morning next. Then we rescued a fox from a fiendish trap that was really meant for bears, but it was all an ambush, catching our poor heroes unawares. Arrows flew from foliage from assailtants cruel, unseen, and crows attacked from up above, dangerous and mean. We killed the crows and Rom stood firm under the arrow fire as Britney Spears and Jimmy Shakes decided to conspire. The unseen archers fired away, but their plans were quickly grounded as Britney, Shakes, and Romulus soon had them both surrounded. The fight was fierce, the monsters mean, but one goblin soon lay dead, as Romulus swung his mighty sword and cut off the monster's head. The other saw his comrade die and ran off with no delay, with Walter running close behind, to chase the cad away, and that's the last we've seen of Walter, since our comrade ran away. We miss our Walter Albright, last seen chasing it away. Oh where is Walter, where have you gone, are you chasing goblins still? Or were you bested, lost in the woods, or strung up on a hill? Yes, we're brave and carry on, but next time, Walter – chill! We found the tree that could only be the oldest of them all, for there it stood, all made of wood, majestic, strong, and tall. Before we could collect our prize (the precious eldermoss) before our very startled eyes, we almost had a loss. A giant, poison-breathing snake wrapped Britney in its coils! Just the type of fiendish foe a hero often foils! The fight was messy, and few blows fell, as the snake squeezed poor Britney, did we fight the snake to save our friend, or from pure jealousy? We killed the snake, and got our moss, and then our quest did switch to find Ugly Uliz Mila, the wicked woodland witch. For only she knows where will be the rat's tail roots are found, needed by the alchemist who hired us back in town. Oh Uliz Mila, we all do beg, shower mercy on each one, for though the eldermoss is ours, the journey's just begun. ![]()
![]() OK, so that was the intro to my campaign. Basically what I'm doing is adapting Sword & Sorcery's "Excalibur" setting to my campaign.
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v227/Tikon2000/High%20Queen%20Campaign/?a ction=view¤t=IriosPlayerCopy.jpg Mostly I am adapting published adventures, from Dungeon Magazine, Pendragon, and the stories of Jirel of Joiry ("Black Go's Kiss" I hope to use her descriptions of the magical realms for parts of Tir Nan N'og).
![]() I was trying to order a Pathfinder subscription, but I think the shopping cart started me at #1, which I've already bought. Do I have to call the Paizo order line to start at #2? Or is there a way do it online?
![]() I was just wondering, I know D&D is the major draw for RPG's, but do you think Paizo could also write modules for other genres as well? I mean D20 Modern (or Future) isn't getting any love or support from WOTC. I'd love to see the guys at Paizo put out some clear consistently good adventures for these systems. Wouldn't White Wolf, Hickman Productions, or C&C like adventures made for their systems?
![]() Alrighty, just got back from Gencon :)
![]() Alrighty, just got back from Gencon :)
![]() Greetings all,
P.S. I have some questions in mind, but I wonder if anyone here has any interesting questions they would like to pose Mr. Gygax if they ever met him. ![]()
![]() Many of us are upset about WotC's handling of the Dragon/Dungeon periodicals. Even though I agree that it was extremely foolish on WotC/Hasbro's part. Business wise and especially customer relations wise. I won't get into that here.
Remember that Dragon itself started much the same way. A fan-zine really. Created by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. Which later grew into a huge entity, representative of the whole hobby. My main worry would be that WotC would again see competition and decide to somehow pull the RPGA's Liscence. Although I would think it difficult considering it's a fan based organization. And would really piss off their customer base. Which I'm afraid big dumb companies are prone to do. But overall I think It might be an idea worth exploring.