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When I think about what I enjoy most about gaming and the literary genres of science-fiction and fantasy I naturally think of the games which stand out as stellar representations in both gaming overall and for each specific genre. For me Battletech, the remarkable lovechild of the giant robot sub-genre of science-fiction and the hobby of table-top war gaming, is the ultimate in sci-fi, table-top combat.
This release from Catalyst does great honor to the history of Battletech by providing quality gaming materials to immerse oneself in the universe of clan in-fighting and mech combat. The box includes several useful guides on everything from mech stats to the background of the Battletech universe. The fine quality printing of each manual and the expert sculpts of each unique mech make for a total package to both astound and delight any table-top wargamer.
For the miniature enthusiast the box offers a total of 26 expertly-sculpted, plastic miniatures. All but one of the miniatures is assembled, though if your box is anything like mine was you might have some arms to reattach. The plastic is of a decent quality with few mold line issues to file away, though a typical metal miniature file may give you some trouble. There's a great manual included in the box that gives some prep and painting advice useful for everyone from the beginner to the seasoned miniature hobbyist.
I highly recommend this box set for sci-fi gaming enthusiasts and miniature wargamers, especially beginners. Now I look forward to completing the painting process and getting my mechs onto the battlefield.